Prima's Bite (Book Two) Lesbi...

By DominaAlexandra

109K 6.2K 602

Val, Drake, and Allira have started their mating bond. Despite this new Fae problem they have to face things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty -Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Twenty

3.5K 196 20
By DominaAlexandra

Marisa walked out to the back patio interrupting a few werewolves talking amongst themselves. Soon as they noticed her they drew silent as if keeping a secret not meant for Marisa's ears.
Yeah, that was obvious, Marisa thought. It was too late. She had already over heard their whispers.
   One of the werewolves snickered, Marisa turning to catch him scoping her figure.
   She cringed internally calling out to all her willpower not to say something. Marisa was new to this pack and half the pack ignored her while the other half had mixed feelings about her joining. Some liked her, while the rest made it seemingly clear they did not approve.
   Something about being a bitten Were.
   If it wasn't for Valerie she would have left long ago.
   She walked over to the fire pit not caring to light a fire but be isolated from the rest.
   The werewolf she caught staring at her approached chest poked out as if he was modeling for the next military magazine issue. He was all right looking for a guy.
   Marisa held her ice tea in her hand, swaying her blonde hair out of her face. She liked to wear her hair down. Made her feel like a princess. That's what she told everyone jokingly. Truth, she just liked her hair down. It softened her a bit.
   She closed her squared jaw shut waiting for him to talk.
   "I'm Drew." He smiled showing his perfect whites. "My brother and I were curious."
Here we go. "About?" Marisa wanted to give this guy the benefit of the doubt. He was pack after all.
   "Have you ever considered being with a man?" Before Marisa could comment he went further into his questioning. "I mean...before you were turned, the men you had around were humans. Hardly worthy of your beauty. But have real men. Werewolves. Looking for a mate?"
   Though Marisa was vastly aware of her beauty hearing it from a man was not what she wanted. "I'm good," was all she said.
   "Seriously. How about we try each other out for a night?"
   Immediately, before Marisa even knew how to stop her wolf snarled through her lips trembling her chest. "I don't need or care for a man's confirmation on my good looks." Marisa's eyes locked with Drew's. "If you'd excuse me I came here to sit privately."
   Drew stepped into her personal space and instinctively Marisa punched him in the nose feeling threaten.
   The other two werewolves ran up grabbing Drew before he could lunge at her.
   She had been learning pack laws. And one could not challenge another until the full moon.
   Drew snarled as blood came from his now broken nose seeping into his mouth. "Bitch." It barely took the two other werewolves to hold him back but that was only because he stopped resisting. "You think cause you got it good with our Alpha's you can get away with things."
   "I haven't been trying to get away with anything," Marisa snarled. "But don't ever approach me again and we won't have this problem."
   Drew smirked maliciously. "The next time I approach will be on our next full moon and I will challenge you...openly. You are going to stay at the bottom of this pack."
   "You think I care about rankings?" Marisa blew him off sitting back at the chair she was originally headed to before interrupted.
   Drew muttered a few more words before he and his two friends left.
   A few minutes passed when Spencer circled around the chair to face Marisa at a distance. She sat in a chair beside her. "You're still learning how to connect with your wolf...but, you will care about how you rank in our pack."
   "Then I'll worry then," Marisa said dryly.
   Spencer had never heard such bitterness in Marisa's tone. "Is something bothering you?"
   Marisa did not answer right away. She held her hand out in front of her, concentrating enough to call out her wolf. Her claws erupted out from through her fingers and then she called her wolf off to make them disappear. "I thought I'd love this new life. Since being here..." Marisa shook her head. Why was she sharing her thoughts to a woman who did not care about her..."never mind. Look, I wanted to be alone."
   Kind of surprised by Marisa's dismissal and lack of flirtation like she usually distributed very well, Spencer nodded.
   Once Spencer was gone, Marisa sighed thankful for the privacy.


   Drake and Allira laid in bed naked beneath the sheets. Resting her head over one of Allira's breast, Drake grazed the tips of her fingernails over Allira's abdomen. Drake smiled feeling Allira's muscles retract beneath her fingers.
   "I wanted to tell you something," Drake whispered.
   Allira brushed her fingers through Drake's hair. "What is it?"
   Drake preferred to get what she needed off her chest rather than hesitate and waste time. "I asked Spencer to test our cubs."
   Allira frowned from how quick Drake rushed her words out. After a few seconds of playing the words back in her head, Allira grimaced. She sat up on her elbows, Drake lifting off to sit straight up, using the sheet to cover her.
   "You did what?"
   Drake lowered her head. "I tested our cubs DNA."
   Allira took a moment to process that further. Her frown and displeasure was evident. "Why...why would you do that?" She asked perplexed and bothered by this whole conversation.
   "Because..." Drake sighed knowing this was already turning out wrong.
   "Because what?" Allira snarled. She blew out not wanting to upset Drake. Upsetting Drake would upset their cubs. "Why would you do that?" Allira asked though she struggled to keep a calm voice.
   "I wanted to know if our cubs were connected to you..." Drake regretted her choice of words instantly..."that's not how I meant it," Drake said immediately.
   Snarling, Allira scooted from Drake's reach, sliding out the bed to get dressed.
   "Allira...please hear me out."
   "Well you have about a minute of my time before I am dressed and walk out."
   Drake slid off the bed, sheet still hung around the front of her body. "You are every much apart of these cubs as Val or me. I just could see the look in your eyes, sometimes."
   "What look?" Allira asked.
   "The look your making right now when you stare down at my belly." Drake moved around to Allira quickly. "The look that says, 'will at least one of our cubs take up after you?' That's the look I see." Allira hid her head away by turning and Drake turned her back. "I believe that your blood runs through each cub just like Val's and mines. That's what I believe. I just..." Drake curled her hands around the nape of Allira's neck keeping her close..."I want you to have proof now that you have nothing to worry about. I'm tired of seeing that look."
   Allira wanted to be upset but she couldn't be mad at Drake. Deep down, Allira had been wondering and was too afraid to voice her thoughts. No matter what she would love their cubs. Drake was offering her an opportunity to find out the truth. "I love you."
   Drake smiled relieved and affectionate. "I love you too." She leaned in kissing Allira softly until she became dizzy with desire to pull her back into bed.
   Allira yanked the sheet down, tired of having it as a barricade that gave no access to her mates body. Her hands swarmed around Drake's body, their lips and tongues teasing each other before taking their kiss to a deeper level.
   Drake groaned in Allira's mouth, sinking her claws into the back of Allira's neck.
  A call through the packs telepathic bond put their path to love making on hold.
   "I got to go," Allira said. She had heard Spencer's request for conversation through their pack and Alpha bond.
   Drake nodded kissing her mate hard on the lips one last time before pulling away. "I know."
   They kissed a few more times before Allira stepped out. Her duty as Alpha.


   "What are you doing here?" Val searched pass Christof for Kathleen. "I asked for Kathleen."
   Christof slid his hands in his pockets, hazel eyes soft and wide on Val. There were days he wondered wondered about Valerie. If she had his eyes or broad build. She had his broad shoulders and Pierce's green eyes.
   The look Val presented to him was hostile. "You can leave. I'll wait."
   Christof needed to speak and reason with Val. "Look...I talked to my sister and Pierce."
   "You mean my mother," Val corrected.
   Val watched as Mckayla waved her bye along with a few others and waved back. She would have to come back to help out again but for the next few days Val wanted to be with her pack.
   "I get that I'm not your favorite person but if you let me explain like I did to your ma, then you would understand better. else will you get home. Kathleen and Pierce are...not available."
   Val frown turned into a small smile. She could imagine what Pierce and Kathleen could be doing alone. Staring back at Christof, Val made a decision. She was desperate to see her mates, family, and pack. "Fine."
   Christof walked Val back to the concealed portal exposing it from its glimmer, offering room for Val to pass through first.
   It was never something to get use to when passing through a portal. On the other side, back to familiar smells and territory Val watched Christof step out from the portal.
   Christof had explained from the beginning everything he knew and as much as Val wanted to rip his head off, he was just as innocent as she was. Less innocent but close enough. It did hurt hearing him admit that he wanted no interest in her as a daughter.
   "But that was before," Christof said cutting Val out of her thought like a scissors through paper. "I would like to get to know you."
   Val shook her head. "You weren't interested before. Don't be interested now. I don't need someone trying to play daddy to me out of obligation or guilt. You have your own kids now. And I already have a father."
   "Who...Bran? Who's been Awol. And my kids  are your brothers and sister," Christof said defensively. "I'm not trying to make you feel like I never cared or wondered about you."
   "Yeah well..." Val looked around realizing the portal opened up a half mile from the road..."You never cared hard enough. I have to go."
   Not giving Christof a chance Val headed home.


   Pierce's mouth was hot against Kathleen's, being slammed hard against the dresser. Kathleen's body crushed into Pierce, dosed up full of enough endorphins to have a build up of several orgasms rolled up into one.
   Sliding her fingers underneath Pierce's thigh, Kathleen lifted up her leg wrapping it around her waist. Pierce was half propped up on the dresser moaning when Kathleen's lips fell down at her neck.
   "Oh...God," Pierce whimpered out.
   Kathleen's thin lips pressed in nipping at Pierce's skin right below her chin. Kathleen's hot breath sent shocks of foreseeable pleasure of what she would offer Pierce in the very near future. Placing a kiss right below Pierce's earlobe Kathleen whispered, "I've wanted you the moment I saw you."
   Pierce groaned, knees feeling weak from the tingling that slammed from the inner curve of her ear down to her lower back and clitoris. She was hot and wet. "What doing to me?" Pierce moaned out frenzied and in need.
   For only a moment to answer Pierce's question, Kathleen looked into her eyes. "I'm making love to you." Those words sent more shivers down Pierce's spine. "And apparently...your body has been wanting this for quite some time."
  "Perhaps," Pierce said playfully.
   Kathleen leaned in enough to whisper in Pierce's ear breathless enough to stirring her. "Let's see how your body responds."
   Instantly, as if Kathleen had said the magic words she tugged at the hem of Kathleen's shirt wanting nothing but to feel her skin and she her naked.
   Once Kathleen's shirt was removed Pierce lips planted back onto hers, heighten with more arousal than she could handle.
   Kathleen's hands ran down Pierce's body moving to the front, unbuckling Pierce's jeans. "Hey," she murmured through Pierce's kissing lips. "Slow."
   That was enough to get Pierce to moan in displeasure and anticipation.
   Gradually, Kathleen placed a kiss at every corner of Pierce's body, loving her right.
   Pierce shivered regularly as Kathleen touched her skin with soft butterfly kisses, sending her skin scorching with pleasurable internal burns.
   At this point Pierce's panties were dampened and body was as high as she ever though possible. She could almost understand why people were sex addicts or even heroin addicts. The euphoria was beyond strong to say no to.
   Kathleen slowly unbutton Pierce shirt, placing soft kisses at the nape of her neck.
   Closing her eyes, Pierce let Kathleen take full control of her as she slacked into the dresser.
   She tried to focus on touching Kathleen. She wanted to feel every part of her but Pierce was to swept up in what Kathleen was doing. It was impossible to concentrate on anything accept Kathleen.
   Fully unbutton, Kathleen opened Pierce's shirt up, finding her eyes heavy on Pierce's exposed body. Pierce wore a gray laced bra, see through, as if that was made strictly for her body and Kathleen's eyes.
   Licking her lips, Kathleen grazed a kiss between Pierce's breast. "You are so fucking beautiful. Gosh. I've wanted you terribly."
   Pierce fingers dug into Kathleen's scalp kissing her again, long and brutally hard as if desperate to be closer. Kathleen sucked in Pierce's bottom quivering lip, moaning deeply.
   Her hand slid behind Pierce's back, cautiously slow. Kathleen wanted to give Pierce enough time to change her mind before removing the bra.
   Pierce never tried to stop her. She only panted eager and nervous, waiting patiently for Kathleen to unhook it. Kathleen finished what she set out to do, the bra loosening around Pierce.
   Eyes comforting Pierce, all Kathleen wanted to do was take things as slow as Pierce needed. She had to keep her own body in check.
   "I'm not going to run," Pierce said, holding Kathleen's eyes with a locked in promise. "I want this to happen as much as you do."
   Kathleen smiled warmly leaning back in to kiss Pierce intensely. Their lips moved together in absolute synchronization as Kathleen kicked off her shoes. She pulled Pierce toward the bed, unexpectedly having Pierce shove her into it first.
   Pierce stood at the foot of the bed looking almost too dangerous to touch. Her heart throbbed fast fighting away her fears. Pierce wanted this. This would be her first time ever making love. Brent had never been half of what Kathleen was to Pierce. Kathleen's blazing red hair and deep set green Fae eyes enthralled her like a vampire would. Except, Pierce was very willing. From Kathleen's long feminine fingers to pointy curved ears, Pierce wanted every part of Kathleen.
   Slipping the bra from her shoulders, Pierce eyes never swayed from Kathleen's.
   The normal green in Pierce's eyes darkened to a smoldering emerald green. All fear vanished when she saw the care and live in Kathleen's eyes. Pierce shivered from the thought of Kathleen possibly loving her.
   Sliding into bed, Pierce straddled Kathleen after removing her jeans and dampened panties. She was fully naked and wanted the same from Kathleen.
   Kathleen removed her bra with assistance from Pierce, than her pants and panties as well.
   Now both naked in bed, Pierce pushed through her nerves stretching her body along Kathleen's as she pressed into her. Their bodies melted as one moaning from the tingling of their breast pressing together. Their lips met back molded together, Kathleen scraping her tongue against Pierce's upper lip.
   Pierce groaned when Kathleen's hands squeezed tight around her ass.
   Blowing out for a breath, Pierce laughed.
   Kathleen smiled kissing Pierce hard a second time. "What's so funny?" She asked huskily.
   "This," Pierce said, a blush rising in her cheeks.
   "Is this okay?"
   Pierce leaned down kissing Kathleen again. "Very okay," she whispered.
   Kathleen's hands brushed up Pierce's back, Pierce trembling as a response. "Every touch you give me...drives my body wild." Pierce closed her eyes trying her best not to moan out or tremble as Kathleen continued to graze her finger down her lower back.
   Pierce wanted to squeeze her legs tight.
   Taking full control, Kathleen rolled Pierce onto her back now on top. "Try not to bite me...unless it's for positive reasons."
   A werewolves bite could be deadly to a Fae if their venom was released into their bodies. Kathleen liked staying alive.
   Kathleen kissed Pierce hungrily. Pressing her body into Pierce, she was more desperate than ever to feel every part of Pierce's body. She traced kisses down Pierce's body inches from her breast. Gradually, Kathleen moved to one side flicking her tongue first over Pierce's breast. Pierce cried out, arching her breast up into Kathleen's mouth, sucking lightly on it. Right away, Pierce's nipple harden in her mouth.
   "Mmm...God...I can't even think straight..." Pierce whimpered out. Her eyes were shut tightly, nipping on her bottom lip.
   That exact look of desire and craving sent chills wild through Kathleen's body as she continued to suck on Pierce's nipple.
   Pierce's fingers dug into her scalp, pulling Kathleen's hair as her moans continued in a chorus.
   Kathleen loved the rough pulling of her hair even if Pierce had not been trying to do so on purpose.
   Moving over to the other side, Kathleen immediately cupped Pierce's breast sucking her nipple hard into her mouth. She noticed how each breast liked to be loved differently. The breast she was at now loved a hard tug while the other responded to softer strokes.
   Pierce was being driven mad and wild. She wanted more.
   Slowly, as if purposely trying to drive Pierce insane Kathleen traced butterfly kisses down below Pierce's breast over her ribs. She nipped her teeth, tugging at the soft flesh an inch from Pierce's nipple.
   Kathleen curled her hand down Pierce's body grazing her fingernails over her inner thigh.
   "Fuck," Pierce whimpered out. "Please, Kathleen," she pleaded raspy with uncharted need.
   As if to give Kathleen a bigger picture to her meaning, Pierce arched her hips up pressing into Kathleen.
   In no rush Kathleen continued to taunt Pierce mouth back fully covered over Pierce's nipple.
   After giving both Pierce's breast perfect attention Kathleen lowered herself down to Pierce's pelvis placing a soft kiss that sent life altering waves down to her clit.
   Pierce did not no how much longer she could handle this.
   So wrapped into the ecstasy of Kathleen's erogenous touch, Pierce did not realize where Kathleen was until she felt something wet flicker up her swollen clit.
   Pierce's hip jerk upward, crying out Kathleen's name as her fingers clenched into the sheets.
   Slowly, Kathleen sucked in Pierce's mound with perfect patience as she let Pierce feel every bit of pleasure.
   Again Kathleen flicked her tongue across Pierce's swollen clit tasting her juices as more poured out.
   "You are unbelievably wet," Kathleen smiled pleased.
   Pierce had never thought there would be a day where she allowed or even enjoy someone's mouth down between her legs. But Kathleen was not just anyone and if she let it Kathleen would always be the only one.
   Kathleen's tongue stroked Pierce's clit with no patterns as she got a reaction out of Pierce every time.
   Finally ready to see her face again, Kathleen moved back up to Pierce at face level, kissing her hard not wasting any further time. Kathleen slid her finger inside her slow and deep, as Pierce hips raised with the depth. Moving in and out of Pierce slowly, Kathleen drowned herself in Pierce's moans and scent, completely hooked and reeled in.
Pierce's cries came more frequent and faster, orgasm building from every mastering stroke.
   Pierce rocked her hips along each stroke as she shuddered, crying out, " God." Pierce bit her lip, while squeezing her eyes shut. "Kathleen," she screamed out as an orgasm broke inside her like water bursting through a dam.
   Not able to see pass the orgasm flaring through her Pierce body concluded taking in every shock of memorable pleasure.
   It took Pierce a couple minutes just to not tremble anymore. Kathleen's soft kiss to the jaw sent a jolt of aftershock orgasm through her body and she groaned out again.
   Pierce's eyes had been squeezed so tightly shut, she could see black spots when opening them.
   Kathleen laid on her side, head cradled in the palm of her hands.
   Pierce turned her head finding a smile film Kathleen's face as she stared at her. "I see you're pleased with yourself," Pierce whispered out.
   Kathleen shook her head. "I'm pleased with you. You were amazing."
   Pierce skewed her expression as if searching for some hidden dance around the truth. "I didn't do anything."
   Kathleen leaned down over Pierce who was still laying in her back and kisses her softly. "You did everything. You are...everything. And as Far...I can not lie."
   Pierce scooted over flopping Kathleen onto her back then cradled herself against the side of Kathleen's body. "Then I will never lie to you. Have to make it fair, a little."
   Kathleen chuckled softly. "I appreciate the honesty and you being so far."
   "You're welcome," Pierce teased. Thinking of how much Kathleen had made her feel, Pierce was just as eager to do the same for Kathleen. "And my start in being honest..." Pierce stared up with a needful glare and though she'd never really pleased even a man before, Pierce felt strong and confident enough to give Kathleen exactly what she needed and deserved..."I want to make your body react like mines did. Care to experience that?"
   Kathleen grinned ear to ear. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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