I Trust You [Judy x Nick]

By KawaiiExpertise

448K 12.8K 13.5K

[BOOK 2 NOW INCLUDED] Nick Wilde is hopelessly in love with the magnificent Judy Hopps, and wants to claim he... More

Not An Update!
61 The Finale of Hate and Treason
Not an Update Yet (SO SPOILERS)
62 Short and Sweet


3.7K 107 240
By KawaiiExpertise

"Hey, I see that you two love birds are all dazzled up. What's the occasion?" Alec smirked.

"Oh give me a break." Judy giggled.

"Forget about why we're all dressed up. Where's Angel?"

"Oh, she's already inside."

Nick arched an eyebrow. "Huh? Then what are you doing out here?"

"Well I wanted to make sure you guys knew if you were at the right place." Alec assured.

"Yeah. Seeing only your ugly face out here in the dark really made it easier for us to tell if we were lost or not." Nick scoffed.

"Nick!" Judy hissed, looking up at him.

"Calm down, Carrots, it's a joke."

"Carrots?" Alec stared at Nick and Judy bewildered.

"What? It's her nickname." Nick spoke a bit more stern.

"Oh, I've just never heard you call her that before." Alec spoke up in defeat.

"Seriously?" Judy gasped. "He calls me it like all day every day!"

"I guess I've never been around to catch that." Alec explained. "Well, no more time to waste. Angel is waiting for us inside."

The trio fancied their way into the expensive 5-Star hotel. Up ahead and around the corner sat Angel at a stall. She sipped what appeared to be red wine and exhaled in exquisite delight. "Just the way I like it..." She smiled lightly.

"Sweetie, we're here." Alec announced.

"Finally." Angel sighed. "I've been drinking so much, I think I'm drunk."

Alec sucked his teeth, taking the wine bottle and her glass away from her. "No more for you then."

"Aww, babe, please give it back?" Angel nearly tipped over a glass of water, trying to reach for Alec's arm. She was reaching in such a wrong direction. Alec sighed and placed the bottle on the window seal, drinking the glass himself.

"You meanie fart face." Angel stuck her tongue out and did a raspberry.

Wiping his face, Alec rolled his eyes. "So anyways guys." Alec emphasized. "You're looking good tonight Judy."

Judy quickly looked down and blushed. "...Thank you."

"Aye, what about me? The boyfriend can't look handsome too?" Nick furrowed his eyebrows, putting his arm around Judy.

"Well of course you look very cheek." Alec pointed out.

A smug grin split across Nick's lips. "Why thank you, good sir."

Angel calmed down and groaned. "Ugh...what happened?"

"You drank too much, dear." Alec spoke a bit agitated.

"Oops, I guess I shouldn't have drunk so soon then." Angel knocked on her skull, sticking her tongue out and winked innocently.

"No, you shouldn't drink at all. The alcohol goes straight to your head."

"Oh boo! Don't rain on my parade!" Angel pouted.

Judy chuckled as the waiter passed by and stopped with a clipboard in hand. "Good night everyone. What would you guys like to drink in the meantime?"

"Oh, I'd like a Squirrely Temple!" Angel glanced at the waiter with a seductive grin, making him a bit nervous.

"Oh, that sounds cute, can I have one too?!" Judy gasped.

"No, you're underage." Nick grumbled to Judy.


"I'd like a glass of Bear Foot, the dry white kind." Alec requested, looking at the paper menu that laid on the table.

Nick skimmed the menu. "I want a Mango Passion Tequila."

Judy grumbled and muttered under her breath. "I am not underage, I am 22..."

"And for the young girl here?"

"I'd like a Lemon Drop Martini." She spoke.

"Eh, ID please."

Judy gazed at the wolf with her dull unamused eyes. "You're joking right."

"Sorry kid, state law says you gotta be over 2 years old in dog years."

"I AM NOT A DOG!" Judy snapped.

Nick, Alec and Angel glanced at Judy a bit shocked.

Embittered, Judy pulled out her wallet from her purse and slapped the ID onto the clipboard.

"Does this count to you as 2 years in DOG years?" Judy growled.

Shocked by the ID, the wolf bowed his head. "M-My apologies Miss Hopps...I didn't realize it was you from the ZPD. Of course you're over the age of 21...would you like a discount with t-that?"

"Hmph." Judy crossed her arms, holding her paw out. "Yeah sure, why not."

The wolf quickly returned the ID and bowed once more. "I'll be back with your drinks."

After the waiter left, everyone looked down at the table, but Nick turned to Judy. "Geez, Carrots. What the hell was that about?"

Judy glared at Nick. "Why did you say I was underage for?"

Nick stared a Judy and glowered, which cause Judy to be hesitant about her anger.

"I don't want to worry about you being under the weather."

"Under the weather...?"

"Okay, let's play 21 Questions." Alec suggested.

"Uh, why?" Angel questioned.

"Come on, it's time we get to know each other more."

Nick shrugged. "Okay, but keep it PG rated. We got kids watching."

Judy arched an eyebrow and glared at Nick.

"In a restaurant like this? We are in the adult section you know. So keep calm." Alec reassured.

Nick threw his hands in the air. "If you say so."

Alec threw a thumbs up and winked hard. "Don't doubt me man, I got chu."

"Well, I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Now if you excuse me Judy."

Judy stood up, making way for Nick and went off.

Sitting back down she sighed.

Watching Nick disappear into the crowd, Alec snickered. "Okay, question number one. This one goes to Judy."

"Huh? We're starting without him?"

"Ah, he'll catch up." Alec spoke delightfully. "So, when you were a little girl, who was your favorite super hero?"

"Uh...cat woman."

Alec glowered at Judy disappointed. "Cat woman was not a super hero though..."

"She kind of was! I mean, she seemed like one."

"You don't read your comics do you?"

"No, I watched the show."

"Well that figures." Alec scoffed.

"Ask me a question!" Angel cried.

"Okay." Judy turned to Angel. "What's your favorite color?"

Alec guffawed, bringing the attention of others. "Oh my gosh, are you serious? That's such a basic question you'd answer on your resume!"

Judy's cheeks reddened as she puckered her cheeks. "Well I'm not good at asking these things!"

"That's not an excuse; give her a better one to answer. One that will make her think."

"I think it's a fair enough question."

"Angel," Alec whined.

"Ask away Jude." Angel requested.

Judy tapped her chin. "Um...what's your favorite food?"

"Okay Judy you suck at this." Alec spoke matter-of-factually.

"You think?" Judy mumbled.

"Let me show you how it's done." Alec turned to Angel and smirked. "What's your bra size?"

Judy's eyes bulged in complete and utter disturbance of that question. "What the hell? You can't ask a girl that!"

"Double D." Angel answered.

Judy's jaw dropped at the weirdness of this couple.

Alec stared at her bosom and held his chin. "Yeah...I can see that for you babes."

Judy's legs were carrying her out the stall, ready to escape.

"Hey, hey! Don't try and leave now! We're just getting started!"

"Don't ask dirty questions! I'm not doing it!" Judy hissed.

Alec grinned wickedly. "Don't worry you don't gotta partake in it."

Those words brought hope to Judy. "Okay, that sounds good."

"Just hear us out." Alec added.

"Okay, I'm not gonna like this.

In the bathroom, Nick walked back and forth, scratching the back of his head. "Should I? Or should I not?"

He looked in the mirror, supporting his weight with his paws on the sink. Staring himself in the eyes he meditated for a while. "I don't know if I should, ugh."

"What's wrong?" A panther walked over to the sink and began to wash his hands.

"It's nothing, I just..."

The panther looked over, seeing Nick shrouding something in his inner jacket pocket.

"A ring?"

Nick blushed but tried hard to hide it, turning away. "Yeah..."

"Marriage or Engagement?"


"Oh." The panther concluded. "Then go ahead and engage her then."

Stunned by his words, Nick glanced at him. "But what if she says no?"

"Worst case scenario, she says no, then don't bring it up again. But if she really loves you, then she'd say yes."

"Okay...okay, I'll go ahead."

"Be a man. No---be a fox. Your kind is clever, no disrespect. I'm sure you'll think of something." The panther patted Nick's shoulder after wiping his hands.

Nick smiled lightly. "Thanks."

"Go get her."

"I will." Nick ran out of the bathroom.

Judy sat there, moping. The questions that Alec and Angel were asking each other was just too absurd. And the fact that Judy kept being dragged back into the conversation was torture.

Nick soon returned to Judy's rescue.

"Nick!!!" Judy leapt onto Nick and cried.

"What?! What happened?" Nick panicked.

"They're torturing me with disturbing questions!" She cried.

Nick sighed, having Judy sit back down and he sat on the outside.

"What did you guys ask her?"

"What's her bra size, her waistline length, what is her dirtiest secret."

"You WHAT?" Nick growled.

"Hey, don't look at me! Angel asked them!" Alec snitched.

Nick's jaw dropped and turned to Angel immediately. "Seriously?"

Angel nodded. "Sorry, I was just messing with her. She didn't tell us anything, so don't worry; only you will know all of those things." She grinned.

Nick and Judy blushed. "Shut up." They muttered.

The waiter came with their drinks with cute designer napkins on the side.

"Thank you." They all said cheerfully.

"Enjoy, and I apologize once more, Miss Hopps."

"It's fine." Judy smiled a bit fade.

Angel sniffed her drink and took a swig.

"Oh boy, oh boy! Angel chirped. "This is one hell of a drink.

"Lucky!" Judy whimpered. "I wanted to try it!"

"Here, taste mine!" Angel handed Judy her glass.

"A-Are you sure?"


Judy hesitantly took the glass and took a sip. "Eh, it tastes alright."

"Seriously? I think it's just perfect!" Angel took another swig of her drink.

Alec gulped his down all the way. "WHEW!" Alec cringed so hard. "It's going straight to my head!"

"And you talk about me?" Angel scoffed.

"I can handle it." Alec spoke through gritted teeth. "Now, let's get deeper with this."

"Oh, I know I'm not gonna like this." Nick sighed.

Further down in the night, the couples ate and drank. Judy was careful to not guzzle down her Lemon Drop Martini. She knew well enough that being that she wasn't used to the drinking, she wouldn't have a good night.

"Okay Judy. It's your turn." Alec smirked.

"Uh, o-okay."

"What is the most well-kept secret you ever had that you never told anyone else about?"

Judy gulped at the question. This guy is clearly drunk... She thought. "I don't think I have one..."

"Really? Cause I could have sworn you had a couple." Alec hiccuped.

"What is this guy blabbing about?" Nick sighed tapping his fingers on the table.

"N-Nothing!" Judy whimpered.

"Oh nothing, just the fact that Judy and I kissed." Alec hiccuped.

Judy's eyes widened, as she saw the shock on Angel's face and the horror on Nick's.

"You WHAT?" Nick snapped with fury, turning to Judy.

Judy flinched, her ears drooping. "Nick I can explain-"

"You kissed him? And you never told me?"

The hurt in Nick's eyes made it hard for Judy to make an explanation.

"I wanted to tell you but..." Judy began to cry automatically.

"No, forget it." Nick stood up stern with rage.

Judy's eyes began to fill with tears as she tried to reach out to him.

Judy chased Nick outside the restaurant. No...please...I don't want to lose Nick too...

"NICK!!" Judy cried out loud.

Nick stopped in his tracks, balling his fists with sheer anger.

"Nick, please let me explain!"

"---Four months Judy."


"Four months...you kept that from me." Nick turned around and yelled at her. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

Judy's ears drooped. "Nick, please let me talk!"

"No. I'm done talking. And the fact that I thought that I would..." Nick held his face and began to sulk. "How could I have been so blinded...you cheated on me."

"NO! Nick, I didn't!" Judy fought back.

"Then how did you end up kissing Alec then huh? Behind my back without me seeing or knowing for so long?!"

"If you just let me talk---"

"I don't want to hear it."

"NICK." Judy yelled once more. "Why are you acting so selfish right now?! Why must you always act like as if it's all about YOU?!" Judy screamed.

Nick came to a realization. Turning his head to face Judy he grimaced. "It was all about me? Because the last time I checked this night was all for you." Nick pulled a box out of his pocket and tossed it behind him. "It's over between us." He spoke calmly.

Judy saw the box and ran to pick it up. Inside was a diamond ring in which she couldn't even fathom to even acknowledge. "You were going to purpose to me...?"

But there was no time left. Nick was gone.

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