The Long and Winding Road

By PaperbackWriter63

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John and Paul fic. Prologue: Someone didn't want the Beatles to be forgotten...and so he had 4 clone eggs cr... More

Chapter 1 - John
Chapter 2 - Paul
Chapter 3 - John Meets New Friends
Chapter 4 - Paul's Help
Chapter 5 - John's Decision
Chapter 6 - John Finds a 'Home'
Chapter 7- Paul's Escape
Chapter 8 - John's New Companions
Chapter 9 - New Home
Chapter 10 - A Little More Insight
Chapter 11 - Note For John
Chapter 12 - Free At Last?
Chapter 13 - Just A Normal Day...
Chapter 14 - First Day Of School
Chapter 16 - New Everything!
Chapter 17 - Only The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Paul's Accident...
Chapter 19 - 'Little' Surprises
Chapter 20 - Excepted
Chapter 21 - Captured in Paris
Chapter 22 - "George"
Chapter 23 - Paul and a Gun
Chapter 24 - Tragedy
Chapter 25 - Paul is Out!
Chapter 26 - "Its All My Fault"
Chapter 27 - Tell Me Why
Chapter 28 - With A Little Help From My Friends
Chapter 29 - Paul's Birthday (pt 1)
Chapter 30 - Paul's Birthday (pt 2)
Chapter 31 - Serious Accidents
Chapter 32 - (Continued from Chapter 31)
Chapter 33 - A Brilliant Idea!
Chapter 34 - Problem Solved
Chapter 35 - Admitted to the Hospital
Chapter 36 - Dance Reunion
Chapter 37 - Two For the Price of One
Chapter 38 - Help Me If You Can
Chapter 39 - Paul Is Dead Hoax, true or not?
Chapter 40 - A Fateful End
Chapter 41 - Safe?
Chapter 42 - Telling Them The Truth
Chapter 43 - Puzzle is Coming Together
Chapter 44 - The Last Chapter

Chapter 15 - Good Summer Days Turn into Bad Ones

213 6 0
By PaperbackWriter63

A Few Years Later...2020

John: 13(to be 14); Paul: 12; George: 11; Richie: 13(to be 14)


18 June 2021

Today is Paul's birthday! But he's still sleeping. He's 12... and i will be 14 this year! Not that that has anything to do with it.

So, since it is Paul's birthday im gonna tell you, journal, about his progress.

1. He's less shy, still is shy, specially to people he doesn't even know! Mainly kids...

2. ...he began guitar! Just one day he came downstairs and showed mum what he could play! I mean it was out of know where!

I began guitar, and so has George, we all share one guitar. Mum said she might get me one for my birthday. George actually got one for his birthday! Now mum has to get Paul one! And he learned it all by himself. He told me that, that one time we had those people over, which ever ones those were, he was in the room, bored, and picked up the guitar. That was the other night. 

So, we, today, are going to guitar shop and get Paul what he wants. I learned something else about Paul, is that music always makes him smile and happy! When he's been troubled he's just played guitar and played and played, its like a little hole he hides away in. George has been teaching him the basics, chords...ect. 

I have some favorite artists of my own right now! Um, Elvis Presley, 

Okay what i found weird is that my friend hasn't even heard Elvis's songs! He doesn't care for music. But thats fine with me. And if he does he listens to rap...and some other artists that recently came out.

But anyways, back to Paul;(i have to write 12 things about him...)

3. Hes taller

4. He more independent...still is scared to go anywhere alone!

Mainly because of that incident with that guy...when we were younger...thankfully we haven't had anything happen to us, or that death threat i received. I think that was just our parents job....who knows! 

5. (i dont think ill do 12...probably just 5...hehe) He still sleeps with his stuffed dog.

He's still working on the bike, swimming, and...thats about it, biking and swimming. 

So yeah, today we are going to go get Paul a guitar, and then we are going to have his favourite dinner, roast beef. And for desert he wanted cheese cake. So the girls made him that. George helped a bit...

Im moving to a new school next school semester...and im kind of nervous. But its life! Got to make changes. the others are going to the same school as well. 

Okay, so i have to write a dream i had last night!

Well, it was VERY strange, and i mean very strange.

It began with 4 lads. One kind of looked like when i woke up i thought that one was supposed to represent me some how. Anyroad, they were dressed nicely, had our haircuts! 

So some one came over and then i was quickly led to a doctours office. I wasn't lead, but my mind was...i saw them sitting and getting blood drawn...the one that represent Paul was shaken a bit, just like Paul des at the doctour. He is terrified there...anyways. then the lads  left and were talking and asking questions like what was that for...then i woke up! I really wonder what that dream ment. Ive heard dreams can mean something you just have to puzzle it out...the four boys probably represented me and the other three, and the drawn blood probably meant....we would die of to much blood terrible thought...but who knows...

Well i better go, Mariah needs her laptop back...

-John W. L. Williams :D


John got down from the chair and went downstairs. The dog greeted him and he went to feed the new cat. John had found it outside and he befriended it. 

"John, do you want to go get something in the woods with me?" George asked.


"Because, i need help."

"What are you getting?" 

"A tree log."

"What for?" 

"For...something. I cant tell you."

"Alright fine."

John and George went out to the woods.




Today was my birthday and i am excited! Im 12 now! 

I got out of bed and got dressed, then went was almost lunch time. But i was having trouble going to sleep last night so at least i got some sleep i needed.

"Wheres John?" I asked mum.

"Outside, with George. Their doing something." Mum came over and kissed me. "Happy Birthday Paulie."

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Are you going outside?"


"I thought you would want to go with John and George."

"Uh, how far are they?"

"Paul, if your scared i can go with you."

"No, no im not." I shook my head, okay, so i was scared but i didn't want to admit it.


"Im hungry though!"

She chuckled and smiled at me. The doorbell rang and she went to get it. I in the mean time looked for Bella. I wonder where she was. Maybe chasing the cat. I heard my name mentioned at the door and peeked around the corner. A woman stood there with a clipboard, and a mobile phone. 

Mum turned around and came back. 

"Paul, i, uh, you need to, follow me." Mum said and grabbed my hand.

I was lead to the door and the woman stared at me. She checked something off on her board and put her phone in her pocket.

"Now, you ready to come with me?" She asked.

I shook my head. I didn't want to go with anyone.

"Paul," Mum knelt down and looked at me. "Your going to have to go back."

"" I whined. She hugged me, why was this happening?

"Paul just do as i say."

"But why?" I began to cry, i couldn't stand leaving her.

"They think soon you'll be able to go back to living with your parents."

"I don't want to! I cant leave you." I said threw tears, that continued to fall down quickly.

"Hurry up, i have other jobs to do." The lady said.

"Cccan J-johnny ccome wittth me?" i began to fiddle with my shirt. 

"Shouldn't he pack his belongings?" Mum ignored my question and looked at the lady.

"Um, just a few clothes and one belonging."

"Oh, why not his others?"

"We don't want them to have a lot."

"Paul you go get a few clothes, and one belonging."

"No!" I pulled away.

"Paul, go do it."

"No! I wont! Im not going back!" I shouted.

"You wont be there for long." The lady said.

I heard the back door open and John and George's voices laughing. Then Bella came in panting. I ran over to John and hugged him. 

"Happy birthday Paulie!" He cheerfully said.

"No...not happy at alll..."

"whats wrong?" He asked me.

"Im leaving Johnny...i don't wanna go either..." I cried.

"Mum, why?" He asked and put his arms around me.

"His parents are taking him back...Paul heres your stuff, and which belonging to you want?"

"My doggy." I said and hugged the gift from John.

"Come on." She said softly and put her hand behind my back.

I turned around and gave George a last hug and then John, who whispered.

"Once out the door run for it." 

I looked at him and nodded slightly. I willingly walked out with the lady. The girls came down and waved goodbye. Then shut the door. I saw John looking out the window and he moved his head for me to run. The lady let go of my hand to get her keys out and unlocked the car door. I dropped all my things, but the dog, and ran. She yelled and ran after me, but then turned around and got in the car. She began to drive towards me. I looked back and she was talking on her mobile phone, and the car was speeding fast. To fast. I saw her nod and she put the phone down. I heard the engine as the car gained more speed. I looked to the side and just as it was about to hit me i ran in. I think she was trying to injure me so i wouldn't try anything or something like that. Obviously didn't care for kids. 

I didn't know weather to go back, or keep going. But then i heard bushes move and saw her trying to get threw. I began to run forward, this would lead me some where else, but i didn't care. 

I was chased till she stopped, which was till we got into a little town. Even though i was tired, i kept moving. But i didn't know where i was going, i looked up to see a sign. Matthew Street. 

I came up to a place that looked familiar. Yes that man looked familiar! This was where me and John met Richie! Richie...i never got to say goodbye to him.

I watched people come in and out of the place. It was getting dark and the streets where vacant, and i went in. Once everyone left i could safely hide anywhere. And i knew just the place. I put Johnny, thats my stuffed dog, next to me and curled up on my side to sleep. This was a horrible birthday, i had nothing anymore. John wouldn't know where i am, maybe tomorrow i can head back. I heard foot steps and i laid there very still. I saw a dark figure walk around. He grunted as he hit a chair leg with his foot. A light came on, it was a flame, like from a lighter. He zoomed it around the room. I saw he his face a bit, but couldn't see it distinctly.

"Paul?" He whispered and moved the lighter around searchingly.

"Don't be afraid, i have to talk to you, its about today." It whispered, sounded a lot like John.

I desided to speak. "Hhhere." 


"Here..." i knocked on the side of the table.

"For goodness sakes come towards the light. I dotn have me glasses or contact in, and i don't like wearing contacts either..." He grunted.

I stood up and walked slowly over to the light. I put my hand on his arm.

"I see ya. Now take a seat."

I obeyed.

"Wait, let me find a lightswitch." He fumbled around and found one, switching a few lights on.

I gasped, this was the same person who was outside the building, as a statue.

"Yyyyou...your the statue..."

"Yeah, so?" He shrugged and sat down.

"But your alive..."

"Listen don't be scared. I have to go back in a bit so let me tell you something."

"Okay." I wiggled in my seat and stared at him.

"Im John."

" did you know my name anywyas?"

"Im John, John Lennon."

"Thats my friends name though!"

"Thats cos i am him."


He sighed. "Im John Winston Lennon, alright, born 9 October 1940..."

"Wait, your...1940?" I interrupted him.

"Yes, i was famous in the 60s, and well, during that time, well, the time we were on the verge of breaking up,"

"Breaking up?"

"Our band. The Beatles."

"The Beatles...thats what my older sister likes!" I smiled.

"yeah, oh well thats nice." He smiled.

"Anyways, what happened.

"How old are you?"

"12. Today."

"Oh, i should probably wait, but anyways, um, oh i need to, um, lets see, i don't think i should tell you, take this." He handed me something.

"What is it?"

"Some one gave it to me. Just take it."

I obeyed and the tablet dissolved in my mouth. I felt something hit me, but when i looked around nothing was there, sept the...who was this person again? I forgot.

"Uh, sir, i forget your name." i said shyly.

"Thats not important, just got to tell you about today." He folded his arms.

"What about today? How do you know?"

"Happy birthday by the way." He smiled and rubbed my head. I frowned.


"Well that lady was put up. Your parents weren't coming back for you."

"I only have one parent."

"Well shouldn't that tell ya something?"

"Yeah, i guess."

"Now, that lady was also working with the people trying to kill you lads."

"How do you know about that?!" I looked at him.

We heard the door swing open and food steps descending. The man infront of me stood up and picked me up. He grabbed my dog that i left on the table and went to the back. Then we went out the door. 

"What are you doing?"

"Sh. Im taken you back. Those people that just entered are after you."

"Wha-" I began to shake.

"Don't worry. Your safe with me." He got into a car and we drove away.


18 June 2021

Okay, so i cant go to sleep, because, i really miss Paul, i mean im afraid for him. He ran off but that car try to run him over...then the lady ran after him. I just hope he isn't in the orphanage right now. 

This day was supposed to be a good day, Paul was turning 12. He never got to see his new guitar waiting for him at the shop. He never, i never, i don't know. But i miss him. Its like loosing a little brother, and a best friend. One who cares and understands you, well i think thats what i am to Paul, but he is that way towards me too. 

I hope as well that.....i don't know, that i could've gone with him, i should of insisted i went! He's now probably at the orphanage crying, with no one who cares.... or loves him.

Thats all he wanted is for some one to love him and care for him. Mainly love. And thats what he found here and with me. He told me one time that i changed his life, he says that if it wasn't for me he also wouldn't be in this house....

Oh, a car just pulled up to our drive way. 

I better get off. Bye.



John put the laptop down and looked out the window. He couldn't see very well in the dark. He heard car doors open and close.

Maybe this was an attack? John asked himself. Then the door opened, he went to the stairs and looked down, while slowly and quietly descending the steps. He stopped at the 2nd step to the top as he heard footsteps coming up.

He stood their still as he could. The figure ran past him and into the bedroom. John went to the door and peeked in. He heard his bed move and saw the covers fly over the figure. Then a whisper.

John quickly pulled the covers off, then turned on the light. 

"Paul!" He smiled at his friend laying in bed. He looked rather tired.

"Hi Johnny."

"How'd you get back?"

"I cant tell you, but i got back in that car." He said and pulled the covers over him.

"Im glad your safe." John got in with him and put his arm around his little brother.

"Johnny, that lady was gonna kill me."

"I saw."

"No, she was gonna take me to those mean people." Paul's eyes became wide.


"Yes, she was..." Paul began to cry.

John pulled him closer and rubbed his back. "Its alright, your safe now."

Paul began to sob hard but soon cried himself to sleep. John fell asleep after a while of thinking.

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