CENTURIES ⇒ Sebastian Stan 1

By Pugtato16

232K 5.5K 698

"Some legends are told. Some turn to dust or to gold." "But you will remember me. Remember me, for centuries... More

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1.55 ≫ irl
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1.57 ≫ instagram
1.58 ≫ article
Carrie Fisher
1.59 ≫ instagram
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1.61 ≫ irl
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1.64 ≫ irl
1.65 ≫ instagram
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1.71 ≫ instagram
1.72 ≫ irl
1.73 ≫ instagram
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1.75 ≫ instagram
1.76 ≫ irl
1.77 ≫ instagram
1.78 ≫ irl
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1.82 ≫ texts
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1.88 ≫ instagram
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1.90 ≫ instagram
1.91 ≫ instagram
1.92 ≫ instagram
1.93 ≫ instagram
1.94 ≫ instagram
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1.96 ≫ irl
1.97 ≫ instagram
1.98 ≫ texts

1.45 ≫ irl

830 18 19
By Pugtato16

"Mason those are bubbles." Scarlett laughed at her sons amusement.

They were both taking a bubble bath, at 6:00 A.M. They fell asleep early yesterday so waking up today wasn't that hard.

"Ok I think we've been here long enough. Let's go get dried up." Scarlett told Mason, although he wasn't sure what she said.


"Mason. Mason look at mama. Look at mama." Scarlett urged. Mason wasn't eating his blueberry yogurt because he was to busy watching some cartoons.

"I didn't know Steven Universe was that exciting." She mumbled.

Scarlett then heard a knock on the door, she put down the yogurt cup and spoon to go answer the door.

"Mason I'll be right back." She said, mason just babbled a response. Scarlett shook her head and opened the door.

"Good morning Mrs. Stan, I don't mean to bother you but is Sebastian home?" Asked his agent/publisher. Scarlett furrowed her brows and tilted her head slightly in confusion.

"He's with you no?" Asked Scarlett.

"I'm afraid he isn't. Again I'm sorry to bother you he just hasn't picked up his phone. We were going to sign contracts today." Replied his agent before leaving.

Scarlett shut the door slowly before turning her attention to Mason. Still she couldn't shake the feeling off that something was wrong. 'He wouldn't lie to me...right?' She thought to herself.


It was now 7:30 A.M. Scarlett and Mason were laying down in her bed watching cartoons. Scarlett was getting frustrated with Dora not figuring things out quick enough.

"Swiper is right there." She mumbled as Mason watched intently. Scarlett's phone began to buzz rapidly, it had been for most of the morning. But it was a Mason Morning. She sighed and looked at all the the notifications.

Specially fans telling her to visit a link, well most of them said that. Others were sentimental messages. 'What the hell.' She thought to herself. Scarlett shook her head and opened the link.

Her heart shattered.

The first thing she saw was Sebastian kissing Margarita. 'Unhappy marriage' she read.

Scarlett hadn't realized she was shaking, she didn't realize how much she was crying. She felt numb.

Did she really make Sebastian that unhappy? Was he unhappy with Mason? Unhappy with her?

It's not your fault, it's not Masons fault. Her mind countered. He's not happy, let him be happy just like he was before.

"Mummm." Mason babbled.

Scarlett weakly smiled at Mason who extended his arms out to her. She gladly accepted Masons embrace. Scarlett's mind was blurry. She didn't know what to do next. But an idea came to her.

"Lets go Mason." She told him. Scarlett wasn't sure what to do at this moment. But she knew she wasn't staying here. Of course she was taking their—her dogs.

Scarlett was beyond upset. Not only with her recent thoughts, but with Sebastian. It isn't my fault. She repeated. This isn't her fault. Sebastian was sure to lose custody of Mason, after his recent activity. But Scarlett still couldn't take the heart break. She didn't see anything wrong with their relationship. She didn't think either of them were unhappy. To think he wanted to spend time with the both of them.

Scarlett had things packed for both Mason and her. Now she needed to make a call. Scarlett paused before she called, she knew she had to calm down.

'It's not that hard.' She reminded herself.

"Hey Scarls!" Greeted her brother Adrian's voice. Just hearing him made her want to break down. She wanted some kind of comfort.

"Hey Adrian." She replied softly. She didn't want to give away her state, but seeing as this was her brother he was able to pick up on it.

"Both of you shut up! This is serious Scarlett is upset!" She heard on the other end. Two more voices joined the conversation.

"Scarlett what's wrong!"

"Who are we going to have to kill?!"

"Guy guys. Please I just wanted to know if I could come over." She responded.

"Come over? Your in New York. What happened?" Asked Adrian.

"Just something. I really don't want to talk about it." She replied. The other side went quiet for a moment. They were doing their research on the situation.

"Son of a bitch." Came Christian's voice.

"Where is the bastard." Asked Hunter calmly.

"Guys please." She said again.

"No 'guys please'. Scarlett where is this—is Mason with you?" Asked Adrian.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Asshat...Scarlett, you can come over. Your welcomed any time. But we are doing something about this." Commented Adrian.

"Ok, I'll see you guys." She smiled.


Before Scarlett left with Mason and her dogs, Scarlett fixed herself up. She didn't want to deal with paparazzi pointing out on the fact that she looked horrible.

"Lets go Mason." She said at last.


Swiper the fox from Dora.

Steven Universe.

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