Prima's Bite (Book Two) Lesbi...

By DominaAlexandra

109K 6.2K 602

Val, Drake, and Allira have started their mating bond. Despite this new Fae problem they have to face things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty -Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

2.4K 153 6
By DominaAlexandra

   A heavy door opened scraping against the concrete floor. Pierce sat in the only chair in the room for the last two hours. The room was stripped of all furnishings, dull grey paint on the walls.
   Pierce used one of her wolfish claw nails to chip away the wood on the chair arm. There was nothing better to do.
   From outside the room Pierce heard footsteps clicking hard against the floor. Someone was approaching.
   "Open it." Maerla's voice was crisp and demanding.
   The door opened, Maerla standing between her path to freedom. Her eyes were highlight green. There was disdain in Maerla's expression. Maerla huffed when she noticed the mess Pierce made. Wood pieces scattered below the chair Pierce sat in.
   Maerla made no comment on the mess.
   Casually, Pierce let the claws form on each of her toes, tapping them against the ground. She watched as Maerla cringed from the sound.
   "Will you stop?" Maerla hissed.
   Slugging her feet under the chair, Pierce claws scratched against the concrete like claws against a chalkboard.
   Pierce observed Maerla's body strain and face skewing into enmity. "If I could ward myself of you now..." Maerla blew out harshly..."you won't be smiling in a few short days."
   Maerla winced after sniffing visibly. "You stank of fur and my sister."
   By the furtive glance in Maerla's eyes, Pierce knew an idea came into her mind.
   "Let's get you cleaned up." She obverse Pierce thoroughly. "Follow me."
   Pierce knew there was no point in resisting. She just had to get through the next day and Kathleen would find her. Standing, Pierce followed without argument. They walked into another room that led to some stairs. There was a tub the size of a ten person crystal white Jacuzzi. There were steps that led inside it. A long closet stretched down one side of the room. The floor was marble cherry red. The four walled corners that suffused the room were covered with mirrors, top to bottom.
   One of the Fae approached Pierce holding out a robe.
   Pierce narrowed her eyes from the Fae to Maerla.
   Only thing Maerla did was wave, a smile playing on her face. She was enjoying Pierce's confused suspicion.
   "I prefer to undress in private." Pierce chose this moment to finally speak.
   Maerla grunted. She did not move right away. "Keep an eye on her," she told the Fae woman serving Pierce with a robe.
   "Yes, my Queen," the woman said timidly.
Queen. That was a stolen title Maerla took like the rest of Kathleen's people.
   Maerla left, closing the door behind her.
   Pierce reviewed the room coming up with nothing potentially hazardous to her health. No threat.
   "You should hurry. Dinner will be served in the next hour."
   By the sound of this Fae's voice she sounded scared as if she'd be punished if Pierce did not move quick enough. "You're one of the Fae Maerla took."
   She did not speak but nodded quickly as if afraid of being watched. She kept her head slanted down as she whispered, "how is the Princess?"
   "She's safe," Pierce assured her. Pierce wanted to tell the woman Kathleen would be coming for all of them but thought better of it. Even though she was faithful to Kathleen's leadership, Maerla was probably forcing at this moment to be a spy. She could torture what Pierce say out of her. "Her father's dead. Your King. She was still grieving last I saw her." If anything, Pierce wanted to make Maerla think Kathleen was too unfocused to plan a thorough and successful attack.
   The woman said nothing else and Pierce decided to play her part. She looked around expecting Maerla to pop in at any moment as she began removing her clothes.
   Once Pierce was bare and exposed she waved the robe away. Being a werewolf, Pierce lost her shyness long ago. She was comfortable with her body. She hid the bite Kathleen gave her over her arm. It was healing faintly into an image similar to a birthmark. A pale red mark that would forever be there.
   "The tub is ready for you."
   Ambling toward the tub, Pierce went up the steps dipping her toes into the water. It was the right amount of heat. Pierce slid into the tub sitting as the water raised high above her breast. Her arms rested at the edge of the tub.
   Taking a breath, Pierce went deep into the barrel of her chest calling out to her bond. She was too far to speak to Kathleen, their bond still knew but she could send her a message.
   "Do you need help bathing?" She asked standing beside the tub.
   Twisting to the side, Pierce viewed the woman already grabbing the bar of soap and sponge. Smiling politely, Pierce shook her head. She reached for the sponge and soap. "I got it." When Pierce's hand grabbed the soap, her hand inflamed. Pierce's eyes burned effected by the acid burn that shocked from her hand up her arm. The taste of metal suffused Pierce's mouth. Pierce's hand shook violently and she dropped the soap into the water. Pierce snarled, wolf awakening as her hands discolored. The soap dissolved fizzing inside the water like an Alka-Seltzer.
   It was wolfsbane. Pierce body smacked against the wall of the tub, water splashing out. Pierce body scorched everywhere the wolfsbane spreading into the water. Gradually Pierce felt her skin numb and tingle. The blood that pumped through her chilled inside. She couldn't defend herself or climb out.
   Pierce could hear something click. The tub shook. Twisting her head to one side she could see a clear glass closing on top the tomb like a window shutting her inside. Weakly, Pierce heaved her hand out, trying to keep her head afloat.
   Maerla's laughter slapped into her eyes as Pierce was forced to go under the water.
   The more water filled to the very top and with only a few seconds left Pierce sucked in one last breath. She held it, trying to punch her first through the glass in top. Pierce was far to weak. The wolfsbane burned in her eyes.
   Maerla stood over the tub, glancing down at Pierce with a pleasured grin. "Perhaps a deep clean will wash away the mistake of my sister ever being with someone like you."
   Pierce continued to hold her breath. She blinked a few times, too tempted to see if Maerla was watching her. Taking her mind off of Maerla's taunting approach, Pierce closed her eyes for the final time.
   "Make sure you let her out the moment it is time for dinner." Pierce could hear Maerla speaking.
   "But my Queen...that's not for another thirty minutes," the woman said panicked.
   "She's a werewolf. She'll drown over and over again. But sadly, it won't kill her."
   Maerla's footsteps distance and Pierce could her the door close.
   The woman came back, Pierce hearing the vibration of the woman's footsteps.
   Her lungs felt as if they were expanding like balloons right before popping. All her arteries and vessels clogging. Pierce's brain squeezed against her skull like an intracranial pressure. She couldn't hold her breath for much longer.
   "I'm so sorry," the woman whispered.
   One last time, Pierce's hand smacked up against the glass. Pierce lost the gold as she sucked water in through her nose. Mind frenzied in panic, Pierce opened her mouth subconsciously as if she could possibly breathe that way. Water filled into her lungs. The taste of wolfsbane burning around every corner of her mouth. Eyes a honey gold, canines exposed as Pierce couldn't seem to close her mouth back. Pierce gagged, drowning and unable to get out.
   Blacking out, Pierce eyes closed. The thought of Kathleen. The fear she would be getting right now. Now that they were mated Kathleen would feel the pain Pierce was and that angered her. Just fight.
   As Pierce opened her eyes again everything came back full circle. The reminder that she was underwater with no breath to take. Part of her vision blackened. Her skin rubbery as it slid against the tub floor. The taste of wolfsbane in her mouth and skin dull and agonized. Pierce tried to snarl and more water filled inside her lungs. Her ribs hurt viciously as if they were being pressed outward.
   The thoughts of her pack. Her children and Kathleen dimmed. It was just Pierce and the water. She was drowning all over again. There was no greater pain then this moment.
   Pierce blacked out again, this time her mind completely seized by the fear of never getting out. With one last push of effort, Pierce thought of Kathleen's promise. She would find her. Pierce let that memory sync in right before drowning all over again.


   Pierce felt someone pull her up by the shoulders. "Please wake up," a soft feminine voice cried.
   Pierce's chest slammed against the hem of the tub, her head dangling low.
   A hand slapped atop Pierce's back a few times. With one last smack to her back, Pierce coughed out a breath, gagging out water. All the contents of the water that entered Pierce's system heaved out of her body. Pierce's fingers pressed tight around the edges of the tub. Pierce's back arched high, twisting her body around until Pierce was on her knees.
   The woman rubbed Pierce's back until she was able to breathe. Her throat was soar, eyes red. Skin scribble from being under water to long. It was like she was layered with new skin from the wolfsbane.
   Pierce tried standing, legs wobbling. The woman caught a hold of Pierce helping her out of the tub. Water dripped everywhere. Once Pierce was out of the tub she sat on one of the steps as the woman rushed to grab a drying towels.
   Shivering, Pierce accepted the towel simmering in the comfort. Pierce blew out, "thank you."
   "She's a crude woman. She wasn't like that once."
   Pierce did not bother responding. Slowly, Pierce dressed as the woman helped her into the clothes Maerla set out for her.
   Pierce wore a burgundy gown, with a V-neck front structure.
   "We should go."
   Not arguing Pierce followed the woman out of the room. She was not planning to ever bathe here again. The last Pierce wore a gown and heels...She hadn't. Growing up in a pack like her's the best clothes you'd see was a summer dress.
   She walked down the hall faced with a dining room filled with Fae. Maerla sat at the far end. Everyone silenced when Pierce walked in.
   "I hope your bath went well," Maerla mocked.
   Pierce grimaced keeping her mouth shut for now. Pierce time would come when she fed Maerla a few strong choice words.
   "Sit." There was a seat in between the Fae.
   Across from Pierce she barely noticed Christof. He kept his head down mostly.
   Angrily, Pierce stared at him to the point of unsettling tension filling the ambiance.
   "I'm sure my brother would like to here how his daughter is doing," Maerla commented.
   "That's enough," Christof sneered. "Quit the games and let her go."
   Maerla sat in her seat, taking a sip if her wine. Her eyes were narrowed on Christof. She wanted to chastise him for speaking out of term. The moment her glass touched the table, Pierce could literally feel the nervous tension all around her.
   "I won't embarrass you in front of our guest." She smiled maliciously. "Try not to give me a reason to, dear brother."
   Maerla waved out and everyone began to eat.
   For a while Pierce watched as everyone ate obediently. As for Pierce, she had not touched her food. She didn't trust Maerla.
   "If you're concerned I poisoned it with wolfsbane or silver, no need to dread yourself over that. I wouldn't waste a perfect meal."
   Pierce eyes fell onto Maerla. Their eyes locked, Pierce did not turn away. One of the best things about being a werewolf is the ability to make someone submit with just their eyes. Pierce wanted to see how good Maerla claimed to be.
   Within seconds, Maerla's expression balled into a frown. Her eyes slanting as she inspected Pierce's tactic.
   Maerla held her ground, smashing her first into the table. "You do not want to find a sword buried in your gut for the night."
   Pierce ignored Maerla a few seconds longer, snorting soon after. "Been there...done that and vis versa."
   "What is the point to even challenging me?" She asked.
   "I'm a werewolf. It is my nature to always challenge those who challenge me. You don't like it...then you should crawl back into the hole you've been hiding in."
   Maerla's face fumed and before Pierce could say something else, a silver mini spiked chain wrapped around her neck. One of her men tightened it around Pierce's neck, tying it around the chair. The spikes penetrated into her neck, blood spilling down onto the dress.
   Maerla shook her head exaggeratedly. "This could have been avoided."
   Pierce fingers were unsuccessful in detaching herself from the silver barbed chain. Her skin burned like acid drippings as she tried to loosen it. That only seemed to make it worse.
   "Queen," a man walked in. He noticed Pierce but said nothing. "You have a guest."
   "I already have one tonight. Tell her to leave," Maerla said.
   The man looked over to Pierce hesitantly. "But, ma'am...I mean...uh, my Queen..." Maerla face flushed with anger..."She is adamant in speaking with you."
   Taking a breath, Maerla sighed. "Let her in."
   Pierce's eyes watered from the pain. This was going to be a long day.
   Christof stared at me shaking his head. "You couldn't submit?" He said.
   "Like you," one of his younger children said. Clearly his kids were having daddy issues with him. "You let her take over the Kingdom. You let her make you hurt this lady."
   "I did not...I thought..." Christof shook his head exaggeratedly. He pinched the bridge of his nose taking a much needed breath. "You don't say no to my sister."
   "Well...I can," his middle son who looked about fifteen said. This young man was Val's brother. Clearly he had more of Kathleen's attitude. "This is all stupid," he hissed out next.
   "Young boy. You might be my nephew, but I'll beat you right down to submission if that mouth of yours doesn't close." Maerla's voice held a promise.
   "Your threat won't make me less defiant," the boy hollered out.
   "Brennan. Shut your mouth," Christof sneered at his son.
   "No." He said standing. He pointed to Pierce. "You can't treat someone like that and think someone will respect or love you."
   Maerla snapped her fingers for one of her guards to head toward the boy.
   Through gritted teeth and the spikes in her throat, Pierce snarled. She slipped her fingers through what little crevice she could find using up some of her new strength to yank away the chain that held her like a noose.
   "Seems you have a house full of guest from the last time I was here." A woman's voice whispered soft through the hall. He loud heels announced the closeness of her presence.
   Coming into view Blair stepped into the dining room. "Is there room for me?" She teased. Her tongue slicked over her fangs, grinning Pierce's way. "I choose the seat closest to her." She pointed at Pierce.
   Pierce was sure her blood was the main thing that was attracting her now.
   Pierce grabbed the napkin wiping around her neck and chest. A lot of Pierce's blood spilled into her dress. She didn't care.
   "What do you want, Blair. Are deal has been off. Tare you that stupid to come into my home?"
   "Perhaps I found a new reason for us to reunite."
   "Why would I want to--"
   "Because an old hybrid has resurfaced and she ain't fighting on neither side of ours. Two hybrids wants both of us dead. Technically three. The Valerie is half Fae and werewolf."
   "Mckayla is my granddaughter. She won't harm me once we're faced eye to eye."
   Blair snickered. "Don't he so naive." Blair tried to walk Pierce's but two of Maerla's guards blocked her path. Blair raised an eyebrow, pouting. She refocused back on Maerla. "I was Kayla's lover once. I know the hybrid. She won't hesitate killing you if given the opportunity. As for your...niece, she won't shed a tear either."
   "And this other hybrid. Who is she?"
   Blair sneered like a cat. "My daughter's mate. She's been hibernating for the last few hundred years. But they woke her up a few days ago. She is not easy to kill. I've tried."
   Maerla looked deep in thought.
   Pierce figured she'd help guide Maerla to a smart decision. "You still have time to run back into your caves," she said.
   Maerla shot Pierce a dark grim glare. "You don't know when to shut up."
   "Perhaps I wasn't fully cleaned off the way you intended," Pierce retorted. Pierce knew Kathleen was far away physically. By the fact that they were having dinner, they were in a different time zone. That was the first indicator to the possibility of where she was at. Blair out and about was Pierce's second clue to it being dark out. Soon as she had a chance Pierce would send that message to her new mate.
   "Seems you have enough problems by yourself." Blair pursed her lips. "I think I'm not going to revoke my offer on us working together."
   Maerla frowned. "Then there is no reason I shouldn't kill you."
   With that the guards aimed their guns at Blair just as she vanished. Her speed was too inhumane to catch.
   "Fuck," Maerla hissed slamming her first into the table. She looked across to Pierce. "I will have that power inside of you. And once I do...I will be the one personally responsible for ending your life."
   With that, she stood leaving Pierce and everyone else alone.
   The tension seemed to die with her.
   I said nothing for the rest of that night waiting for the opportunity to reach Kathleen.
   One if the chef's assured Pierce they made her dinner and it was untouched. Feeling safe in eating Pierce strengthened herself, focused on one thing. Her future.

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