MBTI types - The 16 Personali...

By petalkoo

483K 16.7K 8.7K

-BTS' Official Typings Included- Text posts, scenarios, personality sketches, typings of band members and fan... More

Types In Stressful Situations
The Type's Kryptonite
The Types, The World and YOU
Types As Kids
Types As Employees
Types Under The Influence
Types Online VS Real Life Potrayal
Types As Girlfriends
Types As Boyfriends
Types After A Breakup
How You Died
Types Should Stop Doing
Descriptions On Tumblr
Types As Seasons
Give A Plant To The Types
Types Going To School
The Types And Eye-contact
Types As Lazy Things
Types Trapped In A Room
Types As Special Moments
Party With The Types
The Types As Cats
Types As Posts Made By Postmaker
Improved Stereotypes of the MBTI Personalities
Types As Alignments
The Types And Morals
Types are Smug about
Cleaning Squads
How to seduce the types
Your Own Personality,Your Own Person
Types As Exercise Mispellings
Types As Starwars Plotholes
Basic "Type as"posts
Types As Fall Out Boy lyrics
Star Wars:MBTI Edition
As One Direction Songs
As Selena Gomez Lyrics
Famous ENFPs
Famous INFPs
Famous INFJs
Famous ENFJs
Famous INTPs
Famous ENTPs
Famous INTJs
Famous ENTJs
Famous ISFPs
Famous ESFPs
Famous ISTPs
Famous ESTPs
Famous ISFJs
Famous ESFJs
Famous ISTJs
Famous ESTJs
Reaction To Failure And Mistakes
Negative Things About The Types
Harry Potter Spells
Decision Making With The Types
Types dealing with issues
Types talk trash
Types Bump Into Others
Types with copying
Weird Knowledge Squads
Most to least INDEPENDENT
Types Heaven
Types Hell
Types come with warning labels
If the Types like you
What makes you sexy and attractive
Don't date ENFPs
Types As Muse Songs
Types As Greek gods/goddesses
Types As Dog Breeds
Steven Universe
Gravity Falls
MBTI as Fandoms
As Fallout Boy Songs
As Twenty One Pilots Songs
Types after death
Astrology vs MBTI
Types In an Apocalypse
Types As Ice-Creams
Types and Compliments
Types as Cinnamon Rolls
Types In Fights
Types as Pirates and Ninjas
Types As Pick Up lines and Compliments
Types As Teachers
Why Types Are Cute?(Intuitives)
Tumblr Stereotypes
Thought processes
What your ex misses about you
Types & A million dollars
Types' mental age
Types In Horror Movies
3K WTF tysm
Types & Bad Days
Most to least organized
Most Calm And Easy Going To Most Excited And Bubbly
Dwells behind the types' eyes
Types' Happiness
Types' uniqueness
ENFP Things
Types As Lana Del Ray Songs
Types at a Wedding
Extroverts and Introverts should know
Types have trouble admitting this
What Exhaust The Types
Types' Snobby behaviour
Types' sense of humour
Me to People
Types' Hardcore Showers
Types' pureness
Types' Last day of School
Types & Money
How other people view YOU
Types' falling in love
Types' stuck in Elevators
Types' as Teen Novel Characters
(MUST)Types' as things
Hiders or Seekers
Types' as "Why the fuck you lying"
Types' highkey,lowkey moments
Types as elements
Types' stereotypical things
Types with Weather Forecast
Types As Ghosts
Types WITH Reading books
Types' deal breakers
Types as Taylor Swift's Songs
Types are Afraid of
Types on Holidays
Types when Sick
Types' why the chicken crosses the road
Types as Friends
Types as US states
Types & Anger
How to motivate the types

Types as mystical creatures

2.8K 88 26
By petalkoo

esfp: satyr. the original party animal. esfps like to wring every drop of enjoyment from their life. they like romance, they like good food and good alcohol. they are thrill seekers, constantly pursuing the next exhilarating experience. they have a knack for inspiring large groups to revelry. capricious, dionysian, tons of fun.

isfp: unicorn. unique- famously unique. isfps are magical, special, and cool, and the whole world knows it. however, like the unicorn, isfps are also bashful, and difficult to get close to. sure, they're sparkly and miraculous but deep down they're actually pretty scared of people. lots of people want to hunt unicorns, and lots of people want to befriend or romantically pursue isfps- and often the pressure of being desired will spook them.

infp: the loch ness monster. elusive, lonely, and melancholy. floating around in a deep dark, secret place all their own, never revealing themselves entirely, just emerging occasionally through the fog, provoking wonder in those who catch a glimpse.

enfp: phoenix. the enfp experiences their life and emotions as a series of astronomical highs and abysmal lows. when they are in ashes, it can appear, to themselves and others, as if they are beyond resurrection. however, they will always rise, brighter than ever before, in a blaze of vibrant color and creativity.

intj: sphinx. what are they thinking? what's the answer to the riddle? like the mythical sphinx, intjs are quiet, unflappable, and infinitely wise. like the sphinx, they are intimidating. they are a tough to crack code, and they will never, ever, EVER put all of their cards on the table at once.

entj: griffin. dignified and regal, the entj seems to have it all together, and to have a plan at hand for any situation. majestic, commanding respect by their mere presence alone. courageous and powerful with a moral compass made of gold.

istp: dragon. often fearsome and awe-inspiring, just as often lazy and indulgent. an istp will fiercely pursue their goals, and they will fiercely protect their loved ones, unafraid to perhaps scorch a few peasant villages along the way. they also highly value their material possessions, and have a tendency to assemble collections of items that interest them. the istp is happiest with a full belly, asleep with their tail curled around their hoard.

estp: minotaur. often stubborn and temperamental, the estp is one formidable foe in conflict, whether physical or argumentative. they can be a bit...eh, bull-headed, if you will. they guard what they value fiercely, and they are excellent to have on your side in a competitive situation

istj: hobbits. creature comforts are near and dear to the istj. they value coziness above all else, and have a strong nesting instinct. they are nothing without a homey hobbit hole to call their own and share with their dear ones, a place where they can keep a warm fire burning, a hot meal waiting to be prepared, and a shelf full of old books and trinkets with sentimental value.

estj: golem. once the estj has decided to do something, they really might as well be made of stone. they have a high respect for authority, and are very in tune with their inner set of values. they will work tirelessly, possibly without sleep or food, like a stone warrior, to do right by whatever cause they have allied themselves with.

isfj: fairies. isfjs will remain bright and twinkly even when others in the world seem jaded and dark. they are in tune with nature and with healing. isfjs will do whatever they can to help a friend in need- whether it be a healing potion or a handmade get well card. sweet and magical, creative and crafty.

esfj: mermaid. carefree and social, it's easy to picture an esfj swirling through the water with a group of undersea friends. esfjs are beautiful in a friendly and playful way that seems fun and inviting. it's easy to want to be part of their world (lololol) which always seems full of friendship and beauty.

infj: shapeshifter. the infj wears as many faces as they care to wear, adapting seamlessly to almost any situation or group. they are so malleable that oftentimes the infj does not even know their own true form. they might, for a time, try on the guise of another type, frequently an infp or isfj, but they will shed that skin easily for another to adapt to change. they are slippery- sometimes to the extent that they deceive without intention. and when they do intend to deceive, there is nothing more sinister than a lying shapeshifter.

enfj: siren. like their cousin the infj, the enfj is not quite what they seem. they are magnetic. they will sing you songs about fame and fortune, about moral goods and the future of the world, and before long you've changed your mind about who you're voting for. alluring. you always want to get closer to the enfj, you always want to dock your ship, get out, and be their friend.

intp: centaur. to outsiders, they often seem solemn, weird, and frankly kind of like an asshole. however, beneath their lofty blunt exterior lies a vast universe of wisdom, in touch with invention and the stars. intps are fascinated by invention and innovation. they are often just so entirely bad at small talk that they will always be characterized as aloof.

entp: elf. mischievous, approaching everything in life as though it might as well be a joke. the entp could easily be pictured pointy eared, tootling away on a reed flute. they are charmers. sometimes it seems like they are very deep and wise. sometimes it seems like they take nothing seriously enough and are detached from reality.


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this.This is just for fun.Please don't be offended.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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