Right From The Start {Book 1}

By Emmy_Jorgtinista

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Leon and Violetta who have been friends since six years old. Violetta was the little girl who moved across th... More

First Day Back
Science Class
After School
Night Shift
The Theif
Fedeletta Moment
The Next Day
There Goes My Best Friend
Audition Day
The Accident
In Memory of Maria Saramago
The Dream
To Leave Or To Love
Rehearsals: Part 1
Rehearsals: Part 2
Girls Night
Team Roxy Or Team Violetta
Break Up
!Show Time!
Freshman's, Welcome to On Beat Studio
Old Relationships VS New Relationships
Karaoke Night
A Life Full of Lies
The Catch About Friendship
Together We're Stronger
Together We're Stronger {2}
Truth Can Sometimes Hurt
!Freshman's Debut Show!
Holiday Special
Double Date Gone Wrong
Mega Student to Mega Star
The Calling
The Second Game Plan
The Twist
Lights, Cameras, & Action
Let's Celebrate The Good Times
Just Friends, Hun?
A Winning Miss
A Race To One's Heart

Great News

1K 15 0
By Emmy_Jorgtinista

This morning I couldn't wait to tell Fran and Cami of what I decided to do. Since talking to Leon I couldn't stop thinking about auditioning. Never thought to be the lead role of any show let alone singing in front of an audience. Besides I want to show Fran and Cami my new song that I was working on last night.

Just so I didn't second guest myself for signing up, I went to school very early and signed up before I could say no. However that was the only good thing for being at school early. I had to wait 15 minutes until my friends got there.

- - - - (LEON'S POV) - - - -

I woke up this morning and meet the guys at the stop sign like we do every morning. The only difference between this morning than every other morning was that Violetta didn't show up.

"Hey where's Violetta?" [Leon]

"I don't know but I am not going to be late because of her." [Fede]

So the guys and I left. Which kind of bummed me out, the best part about the morning was being able to talk to her without the guys really interfering. But I also wanted to make sure she didn't back out of signing up for the auditions. After all today was the last day.

As soon as the guys and I got to school, I saw her, Violetta leaning against my locker nearly falling asleep.

"Violetta....Violetta...." [Leon]

"What?" [Vilu]

"What are you doing here......." [Leon]

"So early?" [Fede]

"Remember our conversation from last night.. *looking at Leon*..Well I didn't want to second guess myself so I made sure I came here as soon as possible, signed up and then had to wait until one of my friends showed up." [Vilu]

"That is dedication." [Maxi]

"What it is that you signed up for?" [Fede]

"To audition for the end-of-the-year show." [Vilu]

All the other dudes started laughing towards Vilu.

"Dudes it's not funny. Besides she has a really good voice." [Leon]

"Thanks Leon, but I think in order to convince these guys that I CAN sing I will just have to prove it to them. During the auditions you will see my talent shine." [Vilu]

"Let me get this straight, you sing and write songs now?" [Fede]

"No I sing and write songs, but now it's no longer a secret." [Vilu]

I smiled when Vilu put Fede in his place. Bell rings, and everyone went to their classes.

- - - - (VIOLETTA'S POV) - - - -

"Fran! Cami! I have great news!" [Vilu]

"What!?" [Fran and Cami]

"I have decided to sign up for the auditions to the end-of-the-year show, and I was wondering if that offer of being a part of your band is still available." [Vilu]

"Yes! And it's yours." [Fran]

"Wait Fran. No offense Vilu, but we need to make sure that your voice will sound good with ours. Just a precaution." [Cami]

"Cami is right Vilu, it's the right thing to do." [Fran]

"Great, let's go to Pablo's classroom and I can sing to you and also show you the song I was working on last night." [Vilu]

"Great!" [Fran and Cami]

In Pablo's classroom he has a black piano, I pulled out my music sheets and began playing my song I composed the night before.

🎶 Oh baby I wish I could tell you

How I feel but I can't 'cuz I am scared to

Oh boy, I wish I could say

That, Underneath it all

I'm still the one you love

Still the one your dreamin' of

Underneath it all......ohhhh......Underneath it all 🎶

"Wow! Vilu...that was..." [Cami]


"Thanks, the lyrics were inspired last night and well...." [Vilu]

I noticed someone was listening from the door, because I saw a shadow leaving. Then all three of us got scared by a loud clapping sound.

"That was great! I didn't know how much talent you were holding out on us Vilu." [Fede]

"Fede, what are you doing here? You nearly gave all of us a heart attack." [Vilu]

"I was in the back cleaning up some instruments and well I heard you singing and I couldn't stop listening. The song is..beautiful. If you show Maxi this song I am sure he could put in some great bases and it will bring some power." [Fede]

"Thanks, Fede. And I will definately ask Maxi if he could do that with me. This was the song I was going to audition with for one of the solos." [Vilu]

"With that song, no doubt you will get the lead." [Cami]

"Thanks, but I have to finish the song first." [Vilu]

As we left I had no idea who else was watching. Later I end up making my worst enemy.

*Whispering*"Oh Vilu, if only you were a bit more careful." [Roxy]

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