Prima's Bite (Book Two) Lesbi...

By DominaAlexandra

110K 6.2K 602

Val, Drake, and Allira have started their mating bond. Despite this new Fae problem they have to face things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty -Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Eight

2.4K 160 4
By DominaAlexandra

"Val. I do not like your plan." Allira shook her head pacing. "If he wanted to be found he'd be here."
Standing up against the wall inside their room Val watched Allira let out her opinion. Val was Alpha as well and Drake's mate. As much as Val wanted to go along with her plan she couldn't dismiss Allira and Drake's feelings.
As for Drake, she sat on the bed quiet. Her hands rested over her swollen belly, subconsciously protective over their unborn cubs.
Val was excited to be a mother, though at times it terrified her more than a fight against her worst enemies. Sometimes it was hard to believe she lived a human life months ago.
She brought her attention back to Allira.
Val listened until words ran out of Allira's mouth.
Allira stood, waiting for Val to make some sort of remark to all she said. When their eyes bonded, Allira huffed exaggeratedly. "Fuck, Valerie. Did you listen to anything I said?"
"Bran has been my father since I've stepped on this land. Despite his mistakes...which we've learned was forced due to his own mother, he's still my father to me." Val did not shot or let her wolf rise. This was the human part of Val that grown to make a personal connection to Bran. Christof was nothing more than a sperm donation.
Argh. Involuntarily, Val snarled chastising her own thoughts. She sounded bitter and hated that feeling.
At this point, Allira stopped pacing concerned for her mate. She was scared of Val going off to find Bran and returning in worse condition than she left. No matter how great a Alpha and werewolf Val was, she was still new to this life. So much Val had to experience as a wolf. The good and the bad. Allira didn't want Val facing the bad every other day. That's what it had been like for the last two weeks. If anything, she understood how Val felt. There were moments Allira wanted to run off to find her father. Though for different reasons.
"And different connections." Val had listened to Allira's thoughts. "I'm not dismissing the relationship you have with your father...but mines are different from your need to find your father. More than that, Bran can help."
"And mind can harm," Allira finished.
Val reached for Allira's hand.
Letting Val console her, Allira closed her eyes leaning forward and into Val's body. She breathed in her scent and it calmed her.
Val's eyes went over to Drake sitting on the bed. Not one word left Drake's mouth the entire time Val and Allira argued.
   Drake turned away not soon enough for Val to catch a tear flip from her eyes.
   "I'll be back before tomorrow night," Val kissed Allira's cheek.
   Drake did not acknowledge Val's words.
   It was straining and hard to leave without Drake's support. Val felt as if she was betraying Drake. More than anything, Val wanted to stay by her mates side. But it wasn't just Val and her mates future to be concerned with. It was their entire pack. Other packs and supernatural out there. Maerla was threatening everyone. If Val could bring Bran back, he could be a big help to stopping his own mother, Val's malicious grandmother.
   There was no one else who could go find Bran. Knowing Bran, searching for him would be another test he set up for her. He'd challenged Val many times in their time together.
   This was the right decision.
   "If you let me leave without saying anything, will regret it. And it will change us." Val stepped around Allira into the direction of Drake. "We're being tested. Our mating bond and our pack bond is all being tested. And though I don't like making all the tough decisions as Alpha that's what I'm faced with."
   "Listen to her heart, Drake." Allira went over to stand beside Drake. "I don't like this anymore than you. You fell in love with Val...also because of her dominance. Her leadership. The way she carries herself and protects all. She would die for all of us."
   "And that's what I fear." Drake eyes sunk from all the tears in her eyes. Drake's hands hovered over her belly. Head averted, she continued to speak softly. "I don't want to lose you. There are moments when I hate you being the Alpha. You're a amazing leader. An amazing Alpha. But you have a family now."
   Val moved beside Drake, kneeling at face level. "It is my responsibility--"
   "How about you stop calling us all your responsibility and say...that your wolf yearns to protect this pack like, like you yearn to protect Allira, me l, and our cubs."
   Speechless, Val closed her eyes. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Val let out a sigh. "Clearly you've been feeling this way for a while." Val eyes sought out the truth from Drake. In a firm stare back, Drake held Val's eyes. So much truth bursting out of Drake for Val to see. "What you feel does not change what I have to do."
   Drake nodded. "I know."
   "I have to go." Val moved to stand, Drake grabbing her arm.
   Their eyes linked again, Val not mentioning to leave. She went back to her knees. Warmth course through Drake enough for Val to catch. It made Val settle.
   "I will always support anything you. I'm sorry that I'm being difficult."
   "Your words have been heard. Trust me." Val grazed a kiss over Drake's eyebrow. Her hand rested against Drake's belly waiting for their cubs to kick. "I love you."
   Drake smiled. "I love you too."
   Val leaned in brushing a second kiss against Drake's lips. It was soft and affectionate. Tantalising and ever so breathtaking. Val felt a kick against her hand still resting at Drake's belly and smiled into their kiss.
   Allira came up to the side also getting a fill at their cubs energy.
   The scent of Drake's wetness between her thighs erupted Val's and Allira's mind.
   " hormones spiral out of control on a regular." Drake blushed.
   "I can stay a bit longer..." Val growled with need.
   "No." Drake pressed her hand softly against Val's cheek. "The sooner you find Bran...the sooner we can have you."
   Blowing out a sigh, Val agreed. "Till then...try not to take all the fun away from me." Her words were more directed at Allira.
   Allira smiled. "If we do anything...we'll be thinking of you."
   "If..." Drake said incredulous. She was horny. There would be no if. She smirked , pursing her lips. "We'll save the real action with you."
   She grabbed the collar of Val's shirt reeling her in for a much more passionate kiss.
   Val opened her mouth to the pleasurable kiss and gripped the edge of the bed where Drake sat. Once their kiss ended, Val shot up. "I'll be back before you two leave this bedroom."
   It was ten in the evening so that meant she needed to be back by morning.
   "Be safe." Allira said.
  Val nodded and walked out of the room. She walked down the stairs to the front of the house where some of her pack roamed. A few approached concerned. They didn't want her to leave. Many said nothing, numb and angry about Pierce being taken.
   It was obvious that they all loved and missed Pierce. Val couldn't blame their worries.
   Stepping outside Marisa stopped Val, placing her hand atop Val's shoulder.
   Val shifted to the side shaking her head before a word left either of their mouths.
   "I'll just follow you," Marisa said. "I'm not letting my best friend go out there alone."
   "You're still recovering."
   "I'm fine," Marisa said defiantly.
   "And you are barely a newly..."
   "So are you," Marisa retorted. "In a way. And only several months newer than me."
   "Seriously, Marisa. I'd feel happier knowing you were here."
   "You leave...I might get jumped. Either way...I'm going to most likely be in a fight."
   Val could tell those in her pack that disliked Marisa to leave her alone but Marisa would hate that. "Fuck." She hated that Marisa was right. She might need help. As soon as she left her territory, Marisa or Blair would probably have enemies waiting for her. Marisa at her side could better her chances. Marisa had proven to handle herself in a fight.
   It was a perfect time to talk too. The night before Marisa ended up staying wolf all night, not making conversation possible.
   "You haven't met Bran yet. He's oh..."
  Marisa squeezed Val's arm. "He's your father. Not the best story behind his role in your life. I trust that you wouldn't wasted your time with him if he wasn't worth it."
   Val smiled. "Thanks for saying that."
   "Just to make sure it's clear...I am coming with you."
   Val rolled her eyes. Marisa always seemed to talk her way into doing what she wanted from the start. I don't know why I still found the time and energy to keep arguing with her. "We have to leave now." Val stared toward the house finding Spencer standing in the doorway. "Ill give you a moment."
   Marisa was going to dispute but chose not to. It was obvious Spencer wanted to talk. Marisa wasn't going to ignore Spencer so she walked toward her.
   Spencer stepped down the porch, arms wrapped around her body. Her brow arched waiting for Spencer to speak.
   "You're going with her?" Spencer looked off to Val. She nodded at her Alpha before turning back to Marisa. "She's lucky to have you."
   "I already known that." A small smile appeared on Marisa's face, not fully reaching her eyes.
   It was a start. It felt like forever since Spencer witnessed a smile from her. It made her smile back. "Look..." Spencer turned her head away thinking of how to say her words..."about the other night."
   "I'm not mad at you. You're use to being apart of a pack. And what you did the other night was something you've done your entire life. You take care of each other."
   "Yes. Though...I should have thought of what was best for you. I lived amongst humans while in school and I learned that they live more privately than werewolves do with each other. I should have respected the way you have lived. Given you time."
   Hearing Spencer's sincerity did make Marisa pull back some of her anger. "We have to go."
   "Be safe."
   "Always." Marisa walked away. She didn't look back. If she did that would give Spencer the indication that she cared for her.
   When she was a few feet away, she noticed the smirk on Val's face. Before Val could speak she muttered, "shut up."
   Val lifted her hands up as they turned into the path that would lead into a path to Bran. Val had to keep the faith. Let her magic guide her to Bran. She knew his scent. She hadn't tried to tap into her magic this deep before. Now was the perfect time.
   Closing her eyes, Val took in a deep breath and let out the Fae magic that streamed inside her. In a neutral tone she said, "I'm ready."

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