Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

39.5K 744 166

Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
Great News
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
The Catch About Friendship
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Second Game Plan
The Twist
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Let's Celebrate The Good Times
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart


808 14 16
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

Now it's one week before the show and I am getting nervous as the days for the show gets closer. So far Leon and Violetta are still not talking, Leon and Roxy are still together, Vilu and Fede are still together, Violetta finished the final song for the show and everyone is rehearsing for the show.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

Right now I am at my locker with the girls and all I can think about is Leon. Him and Roxy are down the hall, together, smiling and laughing, being happy.

"Vilu..." [Fran]

"Violetta!" [Cami]

"What?" [Vilu]

"Starring at Leon again." [Fran]

"What? No.." [Vilu]

"We know you very well Vilu." [Cami]

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it. He is with someone who lies and cheats to get what she wants and it works for her. Whenever I do it I always end up hurting or suffering." [Vilu]

"You've got to relax and stop worrying about them. The truth will eventually come out." [Cami]

"Cami is right. Instead you need to be focused on what you have." [Fran]

"Yes. Like your friends." [Cami]

"And Federico." [Fran]

"You are both right. It shouldn't matter that my friendship with Leon is completely over and besides it doesn't look like it's affecting him." [Vilu]

The bell rings and everyone goes to there fourth class. Since I can't change seats and I have to sit next to Leon I've gotten pretty good at not paying attention to his existence. I usually do my work and pay attention to Fede. Sometimes he passes me cute notes back and forth, or if we are watching a video in class he would place his head back on top of my desk and let him rub his head. I'm lucky to have Fede in my life, without him I wouldn't know what to do.

After class Fede walks with me to my locker. Today though he was being really fidgeting, like he was nervous about something.

"Fede, are you alright?" [Vilu]

"Yeah. What makes you say that I'm not?" [Fede]

"You've been really fidgeting. Almost as if you are nervous about something." [Vilu]

"I am nervous about something." [Fede]

"Is it the show? Don't worry you will do great. In rehearsals you've been awesome." [Vilu]

"Thanks, but it's not the show that's bothering me." [Fede]

"If it has to do with Leon, you have nothing to worry about. If there is anything that I've learned it's that Leon is not the kind of friend that I need. And I am happy with what I have in my life right now, which includes you. If you didn't know that." [Vilu]

"Well it's not Leon that is bothering but it does have to do with us." [Fede]

"You can tell me." [Vilu]

"Alright. Vilu.... I-I love you." [Fede]

What!!? He loves me. Like loves me, loves me. As in he is IN LOVE with me. I was afraid that this day would come. I didn't want to believe that it was possible. I can't say that I love him back, it will just be a lie and I don't want to lie to him. But I don't want to say that I like him too. That would only hurt him or confuse him.

I know that I care about him, but I just don't have those same feelings for him. I wish I did, but it's all Leon's fault. If I didn't secretly love him, then this situation with Fede would be a lot different.

"Violetta. Are you ok?" [Fede]

"Yes I am alright." [Vilu]

"Well I told you that I love you and you didn't say anything." [Fede]

"Hello you two love birds." [Cami]

"Hey Fran, Cami." [Fede]

"Fede." [Fran, Cami]

"I am going to check something with the guys. Meet you at our table?" [Fede]

"Alright." [Vilu]

When Fede leaves the girls start their interrogating.

"What happened?" [Fran]

"Yes. Fede didn't look so good a minute ago." [Cami]

"What did you say to him?" [Fran]

"Nothing." [Vilu]

"Then something must be bothering him, you need to find out." [Cami]

"No girls. I said nothing and that's the problem." [Vilu]

"Ok, now I am just confused." [Fran]

"Me too." [Cami]

"He said he is in love with me. And I couldn't say it back." [Vilu]

"Oh, sorry amico mio." [Fran]

"What?" [Vilu]

"I said sorry my friend. I'm learning my family's heritage and well I am part Italian, so I am learning the language. Amico mio is my friend in Italian." [Fran]

"That's cool." [Vilu]

"Why don't we have lunch in Pablo's classroom and we can talk about it." [Fran]

"I would but I have to go make up a test I failed in history class. But you can tell me everything while at rehearsals after school ok." [Cami]

"Ok." [Vilu]

Fran takes me to Pablo's class so we can talk about this. And if there can be a solution to fix it.

- - - - (FEDERICO'S POV) - - - -

"You told you her what?!!" [Broadway]

"I said I love her, and she didn't say anything back. Guys help me out here." [Fede]

"Look Fede, you have to realize that you may have developed your feeling a bit fast don't you think." [Maxi]

"No. I've known her since we were six years old and now I've realized that the reason for taunting her was because I liked her. Now being with her I can only love her." [Fede]

"But I thought Violetta was in love with Leon?" [Andres]

"Andres!!!" [Maxi, Broadway]

"Listen, you know about Violetta's feelings. Maybe she needs more time to develop those same feelings as you. It may not be as terrible as you think." [Maxi]

"Maxi is right. Anyways I have to go retake a test that I failed in history class. See you after school." [Broadway]

"Wait a minute. When did you start failing history?" [Maxi]

"It was only one test, and besides I am for sure I will pass this time." [Broadway]

"Hold on Broadway. There is no way you could have failed any test. You love history class and remember every important date none to man." [Fede]

"Not to mention, you always had to help us prepare for a test. What went wrong this time?" [Maxi]

"While taking this test I was distracted and I didn't finish. All the unanswered questions you don't get credit for. Now I have to retake the test." [Broadway]

"Alright." [Maxi]

Broadway leaves and then Leon and the she-devil comes by our table.

"Hey guys, what's new?" [Leon]

"Nothing new for me." [Maxi]

"It's something that you can't fix Leon." [Fede]

"What's with the gloom face?" [Leon]

"I know. Violetta, no?" [Roxy]

"Leon I don't feel talking about Violetta with you or in front of Roxy. It just doesn't feel right." [Fede]

"Alright then why don't we talk about the issue at hand and not the person you having problems with." [Leon]

"Fine. I told the person I love that I am in love with her." [Fede]

"I don't understand. Shouldn't that be a good thing?" [Roxy]

"It is when the person you love says it back. But that didn't happen." [Fede]

"I'm sorry man." [Leon]

"I can't believe that you people still believe she is little miss innocent." [Roxy]

"Roxy don't start, please." [Leon]

"I'm not. But why are you still defending someone who is clearly going to break your heart. She either loves you back or not. If she didn't say anything isn't that your answer?" [Roxy]

"Roxy that's enough. You don't know how Violetta feels. I think when the two of them are calm and ready they should talk to one another." [Maxi]

"Maxi is right, she might have an explanation. You never she might have just been shocked to say anything in return." [Leon]

"Thanks guys. You've made me feel a bit better." [Fede]

"Well that's great. Baby, should we go rehearse now?" [Roxy]

"Sure, but I need my notebook. Meet you at our spot?" [Leon]

"Meet you there. Bye Fede, Maxito." [Roxy]

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

"I don't feel like talking Fran." [Vilu]

"Then why don't you express what you're feeling in a song." [Fran]

"There's this new song that I've sort of wrote about me being with Fede while feeling things for Leon." [Vilu]

"Well then, play." [Fran]

She sits in front of the piano and I begin playing.

🎶 Since I talked to you of love, not a trace of you is there

If you want to you can hide, but I still can see you care

Anymore, nothing that I see is clear

I'm not asking very much, just tell me that it's real

I'm left here breathless, Getting so careless

Leaving me helpless, Yeah don't you believe?

If you listen I will talk, Tell you what I need to say

Then you'll look into my eyes, And we'll put aside these games we play

You'll feel love, And then you'll go after it

Let me embrace you when you're ready to admit

I'm let here breathless, Getting so careless

Leaving me helpless, Yeah don't you believe?

I'm left here breathless, Getting so careless

Leaving me helpless, Yeah don't you believe?~

I'll understand~ , Tell me that you love me if you can

I'm left here breathless, Getting so careless

Leaving me helpless, Yeah don't you believe?~

Don't you believe?~ 🎶

"That was beautiful." [Fran]

"Thanks." [Vilu]

"Sounds like you were singing for someone very special." [Fran]

"Fran, its hopeless! How am I suppose to..? I don't know what to do! Fran tell me what I am suppose to do?!!!" [Vilu]

"Vilu, calm down." [Fran]

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I went into my locker and found the music sheet for Roxy and I's duet. As I read the lyrics I remembered singing this song with Violetta. I don't know why I continue to think of that moment. It sparked something in me, something that only Violetta could bring out in me.

Maybe it's because she knows me so well. Or maybe it's something else? I don't know, but what I do know is that I miss her. Now more than ever since we don't talk. We haven't even looked at each other in the past weeks because of what happened. What we said to each other were very hurtful to both of us. If I could go back in time to change the past, I would.

Walking towards the place I was meeting Roxy, along the way I found Violetta and Francesca talking. Well all I know is that Francesca is there trying to calm down Violetta at one of her meltdowns. Of course I knew it had to be about Fede and what he said to her.

I don't want to say that I ease dropped over their conversation, but I did listen in as to what they were saying.

"I can't Fran! Federico told me that he loves me. Who says that at our age? We don't know what love is or how we feel when we are in love?" [Violetta]

"You know, it's not really a bad thing." [Francesca]

"What!?" [Violetta]

"That Fede told you how he feels." [Francesca]

"It is bad, Francesca." [Violetta]

"How come?" [Francesca]

"Because I don't feel the same way!" [Violetta]

"Are you sure? There is not one ounce that makes you feel some kind of love towards him?" [Francesca]

"Fran, of course I care about him. It's just that I don't love him the way he loves me. The only person I feel love towards is.. well you know who." [Violetta]

"Yes, the one whose name I am not allowed to mention. What are you going to do Vilu?" [Francesca]

"I don't know, but I can't continue to string him along knowing how he feels." [Violetta]

"Does that mean you are going to break up with him?" [Francesca]

"I can't see how we can still be together." [Violetta]

I can't believe she is going to blindside my best friend. I did not expect this coming from her, I thought I knew exactly the kind of person she is. I guess I was wrong, how can Violetta be so cruel to Fede? To string him along like this! I have to tell him. As his best friend, a person who is suppose to have his back, I must tell him.

-  -  -  -  -  -

Author's Note: Please comment on the bottom to tell me what you would have done if you were Leon. Would have told Fede or would have had Vilu and Fede deal it our for themselves?

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