Best I Ever Had (Sequel)

By AnonTheWriter5H

184K 6.6K 1.1K

Sequel to Final Five. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
New Story!

Chapter 7

4.5K 155 54
By AnonTheWriter5H

Your POV

"Ryan can you please sit down!" I yelled causing the young boy to laugh as he continued running around the kitchen.

"No!" He shot back before taking off into the living room.

I laughed to myself as I picked Mason up out of his highchair and placed him on my hip and put his bowl in the sink. Walking back over to the island I put the milk back in the fridge before walking to the living room.

"What happened to your brother?" I asked the boy in my arms, noticing the small feet behind the curtain. "I'll never find him." I poked the boys belly causing him to laugh.

"Find me!" The oldest one whisper yelled from behind the curtain.

I smiled walking over to look behind the couch, knowing he wasn't there I shook my head and heard a small giggle. I opened the closet and looked in there as well.

"Mason, I think we lost Ryan." I stated as the younger one pointed toward the window. "Wait, do you know where he is?"

I slowly walked toward the window and pulled the curtain across revealing the small blonde boy. He giggled before running around me a plopping himself down on the couch.

"You couldn't find me." He sang as he stood up.

"You're a very good hider." I laughed as he started jumping on the couch.

"Can we play tag?" He asked as I put his brother down to play with his toys.

"I don't think so buddy." I answered. "It's to dark outside and I don't think your mom would be very happy if we broke something."

"But dad lets us play." He whined and I shook my head.

"How about we...." I looked around the room trying to find something to do. "Play with your guitar."

"That's boring." He pouted. "I'm not good at it." He added jumping up but landing on his butt and crossing his arms.

"I can show you." I stated picking it up.

"Where's aunt Lauren?" He asked pouting again. "She's more fun."

"Well then." I was a little surprised but I knew it was true. "Do you want to call her?"

"CAN WE!" He yelled excited again.

"Sure." I laughed. "Just let me get my phone."

The young boy cheered as I walked to the kitchen to grab my phone of the counter. I quickly texted Lauren to make she was available before walking back out and picking Mason back up before sitting next to his brother on the couch.

FaceTime: Lauren Jauregui

"Hey guys!" Lauren answered with a smile as she seemed to be sitting on a couch.

"Auntie Lauren!" Ryan cheered causing my fiancée to laugh.

"Hey babe." I smiled as Mason was trying to touch the screen with his little hands.

"Lo." He mumbled and I looked at him.

"What?" I smiled causing Lauren to grow confused. "Did he just say Lo."

"He can say something's." Ryan stated. "He knows everyone's names."

"Lo." The younger one repeated causing a big smile to form on Lauren's face.

"Hi Mason." She waved at the camera and the little boy smiled touching my phone screen.

"Lauren, can you make Y/N play tag with me." Ryan asked.

"You're not allowed to play tag inside." She stated shaking her head.

"But I want to." He stood up and stomped his foot.

"No." I stated.

"Yes." He shot back crossing his arms and pouting.

"You can pout all you want." I replied and Lauren giggled causing me to give her a look through the screen. "It's not going to change anything."

"I hate you!" He yelled surprising me and Mason.

I quickly ran down the hallway towards his room and slammed the door. The  loud noise travelled through the house causing Mason to start crying. I picked him up from beside me and held him in my arms.

"He doesn't mean that." Lauren said once I'd calmed the baby enough that I could hear her.

"I guess." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"It's late." She suggested as I continued rubbing the boys back. "He's tired."

"We were playing hide and seek a few minutes ago." I explained. "But I mean we can't really play tag inside."

"Don't feel bad." She sighed. "He's got to learn that he can't do whatever he wants. Melissa said she's having a hard time teaching him that."

"Do you spend a lot of time here when I'm gone?" I asked giggling a little.

"What else am I supposed to do?" She giggled herself as I picked up my phone noticing steady breathing against my chest. "The kids are cute."

"When they aren't telling you that they hate you." I stated. "He asked where you were earlier too. You're more fun."

"You'll be fine." She smiled. "Just go tell him he can have ice cream."

"Melissa said no sweets after seven." I replied raising an eyebrow.

"Then give him something else and turn on movie." She told me. "He'll fall asleep."

"When did you become a kid expert?" I laughed.

"Kids just love me." She grinned.

"Do you really still want four of these things?" I pointed to the boy now asleep on my shoulder.

"Four?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows. "I only wanted two."

"Well then are you sure you want two?" I laughed.

"We can talk about this later." The brunette laughed. "After you've made up with your nephew."

"Yeah, I should probably go check on him." I looked up toward the hall.

"I should go to sound check with the girls and get ready for the show." She stated. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure." I smiled standing up with Mason asleep in my arms. "I love you."

"I love you too." She smiled before hanging up the call.

I sighed hanging up my phone and putting it my pocket. I quickly brought Mason to his room and put him down in his crib for the night. I pecked his forehead before picking up the monitor, turning off the lights and closing the door behind me.

I walked up to the room I knew was Ryan's and knocked on the door a few times. I didn't think he was going to answer so I slowly opened the door and peeked my head in. I noticed the young boy lying on his bed with pout as he looked at me.

"Can I come in?" I questioned and he nodded. I walked over and sat on the bed next to him. "Are you still mad at me."

"Yes." He stated turning away from me.

"I'm sorry." I said and he turned to look at me before looking away again. "Will you please forgive me."

"I wanted to play tag." He frowned.

"I know you did buddy." I sighed. "But we aren't allowed to play tag inside, we could break something."

"What about downstairs?" He asked and I shook my head.

"We can do something else." I suggested. "Like watch a movie or play a game."

"If we watch a movie can we make popcorn?" He sat up now to look at me. "With M&Ms?"

"You can have whatever you want." I smiled and he stood up.

"Chocolate milk?" I asked giving me an unsure look.

"If you don't tell your mom." I laughed and he came around the bed and hugged me.

"You're the coolest aunt!" He cheered.

"I thought you hated me." I frowned and he looked at me. I might as well mess with him a bit.

"I only sad that cause I was mad." He explained.

"So you don't hate me?" I asked smiling a little.

"Nope I love my aunt Y/N!" He said excitedly hugging me.

"Well then I think we should pick a movie." I stood up clapping my hands together.

After making some popcorn and adding some M&Ms through it, I'd finally gotten Ryan to pick a movie. He was sat on the couch with the bowl in his lap as I brought in his chocolate milk. I started the movie and sat down next to him.

I quickly took a selfie with him sat next to me to send Lauren so she'd know everything turned out okay. It was a cute picture as the boy turned to look at me while I was taking it, so I posted it on Instagram.

Before I knew it Ryan had fallen asleep cuddled into me and I had drifted off myself. I heard the door open and sat up rubbing my eyes, being careful not to wake the child next to me.

"Hey," My brother smiled as I told him to be quiet. "Austin's on his way to get you. I had a few to drink so I didn't want to drive. We called a taxi."

"Okay." I smiled picking up the child next to me and he adjusted his head on my shoulder without waking up. "I'll bring him to bed."

"Thanks for tonight Y/N." Melissa stated standing next her husband as the lights of another car pulled into the driveway.

"I had a good time." I admitted. "They're always fun."

"Did they give you any trouble?" Jeff asked as he walked with me to his sons room.

"Not really." I laughed tucking the boy in. "We had an argument but it was nothing." I added as we made our way back down the hall.

"Hey Jeff." Austin smiled as he was now in the doorway. "Ready to go sis?"

"Sure." I smiled. "Thanks for coming."

"Anytime." My youngest brother smiled as we all headed toward the door.

"Thanks again for everything guys." The blonde women smiled.

"It's no problem." I smiled and Austin nodded. "We'll see you soon."

Austin opened the door and allowed me to go out first before he follows behind me. We walked down the driveway toward his car and both got in.

"Well at least we know why they were in a rush to get rid of us." Austin stated causing me to laugh.

"Can we not talk about their sex life please?" I replied as he continued to laugh.

"You're lucky I love you." Austin joked. "I could have left you with them."

"You wouldn't have." I stated giving him a knowing look.

"Don't try me." He shot back grinning a little.

He started backing down the driveway and got onto the road. The drive was somewhat silent other than both of us singing along to the radio. I was now looking at the comments on my Instagram post from early tonight when we pulled up to a light.

"How are the girls doing on tour?" My brother asked out of the blue.

"Fine." I smiled. "They're in Texas right now so I'm sure Ally and Normani are having an extra good time."

"I wish I was there." He pouted a little as the light turned green. "Ally's moms cooking is the bomb."

"I know." I laughed a little. "I just want to eat some of her corn br...."

Before I could finish my sentence I seen a bright light coming from my right causing me to look toward it. There was a truck running a red light and coming toward us. I looked back toward Austin and suddenly there was a bang.

I felt the car rolling my head hit the window a few times in what felt like slow motion. The car stopped when there was another bang along with a jolt sending my body in the opposite direction it was going before.

It took a moment but once the car was completely still I tried opening my eyes. I looked around and there was glass everywhere, we were hanging upside down and it was extremely quiet.

"Y/N!" Austin yelled after a moment of silence.

I looked toward him but I couldn't say anything I tried but nothing came out. I reached up to feel my neck and there was something stuck in it. Then suddenly all I could feel was pain. I could feel myself starting to freak out.

"Shhhh," Austin tried comforting me as I panicked. "Don't pull that out." He warned. "You're going to be okay, we're going to be fine." He stated.

The pain I felt was unbearable. My legs were pinched between the door and the rest of the car, my back was killing me, my neck was becoming harder to move and there were shards of glass stuck in different places all over my body. I could feel the blood running down my forehead and my arms.

"Don't close your eyes." Austin panicked himself now as he was trying to get out of his seat but couldn't get his belt undone. "Y/N stay awake."

I was trying to keep my eyes open but it was becoming to hard. Austin voice was becoming quieter and quieter as he spoke and suddenly everything went black.

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