Prima's Bite (Book Two) Lesbi...

By DominaAlexandra

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Val, Drake, and Allira have started their mating bond. Despite this new Fae problem they have to face things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty -Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Two

3K 170 17
By DominaAlexandra

   Feeling lousy from her earlier behavior Marisa walked up the stairs to speak to Allira. She was never much of a class act asshole, though tonight hadn't represented her well. It wasn't Allira's fought she felt the way she did.
   "My mate is sleep," Drake opened the door to her room stepping out after closing it. One of her brows arched curious to Marisa's approach. "You come to apologize."
   "Or my failed attempt of..." Marisa said dryly. She smirked trying to lighten the mood. When Drake made no reaction Marisa sighed. "Look. I know I was a dick to Marisa."
   "Yes you were," Drake agreed.
   Marisa nodded. She bit at her bottom lip sliding her hands in her pockets.
   "And you were a dick to Spencer."
   Eyebrows now arching from Marisa she shook her head. "No. She should have minded her business."
   "Perhaps...if you were human and not apart of this pack," Drake pointed out. "But you are. What effects you...effects all of us. That's what being apart of a pack means."
   "All right. I get it. But I'm new to this all. And you can't expect me to jump into this shit." Marisa sucked in a breath, anxious from her wolf pacing inside her. Marisa gripped at her thighs, claws digging holes into them.
   Drake studied her for a time considering Marisa's point of view. "There was a time when humans here and there would know of our existence. And work hard to prove their worth in being bitten and turned. It is hard to become a werewolf. Many did not make it." Drake rubbed her hand over her belly. "That history was long ago. And many now don't accept bitten werewolves. At least than...we prepared the humans. Told them what to expect. You had no preparation. You did not ask for this. You've been a human for twenty-eight years."
   "Twenty-nine..." Marisa corrected. "I was held back in school. Thankfully I met Val and she helped me further on." There was a lot in Marisa's past she preferred private.
   "Okay. Twenty-nine." Drake muscles jumped, startled by the kick in her belly. She gazed down eyes widen.
   "They kicked. One of them at least." Drake, in excitement pressed both her hands around her belly waiting for another kick. "Put your hand at the center." Drake looked back at Marisa hopeful of another kick. "Maybe one of them will kick for you."
   Hesitating, Marisa went ahead pressing her hand gently over Drake's belly. A few seconds passed, no sign of life other than her werewolf enhanced senses picking up multiple heartbeats. "Whoa..." Marisa leaped back, stepping one step lower on the stairs. "I felt that."
   Drake called out to Allira. "Babe..."
   Allira was out the room in seconds. Her hands at Drake's belly. Their mating bond alerting her of what the excitement was all about. "We're going to be awesome moms."
   Marisa did not want to intrude on the bond they were having and snuck off down the stairs, Val rushing up. Val patted Marisa before continuing up.
   Not wanting to be around anyone she escaped from everyone's sight, shifting into a wolf off for a run.


   Kathleen closed the portal after they stepped through.
   Not ready to disconnect from Kathleen, Pierce draped her arm over Kathleen's shoulder reeling her in.
   "Hey...I have a question for you?"
   Pierce kissed her cheek before backing away.
   They started walking when Kathleen asked her question. "You really want this to happen...between us?"
   Pierce nodded. "I want this to happen between us."
   Kathleen grinned. "Good."She sighed.
   Catching on to the fact that something was bothering Kathleen, out of instinct Pierce reached for her hand. "What's bothering you?"
   "How will your pack feel?"
   "How will the Fae?" Pierce shook her head. "We are going to get disapproval on both sides. What matters is that we care about each other and I know our family will support us. My pack is my family just as Val is. The few that disagree is their own problem to get over."
   Happy to hear the words she wanted to hear, Kathleen pulled Pierce into a kiss embracing her gently.
   "You've been very patient with me," Pierce admitted.
   "I have," Kathleen agreed with a smirk. "So much time consumed. No complaints though."
   Rolling her eyes Pierce started walking back toward her pack.
   A few of her pack ran up once she was in view. Pierce greeted them with a hug. "Where's Valerie?"
   They pointed to the house. There was a lot she wanted to talk to Valerie about and prolonging it due to fear wouldn't help.
   Ryan approached in a steady motion. His smile worn thoroughly up to his eyes. "Mom..." he reached in for a hug squeezing Pierce tight.
   Pierce squeezed her son back just as tightly rubbing his back. "How do you feel?" She asked. "Are you okay with this all?" She wanted to know the truth. How he felt mattered.
   He let go as Pierce cupped his cheek waiting for a response. "Val and I talked. This is different. Weird." He skewed his expression in a form of confusion as if he had so many questions left unanswered. Pierce was sure he was still processing everything. "I was happy when I thought she was my aunt. Not I'm happy to have her as my big sister."
   "You know," Pierce put her hand on his shoulder, "if ever you want to talk about this...I will."
   Ryan smiled. "I know, mom."
   I sighed, relieved that Ryan was so understanding and accepting of the situation. Though, Pierce felt no surprise. Ryan was always leveled headed and open to understanding and acceptance.
   "One kid down...another to go," Kathleen said.
   Pierce nodded. "Yeah." The reminder of Val being her daughter made Pierce feel that dull ache of grief all over again. "I'm going to..."
   "I'll wait out here." Kathleen wanted to kiss her but with Pierce pack around to held back.
   Pierce saw the hesitation from Kathleen. There was hesitation within her own body and mind as well. It was a lot easier to say she was ready and would face her pack with Kathleen at her side. Now actually seeing them she was nervous. She only squeezed Kathleen's arm walking off feeling like a coward.
   Not making an reaction, Kathleen stood as she watched Pierce walk off. She was disappointed Pierce could not show affection toward Kathleen in front of her pack. Deep down, Kathleen understood. For years Kathleen had kept her private affairs private. That meant her sexuality. This was the same for Pierce. Not only was Pierce facing coming out with mixed responses. Some, Kathleen was sure would be along the lines of: 'how did not not know you liked women before?' But she was also facing the possible issue of being with a woman outside their own kind.
   Kathleen knew for a fact her Fae people would have mixed emotions.
   It would be a challenge, but if they stood together firm it would be a challenge easily beaten.


   Val sat in the living room with her mates and some of the pack. Many taking turns to feel Drake's belly for more responses from their cubs.
   Watching the excitement in all of her pack, Val had no idea how much cubs brought not into every last one of her Weres. It had been several years since the last pack had a cub born into their pack. Everyone was frenzied from excitement.
   Gazing passed many of her pack Val's eyes landed on Pierce approaching. Merely by sight, Val's heart paced erratically.
   Everyone seemed to notice Val's new emotion twisting their heads back to find Pierce behind them. She smiled as some lifted up to embrace her. Once they gave their greetings, without having to be told the pack all went outside leaving Pierce, Val and her mates alone.
   "Welcome back," Allira grinned.
   Pierce blushed. She knew they weren't naive to who she was with. "I haven't been gone that long."
   Drake eyes glisten. "You're glowing as much as I am." She smiled reaching her arm out. "Our cubs are finally announcing their little selves."
   Without argument, Pierce took a hold of Drake's hand being guided to her belly. She waited for a short while when she felt the life of the cubs kicking strongly at her hand. She moved her hand around and the cubs seemed to be aware of where her hand was moving, their kicks following her hand. Pierce smiled widely. "I'm so happy for you three."
   "Thanks..." Val said quietly.
   Pierce looked over at Val. She sighed softly. "Can we talk?"
   Swallowing in her fears, Val stood up. "We'll be back."
   They walked to the back patio quietly, neither not ready to speak.
   Pierce slid the sliding door shut as Val was already taking a seat in one of the lawn chairs by the fire pit. "How are you coping with everything?"
   Shrugging, Val responded vaguely. "One moment at a time."
   "You can tell me if you're angry." Pierce couldn't be sure but she wouldn't be upset if Val was angry at her. Every time Pierce thought back she should have known Val was her daughter. She failed Val as a mother.
   "Angry at who?" Val asked begrudgingly. Biting back a snarl Val shook her head. "I'm not mad."
   "You sound mad right now," Pierce pointed out.
   Okay," Val said. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the situation. And jealous. And grievous. I should have been your daughter from day one. I should have lived as a wolf." She back another snarl. Just talking about her feeling made Val angry. Her chest tighten, teeth gritting. "It's whatever."
   "That's so human to say," Pierce said.
   Val was about to lash out until she saw the smile on Pierce's face. She was not insulting her. Merely making a joke. Val smiled weakly, not reaching her eyes. " is."
   "We know the truth now," Pierce said. "And though we were lied to...we know now."
   "So...let's make the best of what we know now..." Val mocked the direction of conversation Pierce was headed toward.
   Pierce smiled. "Exactly."
   "You do know...I look older than you. That makes me feel old." This time Val's smile reached her eyes.
   Pierce cackled. "I do look good for my age."
   Val rolled her eyes.
   The sliding door opened and Pierce growled before seeing who it was. By the scent of him she knew it was Brent.
   He walked through casually holding two cups in his hand.
   "Gone all this time and finally able to show your face again," Val snarled. She stood ready to throw him out again. "The only relief I have in telling you is that I'm not your sister."
   "Yeah, I heard the good news," Brent said smartly.
   Val stepped closer to him, Brent instinctively stepping back. "I came to make piece with Pierce." Brent nodded toward Pierce. "After that...I'm gone if you both still want."
   Taking a moment to consider, Pierce waved him on. "Let me talk to him...alone."
   "Are you telling me as my mother because I am the Alpha?"
   Pierce pursed her lips, a smile playing on it. She figured their would be many jokes coming from Val to help ease them into living with the truth of them as mother and daughter. "As your younger mother...I'm telling you to give us privacy."
   Val snickered heading out. "Guess you are going to make up for all the years if not telling me what to do." She closed the sliding door leaving Pierce alone with Brent.


   "Cranberry Vodka," Brent offered out as if a peace offering. That was her favorite alcoholic beverage.
   Considering her options she waited for a time. Should she even entertain Brent? Being that he was Ryan's father she would give him the benefit of doubt on the possibilities of his sincerity.
   "What do you want?" She took to glass.
   Brent sat beside Pierce waiting for her to take a sip. When she did not he casually drank nearly half of his drink down in a few gulps. He placed the glass on the lawn table that was placed in between them as a barrier. "I was completely in the wrong. I should have never forced myself onto you."
   It seemed to Pierce he forced those words out of his mouth. His apology was definitely half hearted. "Brent, I don't have time for this." She decided to be completely honest with him. That was the least she could do. Before she would start this conversation she took a few swallows of her drink and sighed by the comfort of it.
Here On go.


   Kathleen was showing off to the teen cubs a few magic orbs that sparked directly from her fingertips.
   "Trying to win them over for Pierce's sake?" Val asked walking up.
   Kathleen did a few more tricks before dissipating her magic and walking over to her niece.
   "That obvious?" Kathleen asked casually.
   Val shrugged. "A little."
   "Where's Pierce?" Kathleen looked off passed Val toward the house.
   "Brent's here," Kathleen sneered out.
   "Hey relax. Trust me, you have nothing--"
   "No. Brent can't be here." Kathleen hissed already running for the house.
   Seeing the panic in Kathleen's eyes Val rushed toward Kathleen grabbing her arm tightly. "Why not?" She snarled.
   Kathleen lowered her head, sighing. "I just found out this morning. I was going to to tell you all. That's why I'm here."
   "Tell me what?" Val snarled.
   The pack all seemed to face them.
   "That can't be Brent because Brent is dead."
   Now, they both faced toward the house fear jarring at them like knife stabs to the gut.
   Right as they were about to rush in they were shoved backwards.


   After taking a few sips from her drink, the taste was so enthralling she finished the entire cup.
   She couldn't remember where she was about to carry her conversation along with Brent.
   Heart racing, Pierce felt a little delirious. Absently, she started at the glass she drank out of as if she had drank pure moonshine instead of her usual cranberry Vodka.
   Blinking rapidly, Pierce tried to stand. "What did...did you give me?" Pierce cleared her throat, wobbling a little.
   When she looked back toward Brent what she found was hideous. He looked human but not. His eyes were a hollow inky black with beady gold pupils. His tongue slithered out, snake like as he talked with pale white skin. This was not Brent.
   "Their all dead."
   The earth beneath rocked Pierce off balance. She stumbled around regaining her footing. Staring back down at the glass in her hand, Pierce eyes widen in horror and confusion. The cup was stained of blood. By the scent of it Fae blood. "Fae Blood to a werewolf is so delicious. Almost too sweet and good for a werewolf to handle," the snake like looking man stood grinning maliciously. "My job is complete." With the snap of his fingers he was gone.
   Pierce dropped the cup as if it was contaminated.
   The sky seemed to darken into grey clouds, the sun being covered. The sound of her packs screams sent dread through Pierce like a whirlwind of disaster swallowing them whole.
   Pierce leaped for the sliding door canines and claws protruded. Though she was dizzy Pierce fought through it running swiftly through the house.
   She halted her heat ripping in half as she found a few of her pack dead. Their heads were decapitated, eyes open as if the last thing they saw scared them to death. Blood was splattered all over the kitchen walls. The floor pooled with their blood as if paint was dropped on the floor in varies areas.
   Tears blurred her vision as she grabbed one of the knives resting on the counter. She gripped it with deadly intent.
   Walking through to the front door she kicked it open with such power that popped the door off its hinges.
   Her eyes locked on the two Fae who's eyes went from green to the same pitch black as the one who tricked her into drinking Fae blood.
   Their grins were dark and furtive. They held swords in their hands.
   Pierce's eyes glimmer gold, snarling as her mouth opened wide enough to show her canines.
   Scanning around she found more of her pack dead. "Evil..." She whimpered out what sounded between a snarl and a cry. Her body shook with rage as her eyes liquefied finding her son dead several feet from her. He was eviscerated, intestines spilling out of him. His eyes were bloodshot red as if he had been strangled.
   "No..." Pierce choked out a cry, tears falling as she threw up whatever was in her system.
   "Hmm. Too bad," one of the Fae sneered pleased by her suffering.
   Through primal instinct Pierce used all her anger as she lashed out in a body cross slash with the knife she'd been gripping.
   She missed and went for one of the Fae like creatures throat. Missing a second time his hand caught around her wrist, it's skin so cold it burned like frostbite.
   Pierce heaved her leg high enough in between the Fae and her as she front kicked him. He grunted letting go of his grip as the other leaped to grab her.
   Pierce felt the Fae's arms wrap around her from her back, fingers linking over her abdomen.
   Heaving her head forward Pierce slammed the back of her head into the Fae face, smashing in hard enough to make the Fae lose his grip.
    She faced back toward the Fae in front of her coming at a downward angle with the knife. The Fae caught a hold of her hand again, Pierce using her other hand to place right beneath the hand caught in the Fae's grip. Pierce dropped the knife from one hand to the next, wasting no time as she jammed it deep into the Fae's abdomen where the spleen rested.
   She heard a harsh breath pass through the Fae's lungs and thought a moment how strange it was that the Fae did not smell like Fae.
   She dug the six inch knife deeper into the Fae despite her thoughts until her senses told her a lot more than she was ready to face.
Why didn't this Fae smell like Fae?
   Her eyes circled back around her ambiance. First to the area where her dead son laid. She found him still in that spot for a few seconds until her eyes caught a hold of a shimmer through the breeze. "No," she hissed out.
   She was caught in a Fae's glammer. Her eyes went back to her son who was no longer dead on the ground but standing eyes and mouth agape.
   So was the rest of the pack. All alive. Her eyes shifted to each of them unsteady as they looked at her in pity.
   "Pierce...what did you do?" Drake ran toward her, Allira catching her.
   Pierce looked around confused as Marisa went over to hold Drake back.
   In a calm voice, Allira whispered, "pull the knife out of her slowly."
   Realizing that something was very much off, Pierce turned back to the Fae she had stabbed. Who she landed on took all air out of her lungs.
   Valerie, her daughter stood hunched with her body slowly sinking into her. Pierce looked down at her hand that still gripped the knife. "No," Pierce hissed out. "I was a Far." Tears fell from Pierce's eyes.
   Val struggled to breathe though she spoke anyway. "We know. I was...coming to find you." Val's voice was harsh and low, forcing her words out with every breath.
   "Pull the knife out slowly so we don't have a full on severed spleen?" Spencer shouted from the doorway too afraid to come out into the opening.
   Slowly Pierce pulled the knife out of Val. "I'm so sorry."
   Val forced a smile. "You didn't know it was us."
   "Everyone was dead...and...uh...I just--I am so so sorry." Pierce cried out. "I-I would never--"
   "I know. I'm a werewolf and Fae, remember. I'll heal."
   The knife completely out of Val, Pierce dropped it hugging Val for dear life.
   Drake ran up to Val now that it was safe embracing Val as the rest including Spencer went up to help her.
   Pierce fell into the background, staring down at her hands covered in Val's blood. "I could have killed her," she whispered to herself.
   "But you didn't. You were unaware and tricked. Val was tricked into believing that was Brent. It's not your fought."
   "Then who's fought is it?" Pierce snarled. lIke just stabbed my own daughter."
   "Who will shift and heal," Kathleen retorted. "And we will go after the one's responsible."
   "Which party? Blair and her vampire or your sister and her Fae?"
   "Oh...I take full responsibility," a woman from a distance said.
   Pierce and Kathleen both looked off toward the opening from the woods as no one other than Maerla approached with her army of Fae.
   It had been nearly a century since Kathleen last saw her older sister. Seeing her now for the first since their problems began only confusion passed through her mind. Who was her sister now?

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