Ghost Hunt Fanfic ●ᴥ● [Finish...

By SmolCinnaBean

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This is a fanfic for Ghost Hunt This is based on Mai and Naru's story in the future :) They go on new... More

A New Case
I'm Playing a Game
I Go Down...
Case 2: The Puppeteer
Masako and I Have a Great Start
Meeting the Puppeteer
Fox Fires...Mai the Puppet.
Hurting Friends
Saving Mai....(Hopefully)
The Hospital T-T (Ending of Part 2!)
Living with Naru?! Part 3
Serial Killers? And feelings...
Naru in the Hospital, WHY?
Departing with Naru
Evil Nurse O-O (Mai's point of view she is)...(End of Part 3)
Case 4: Insane Hospital
Mai gets freed
Suggestions please!
Meeting with the Undead Patient and drugged
Masako is back!
Mai gets help...
Just Me, Naru and Lin
I Have to do the Exorcism?!
Saving My Friends. (End of Part 4)
Home? Part 5
The Cellar o-o
Secrets Revealed....
Heading to England...(End of Part 5)
Starting The Project (Part 6)
Case 5 (Part 6): Odd Woman.
Protect Emily.
Exorcise the Ghost Mom..!(End of Part 6)
Mai Get's Very Ill! (Part 7)
I'm Coming Back!
Savior (End of Part 7)
Home... [Part 8]
Kidnapped! O-O
Going To A Ball And Meeting A Weird Guy.. ._.
What's Happening To Me?! (End of Part 8)
Case 6 (Part 9) Spirits All Over....
So Many Spirits!
The Power of The Necklace! (End of Part 9!)
Family of Ghosts [Part 10]
Magic and College?!
The Tour...
End... <3

I'm Back and More

870 23 4
By SmolCinnaBean

THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY LONG CHAPTER! WATTPAD HAD CUT ME DOWN ON PARTS. Just wanted to let you all know.  Okay, on to the story! ;)

I stared at the blue sky as the bus was driving me and many students home. I played with my now long hair. I'm debating if I should cut it or not but I think it suits me pretty well...

As I got done messing with my hair, I began to play with the flower charm that was on the golden bracelet Naru had given me... 

"Ow!" I screeched as I felt my hair get yanked really hard. I turned around to see a girl with bright pink hair with red ends and bright moss green eyes standing before me.

"Remember mee??" She asked with a smirk.

"Oh yeah.. You're one of the girls in my group during 2nd year when we had to do that big art project which I HAD TO DO MYSELF!"

"Yeah and it got me and my friend in serious trouble!" She hissed.

"So" I said

"So! I hate you. You act like miss perfect and miss know it all!" She whined.

"Do I care for your opinion? No. Now please go sit with your friend and act like an actual adult instead of a freaking 5 year old!" I shouted furiously.

She grabbed me by the hair and yanked me out of my seat.

"Listen you little brat!-"

"Oi! Let go of her right now! Get over here and sit behind me! Come on!" The bus driver shouted as he pulled me and her away from each other.

"You alright?" He asked. I nodded my head.

I sat back in my seat then began to fix my hair.


Time went on and finally the bus got to my street. I asked the bus driver kindly to let me off so if Naru is home, he won't really suspect I'm back yet.. I want to make it a surprise. Also that girl was still there so I don't want her to find out where I live.

I got off the crazy vehicle and began to walk down the sidewalk.
Eventually I got back to my lovely home.

Then I saw him. At first I thought it was Lin.. But no. He changed so much it was scary.
Without thinking, I threw my suitcases onto the ground and ran up to Naru, hugging him from behind. Tears were flowing out of my joyful eyes as I finally got to see him again. 

Naru pulled my hands off, then turned around. His cold face softened. Then Naru picked me up like a little child. I sat there in his arms, waiting for what he's going to do or say. After the long silence, I finally got to see that single tear escape his face. A tear I have not seen for such a long time... Something I have never seen before, Naru was crying... 

"Thank god you're back" he managed to say.

Before I could say something, Naru pushed my face towards his and immediately he kissed me. I didn't know what to do but just accepted his kiss...

*I'm not good with romantic stuff so bare with me XD*

"Naru" a voice so deep and cold called out. 

I froze. I opened my eyes to see Lin standing at their black van, staring at us. Naru smiled. "Come on Mai. I think everyone would be happy to see you. Let's go unpack your stuff, okay?" 


Naru placed me down and we both walked inside and went up to my empty bedroom. 

Naru began putting back stuff from my second suitcase and I put away my clothes which were in the first suitcase. 

"So..How was college?" he asked.

"Fine" I replied.

"Really?" Naru turned to me. "Doesn't sound fine to me".

"No really. Just a little problem on the bus" 

Naru shook his head and left the room. "Come downstairs when you're done" he shouted.


I headed downstairs and went outside. Naru and Lin were already in the van waiting. I ran to the van, trying to keep the top part of my dress up, and got inside the nice cold vehicle.

I sat in the back awkwardly...

"Mai. How old are you now?" Lin asked.

"Uh...23..." I said, confused by the question.

I could see in the mirror that Lin was smiling and he was glancing at Naru. I peeked over to see Naru reading his book.. I yawned.

 Once i'm home I gotta go somewhere. Yay... I wish I could sit for a minute but oh well.

"So wait where are we going?" I asked.

"While you were unpacking, I had Lin call up everyone to meet us at the office" Naru said.

"I bet they're dying to see you" he added.

"Naru. If you were attempting to make a pun because you deal with spirits and stuff, you failed so bad" I said, ashamed.

"I tried. I don't normally do stuff like that so" he sighed.

I began to laugh after that.


Once we got in the office, Naru told me to stay out in the hall upstairs. So I agreed and sat down on a chair that was outside Naru's door.

I heard them talking for awhile but I didn't know what. I got up from the chair and leaned my ear against the glass. This is what I heard...

Naru: So uh.. I got a call from Mai earlier

Bou-San: What is it!? Is she coming back!? :O

Ayako: Yeah Naru, is she?

Masako: I think it would be nice seeing that foolish girl again...

John: Well, I wouldn't say foolish *laughs hesitantly*

Naru: Well no, she's not...She said she's going to be staying for about another year or two

*Everyone gasps*


John: Wasn't she suppose to be out by now though?

Naru: Yes, she was, but she decided to take some extra classes

*Hears Bou-San crying* 

After that commotion, I heard footsteps coming towards the door so I panicked and hid in the kitchen area. I peeked over in the doorway to see Monk and Naru out in the hallway. Naru noticed me and he gave a sigh of relief. He was trying his best to calm down Monk who was having a breakdown.

Naru waved me over so I hesitantly walked out of the doorway and stood in front of Monk. 

"Uh... Hi" I said.

Bou-san looked up at me with eyes full of sorrow. "M-Mai....?" he stuttered. Though, his eyes soon become more bright and cheerful. "AHHH YOU LIED TO ME NARUU!! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!" Monk cried as he jumped up and hugged me, almost causing us to tumble down.

"I tried to make it a surprise" Naru said flatly.

Bou-San picked me up off the ground and carried me into the office.

"H-HEY! PUT ME DOWNN!!" I shouted. Monk shook his head, "No I will not young lady!!"

Everyone gasped, "Mai!?".

"Naru lied!" Bou-san cried as he placed me back onto the ground. 

Everyone glared at Naru for a quick moment then stared at me. 

"Well you sure did change" Ayako said as she began to examine me over..

Masako and John both agreed with Ayako's statement.

"Don't be mad at Naru for trying to surprise you with my arrival back.." I told them as I crossed my arms.

"Oh Mai, I guess Naru didn't tell you but while you were gone, I and John got married and so did Ayako and Monk" Masako informed me as she hugged her now husband's arm.

"Wait seriously!? And none if you bothered to let me know!?"

"We were going to but we didn't want to interrupt your studies" Masako said.

"I'm happy for you all but please let me know next time when something important happens! You guys are my friends! So what if I'm doing something important. I'll take time out to be with you" I explained.


After the reunion, Naru and Lin had took me home then left to go somewhere. I sat on the couch, thinking. 
I began to hum to myself, trying to keep the room from being quiet.


"I think I'm gonna take a walk..To the house"

I got up from my seat and ran out the door.

*Going to go see the house huh?*

"Yeah.. It's been quite some time since I last saw the rumble of my home.." I said to Kage as I was trying to keep my dress from slipping down while I was running.

*I think it's time to release me Mai*

I stopped. "Wait what?"

*Your mother and father had place me in here for reasons as protecting you until you are able to be on your own and to protect you on cases. Soon you'll start a family with you know who, and I honestly don't want to be in with that*

"I understand... So how do I do that?" I choked.

*By breaking this crystal that is keeping me from escaping. Once you get to the house, do it there... Please*

"I will..."


Eventually I got to the house. It was still in it's rubble... But really nothing left. I took off the necklace and placed it in the palm of my right hand.

*The power inside you can break it. Do it now*

As tears were flowing through my eyes, I clenched my hand...I felt the glass piercing through my skin as it broke... And as it did, a dark purple mist was spewing out of it. It soon formed the girl who had stuck by my side for a long time..

"Thank you" she said.
"It was nice sticking by your side for all this time... I hope you live happily with your partner. Goodbye.."

Then that was it. She vanished. I dropped to my knees, crying as I was holding the broken shards in my blooded hands.

"Thank you" I sobbed.


I got up from the rubble, wiping my tears away. I began to walk home. It felt odd. It felt empty.

I then felt my body get lifted into the air.

"Mai! You had us worried!" He panted, trying to collect his breath.


Naru pecked my cheek and placed me down. "Let's go home, alright?"

I nodded my head and held his hand as we walked home together.....


(Hours later, in bed -Narrator POV-) *I don't know why I make things dark in my perspective ._. Oh well*

Mai who was now in bed after the nice dinner she had with Naru and Lin, seemed to be having a troubling dream. She tossed and turned, trying to escape the horrible dream that was consuming her mind. Sweat was slipping down her face... She felt as if her sanity was slowly washing away.


Soon she began to cry as she woke up from that nightmare.
"Naru!" she sobbed, choking on her tears quietly.

As expected, Naru suddenly appeared in her room, rushing towards her. 

"Mai what's wrong?" he asked worryingly.

Mai hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry...A dream I had..For a minute it felt real... But I guess it wasn't" she explained.

Naru patted her head and calmed her down.

"Do you want me to stay with you until you go back to sleep?" Naru suggested.

"If that's okay..Then please" she said.

"Alright then"

Mai scooted to the left side of her bed to make room for Naru.
Hesitantly but quickly, he laid down next to her.
Mai apologized again but he told her it's okay.

The two slept together for the night <3

*Hi Gene XD You just chillin on the side, that's cool. Oh and hi Monk.. XD* Yeah... 12 AM, writing fanfictions all day, this is what I draw, but trust me, most of the time its WAY weirder xD The last chapter will be out soon!, I'll see you in the next one, bye bye!! :D

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