The Long and Winding Road

Von PaperbackWriter63

10.9K 183 57

John and Paul fic. Prologue: Someone didn't want the Beatles to be forgotten...and so he had 4 clone eggs cr... Mehr

Chapter 1 - John
Chapter 2 - Paul
Chapter 3 - John Meets New Friends
Chapter 4 - Paul's Help
Chapter 5 - John's Decision
Chapter 6 - John Finds a 'Home'
Chapter 7- Paul's Escape
Chapter 8 - John's New Companions
Chapter 10 - A Little More Insight
Chapter 11 - Note For John
Chapter 12 - Free At Last?
Chapter 13 - Just A Normal Day...
Chapter 14 - First Day Of School
Chapter 15 - Good Summer Days Turn into Bad Ones
Chapter 16 - New Everything!
Chapter 17 - Only The Beginning
Chapter 18 - Paul's Accident...
Chapter 19 - 'Little' Surprises
Chapter 20 - Excepted
Chapter 21 - Captured in Paris
Chapter 22 - "George"
Chapter 23 - Paul and a Gun
Chapter 24 - Tragedy
Chapter 25 - Paul is Out!
Chapter 26 - "Its All My Fault"
Chapter 27 - Tell Me Why
Chapter 28 - With A Little Help From My Friends
Chapter 29 - Paul's Birthday (pt 1)
Chapter 30 - Paul's Birthday (pt 2)
Chapter 31 - Serious Accidents
Chapter 32 - (Continued from Chapter 31)
Chapter 33 - A Brilliant Idea!
Chapter 34 - Problem Solved
Chapter 35 - Admitted to the Hospital
Chapter 36 - Dance Reunion
Chapter 37 - Two For the Price of One
Chapter 38 - Help Me If You Can
Chapter 39 - Paul Is Dead Hoax, true or not?
Chapter 40 - A Fateful End
Chapter 41 - Safe?
Chapter 42 - Telling Them The Truth
Chapter 43 - Puzzle is Coming Together
Chapter 44 - The Last Chapter

Chapter 9 - New Home

303 6 2
Von PaperbackWriter63

I think you all will love this one!! <33 :D


Richard woke up before the other two and woke them up. John didn't want to be wakened but he got up.

"What is it?" He whispered.

"They will be coming soon." Richard whispered.

"Oh. Well, lets go then. Paul?"

"Yahum?" Paul smiled sleepily. Richard chuckled a bit at the little boy's expression.

"Ready to go?" John asked him.

Paul nodded and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Richard handed John back his jacket and they left. 

"Do you read?" John asked.

"Not at all. Im probably at Paul's level in school."

"Oh, Paul isn't even educated."

"Well what about you?"

"I can read a bit. I taught myself how too."

"Nice. Well where shall we go?"

"Um, some where to eat."

"Do you have money?" Paul asked Richard, who looked back at him and nodded.

"How much?" John asked.

"A lot."


"Before my mum was burned up she told gave me some money to give to a family down the road. But when i heard an explosion i ran back to the house and saw it was all in flames. The fire department was there and so i just ran off. I didn't know what to do."

"Im sorry Richard." John put his hand on Richard's shoulder, his blue eyes were watery.

"Its okay." Richard took a deep breath and whipped them away. "Shall we head on?"

"Yup. Oh Richard?"

"You can call me Richie, and yes?"

"Do you have enough to get a room some where?"

"No. Just food. Hotel rooms cost a lot of money!"

"You seem to know a lot for not knowing a lot." John chuckled.

"IM older aren't i?" Richie grinned.

"Whens your birthday?"

"7 July. Yours?"

"9 October. But im still in charge. Since i started on this journey!"

"Fine. Your the leader. Now shall we get something to eat?"

John noded and the boys walked into a shop. Richard looked around and pulled some things off the shelf.

"John can you see how much moneys here. I rely on you."

"Oh. Yeah. Im not too good at maths tho."

"Dont mater. Lets ask the clerk."

John nodded and they walked up to the register.


Paul looked around for his two other friends, who had left him. He didn't know where they had gone. He looked threw every lane but couldn't find them. He panicked.

"Oh are you looking for some one?" A lady asked Paul.

"My friends. I cant find them. I-i don't know where they are." Paul began to cry.

"Whats your name?" The lady asked.

"Ppaul." Paul looked up rubbing his eyes.

The lady nodded and took his hand. Paul followed her. They went into a back room.

"Now, Paul."

Paul nodded fearfully.

"Your last name is McCartney. Am i right?"


"Alright then. Step in here." She pointed to a car door.

Paul shook his head. "Im not going back!"

"Back where?"

"Back to the orphanage."

"Im not sending you there, your coming to my place."


"Darling you must come. Your friends have abandoned you."

"No they haven't."

"I heard one of them, i think his name was JOhn, say that they were leaving you because you were such a burden."

"John said he was my best friend though!" Paul cried.

"I don't think best friends would abandoned their friends, now would they?"

"I don't know, i never had any one care for me like John does." Paul bowed his head and shuffled his feet. Maybe this lady was right.

"Come now Paul. You can live with me."

"Okay." Paul gave in and was lifted in the car. The lady shut the door and locked it.

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"Do you think i want to stay with you? Good bye little child." The lady laughed and pushed something.

Paul was alone in the car as he felt it move. Slowly. He sat down and cried. Where was he being taken? Away from John and, the other kid. He heard honks and screeches of wheels. He looked up and cars were skittered everywhere. Then he heard sirens and looked at the drivers seat. No one was in it.

"Help me!" Paul screamed. He began to grab the handle quickly and yanked on it. The door didn't open but he was soon thrown back as the car he was in crashed together with a lamppost.

The sirens grew to a stop and he heard footsteps approach the car. The officer opened the car door and looked in. He saw Paul curled up on the back of the car seat. Paul was shaking all over. The officer got in and picked Paul up. Who was still unaware of the people around him. He tried to break away from the officer but he held onto Paul.

"No, no i don't want to go! Please! No!" Paul cried over and over again.

"Seems like some one was trying to get rid of him. No one is driving the car." the officer told the commander.

Paul looked up with sad eyes. He was shaking all over.

"He's gone into shock probably." The commander said, noticing Paul's shivering.

"Hey! Put his down!" John yelled as him and Richie ran up.

"You two lads his brothers?" 


"Yes!" Richard said quickly.

"Get into the car you two." The commander closed his book and took Paul into his arms. 

"No." John growled.

"Get in or you'll be sorry." The commander barked.

John started and hurried into the car. Richie followed and Paul was placed next to Richard.

The commander got in and began to drive off.

John looked out the window and then over at Paul. "Richie is he okay?"

Richie looked at Paul and put his arm around him. "Just scared."

"Your friend has gone into shock. He'll recover soon." The officer replied.

"Is that bad?" John asked.

"No, it can be some times, but he's alright."

They drove up to a big building. The sign was not well read but it was a dark place. So it seemed. 

The commander got out and opened the door. "Come on lads."

"This isn't our home!" Richard shouted.

"It will be till some one comes and gets you." The officer growled.

"Don't be mean to them. Now lads this is a good place. I can tell by your appearance that you don't have a home, am i correct?"

John looked at Richard. 

"Yes." Richie said and turned his gaze away from John.

"Alright, come on in." The commander opened the door.

"More eh? There all over the place." A lady said from behind a desk.

"Well, not necessarily. You don't have much children."

"They sure seem like a lot. More boys eh? When can you ever get girls?" The lady typed something in on her computer. "Their names?"

"Well, lads tell her."

"John Lennon."

"Lennon?" The officer said in a surprised tone.

"Yea, why?" John asked.

"Nothing. Nothing."

"Im Richard Starkey. And this is, Paul."

"Paul? Whats his last name, sir?" The lady asked pulling her glasses down off her eyes.

"I, uh, don't know. Ask John."


"I uh," John ran threw his head, trying to remember Paul's last name. "I cant remember him telling me."

"Oh well, lets cal him Paul for now, w'll ask him when he wakes up. Now stand here." The lady dragged John to the wall and snapped a picture, then did the same with Richie.

Paul was woken up and a picture was taken. The police had left and the lady was still setting up the boys information.

"Now, Paul, whats your last name?" The lady asked Pual.

Paul hid behind John. "Tell me Paul." John whispered to his scared friend.

Paul whispered into his ear and held John's hand tight.

"Its McCarntey, ma'am." John replied.

"Alrighty. Now you follow me."

John and the others followed her up some flight of steps and John and Richie were told to go to one room and Paul was taken away. 

"I dont like this."

"It'll be fine. Believe me." Richie put his arm around John, who was forcing himself to keep tears in.

"John, let it go. You can see Paul. Im sure."

"But he needs watching over. I need to finished teaching him."

"I understand John, but didn't you see how Paul didn't reply to the lady. He was next to you for protection. He wont listen to anyone else. He needs to get out of his shell a bit."

"But Paul is to young."

"Just a couple years younger."

"Richie im scared for him. He got in that car some how. I want to know why! That man was right."

"What man? What'd he say?"

"I don't know who he was but he said he wasn't real, he said to get away from here."

"How could he know?"

"I don't know. Oh Richie, i feel like a prisoner." John cried.

"Its alright John."

"You two, lunch is ready, come down." A younger girl said and left. 

John and Richie hurried after her. They followed her down to a big lunch room. John looked around for Paul, but he was nowhere. 

"He's still in his room?"

"Y-no look! He's over there." Richie pointed toPaul who was sitting in a corner, looking scared and sad.

"Paul!" John ran over to him and hugged him. Paul smiled and grabbed John. 

"It'll be alright Paul." Richard patted Paul's head.

"Im scared. I don't like this place. Their going to torture us." Paul sobbed in to John's shoulder.

"We're here. We're here." John hugged him. 

"Who was the person who got you in the car Paulie?" Richie asked.

"She, it was a she, had long black hair and had a funny hgh voice. She scared me and said you didn't care for me John!" Paul sobbed some more.

"I care for you a lot Paul." John smiled.

"I knew you did."

"We wouldn't leave you Paul." Richie said.

"Richie, are you my brother now?"

"No im not your brother." Richie shook his head.

"He means your his friend." John told him.

"Oh, yeah im your friend Paul! And we'll all help you, we'll work together!" Richie patted Pual's back. 

"Here you are lads. Go to a table now." A chef told them and they went to a vacant table.

"Well, we can get through this. Im sure some one will want us in no time!" John grinned.

"I would like Starkey, Lennon and McCartney to come to the front desk please." The intercom said.

All eyes looked up and then around. Richie was the first to stand up, all eyes were instantly on the three lads. Paul felt dizzy again and scared, all these eyes were scaring him. JOhn noticed this and hurried out the door. Richie did the same.

"Why rush?" He asked.

"They were scaring Paul."

"Oh. Well lets go."

"There is some one here who would like to look at you."

"Look at us?" John asked.

"A Mrs. Williams. She is quite nice." The younger girl, who John saw earlier, told them.

They were led into a lobby and a woman was sitting their, she had a girl beside her.

"These are the other three you requested."

"Hello, lads." The lady smiled and held her hand out to John.

John shook it and looked over at a little thin boy. He had long hair, bull cut, you might say and he was pale. He quickly glanced at John and turned away.

"Ill take them." The lady known as Mrs. Williams said. Handing some papers back to the lady at the desk.

"Alright, they are yours." The lady said.

"Hello boys." Mrs. Williams smiled.

"Hey." John and Richie both said together.

"Now, this is my oldest daughter, Mariah, and if you don't know this boy he's George." She put a hand on the sickly looking boy's shoulder. He smiled slightly.

"Im John, this is Richard, and this is Paul." John pointed to each one.

"Are you gonna be my new mummy?" Paul asked shyly.

"Yes Paulie." She said softly, facing Paul.

Paul ran up to her and hugged her. "Thank you!" 

"Your welcome, darling." She caressed his hair and then she lifted him in her arms. Then handing him to Mariah, who he looked up and smiled at.

"Paul's happy now." John chuckled.

"Thats good. Come along lads." Mrs. Williams said as she picked George up. They walked out to a car waiting them. 


They pulled up to a house, in a nice little neighborhood. John knew he was going to enjoy his stay, and his life was better now. They were met by a few more children inside. Two other girls, named, Marin and Ashley. Ashley was George's age, whereas Marin was John's and Richard's age. 

Mr. Williams stood up at his desk and greeted his wife and daughter and the lads. Marin rushed in from downstairs and introduced herself.

"Im John." John smiled. 

"Richie." Richie nodded.

"Want to see your room?" Marin asked excitedly.

John smiled, he was glad someone was this happy to see him.

"Marin, just wait. Let them get to know around a bit." Mrs. Williams said.

"Ill put Paul in his bed at least." Mariah whispered and took the sleeping boy to his room upstairs. 

"Now lets bring in the luggage." Mr. Williams said.

"John is the only one with belongings." Mrs. Williams told her husband.

"Oh. Alright."

"Can i show them around mum please?" Marin asked.

"Sure. Just don't over do it."

"Mum their boys!" Marin smiled at them.

"Its alright. Im fine with excitement!" John grinned.


John was put into his bed, Richie in his and George in his. Paul wanted to sleep with John and so he did. 

"Good night, lads." Mrs Williams kissed all them.

"Thanks...mum." Richie chuckled.

"Its different huh?" 

Richard nodded and curled up under the covers. 

"Mummy." Paul said quietly.

"Yes Paul?'"

"Can i sleep with you?" 

"Sure. Why not with John?"

"Im scared."

"Alright, come on." She picked Paul up and they went downstairs.

John rolled on his side and wrapped the covers tightly around him. It was nice being in the bed again. As well, as a loving family.  


John's POV

Morning came and i woke up with a good feeling that something was waiting for me. Someone was downstairs, making me breakfast, going to give me a big hug and smile. 

George had already gotten up and Richie was still sleeping, all the way under his covers. I saw that the girls were sleeping on the other side of the room. All three were up and so i headed downstairs. Just as i had thought they greeted me happily. And i could spend time with my new dad, since it was a saturday. 

Paul ran over and gave me a hug. I sat down and he sat down next to me. 

"John do you like pancakes?"

"Ive never had em."

"Never?" Marin asked.

I shook my head. "Im used to only cereal or a peanut butter sandwich. The only things i could get."

"Didn't your-"

"Marin. Not now." Mariah warned her.

Paul leaned his head on Mariah's arm and hugged her. He was very happy, i could tell. 

"Do you like animals?" Marin asked me.

"I like animals. Specialy cats." 

"Me too!" Marin smiled.

Pancakes were set in front of me and syrup was placed on it.

"tell me what you think." Mum told me.

I ate a little bit and it was really good. "Its great! Here Paulie." 

I held my fork out to him. He bit it and giggled.

"Good?" Mariah asked.

Paul nodded and crawled into her lap and sat down to eat his breakfast. Mariah taught him to hold a fork, while Marin kept me occupied. 

"So what do you have to do?" i asked her.

"Stuff, what do you like to do?"

"Back at my house i used to draw a lot."

"Can you show me some of your drawings? And maybe we can listen to music while we do it! Mariah always has her music playing. Do you like music?"

"Marin not so many questions." mum told her.

"Its alright. Lets go. May we?" I asked.

"Yes you may. Have fun." Mum smiled.

Me and Marin went upstairs and i showed her my drawings. She loved them, specially sense they were cartoons, and meant for someone to laugh, which she did. We drew while Mariah's music was playing. Richie joined us when he woke up and we had fun. Still love my new home.


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