magcon/ogoc imagines

By wilkinsdream

7.2K 266 32

boys included; aaron, cam, dillon, hayes, gilinsky, johnson, swazz, kenny, matthew, nash, nate, taylor, shawn... More

Puppy // a.c
Calm // c.d
Where Art Thou // d.r
Age Is Just A Number // c.d
One Sided Feud // c.d
Milkshakes and Date Talks // h.g
Welcome Parties // d.r
One Last Time // omaha
Fights About Love // d.r
Mind of Mine // s.w
Airport Talk // s.m
The Ex and The Baby // n.m
Baby Names // j.s
Lazy Day // s.w
Ballerina // j.j
FaceTime // m.e
Our Minnie Miracle // k.h
Best Friends Brother // n.m
Tired // n.g
Chemistry // s.w
Awkward // t.c
Jailbird // n.m
Back Together // omaha
Homebound // k.h
Baby // n.m
Baby 2 // n.m
Baby 3 // n.m
Daddy Issues 1 // s.w
Daddy Issues 2 // s.w
Daddy Issues 3 // s.w
Daddy Issues 4 // s.w
Daddy Issues 5 // s.w
Daddy Issues 6 // s.w
Daddy Issues 7 // s.w
3am // n.m
Overreact // m.e
Watergun // n.m
Fanboy // n.m
Meet The Parents // j.j
Labour Pains // j.s
Bond // j.s
Daddy Daughter Dance // j.j

Our Minnie Miracle, p.2 // k.h

80 3 0
By wilkinsdream

"Mum!" Malachi shouts from downstairs. "Where's Minnie's inhaler?"

"In her bag!"

Minnie is now 3 and she's a lot better than she was when she was born. She had lack of oxygen in her brain after she was born, also known as hypoxia, and she developed Dystonia. Dystonia is a neurological disorder caused by miscommunication between the brain and the nerves. It affects her muscles and movement because it causes writhing, slow and involuntary movements. There is currently no cure to treat her dystonia but she's seeing a physicians and therapists to help her try to control portions of it.

She was rushed into the ICU just seconds after her birth due to the lack of oxygen in her body, she wasn't breathing properly which wasn't helping her so she was attached to wires and breathing tubes for months on end. Minnie has severe asthma and she has since the very first day of her life. She's gone through so many inhalers and so many asthma attacks that she knows exactly what to do when she can't breathe and how to control it – and she's only 3 years old.

Along with her dystonia and asthma, Minnie has recently been diagnosed with ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She was in pain when she walked just for a few minutes but then we noticed that even a short 2 minute walk tired the life out of her and no matter how much she rested and slept, she was still be so tired and fatigued that she just did not have the energy to do anything at all. Not even talking or reading her favourite books with me. We got her checked out and now she's on a set schedule for everything.

She was so looking forward to going to preschool and meeting new friends and playing dress up every day, but because of how severe of her ME, she isn't able to go to preschool properly. She can only go 2 days a week for an hour and a half each day. She can't go 20 minutes without having to use her inhaler so being home really makes it easier for me to make sure that she's okay. Even though she's only gone for an hour and a half, I get so worried that she's going to have an asthma attack or something similar.

"Mum, it's not in the bag!"

Malachi has been helping look after his sister ever since she was born, and he was the one who suggested that we keep extra inhalers all over the house in various different locations. He's such a good big brother.

"Get the one out of the kitchen drawer! Or out of the bathroom mirror cabinet!"

Kenny laughs lightly from the bed and rests his arms behind his head. "He says that every time, yet he's the one who put all the inhalers out."

"You know what Kai's like," I shake my head and look at him through the vanity mirror. "I thought I was forgetful, but he takes it to a whole over level." He looks at me with a bright and light smile on his lips. "What?" I ask.

His smile widens as he looks at me, "You look so cute right now." I turn around on the stool and stare at him.

"I've got no makeup on, I've got spots-galore and I'm wearing a shirt with ketchup and God knows what stains on it. I do not look cute right now."

"Yeah, you're right." He winks. "You look damn right gorgeous. Especially with your hair up in that messy bun, the spots covering your chin and your cute lil' belly."

"Lil'? There," I stand up, turn sideways and point at the massive size of my stomach. It's growing like nobody's business. "Is nothing 'lil' about this!"

"Okay, maybe your belly isn't so lil' anymore, but it's still fucking cute."

I slump my shoulders and walk around the bed to lay down next to him. This baby is really straining me out. "It's a massive lump."

"Babe, it's not a lump, it's a bump."

"Yeah, but it feels like a massive lump to me, and my back, and my legs, and my energy..."

"I get it, I get it." He sighs and wraps one of his arms around my shoulders. "You need to take it easy, you know that. We can't have another Minnie-like birth, baby."

Having another extremely early birth would be the worst case scenario. Thankfully, we made it past the 30 week barrier and we're now at 35 weeks and strong. The differences between both the pregnancies are so unbelievable. Minnie barely ever moved or kicked me, whereas this little terror does not stop moving and kicking me. I can tell that that's definitely a Holland/McCormick gene.

"I am taking it easy, it's just that Marin is non-stop moving, non-stop kicking and non-stop awake, it's fucking unbearable."


"Minnie's first word was almost 'fuck', Malachi's was 'fuck', Marin's will probably be the same."

Oh my God, I'm such a bad influence on kids. I really need to work on what I say around young audiences. Kenny's little sister, Capri, has started picking up on my 'mature language' and is starting to use it when she's annoyed with something or someone. Lets just say that I haven't visited in a few weeks.

"I love her name already."


"Yeah! It's just like, so different and not many people are called Marin, so at least she won't be known as Marin M at school."

"Ken, none of our kids are ever going to be nicknamed like that." We've gone for old-fashioned kind of names and people nowadays are going for over-used and/or crazy names. "And I love her name, too."

"Marin Louisa."

I argue back, there is no way I'm naming my daughter 'Louisa'. "Marin Sabrina."

"You want to name her after a teenage witch?"

"You want to name her after one of the Von Trapps?"


We had the exact same problem with naming our other two kids. We always manage to agree on the first name, which is meant to be the hardest bit, but when it comes to picking a middle name, we are completely hopeless.

I look up at Kenny and shrug my shoulders, "Why don't we just get the kids to pick her middle name?" If we can't decide, why not let someone else decide for us? "I mean, both of them love being involved with the baby decisions, they would love to do this."

"I completely agree," He grins and rubs my shoulder. "Cover your ears, I'm calling them up." I throw my hand over his mouth before he can shout their names.

"You may be a singer, but you're so not loud enough to get them up here."

"Oh yeah?" He smirks and turns slightly to properly look at me.

I give him the counter look and before he can challenge me, I scream out, "MALACHI, MINERVA!" And cause Kenny to scrunch his face up and pull his head as far away from me as he can. "GET UP HERE!"

Little yet loud feet charge up the stairs seconds later.

Malachi is the first in the room, but I can hear Minnie taking a big puff from her inhaler as she reaches the top floor. Kai sits down at the end of the bed, right where my feet are, and smiles at us. A few seconds later, our little princess comes in and plonks herself on her daddys lap.

"Can we help you?" Minnie breathes out, taking a deep breath and relaxing onto Kenny's chest.

"Yes, you can." I say and rest my hands on top of my big lump. "You know what the baby's name is, don't you?" They both nod, "What is it?"

"Marin." They chime.

"Good, now, what do you think her middle name should be?"

Minnie puts a finger to her chin in thought, "Louisa!"

"Did daddy make you say that?"

"Yes he did." She nods.

I raise an eyebrow and Kenny bites back a smile. "Did he bribe you?"

"Yes he did." She nods again.

"With ice-cream?"

"And fudge sauce, and whipped cream and sprinkles."

"Hmm." I hum and shoot Kenny a side look. "What do you think would be a good middle name for her?"

"Ellen!" Malachi says excitedly, no doubt he's been watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show again. He loves it. He prefers talk shows to cartoons.

"Marin Ellen doesn't sound right, but it's good for the next baby!"

Next baby?

I tilt my head and cross my eyes at my fiancé. "Next baby?"


"I'm not carrying another lump."

"That's what you said after Kai..."

Kai snorts in laughter, "And after Minnie..."

I sigh, "And after Marin..."

Minnie giggles at us and takes a puff from her inhaler. After she's recovered, she taps my shoulder, "Luna."

My eyebrows furrow as her smile grows wider, "Marin Luna?" She nods her head and cuddles further into her daddys chest. "I really like it."

"Where did Luna come from, Min?"

"It's my teddy's name!"

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