Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

39.5K 744 166

Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
Great News
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Second Game Plan
The Twist
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Let's Celebrate The Good Times
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart

The Catch About Friendship

602 11 2
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

After class I head on over to the track, needing to clear out my head. It's too much. Violetta maybe lying about her feelings toward me, Violetta lying to Francesca and now everyone exiling her from our friendship circle. If I let her go as my friend too, I am afraid something worse will happen to her. Like she gets with Diego and then he breaks her heart and it would be my fault for letting it happen.

During my practice run on the track I lost focused and forgot to turn. I went off road and tumbled off my bike. My trustee group came after me along with the paramedics. Nothing was broken and my body may feel a bit sore. However explaining to my mechanic, a.k.a my girlfriend, what went wrong will be a different circumstance.

"What happened you broke at the easiest part of the track?" [Lara]

"I got distracted." [Leon]

"Want to talk about it?" [Lara]

"It's just a lot happened within twelve hours." [Leon]

"You can't keep it all bottled up inside. Talk to me." [Lara]

" At the studio my friends, Francesca and Violetta got into a tight scenario that is testing their friendship. Francesca likes this guy named Tomas, she tried tutoring him because evidentially he is bad at playing the piano. Fran was more distracting than helping, she asked Violetta if she could tutor him and she did. During their tutoring session a kiss was about to happen. Violetta pulled away and slapped Tomas. Everyone believes that Tomas's story about Violetta kissing him and the slap was a cover up. On the other hand, I know Violetta is not capable for betraying any of her friends. If anything she would try to protect them." [Leon]

"Wow. That must be a tough position. Everyone wondering if you will stick by your friends or by a friend. You can't really blame Francesca, any news like that will make me angry too. I don't know if trusting someone new because you have a crush on them would be the best option. Violetta might be the one telling the truth. It depends on your instincts." [Lara]

"My instincts is split in two. One part says that Tomas is right, the other says that Violetta is right." [Leon]

"Let's look at it from a different perspective. Has Violetta ever lied to you?" [Lara]

"She withhold the truth from me." [Leon]

"Either she told you the truth or lied. Withholding the truth is close enough to lying." [Lara]

I didn't want to believe that Violetta could do such a horrible thing to her best friend. Talking with Lara she gives me a point that no one has marked, Violetta has kind of lied but for the right reasons. Not wanting to hurt me and to save herself from torcher. As I looked at her in class, my heart was saying why would she be upset about something she supposedly done. Either she is sorry for what she did or she is sad that her own friends don't even trust her to tell the truth.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

After school I attempted to go to my locker, feared to see my ex-best friends. To think they were not going to be there was a mistake. I turned the corner and see both Camilla and Francesca talking among themselves. The second they could feel my presence they turned at me, both giving me a death stare. I didn't like the way the looked at me, or how they perceived my entire character as malicious over a single incident.

My thought of going to my locker while they stare at me was something I can't handle. I got out of that atmosphere as quickly as possible. Doing so I didn't realize Diego chasing my tail.

"Violetta!" [Diego]

I slowly turned around, I didn't have time to hear his concerns or casual remarks he claims to be humorous.

"Diego, please. I don't need to hear anymore of your cheap pickup lines or comments about you and I." [Vilu]

He stops me.

"I just want to see how you are holding up. I noticed how Francesca and Camilla treated you. I want to understand why you are now alone?" [Diego]

"I don't feel like talking about it." [Vilu]

"Maybe talking about it is something you need more than you know." [Diego]

I can tell Diego was not going to stop until I told him the whole story.

"Fine. Francesca asked me to tutor her future boyfriend, Tomas, for his exam in Beto's class. During our tutoring session he tried kissing me, I pushes away and slapped him then left. Before I talked to Francesca he got a hold of her and told her a different version of what really went down." [Vilu]

"What he blamed it on you?" [Diego]

"He told her that I was the one attempting to kiss him, realized what I was about to do then slapped him so it can look like it was his fault. Then told her that when she comes to talk to her that I will try to blame the whole thing on him. But it was him. Now Fran doesn't want to be my friend let alone look at me and she is dragging along everyone else with her. Even my friends that I grew up with don't want to believe me." [Vilu]

"Don't worry, I believe you." [Diego]

"Do you really believe me? Or is this a scheme for you to try to convince me that we should go out?" [Diego]

"Violetta. I believe you because I can see in your eyes that you are hurting from this. You wouldn't do anything that could jeopardize any of your friendships. Besides I had run into Tomas when we both lived in Madrid. He was a major flirt then, he had two girlfriends at the same time before. I wouldn't be surprised if he does it again with Francesca and some other girl." [Diego]

"Really? Well Francesca will end up finding out and she would have wished she didn't believe in Tomas. And thank you for believing me, you are the first and only one." [Vilu]

"Does this mean I get points?" [Diego]

I punch his arm and he laughs.

"It's a joke." [Diego]

I smile.

"That's the smile that I've been missing all day." [Diego]

He stares into my eyes and I stare back into his. In this moment there is something different. I've never felt this comfortable around Diego, and I no longer have this feeling of averting myself from his presence. Maybe after everything that is happening, something good can come out of this ugly mess I call my life.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

After the track I had to return to the studio for more classes. At the end of the day I agreed to meet up with the guys in the courtyard of the studio. Meanwhile I overheard Violetta talking to Diego...

"Violetta!" [Diego]

"Diego, please. I don't need to hear anymore of your cheap pickup lines or comments about you and I." [Vilu]

Violetta tried to get away from him, but he stops her by grabbing her arm. My body shifted to running position, but I just stayed frozen in that position.

"I just want to see how you are holding up. I noticed how Francesca and Camilla treated you. I want to understand why you are now alone?" [Diego]

"I don't feel like talking about it." [Vilu]

"Maybe talking about it is something you need more than you know." [Diego]

"Fine. Francesca asked me to tutor her future boyfriend, Tomas, for his exam in Beto's class. During our tutoring session he tried kissing me, I pushes away and slapped him then left. Before I talked to Francesca he got a hold of her and told her a different version of what really went down." [Vilu]

"What he blamed it on you?" [Diego]

"He told her that I was the one attempting to kiss him, realized what I was about to do then slapped him so it can look like it was his fault. Then told her that when she comes to talk to her that I will try to blame the whole thing on him. But it was him. Now Fran doesn't want to be my friend let alone look at me and she is dragging along everyone else with her. Even my friends that I grew up with don't want to believe me." [Vilu]

Then everything made sense to me. Violetta was not the instigator in this story, Tomas is the one who needs to exiled. Francesca won't believe anyone saying otherwise unless there is physical evidence. I need to help Violetta and clear this up.

"Don't worry, I believe you." [Diego]

"Do you really believe me? Or is this a scheme for you to try to convince me that we should go out?" [Diego]

"Violetta. I believe you because I can see in your eyes that you are hurting from this. You wouldn't do anything that could jeopardize any of your friendships." [Diego]

My heart clenches watching Diego getting close to Violetta when at this moment she is not wanting to come inches close to me. Don't know why I feel this way towards her, but I just know that I do. Maybe it is the love of our friendship and I am just wanting her by my side that way I don't see her hurt. Then again right now I am the one hurting her. Instead of talking about it I need to show to Violetta that our friendship is worth more than the lives we live. If she is not by my side then my world stops, and life is no longer worth living.

"Really? Well Francesca will end up finding out and she would have wished she didn't believe in Tomas. And thank you for believing me, you are the first and only one." [Vilu]

That put a dagger in my heart. I also believe her story, but she doesn't know it.

"Does this mean I get points?" [Diego]

She punches his arm.

"It's a joke." [Diego]

She smiles at him.

"That's the smile that I've been missing all day." [Diego]

They both stare into each others eyes, and I can't bare to look anymore. I shouldn't be caring about her romantic life, yes I want her to be protected. However me seeing her with Diego shouldn't be affecting me this much. Maybe I get jealous for not being as close with her like we use to be. I know I can't handle Violetta not being in my life. Seeing her ok without me hurts, because she can't see that I am not fine without her.

- - - - (CAMILLA'S POV) - - - -

Seeing Violetta standing by the lockers and her eyes read sadness. I understand that this is a very delicate situation between both of my best friends. Francesca wants me to be on her side because we've been best friends since kindergarden, but Violetta also had grown to be my best friend. Choosing between two best friends is impossible.

Francesca sends a dirty look to Violetta which makes her run away. I couldn't do anything because if I defend Violetta, Fran gets angry and hurt. If I defend Fran then I loose Vilu. No way am I going to win this cat fight.

"Do you really have to do that? She already feels bad enough." [Cami]

"I think she should feel guilty. What she did was not kind, and hurt me very much." [Fran]

"I understand, but you don't need to act like that with her. Not talking to her and ignoring her fine, but I won't tolerate this mean girl attitude." [Cami]

"I'm not being a mean girl, I am simply giving everything she deserves in return." [Fran]

"Because you feel pain does not give you the right to inflict pain back to others. If so you are turning into someone like Ludmilla." [Cami]

"Cami, I am not Ludmilla. You and I both know that." [Fran]

"Right. But the more you continue to act the way you do with Violetta, the more you will become someone like her. And I don't associate with those people." [Cami]

"You will stop being my friend when I'm hurting. Violetta should feel guilty. If you heard she attempted to kiss Broadway when all you asked for was for her tutor him, how would you feel?" [Fran]

"Hurt. But I know I wouldn't want to make her feel any worse then what she already feels. You didn't look into her eyes, she is completely suffering." [Cami]

"Good." [Fran]

I can't stand how Francesca is acting. She knows perfectly how hard she is hurting, why would she ever want to wish that among someone she was once close with. I simply walked away.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Diego walked my home, and we continued to talk. Discussed about our duet and among other things. We had a lot in common because we both lived in Madrid. It was the best part of the day.

"Well this is my stop." [Vilu]

"Are you sure you will be alright? I can come in and..." [Diego]

"No need. Thank you for accompanying me home, I will be ok." [Vilu]

"Alright. I will see you at the studio tomorrow?" [Diego]

"Definitely." [Vilu]

He heads to his house. Before entering mine Leon got home. Usually he would go to the track, but today it was different. Me and him haven't talked lately, my guess is that he found out about the rumor Tomas and Francesca are sending around the studio. He is probably phasing me out like the rest of the guys. He didn't even look at me or bother to wave hello, let alone any other acknowledgement. I ended up going inside my house.

The entire evening I was inside practicing my song with Diego. I looked out my window, I see Leon on his bed looking down on something. I couldn't figure out exactly what, but he had a non-readable facial expression. I want to know what is going through his head. Getting ready to call him, but I didn't. Instead I grabbed my diary and started writing.

Dear Diary,

Today has been crazy; I lost my best friends, ended up alone, and wanting to burry myself. The rumors are being too much, thinking about dropping out of the studio. Instead someone made me believe that I can move forward from this tragic day.

The people that were suppose to be the ones who cared for me and trust in me. Instead the only one who trust me is a person I was trying to avoid this entire time. Diego. He makes me smile and feel worth living my life. I am grateful I have him. Now I will be able to find the strength to live each day with happiness and to stop carrying this burden on my shoulders. What could top off the night is hearing my mom sing to me.

Then I grabbed the sheet music to my mother's unfinished song, Siempre Brillaras.

🎶 Hay un sueño que late

Dentro de ti,dentro de ti

No te deja dormir

Se hace oír,se hace oír

Respiras y sigue ahí

Vive en ti,vive en ti

Nada podrá impedir

Que te libere al fin

Una llama en tus ojos renace

Todo el mundo la verá cuando arde

Una voz si se cree en lo que hace

No pares,no pares

No,no no te rindas jamas

Lo que sueñes se cumplirá

Confía en ti y lo lograras

Siempre Brillarás 🎶 [Vilu]

My night is now complete, and I can rest.

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