His Secret Daughter

By Attic_Art

23.3K 679 169

Toni wants to save the world, more importantly she wants to save her secret dad from having to save the world... More

The Introductions
The Vistor From SHIELD
The Beginning of a Suit
The End of a Suit but the Beginning of a Team
Who Ya Gonna Call? Steve Rogers!
The Day Off
not a chaptter
The Beach Day
The Truth
The Missed Meeting
She's Penelope Miller
The Escape to Asgard
Not an Update
The 'Friendly' Duel
The Beautiful Weapon
The Return
The VIP Doctor
The Wake Up Scene
The Norm
The Call
The Surf
The Flight
The Avenger's Show
Interviews With the Stark Family: Anthony Edward Stark
Interviews with the Stark Family: Virginia Pepper Potts-Stark
Interviews with the Stark Family: Toni Amelia Stark
The Press
The Dinner
Midnight Talks
The School Crowd
Beer and Movies?
Imortant Update
The Prom
The Traitor and Enemies (There's a Difference)
Post Prom Bomb
Back to Asgard
Back To Reality
The End

The School Gossip

662 26 4
By Attic_Art

(A/N dat car tho 😍😍🏎️🚓🚓)
Chapter Eleven

Six days later and nothing new.

"Why hasn't she woken up?!" I screamed at Dad. I made him take me home after a few minutes, I just couldn't take it. "The swelling hasn't gone down even slightly?! These doctors don't know what they're doing. This is ridiculous."

"Toni. You need to calm down okay?"

"No! No I do not need to calm down! Maybe you need to care more! You act as though this hasn't effected you at all! Don't you care?! Don't you want her back?!" I went to push him but he grabbed my wrists.

"Toni..." He pulled me into a hug I didn't want. "I want her back so much. I miss her more than you can even imagine. But you need to calm down. These doctors know what they're doing. But there isn't much for them to do. They can't force the swelling down.. But she will come back to us."

Indifferent to his embrace, I mumbled, "You don't know that."

"I think you should go to school tomorrow, Toni. Think of something else for a little while."

"I don't want to g--"

"It wasn't a suggestion. You're going to school tomorrow."

I didn't say anything... I really didn't want to go. How was I supposed to face kids after not being there a whole week? Anyone I was in a class with would probably have noticed....especially science... But it didn't seem like dad wanted me to argue..so I didn't... I nodded then went to my room. I opened my safe and pulled out the Jack only taking a few swigs then going over to my punching bag. "Play." I said.

"Nobody's Hero" began playing. but I just wasn't in the mood for BVB

"Skip." FullyAliveby Flyleaf played and I just shrugged and began to hit the punching bad. But before I knew it the song was over, and with it my burst of strength. I fell against the punching bag soaking it in tears I didn't know had fallen. Why hasn't she woken up...?

°÷•÷°Next day•÷°÷•

"Toni! Time for school."

I sat up, walked to my closet, threw on a T-shirt that looked clean, and left... I saw Abbi outside of school and walked over. "Hey..."

"Hey, babe, how are you feeling?"

"Not great . I don't want to be here. I just want to be with mom."

"He's trying, you know? It seems like he really thinks this will be better. What if it helps?"

"Who? Dad?" I sighed, "I get he's trying...I do. But, this doesn't feel right."

She hugged me right as the bell rang, then she walked me to my class but had to get to hers. As I walked through the open door of my science class people stared, I ignored them and walked to my seat.

Whispers around me but I couldn't bring myself to care. I just stared at the front screen. Minutes later the teacher walked in.

"Good morning. Class. Today.." blah blah blah...

This day is never going to end...

"Miss Miller?"

I looked at him. "What?" The voice didn't really sound like mine...

"Do you know the answer?"

I looked at the screen. "Yeah. But I don't feel like explaining basic science to a class of future social media models."

The class errupted into chatter, until Mr. GivesAShit quieted them.

"Toni Miller, you are one of the finest students here, but another crack like that and I will send you to the principal."

I shrugged.


I wasn't called on the rest of class and was happy to sit and do nothing. I wanted to be with Mom...

When the bell rang Mr. Collins said, "Homework: read chapter five. Miss Miller, please stay behind a moment."

I huffed and set my books down, waiting for the room to clear. My eyes started to burn as they whispered some more. I didn't care to catch what they said, or maybe I've suppressed it, but I rolled my eyes.

"Miss Miller, what was that outburst about? We're over halfway through the school year and you've never done anything like that."

"I don't know. Maybe I realized I'm smarter than everyone here and I'm sick of being an example."

He sighed. "Toni... I'm going to recommend you see the school counselor. You've missed more school this month than the rest of your time here, I'm long passed worried."

"I--" I shut my eyes tight. "I appreciate it.. but I can't see a school counselor for my type of life problems."

"That's exactly what she's there for, if you change your mind."

Not for a secret Stark. I nodded in his direction. "Thank you, Mr. Collins," I said before leaving.

I made it maybe three steps away from the classroom when someone shouted at me from across the hall. "Hey brain-iac!"

"What?" I asked with a sigh.

"What's with you?"

"None of your business." I turned, ready to start throwing punches--and saw Kyle, one of those athletic types that all girls fawn over. I wasn't immune to his looks, but what's the point in trying to date someone when you move every year?

"Hey, I'm just trying to make sure you're okay."

"I'm not. Just leave me alone."

"Well, what's wrong? Can I help?"

"This is the first time you have ever talked to me. Why do you care?"

"Cuz I'm a nice guy! C'mon..! Can I help with anything?"

"Not unless you can wake someone from a coma." Why did I say that?

"Whoa...No I definitely can't do that... Who is it?"

"My mom... Look. We both need to get to class so why don't we just drop it, kay? Kay." I turned and walked away before I started crying again...

Stupid people. Why can't I just be left alone?!

I sighed as I stepped into my math class... Going to be a very long day....


Lunch came soon enough and Abi sat with me.

"Hey, girly... First day back going good?"

I shrugged, "You didn't hear about Science class already?"

"No, I definitely did, but I thought I'd ask anyway. Are you okay? What did Mr. Collins say?"

"He recommended I see the school guidance counselor."

"That might be a good idea," she said hesitantly.

"Abs... Therapy only works if you can be open with your therapist. I can't, especially not with one that works at my highschool."

"Oh... Well, I also heard Kyle approached you. 'hey, braniac' not exactly the best pick up line, but it will make a good toast at your wedding."

I choked on my drink, "Oh my God, Abi. We take science together, he just asked me what was wrong..."


"I told him on accident..."

"How do you do that?"

"I don't know... I was angry and he wouldn't leave me alone."

"Oh... Okay."

"I'm sorry I'm snapping at you... I just... I don't want to be here. I should be with mom."

"I don't know that that would be good for you. You can't sit in a room all day go home and sleep then repeat. It isn't healthy, Toni."

"And a coma is? Brain swelling is? Broken bones? I don't care if it isn't healthy. Mom is there with only dad. And dad has to leave for that thing in New York in just a couple days... so she'll be alone if I go here..."

"But Toni, you being there isn't going to change anything..."

"Yes it is! To me. I need to know when she wakes up. Right when she does." I left the cafeteria. Walking to my next class and waiting outside the door seeing I was early and she was still in the middle of this class.


Ugh! Notthisguyagain! "What?"

"I saws you leave the cafeteria. We take this class together. I figured I'd wait with you."

I motioned for him to sit but didn't say anything.

"Look, about your mom--"

"So don't want to talk about that with anyone. Not even my best friend. There's no way in hell you're allowed to talk to me about something you know nothing about."

"Okay... I'm sorry..."

I sighed. "No. I'm sorry. You're trying to help... So was Abi, I just... Sorry."

"It's okay. You're scared, it's easier to be angry. I get it."

I nodded, not asking how he knew. "I'm terrified... I just--I don't know. What if she can't make it past this?" I turned my head to look him in the eyes, and the sincerity in his made me look away. That was the first time I'd acknowledged out loud the fact that she really might not make it out of this coma... "Her condition hasn't changed in a week."

"If it helps I kinda know what you're going through... My brother had a really bad boat crash, the motor blades smashed his face to the point of no recognition. The docs put him in a medically induced coma... Once they put his face back together they just basically left him to wake up on his own. It was three weeks of agony...and when he woke up he didn't remember me or our parents. That took a few days, and weeks for everything to come back. He still isn't completely there, and hasn't been able to walk since, so no more boat races." he smiled half-heartedly. "He was depressed for a while. But he woke up. And he's still my brother. Your mom will come back."

"It was a car accident..."

"Why don't we go sit outside for a bit?"

I looked at my hands and nodded then stood.

I walked silently, but Kyle took my hand and squeezed it. "She'll be okay."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I had no idea what i would have said anyways.

Once we were outside we sat at a bench.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know...."

"Well you can start talking and then stop if you want."

i hesitated. "I didn't even know she was in a car accident... She left for a business meeting and was going to bring home doughnuts. But when I heard that she never made it to the meeting and she hadn't been answering her phone... I tracked her phone and Dad drove to the crash site. She was already gone and the scene was being cleaned. They wouldn't tell me how bad it was... I had to go to the hospital--" I couldn't say dad was with me because he'd question why he wasn't in the room with me. "Alone... When I saw her-- I-I saw her laying there..."

"You don't need to continue..."

I nodded... "The only skin I saw was her face... Everything else was casted... I don't know how she managed to break both her legs and an arm... I didn't want to see her like that but I couldn't look away..."

"Don't cry...that's enough talking about it." He pulled me into a hug which I gratefuly accepted.

"I just..."

"I know. You don't know what to do."

I nodded.

Neither of us went back to school. Instead going to the beach to find a better place to sit. When we got there I said, "I should text Abi, so she doesn't wonder where I am."

He nodded.

I pulled out my phone. hey abs. I at beach with kyle meet at my place later.


I rolled my eyes. and looked back at the surf... The waves are nice today... made me wish I was in the mood to surf.

"You surf?" He asked.

"Wait did I say that out loud?"

He smiled and nodded, blue eyes sparkling, light blond shaggy hair slightly blowing into his eyes. I wonder where he's from.. "A little bit, yeah," he said as I realized I was staring.

"Yeah, I surf... I actually have a few climate specific hobbies I picked up from different places..."

"So where did you live before here?" he asked.

"Oh... um... basically everywhere."

"Where's everywhere?"

"Well... Florida; Texas; Ohio; Arizona; Texas again; London, England; Ontario, Canada very briefly as I hate cold and we got there in the winter; two different places in California; Kansas; Michigan; uumm....hang on we're getting to when I was younger... Idaho; Maryland; and from one to three I'm told we lived in New York for a month after I was born then left for North Carolina, and Colorado."

He shut his mouth as he'd been staring at me wide eyed and open mouthed. "Um... Wow..."

I laughed a little nervously..did he think it was weird? Did he think Iwas weird?

Who cares if he does? Most people do! Still I felt the need to change the topic. "How about you?"

"Cali. Lived there up until a few years ago... So is moving around fun for you? Why the hell have you lived in so many places."

I shrugged. "Parents' jobs. Mostly my dads..."

"Please don't take this the wrong way, but you really do have a dad then? A lot of people really don't believe you do."

"Well, yeah. I'm alive aren't I?"

"Not what I meant."

I sighed, "Yeah, I know... Dad's just...really focused on his work. It seems half his days are spent in the office and the other half in his lab."

"So he's a scientist?"

"Something like that."

"Well do you like it?"

"Like what?"


I looked back to the ocean "Not really... Each place I left used to feel like I was leaving part of me... I got over that around eight but that was when I stopped trying to make friends. Now I have a friend who sometimes knows me better than I know me... I really will be leaving part of me behind."

"So why don't you stay?" (A/NIstartedsingingSugarland's "Stay" inmyheadxD)

"We can't. It's.. it's part of his job to move each year."

"What kind of scientist is he?"


"Why does he have to move?"

"It's too complicated," I smiled. "We stay a year so I can finish school, otherwise I wouldn't doubt we'd leave sooner."

"Geez... that kinda sucks."

"Yeah...yeah, it does..." A huge wave crashed causing little kids to scream playfully as they ran around. I'd never gotten that part of life, that carefree part... I had secrets to keep from the day I was born.

I frowned and started playing with the sand.

"Schools almost out. Do you want me to walk you home?"

I nodded, sheepishly. "Sure."

He stood then helped me up, taking my hand in the process, he didn't let go for a second longer than needed. My house wasn't far and I led us there, both of us silent.

At my house I wanted to invite him in but didn't know if dad would be home... So we walked to the porch and I said, "Hang on. just a sec?"

He shrugged and nodded.

I opened the door. "Dad you home?" ...no answer. "Alright, you wanna come in? I have soda."

He laughed and stepped inside.

"Don't get any ideas! I don't mean it like that, Dad doesn't like when I don't tell him I have people coming over."

He put his hands up in surrender and smiled. "Okay."

A thought occurred to me. "Oh fuck.."

"Um what?!"

"My dad really wanted me to go to school. How do I tell him I ditched?"


"And the missing skateboard and textbooks?"

"Oh...right. Well, good luck. Maybe he won't ask?"

"He will. Lately he's been trying real hard to...be a good dad. That sounds horrible, he's a great dad, but... I dunno. He's trying to play mom's part too now. He's barely even drank...even with mom in the hospital... I'veprobably drank more than him."

He frowned. "You shouldn't be drinking when you're sad."

I ignored his comment. "He'll want to know how the day went, and I have no idea what to tell him."

"I'm sure he won't freak too bad. He probably wanted to just get your mind off the situation for a bit, and you kind of did."

"Yeah... Thanks for that," I poked him in the shoulder.

"Sure... If you need to talk anytime, you can call me. I'll give you my number."

"Okay." I gave him my phone with a small smile. "Thank you, Kyle... this actually helped a lot.."

He nodded then handed me my phone back.

"So soda?" I asked.


We walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed two Cokes...

We sat down at the table and I asked, "What kind of music are you in to?"

"Uh..Anything really. I don't dislike anything."

"So screaming vocals?"

"It's cool. I don't seek it out but I'm not opposed to it."

"Hmph... You're driving down the road, what station do you pick?"

"My brother usually pics the music, if I'm alone it's usually quiet."


"Yeah.. Or I turn it on to whatever he left it on."


"You're dad's a scientist. That explains you and school. So what do you want to be?"

"A hero.." I mumbled. I realized he'd heard, and hurried to add, "I dunno I mean someone for people to look up to. I just want to make a difference. To matter."

"By doing what?"

Couldn't exactly tell him 'by building my own copy of the iron man suit and saving the world. Working for shield.' "That's the thing... I don't know... Maybe I'll just end up being a scientist person for a big company... Seems safe enough. What about you?"

He shrugged. "I don't plan ahead. Just go with the flow."

"Now you sound like a surfer." I laughed. "But sounds like a nice plan."

"I guess.."

"You sound as pleased with your plan as I am with mine"

"Yeah well... the thing is my talents are all physical. Sports. Nothing that will actually help me past college unless I'm really good and really lucky."

"Physical abilities are good. There are a lot of jobs that need strong or fast people. You could be a spy!" I teased.

"Sure. I'm peeeerfect for that." He rolled his eyes.

"Well there is training."

"Maybe I'll be something a little less life threatening." He laughed.

I smiled.... Ishouldbegoingtoseemom... I'llfinishthesodafirst then leave..

"You can go. I don't mind."

"No... I don't need to go yet..." My heart sank farther with each word that left my lips.

"You're sure? Honestly, Toni, I don't mind. You should want to be there."

"Um... You know.. the more I think about it the more I want to be there... I'm so sorry Kyle. I just I have to go."

"It's fine. Do you want me to walk with you?"

"Um. I'm going to drive actually."

"Okay. I'll see myself out. You go."

"Thank you, for everything." We both stood and headed for different doors. I grabbed my keys and ran to the garage opening the garage door and speeding away.

At the hospital in under ten minutes. I parked and walked inside. By then the ladies at the front desk knew me and didn't ask me to sign in, small towns being what they are. They probably knew our secret by now, we could only hope HIPPA and the thought of our lawyers would keep them quiet.

I walked to room 19h and opened the door. Dad was sitting with her silently, eyes closed... He was finally sleeping! I creeped over to the chair beside him.

"Thank you for making me go to school, Dad," I whispered. He didn't stir and I leaned on him, pulling my knees to my chest.

~√~√Tony's POV~√~√

I heard the door open but was too tired to open my eyes, the door closed and I heard footsteps.

"Thank you for making me go to school, Dad." My little girl leaned on me and i smiled to myself, wrapping an arm around her I really did fall asleep.

A/NI'mtryingtomakethechapterslongerbutIamworkingfrommyphonesotheylooklongerthantheyare sometimes. Havetheybeenlongenough?doyouwantmetowaitlongertoupdatebutgiveyoumoretoread, orkeepupdatingasoftenasIhavebeenwithaboutthreepagesontheactualwebsiteto read?

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