
By b_anonymous

142K 3.6K 462

Completed. Seventeen and stunning with a broken family. What happens when Lynns small family finds refuge and... More

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4.5K 127 4
By b_anonymous

Lynns POV

I kissed Drew on the lips savouring the feeling of him next to me. It's now our school holiday and my mum has planned on me staying with my Aunt Hilary and cousin Jackson. He is a year older than me and I've only met him once at a family reunion years ago when I was five. I hardly remember them which is really bad... Like he's my cousin for god's sake. In my defence, it was my father's fault for stopping us from seeing our own f*cking family.

I haven't gotten any more threatening notes from my Father... and let's hope that was the first and last. Who knows, it might've been a sick joke from someone who found out about my situation. I still haven't told my Mother about it I just don't want her to get worried especially after she's finally settled in but I know if I get any more, I'll have to get her involved. She already has enough stress looking after Ellie and finalising our move here.

"Are you sure you can't stay with me and my family in the cabin?" Drew asks for the one-hundredth time this week I laughed and hugged him shaking my head as a 'no', "it's so annoying we have a long break and don't even get to spend it with each other." He whined I would usually be doing the same thing, but I know we won't be able to change my Mum's mind now.

"I know baby, but I'll see you in three weeks okay?" He mumbled a 'yes' into my hair I sighed and inhale his Cool Water cologne which was very nice today. "I'll miss you," I say wanting to actually say I love him but not today. He doesn't feel that way yet, I don't want to scare him. He'd probably get too pressured and freak out then break up with me. Then while on holiday he will meet a better girl. A prettier, smarter girl to take my place as his girlfriend. Stop it. I ignored the evil thoughts in my head and focused on the boy in my arms. He has helped me so much in so little amount of time and the gratefulness I feel for him is unbelievable. Who else would stick around once they find out your father is crazy and hunting you down?  No one. 

"I'll miss you too Lynn," He says kissing my nose I giggled and pulled away holding his hand tightly making sure he was here with me and this wasn't some dream I'd conjured up in my imaginative brain.

"Bye-bye Drew have a great holiday!" I said waving to him through the window of our car, he smiles sadly and waves back. I sigh and look out the window at the scenery, it's about two hours away to get to Aunt Hilary's house from home so I put on my earphones and start jamming out to Pearl Jam.


"Hi, I'm Zach! Jackson told me to wake Y'all up cause you're here!" He said in a high pitched masculine country accent I smiled sleepily and got out the car and said 'bye' to my Mother with a quick kiss on the cheek knowing she had to get home before Ellie did. I picked up my suitcase and groggily followed Zach into a medium sized home with a front porch, a garden, and a tire swing on a tree. I am so trying that out later.

"Lynn!" A lady around 40 said hugging me I'm guessing she was my aunt, Hilary, I hugged back and smiled. It's weird how I'm staying with people I hardly know even if they are related to me. I had always envied families who spent every weekend, holiday and every free day off together. Her shoulder-length chestnut coloured hair was curled up to her shoulders. With smile lines dancing on her face that complimented her green eyes, she looked like a lovely person and very similar to my mum. The happiness and positivity that filled her aura automatically rid me of my nerves about spending this holiday here with strangers.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully happy to finally spend quality time with someone besides my sister and mum; finally being able to meet my other family members properly.

"Well aren't you a big girl all grown up and beautiful now," she said smiling, sadness and happiness coursed through her eyes as he looked at me I nodded and looked around the room to find a boy about my age he had brown hair and caramel coloured eyes like my own. I smiled politely at him.

"And you must be Jackson" I say looking interested, he nodded shyly and smiled before walking upstairs.

"Oh don't you worry, he's shy at first that's why Zach's so good for him he balances him out shy and confident you know!" Aunt Hilary said "well let's get you settled in your new room for the next few weeks," She said happily dragging my suitcase up the staircase with me in case she dropped it behind her. I walked into the room and smiled at the purple-ness of it. I giggled and jumped on the bed.

"Well if you want some dinner it's in the microwave but I'm going to bed because I've got to work tomorrow have a great sleep hun. Ee will get to know each other later on. You don't know how happy I am that your mother let you come." she smiled sadly at me and closing my bedroom door I closed my eyes and fell into another sleep thinking about my boyfriend and what he was doing.


1 week later

"What do we do?" A guys voice rung in my ears making me wake up slowly but not daring to open my eyes as the suns ray would blind me with light.

"Wake her up!" Zach said' I head them count to three and felt the weight of both of them jumping onto my bed.  Squealing I kicked them off and pushed them out of my room. This last week has been really fun Jackson warmed up to me and Zach, let's just say, warmed up to me a lot faster than what is considered normal. Despite me telling him time after time I had a boyfriend he doesn't get the hint and continues to flirt with me knowing it annoys the hell out of me. I sighed and rubbed my eyes and smiling realizing today is Drew and I's 1 month anniversary. I know that's a lame and cliché thing to say, but I love him and I'm planning on telling him as soon as we see each other so that would be next time I see him. He's also my first ever boyfriend so getting to one month is a huge achievement for me and I'm sure it is for him too, knowing how he used to be. I jump up and start dancing around my temporary room.

"It's my one month anniversary with Drew!" I shout looking for my phone to call him, but it's nowhere in sight. I look at Zach and he smiling evilly holding my iPhone 6 in his hand. "Zach give it to me now!" I shouted chasing him aggressively, onto the porch. He corners me and traps me in with his arms looking smug.

"You just can't resist me can you" he teasing leaning closer I wiggle but fail to get out of hid grips, last time this happened Drew was here to save me and now he's not.

"I've got a boyfriend leave me alone Zach!" I shouted trying to protest but his lips stop me they are forceful but the thing that scares me most is the sound of a motorcycle turning off. I push Zach away with as much force as I can muster up in that amount of time and look behind him to see a sad looking Drew holding a bouquet of a dozen red roses.

Anger flushed through his face as he storms up the stairs to the porch grabbing onto Zach's shirt with his free hand, the other was squeezing the roses so badly they were breaking. "Don't you dare touch my girlfriend again." You could tell Zach was scared through the choked up look on his face and the sweat beads forming on his forehead. Drew pushed him to the floor and spat onto the ground next to him.

He turned to me slowly and the fire in his eyes was one you couldn't compare to the flames in hell. His gaze on me was as if he didn't recognise me clearly his perspective on the situation was the completely wrong one. Does he think I'd cheat on him?

"Drew it wasn't what it looked l-"

"Happy one month anniversary" he spat at me chucking the flower to the dirt ground and stalking over to his bike riding away on the dirt road.

No, no, no, no, no, this isn't happening its all a dream Zach didn't kiss me Drew didn't see it. Haha! Good prank, everyone can stop hiding now! My heart rate doubled as I realised this wasn't a practical joke but completely serious. That all just happened. I ran to the flowers and picked them up brushing some dry dirt of the velvet-like petals and noticing a little white card while doing so, I opened it and saw three words which meant the world to me.

'I love you.'

It said in his handwriting tears poured down my cheeks as I held it tightly in my hands crunching it up ever so slightly because of the hold I had on it. I shoved it in my back pocket and turned to Zach with so much hatred I didn't recognize it was inside if me.

"You asshole! You've ruined my relationship with Drew! Get the hell out of here and stay away from me" I shout pushing him away from me.

"I'm so sorry Lynn that wasn't mean to happen I just couldn't hold myself back any longer," he said with his voice suddenly becoming unbearable to hear the obvious shock at what just occurred heavy in his voice. Which is what I call perfect timing.

"Save it and leave. Now!" I said with no emotion in my secretly sad voice. What if he never took me back? What if he doesn't believe what really happened... I heard a faint crash and turned around and looked down the dirt road to where the trees cover the rest of it and it curved into a corner and saw smoke coming from it. I ran in that direction as fast as I could knowing something bad had happened.

There was a lorry on its side the driver was injured but alive and next to it was a bunch of metal parts from another vehicle but they were too trashed to know what type of transportation device it was.

"Ma'am help he's severely injured!" The driver slurred but obviously regained himself and was sober now obviously from the shock of the crash, I started panicking knowing that Drew had just left and it could be a possibility of him being the injured person. I ran over there and screamed at the sight.

It couldn't be.

He isn't, he wouldn't, he can't be. I love him and he loves me it's supposed to be perfect right now! Not like this... It should never have been like this.

Drew had a cut across the left side of his face it was oozing blood, his right leg was at a strange angle as well as his right arm. I fell to my knees and put his head in my lap brushing strands of hair from his forehead which were becoming sticky with blood drying as I cradled his body to my chest crying the most I have ever, even more than Joey...

"Lynn?" He said in a whisper I sobbed and saw my tears fall onto his face mixing in with his blood making me feel sick as it diluted it turning it thinner and more watery to move quicker. I took off my shirt leaving on my vest top and applied pressure to the wound hoping for it to stop bleeding. It didn't work.

"Yeah Drew?" I say stroking the uninjured side of his face in a lovingly matter. He's so lovely. 

"I'm so tired," he said his eyelids drifting together slowly taking him into unconsciousness. I started panicking knowing he might not ever wake up again. If I knew anything about first aid it was to never let them fall unconscious.

"No Drew stay up you have too! I can't lose you too," I shout at him his amazing eyes opened and I see a boyish smile until it changes into an annoyed frown on his perfect features.

"Who was that boy kissing you," he asked angrily, while the driver called for an ambulance I sighed in relief but then answered Drew truthfully hoping it would be enough to keep him conscious and alive.

"He's my cousin's idiot best friend that I hate now, for ruining our special day," I said smiling sadly at him wiping the creases in his forehead also smudging his blood all over my hands and fingers.

"Okay I just wanted to make sure I was the only man in your life before I go to sleep," he said his voice so calm and low it scared me, but the honesty in his tone scared me even more. Showing me he was being completely serious about this.

"No. No. No. Drew, you stay with me I need you! What about my Dad, I can't fight him alone, and your Mum and Tristan!" I sobbed harder "You can't leave us all! Drew! Not today, not ever!" I cried putting my face on his chest and hugging him to my body tightly.

"When you grow up, make sure to be happy okay? Don't mourn over me for the rest of your life. You're young and beautiful and strong," he croaked out struggling with his words "start a family, get married, but just don't-don't forget me, even if I'm gone Lynn; I w-want you to be ha-happy," he said and coughed up some blood.

"No Drew, I won't mourn over you because you're the one I'm going to start a family with and marry," I said hoping it would wake him up the slightest. Even for another minute for the ambulance to arrive.

"Can we get a German Shepherd? I love German Shepherds, almost as much as I love you," he asked smiling a ghost smile at me his eyes cracked open a bit a red tint to them as the blood spread all over his face.

"Sure we can get as many dogs as you want, and have a tire swing for the kids to play on. And a house on the hill, where we can watch the sunset every day" I said as I imagined our life together with tears spilling out of my eyes, I heard him sigh and looked at him worriedly.

"I love you, Lynn." His eyes closed shut and I screamed bloody murder, tears falling and sobs raking my body, like a storm brewing inside of me. He was giving up. He didn't even hear me say it back to him once, how much I wish he knew I loved him so much, I would die for him. But it's my fault he's dying...

"No, Drew I love you. Stay with me please, Drew please I love you don't give up on us. Don't you leave me I love you so much!" I heard sirens and cars screeching to a halt it felt like it was all in slow motion they took him into the ambulance truck and sped off leaving me, a mess, on the floor his blood stained my shirt from where he was on my lap. My hands had dried blood which was now sticky from stroking his hair, I couldn't forget his broken face before he sped off and got hit a minute later. I ran back to the house and Aunt Hilary screamed when she saw me making Jackson run down the stairs.

"What's happened, Lynn!" She asked jumping up and ran towards my body which was shaking violently.

"Drew, my boyfriend- accident - hospital please!" I said sadly and helplessly ran out of the kitchen and into their land cruiser, they joined me and Aunt Hilary rushed to the hospital.

The only thing running through my mind was Drew. I hope he makes it. I need him to make it.


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