The Only Way Out [Book 2]

By HarrESgirl

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"If you want out of this marriage, Harry, the door is right there." "The only way out is together, Bea." *** ... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome Home
Chapter 2 - Knock Knock
Chapter 3 - With My Life
Chapter 4 - Like Heaven
Chapter 5 - Ambitious Kiss
Chapter 6 - Eye Vegetables
Chapter 7 - It's Cold, It's Cold, It's Cold
Chapter 8 - Down, Horsey
Chapter 9 - Two Feet Tall
Chapter 10 - My Hero
Chapter 11 - Tickle Fingers
Chapter 12 - Sing A Silly Song
Chapter 13 - Cuddle Bunny
Chapter 14 - Middle Names
Chapter 15 - Special Time
Chapter 16 - Captain Jack Fellow
Chapter 17 - Dirty Laundry
Chapter 18 - Squeaky Clean
Chapter 19 - Get Around To It
Chapter 20 - Cocky Stinker
Chapter 21 - Absurd Accusation
Chapter 22 - Before My Eyes
Chapter 23 - Mr. & Mrs. Jealous
Chapter 24 - Melted Froyo
Chapter 25 - On My Own
Chapter 26 - Ridiculous Excuse
Chapter 27 - Take A Bullet
Chapter 28 - Sexy Walrus
Chapter 29 - Time Out
Chapter 30 - It's My Fault
Chapter 31 - Just Peachy
Chapter 32 - A Sinking Feeling
Chapter 33 - I Hate Hay Fever
Chapter 34 - Burning Up
Chapter 35 - Big Girl Panties
Chapter 36 - John Hancock
Chapter 37 - Like A Thousand Bucks
Chapter 39 - Can Barely Stand
Chapter 40 - Doesn't Change A Thing
Chapter 41 - DEFCON Two
Chapter 42 - All The Cookies
Chapter 43 - All Over Again
Chapter 44 - Melted Wallpaper
Chapter 45 - Paint A Picture
Chapter 46 - A Dopey Smile
Chapter 47 - Two-Way Street
Chapter 48 - Make It Four
🎉ExtraordinHARRY News!!🎉
Chapter 49 - Peace And Quiet
Chapter 50 - Sweet Talker
Chapter 51 - Not A Chance
Chapter 52 - Sweet Everythings
Chapter 53 - Rain Check
Chapter 54 - The Shy Card
Chapter 55 - Hang In There
Chapter 56 - Best Idea Ever
Chapter 57 - Tip Of The Iceberg
Chapter 58 - Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 59 - Don't Hang Up
Chapter 60 - A Living Hell
Chapter 61 - Because Of Me
Chapter 62 - Tiny Heartbeat
Chapter 63 - A Sharp Knife
Chapter 64 - Enough Time
Chapter 65 - Can't Take It Anymore
Chapter 66 - Scattered Fragments
Chapter 67 - Lost Eyes
Chapter 68 - Drunken Confession
Chapter 69 - Uncomfortable Silence
Chapter 70 - The Only Way Out
Chapter 71 - Always Be My Somebody
Chapter 72 - Not The End
Super Duper Exciting News!

Chapter 38 - A Change Of Plans

2.2K 152 146
By HarrESgirl

***Harry's POV

It has been two hours and twenty minutes.

It's been two hours and twenty bloody minutes since I've told Bea that her parents will be taking the kids for the weekend and it has felt like an eternity.

In that time, I've put away the laundry and remade the beds, bathed and dressed Ferris and packed the kids' overnight bag.

If Bea is Superwoman, then I'm Superman. Superman who needs a bloody nap.

After such an active morning, my energy is about drained and I'm actually fantasizing about going to sleep after my in-laws pick up the kids.

While Bea is showering and getting dressed, Seb is sleeping off his lunch in the bassinet and Ferris and I are watching Barney in the living room.

Ferris giggles at what apparently is a funny scene and I look over at her. She is cuddled in the corner of the opposite end of the couch, holding onto her dolly and sucking her thumb.

Even though her yellow shirt has 'Big Rock Star' written on it, she looks so small. A smile forms on my face as I look at her leggings that have matching stars on them and I can only imagine what her sense of style will be like when she grows up.

As I watch my little girl enjoy her show, my mind wanders off and I think of how Bea and I will fair when our daughter hits her rebellious teenage years.

Ever since our lesson this morning, she's been quiet and standoffish to me.

I'm definitely not her favourite anymore. Just be patient, Harold. Remember, you're her father, not her friend. Shit, this is difficult.

Sighing a heavy breath, I decide to lighten the mood. I slide my hand on the couch towards her ever so slightly so she doesn't notice. I keep my eyes on her, wrapping my hand around her left foot that's covered with her pink sock and I tickle the bottom of her foot.

Ferris quickly moves her leg away and looks at me, cracking a smile with her thumb still in her mouth and my heart melts.

Maybe she doesn't hate me.

"Dadda got you," I tease with a smile, patting her leg and she nods.

This precious moment with my daughter makes me wish I didn't have this cold because I just want to cuddle her. I clear my throat before my damn eyes start to sweat and the doorbell rings.

And we look at each other in surprise.

"Do you want to see who it is with Dadda, Ferris?" I ask, getting up from the couch and she's on her feet before I am. "Show off."

My joke goes over her head as she trots over to the front door, holding onto her dolly. I roll my eyes into a smile as I follow her into the foyer, feeling a tickle in my throat and I quickly cover my cough before opening the door.

"Grammy! Papaw!" Ferris giggles, hopping up and down.

"Hi, sweetheart," Bruno smiles and picks up Ferris, giving her a few kisses on her cheek. "Papaw's missed you."

Ferris doesn't say anything as she holds up her new dolly, proudly showing her off.

"She's lovely, Ferris," Lauren coos, leaning in to give her a kiss. "You've gotten bigger."

"Oh no, don't say that," I teasingly warn, gesturing for them to come inside. "It will come true."

"That I am sure of, Harry because it happened with my Bumble Bea," Bruno chuckles, moving to let Lauren walk inside first. "How are you feeling since we last talked?"

"Better, thank you," I nod and close the door before following them into the living room, "but I think a restful weekend will do us some good."

"Oh, absolutely," Lauren chimes in, setting her purse on the coffee table. "So where's Beatrice and my other grandbaby?"

"Bea should be finished getting dressed by now and Seb is still sleeping," I say, suddenly feeling the need to check on my wife. "I'll go tell her that you're here."

Ferris has already put her grandparents under her cuteness spell by telling them all about her new dolly, so I take the opportunity and head upstairs.

My relationship with my in-laws has only gotten better over time; the biggest improvement being that my father-in-law doesn't look like he wants to kill me every time he sees me. This November, more specifically the seventh, will be three years that he's stopped giving me death stares.

"Oh, just give me a grandkid and I won't kill you, Mr. Styles," I mockingly say with a smirk as I open the door to our bedroom.

I walk into our room and the door to the loo is still closed. It's odd that Bea isn't finished yet, considering it's been almost an hour that she's been up here.

My wife takes a long time, but she doesn't take this long.

I walk over to the loo and knock on the closed door.

"Bea, your parents are here, Love," I say, pressing my ear to the door and I hear a faint cry above the shower. "Are you okay, Love? Can I come in?"

She doesn't answer and my heart begins to pound in my chest. I turn the handle and audibly thank God that she didn't lock it as I open the door.

I walk inside and my eyes widen when I see my wife laying on her side by the bathtub.

"Oh my God," I rush over and kneel beside her. "What happened?"

The look on her face breaks my heart because I know she has to be embarrassed and in so much pain. I spot her pink bathrobe to my left and grab it. As I cover her naked and shivering body, I calmly ask her to tell me what happened to see if she's coherent.

"I was in the shower and then," she pauses, looking confused, "I think I slipped."

"You've been fucking stuck like this for an hour? Why didn't you call for me?"

"Don't yell."

"I'm sorry, Love, but you should've called for me."

"You didn't hear me," Bea mumbles, closing her eyes and she begins to sob.

Sighing, I brush her wet hair back and I can't hold back the tears in my eyes. My goddamn mind plays an image of her falling and a whimper leaves my throat.

"I'm so sorry, Love. I should've checked on you earlier."

"I'm totally fine," she says, grabbing onto my sleeve. "Help me up."

"Wait a second, I think I should take you to the Emergency Room."

"What for? I already had the baby."

"Oh my God, I think you have a concussion, Bea. I'm not risking anything. I'm taking you to the ER."

"No, I'm not going and you can't make me," she says and sticks her tongue out at me.

It's then I realize she most certainly hit her head because she's acting strange. Her eyes are starting to get heavy and I know I have to act fast.

"Beatrice, if you don't let me take you, then I'm calling nine-one-one and the paramedics will see you naked."

That seems to do the trick.

"Ugh, alright fine," she sighs, "but be gentle. My head hurts."

"I'll be gentle, Love," I say and she nods slowly. "I'm going to help you sit up now."

I take her hand in mine, placing my left hand under her head for support and I help her sit up. With my hand still supporting her head, I reach over and turn off the shower.

The room suddenly becomes quiet with the exception of a few drops of water dripping from the faucet and the sound of Bea's labored and pained breaths. I turn my attention back to my wife, cupping her cheeks with my hands as I look in her wandering eyes.

"I peed on the rug," she mumbles, closing her eyes and a tear rolls down her cheek.

"It's okay, Love," I whisper, drying her tear with the pad of my thumb. "I don't care about the rug. I'm just glad you're okay."

"This is so humbu-liliating," she slurs and I don't even find it funny because I know she hit her head.

"You'll be okay," I reassure her with a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'm going to help you up now. Okay?"

"But I need to wash this or it'll smell like pee forever," she says, widening her eyes as if she's picturing it.

"We'll just buy a new rug, okay?" I try to reason with her and she nods.

"Yeah, a yellow one with flowers."

"That sounds lovely. Now, arms up."

Bea groans at first, but she lifts her hands to my shoulders and I place mine under her arms. After counting to three, I lift her up with some struggle because she's not helping me one bit.

Holding onto her arm with my left hand, I reach for her robe that has fallen onto the floor. I drape it over her shoulders and we slowly make our way into the bedroom.

"Just a few more steps, Love," I say not only to encourage her but also myself.

Every step is torture as I listen to my wife whimper in pain and I feel like a complete arsehole for not checking on her sooner.

"Okay, sit right here and I'll get your clothes," I say, waiting for her to steady herself on the bed.

With her nod, I walk over to our dresser, still keeping an eye on her. I grab her undergarment and the first t-shirt and pair of sweatpants of hers I find and walk back over to Bea.

While I dress her, I ask easy questions to keep her mind working and some of her answers make zero sense. I'd laugh if I weren't so scared and if there weren't huge blue and purple bruises on her right hip and shoulder.

I should've checked on her, dammit.

"Stay right here," I kindly say, keeping eye contact with her. "I'm going to get your mum."

"My mum is here?" she looks confused for a second before she smiles. "That's nice."

"Mhm, now don't move. I'm just going right outside the door."

"Yep," she closes her eyes and smiles.

Knowing she's okay for the moment, I walk over to the door and step out into the hallway.

"Lauren, can you come up here, please?" I call out and as soon as she answers, I walk back over to Bea who has fallen back onto the bed. "No no no no, don't fall asleep, Bea," I warn, taking her hands in mine. "C'mon, Love, I'm going to help you sit up."

"I need to dust the fan."

"We can do that when we get back home," I kindly tell her, fitting my hands behind her shoulders and head and I slowly lift her to sit up. "Okay, let's stay here for a second."

"But I'm so sleepy, Harry."

"Beatrice? Harry? Is everything okay?" Lauren asks from the doorway and I look over. Her eyes widen and she rushes over to Bea's side, "What happened?"

"There's been a change of plans," I tell her as I put Bea's sandals on her feet. "She slipped in the shower and I know she hit her head, so I'm-"

"Oh my God. I did?" Bea worriedly asks and I nod, turning my attention back to Lauren.

"I'm going to take her to the ER," I say, grabbing Bea's purse and my wallet and keys from the dresser. "Can you and Bruno stay here with the kids?"

"Bruno will because I'm going with you," she says firmly and I know there's no point in arguing.

"That's fine, let's go," I agree just so we can leave. "Alright, Love, hold onto my shoulders."

"Where are we going?"

"We're going for a drive," I kindly explain as I help her stand up and I wrap my arm around her waist.

With Lauren's help, we slowly make it downstairs. After I catch Bruno up to speed and tell him where the bottles and formula are, I tell Ferris that I love her and reassure her that her mummy will be okay.

While Bruno holds Ferris to console her, Lauren, Bea and I leave the house and my daughter's cries fade in the distance as we approach the driveway.

"I'll drive," Lauren offers and I agree once again just so we can get going.

After I help Bea in the front seat of their Lexus and buckle her seatbelt, I get in behind her. As Lauren backs out of the driveway, I quickly buckle my seatbelt and place my hands on either side of Bea's head to hold her still.

"When did we get a new car? God, I have such a bad headache. I'm scared. Harry?"

"I'm right here, Love," I say, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs and I close my eyes.

Please be okay, Bea.***

A/N: I hope Bea will be okay. 😬

Much Love.

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