Hello (Once Upon A Time/Marve...

By chlobeez7

28.8K 523 129

Henry and Jemma have been inseparable since birth- or at least Jemma's adoption. Sixteen years later, has the... More

1. Jemma
2. Henry
3. Jemma
4. Jemma
5. Henry
6. Jemma
7. Jemma
8. Henry
9. Jemma
10. Jemma
11. Jemma
12. Henry
14. Jemma
15. Jemma
16. Henry
17. Jemma
18. Bea
19. Natasha
20. Peter
21. Jemma
22. Peter
23. Jemma
24. Jemma
25. Jemma
26. Peter
27. Jemma
28. Jemma
29. Jemma
30. Bea
31. Jemma
32. Jemma
33. Peter
34. Jemma
35. Jemma
36. Peter
37. Jemma
38. Jemma
39. Jemma
40. Henry
41. Jemma
42. Jemma
43. Jemma
44. Bea

13. Jemma

457 9 1
By chlobeez7

Ever since I found out that Steve was my father, I had slowly started moving all of my stuff out of the church; I'm pretty sure that Mother Superior found out because I walked into my room at the Charming's apartment and it was completely empty. It was as naked as an Urban Decay palette. I bolted down the stairs, hoping someone would tell me why my adoptive mother stole my stuff.

David was downstairs, chasing Neal around the living room, but Mary Margaret was nowhere in sight. Nor was Henry or Emma or anyone else that would probably know where the heck my stuff is. Let me rephrase. I knew where it was, I just wanted to know why it was gone.

"David, did my mother clear all of my stuff out of your apartment?" I asked angrily.

"Um, yeah," he said before grabbing Neal and sitting him down in front of a cartoon. "Don't tell Mary Margaret I'm letting him watch this." He came and sat at one of the bar stools, inviting me to sit with him. I did, but I wasn't happy about it.

"Do you know why she thought she had any right in controlling my life?" I huffed.

"Jemma, like it or not, she is your mother. You don't have any other relatives-"

"That's not exactly true," I interrupted, feeling a bit shy.

"What do you mean?" David asked. He has always been like a dad to me, so his concern was not at all odd, nor was his quick response to me shying away.

"Um, Steve? Yeah, he's my dad. And, um, I've been thinking about going to live with him and Natasha. I mean, you know how it was finding out about Emma. I just want to know everything I can about him, and I want him to get to know me. But I don't think I could leave Henry," I explained. "Well, or you and Mary Margaret, for that matter," I added as an after thought.

"I know its an incredibly cheesy Prince Charming thing to say, but all I can tell you is follow your heart. Of course, going to be with your dad is important, but I've known you for years, and your friends are the most important thing to you. Jemma, this is a big deal, but only you can make this decision," David said.

I sighed, already knowing everything David just said, when suddenly Henry burst in.

"Grandpa, I think we all need to go with the Marvel characters," he said, shoving some papers at us. "Lilith is in Marvel, and as amazing as the Avengers and ex- Avengers are, I think that they might just need a little magic to bring her down. Especially because... well, she's trying to steal Mjölnir. Between the hammer, and her magic, and her mother, this could really be bad."

"Bad is kind of an understatement. Now if you don't mind, I need to go yell at my mom. She's being more of a pain than usual."


"MOTHER!" I screamed. I stormed into the stupid church, stomping around for my mom. One may argue that it was childish, but I have always been a tad bit childish. Eventually, I came across Mother Superior. She was sitting in one of my bean bag chairs with all of my stuff in boxes, even the stuff that was already in my room at the church. "What is going on?"

"After a lot of thinking, I have decided that you need to find somewhere else to live," she said solemnly.

"And this involved you taking all of my stuff from where I would actually move to because...?" I asked.

"Because I want you to live with Mr. Rogers," she said. "And I took the liberty of packing all of your stuff because I know you are too lazy to do it."

"You want me to live my dad? How did you find out about that?" I chuckled.

"Its a small town, Jemma. The pregnant girl came by a few days ago. First she came looking for advice because, well, she is sixteen, and carrying your boyfriend's child. Well, I did the best I could trying to help her, but I didn't really know how. We began talking and after a while, she may have let slip about your father. After that, I went to Steve and we discussed it. And he's coming over later to sign custody papers," she explained.

"But what about Henry?" I asked, honestly not sure how my life would be without him. "Henry can't go to Marvel. Not with Emma and Regina and all of his family here. And I couldn't leave knowing that he's still here! Did you ever consider my side in this? Did you ever consider how I feel about this?!"

"I was not finished. The girl told me about Lilith. How she is in Marvel searching for her father's hammer. You need to go help fight. I have kept you here for my own selfish reasons in the past, but they need you this time, more than I do," she fake sighed.

An ambivalent laugh forced it's way out of my throat. "I am so freaking done with your bull crap. Have fun without me." I stormed out of the church with a fiery desire to kill someone, but a part of me was thankful that I never had to spend another second with Mother Superior. With all the anger bubbling inside me, I wanted to take off into a run. Then I realized that I was wearing skinny jeans, so I jogged over to Granny's. As I searched the diner, I couldn't find her.

"Peter's at the library," Granny smiled as she saw my distressed face.

"Actually, I'm looking for Beatrix."

"Oh," she said, extremely confused. "She's there too."


So I jogged over to the library which was as crazy messy as the last time I had been there. Wanda's red magic was swirling with Emma's white and Regina's blue. It was a patriotic mess in the middle of September. All I wanted was a pair of joggers so I could go running, and I stood in the middle of a flipping fireworks show.

Because I dared not move out of fear of getting shot by magic, I whistled really loudly to get everyone's attention. Emma turned my way, seeing as she was the closest to me.

"Who do you need?" she sighed as she returned to work.

"Beatrix," I confessed. She jogged over to me as I lead her out of the library. "Long story short, can I borrow some work out clothes? Mine are currently inaccessible."

"Ah, babe. You think I have work out clothes. That's so cute," Beatrix laughed. Then she looked at my face. "Oh you're not kidding."

"I just need to blow off some steam," I huffed.

"I think my mom might have something. Come on."

It was the best run I'd ever had.

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