Best I Ever Had (Sequel)

By AnonTheWriter5H

184K 6.7K 1.1K

Sequel to Final Five. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
New Story!

Chapter 12

4.7K 165 4
By AnonTheWriter5H

Lauren's POV

"I can't wait to get out of here." Y/N stated as we were lying in her hospital bed watching TV.

She's come a long away in the two weeks since she woke up. She's talking a lot better even though the stuttering is still there, she's smiling and talking to the the doctors, and her wounds are healing nicely.

"You're really bored in here aren't you?" I laughed a little as I was cuddled into her side, being careful not to hurt her whenever I moved.

"As much as I enjoy cuddling with you and watching Greys Anatomy," She paused and looked around. "This room is starting to get old."

"We could go for a walk?" I sat up now and looked at her.

Over the past couple days the doctors have been trying to get Y/N out of bed so that she can try walking but she doesn't seem to want to. It's the same way with talking, they send the same doctor in every day at the same time to talk to her about what happened but she will not say anything.

She won't even talk to me about any of it, not how she's feeling, or what she's thinking or even anything remotely related to her accident or the hospital. She's scared and I understand why, I'm just trying to give her the room to deal with this however she feels is best for her.

"I don't know." She shook her head and glanced at the leg that was in a full cast from her thigh to her ankle. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"I'll push you." I stated. "We can get a wheel chair and go outside."

"I ummm." She looked down at her leg again. "I'm to tired."

"Okay." I nodded not wanting to push her too much. "How about a movie then?"

"Sure whatever." She adjusted her good arm around my waist and leaning her head back against the pillow.

I could see out of the corner of my eye Y/N trying to move the fingers of her broken hand. She can't move them very much and the doctors are afraid she might not get full function back. I heard a small groan as she let her hand flop down on the bed beside her.

"I don't know what to pick." I stated as I continued scrolling, hoping to distract her. "You choose."

"I don't care Lauren." She snapped just as the door was opened and in walked Dinah and Camila.

"Okay you need to hear this one." Camila stated as she plopped down in one of the chairs in the room.

"It's real good." Dinah agreed and Y/N's mood seemed to lighten up a bit.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat." I stated standing up deciding to give ER some breathing room.
Your POV

Lauren's been gone an awfully long time. I shouldn't have snapped at her like that, she's just trying to help me. I was just annoyed with myself, that I can't get my body to work the way I want it to.

"So yeah," Camila continued. "I'm pretty pissed."

"We told you this would happen years ago." Dinah stated throwing her hands up annoyed causing me to laugh.

"She's right." I agreed giving Camila a knowing look. "Everyone's told you over and over again."

"TMZ should not be allowed to run that!" She argued. "It's not fair."

"You wanted in with Taylor's squad..." Dinah laughed. "Now you gotta deal with the consequences."

"Okay but are you really that upset about a stupid picture?" I asked amused. "It's not like it's a nude or anything?"

"No but like I'm in a relationship now!" The brunette stated. "That was while we were broken up."

"So just tell Shawn that." The blonde sat on the end of the bed said. "It's really not that big if a deal."

"He probably likes that pic anyway." I shrugged and Camila's head snapped toward me. "I mean, I wouldn't be impressed if I seen a picture of Lauren making out with someone else while we were broke up but I mean girl on girl, guys find that hot."

"Really?" Dinah raised an eyebrow at me as if to say 'That's the best you could do.'

"You know what guys are like." I stated. "Camila's hot and Selena's hot."

"Okay, what?" Lauren asked as she reentered the room. "Selena who is hot?"

My heart rate machine started beating faster causing Dinah and Camila to laugh as I blushed. Lauren smirked and took a seat next to me on the bed before pecking my cheek.

"I don't think Lauren has anything to worry about." Dinah teased. "Other than you having a heart attack just because she walked in the room."

"Control yourself Y/N/N." Camila laughed.

"I think it's cute." Lauren giggled pecking my cheek again.

"You know we could probably have fun with that beeping thing." Dinah looked to be thinking about something.

"Ouuuu," Camila smirked. "Let's play a game."

"Leave her alone guys." Lauren laughed playing with the blanket on my bed.

"Yeah leave me alone." I agreed pulling the blanket over my face.
Lauren's POV

After a month awake in the hospital Y/N had almost fully physically recovered. Her leg was still in a full cast and her hand in a brace, a few scars but almost back to her normal appearance. Internally her ribs were still healing though they didn't seem to bother her anymore, but after surgery the internal bleeding has all been fixed.

"Almost ready?" I smiled as I walked back into her room after I'd signed her out. "We're ready to go whenever you are."

She didn't respond to what I was saying  as she stood by the window looking out. I walked over slowly and softly wrapped my arms around her waist making sure not to hurt her in the process.

"Have they been out there the whole time?" She asked pointing to the fans and paparazzi down by the main entrance.

"The first week there were more." I stated and she turned around slowly in my arms. "But it did die down after awhile, now I guess they heard you were getting out today."

"Did they bother you while I was... you know... out." She asked and I frowned looking down remembering the day Dinah took me home.

"There was one day that was pretty bad." I answered honestly. "One of them said something that I really didn't need to hear." She frowned. "Dinah went off on him." I added trying to lighten the mood a little.

"I'm sorry." She apologized wrapping her arms around my neck. "I can't even imagine what that must have been like for you."

"It's fine now." I smiled as she played with my hair. "You're here, you're better and that's all that matters right now."

"Let's go home." She smiled leaning in a pecking my lips softly. "I need real food."

"We've literally been sneaking food in for weeks?" I laughed as she pulled away to pick up her crutches. "Ally's a great cook."

"And I thank god for her every day." Y/N laughed as well. "I just need a little pizza in my life."

"Pizza?" I raised an eyebrow at her. "That's not real food."

"You didn't just say that." She hopped over to the tv and grabbed the get well cards on top. "It's the best food."

"I'll call and order one." I stated and she smiled as she handed me the cards to put in her bag.

"Good." She replied making her way back over to me. "Because I'm starved."

"Aren't you always." I grinned as she stopped in front of me.

"Kinda." She laughed looking down at me as she was a little taller due to the crutches.

I quickly pecked her lips and pulled away to look at her. "I'll go get the nurse."

She smiled and I could feel her watching me as I walked towards the door. Once outside I told Y/N's favourite nurse we were ready to go and she got a wheel chair ready and brought it into my fiancées room. She argued for a moment about being fine with just her crutches, but finally gave in after we convinced her. Her leg was in no shape to try and walk down herself, she couldn't bend it if she wanted to in that cast.

"How are we supposed to get out there?" Y/N asked looking at me as the crowd around the doors of the hospital started screaming.

"You aren't." I stated stepping around the wheelchair I'd been pushing. "I'm going to bring the car around."

"The hell you're going out there on your own." She stood up flinching a little as she found her footing. "Is there any security here?"

"Y/N, I'll be fine." I smiled as she was cute when she was being protective. 

"I don't want you getting hurt." She frowned. "I seen the photos from when you went out with Dinah."

"That was different babe." I reached up and cupped her cheek. "I'll be fine, it's mostly fans. They won't do anything."

"I'm coming then." She stated.

"You're in no state to try and push through them." I raised an eyebrow. "The car is just around the corner, I'm just going to pull it around."

"I'll get your car." The young nurse shrugged causing both of us to look at her. "It's not like any of them will even notice me."

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked giving me a unsure look to which I shrugged.

"I won't steal your car if that's what your wondering." She laughed. "Come on, don't you know me better than that by now."

"That's not what I meant." My fiancée laughed as well. "I don't want to be anymore trouble for you."

"Oh, its no trouble really." The blonde smirked. "I mean I've seen Lauren's car, it's pretty awesome."

"Why am I not surprised?" Y/N laughed.

"I'm okay with it." I stated searching my bag for the keys.

"Really?!?" The young women smiled.

"Sure." I smiled handing her the keys. "Why not?"

"Awesome!" She practically jumped as she took the keys. "I'll pull it around to the door."

Y/N smiled watching the nurse run off before turning back to me. "Can I at least go out and say hi while we wait?"

"Are you ready for that?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I knew she still got headaches.

"I have to face them sometime." She stated. "Plus I want to thank them for their support."

"Fine." I agreed wrapping my arms around her neck. "But if you even get the smallest of headaches you tell me."

"Yes Madame." She smirked before quickly pecking my lips and sitting back down in the chair. "Let's go!" She cheered excitedly.

I laughed as we headed toward the door of the building. The screaming got slightly louder as the door opened and Y/N waved. She took some photos and signed some autographs as we waited for my car.

"How are you feeling?" One of the guys I recognized from TMZ asked. At least he's not going to ask anything to serious.

"Pretty good today." Y/N answered honestly. "I can't wait to get home."

"That's great." The guys smiled. "Can I ask you a quick question."

"Sure." Y/N continued signing autographs.

"If you had to take only one thing with you on tour what would it be?" He randomly asked causing Y/N to laugh.

"Ummm, anything?" She asked and he nodded. "Lauren." She answered causing me to shake my head with a smile. "You're good for a few things." She winked.

"You're something else." I laughed.

"Good answer." The guy laughed. "I see you've still got your game."

"Can't lose what your born with." She grinned back.

Suddenly I heard the sound of my cars horn as the nurse pulled up in it. She hopped out with a smile before walking over and holding out the keys to me.

"That was awesome!" She stayed with a smile. "I mean it was only a second but damn."

"Thanks." I laughed as I took the keys from her. "We should probably get going." I looked to Y/N who nodded.

"I'll help you get in the car." The nurse smiled.

"I'll see you guys around." My fiancée smiled as the nurse wheeled her toward the car.

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