To Find Her Again [TLTL seque...


174K 9.5K 4K

After finding out the truth about his young lost love, Taehyung sets out to find her again but has two very u... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five

Part Thirty-Three

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By the barred windows he sat, staring out at the green grass shimmering beneath the fresh sunlight.

It hadn't been nice like this since his world began to fall apart. Seeing the sun for the first time in a while gave him a shred of hope in his broken world.

His fingers tapped at the window, methodically dancing from each drying water drop from the sprinkle of rain that fell upon them in the early morning hours. He hummed a familiar tune, although he couldn't place where he had heard it from - his memory wasn't the best after all.

'Mr Kim,' a females voice spoke as the door unlocked, 'you have visitors here to see you.' She said as she entered the room with a warm smile.

Taehyung slowly spun his wheelchair around to see the nurse standing at the door, 'Who?'

'Come out and see.' She smiled and walked towards him, taking her place behind him and pushing the wheelchair out into the hallway.

'You're very popular, Mr Kim.' The nurse smiled.

Once again Taehyung laid back and watched the bright lights pass by, one by one until the hallway stopped and they entered a room. He pulled his head up and searched the faces of people before finding the ones he was looking for.

The nurse smiled at them and let go of Taehyung's wheelchair, 'Here we are.'

'Thank you.' Taehyung said as he smiled faintly at the nurse before she left.

Taehyung stared at Jin with blank eyes, he looked back at Taehyung with a worried look.

'Where have you been?' Taehyung asked.

Jin sighed and sat down on the couch across from him, Namjoon and Yoongi sat on either side of him while Jungkook and Hoseok sat on the arms on the chair with Jimin still standing nearby.

'I'm sorry I haven't been around,' Jin began, 'I'm sorry I wasn't here to help or be of any support, and I'm sorry for taking my anger out on you, on everyone,' he paused to take a deep breath in, 'I came over to try and apologise, I brought you some baking but I know that wouldn't make up for the way I treated you so I dropped them off and left.'

Taehyung didn't know what to say or think.

Jin lowered his eyes and nervously played with his fingers, 'My wife and I...we've...we've finalised the divorce.'

The others shot their heads towards Jin with surprised expressions on their faces.

'You mean to say you and-' Jimin began before getting cut off.

'Yes,' Jin cut in, 'it wasn't working for us, we tried our best for our child but it just wasn't working and I was near breaking point. It was for the best.'

'I'm sorry, Jin.' They all said one after the other, all except for Taehyung.

'I didn't want my problems getting in the way of your lives, I didn't want you all to worry,' Jin continued, 'you're going through something much worse and my problem would've only dragged us all down.'

Taehyung was silent and taken aback at how he was wrong about Jin. So without saying a word he pushed himself away and towards the hallway. The nurse taking care of him quickly followed behind.

'Where are you going?' The nurse asked and held onto the handles of the wheelchair.

'Let go,' Taehyung said through gritted teeth, 'I want to go back to my room now.'

'Are you sure? You just got here and I'm sure your friends still want to see y-'

'I want to go now.' Taehyung pushed.

The nurse gave the boys an apologetic look and mouthed a sorry before pushing the wheelchair back into the hallway.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows and rose to his feet, as did the others before they were escorted out.

Taehyung was getting further and further away from everything, and closer to the edge. At this point, anything was bound to push him over. But there was something else nagging at him, something deep within trying to escape, trying to figure out the truth behind it all - behind everything that was going on.

There has to be more, this can't just be it.

As he laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling whilst hours passed by he thought deeply. Someone else had to be in the mix, not just Taesung, not just Jin - although it was obvious that Jin was in the clear, Taehyung still couldn't believe him, he didn't want to believe him due to the lack of suspects that he knew.

With all of his strength he pulled himself off the bed and attempted to lift himself into the wheelchair. The frictionless wheels went sliding across the floor, causing the wheelchair to hit the wall opposite to the bed, also causing Taehyung to hit the floor with a loud thud. Managing to keep his injured leg in the clear of any more harm.

'Shit.' He whispered and held onto the bed, slowly pulling his body up and onto his feet.

He looked back at the wheelchair and scowled, 'I don't need it, I can walk myself.' He spat and dragged his leg to the door, noticing it to be unlocked.

The door clicked open and he quietly poked his head out through the gap, checking if anyone was keeping watch.

It was clear.

The hallways were bare all except for a few gurneys and wheelchairs, Taehyung sighed a breath of relief and entered the white halls.

The lights were still on illuminating the way, he glanced up at a clock that sat on the wall which read 10:47pm.

He didn't know where he was going, but his body did. His fumbling legs carried him through the hallways, hiding from patrolling nurses, and dodging stray items that laid idle in his path.

Taehyung slowly opened the door, surprised that it wasn't locked. He closed the door behind him and turned on the light, hoping no one would notice the light escaping from beneath the door and investigate.

He made his way towards the filing cabinets and searched for Kim. It didn't take too long to locate the K section of family names, but searching through each Kim file was a hassle.

Finally, he had found his own case file and began to read.

"Name: Kim Taehyung

Birthday: December 30, 1995

Gender: Male"

At first he didn't find anything out of the ordinary, it was all the usual personal details. That was until he turned a few pages in.

"Doctors notes:

Obsessive behaviour

Socially withdrawn

Forgetful and has trouble recalling memories correctly

Over sleeps and has episodes of insomnia..."

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and stared down at the file with confused eyes but continued to read.

"Temporarily released under heavy surveillance..."

'Released? But..' Taehyung whispered, 'that doesn't make sense, I've never been here before.' He said as his eyes began to fill with tears. He skimmed over the rest of the pages before opening the file to the second page, a page he had accidentally missed.

"Re-admitted due to-"

'Kim Taehyung.' A deep and ageing voice spoke as the door opened. A tall man with a slight hunch in his back walked into the office, his eyes were tired, his hair was grey, and his face was lined with years of experience.

Taehyung slapped the files down on the desk and stumbled as he turned around to face the doctor.

'Why are you in here so late?' The doctor asked as he slowly walked towards him, Taehyung struggled to stay standing and shook as he moved his hands across the desk, attempting to get further away from the doctor as possible.

'Don't be scared, Mr Kim,' The doctor said with a smile, 'I'm not mad that you're in here without permission.'

'W-what are these?' Taehyung managed to say as he fumbled whilst reaching for his case file.

'That's for me,' the doctor answered, 'you shouldn't be looking at that.'

'It's lies! All lies!' He yelled as tears began to stream, his eyes were already red and in pain, 'I couldn't have done that.' His voice fell to a whisper as he looked at the doctor through tear glazed eyes.

'Taehyung,' the doctor spoke as he stepped forward, his voice was full of sorrow and he carried pity in his heart towards Taehyung, 'I know the truth is hard to face, but you have to understand and accept what you have done. Denying it will only make everything worse.'

Taehyung sobbed, 'I don't know what you're talking about!' He cried as he fumbled.

The doctor frowned and stepped closer, 'Mr Kim, for years you have been recalling memories incorrectly,' he began, 'you've been claiming to be two different people and denying the things you have done.'

'You're lying!' Taehyung yelled as he fell to the floor.

'No, Taehyung,' the doctor continued, 'the only lies have been the lies you've told us and yourself. Don't you just want it to all be over?'

'Yes! I want it to be over!' Taehyung cried, 'but you're lying! Stop lying!' He sobbed and pulled his legs to his chest, rocking himself.

'Okay, Taehyung, you just need to get some rest.' the doctor said as he slightly raised his hands and stepped back towards the door to call out to a few of the nurses that were still on duty.

The nurses quickly rushed into the room and pulled Taehyung up from the ground, he didn't resist and let them forcefully pull and drag him back into his room.

This time remembering to lock it.

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