I Trust You [Judy x Nick]

By KawaiiExpertise

449K 12.8K 13.5K

[BOOK 2 NOW INCLUDED] Nick Wilde is hopelessly in love with the magnificent Judy Hopps, and wants to claim he... More

Not An Update!
61 The Finale of Hate and Treason
Not an Update Yet (SO SPOILERS)
62 Short and Sweet


8.2K 253 323
By KawaiiExpertise

Contemplating the next couple of days that passed, Judy washed the dishes and quickly left to go water the plants in the garden. She noticed her father coming outside when she realized she was pouring too much water on the little organisms. "Ah...darn it!" She sighed. She groaned as she watched the water float on the surface. "Welp, at least you got a day's worth now."

"Judy!" Stu called. Judy's ears perked up as she snapped her head to him quickly.

"Yes, pa?" She shouted.

"We needa talk. And quick!" He insisted.

Judy was curious about this 'urgency'. She stepped into the house, wiping her feet off and followed the voices of her parents into the living room. Judy held her arm, feeling awkward from the sudden silence her parents made when they heard her coming.

"Come here, Judith." Bonnie patted the seat next to her.

Judy slowly walked over, sitting down, unsure of what to expect.

"Judith." Stu began.

A severe chill coursed through her body. She rarely heard her dad call her by her actual name. It surprised her tremendously.

"Y-Yes, dad?"

"We need to talk...about Nick."

Judy had a bad feeling that this conversation was not an uplifting one. She quickly stood up, dismissing the conversation.

"You sit down right this instant, Judith." Stu hissed.

Judy sighed, and sat back down, already expecting her morning to get worst.

"Now your mother and I have been talking about your boyfriend. And he seems to be a pretty decent guy."

"I know he is, dad. That's why I chose to be with him?" Judy informed.

Bonnie agreed. "Yes, but, we have taken some precautions in mind."

The bunny, who folded her arms, arched an eyebrow real high. "Precautions?"

"Who knows what this fox is up to! He could be here, just to take advantage of us, especially you!"

Judy gasped in shock. "Dad, you know that Nick isn't like that!"

"You wouldn't know that!"

"I do know, why else would I be working with him? He's my partner!"

"A-And you're partners too!" Stu bellowed. "You have got to be kidding me!"

"Dad, can you stop? Why are you talking about Nick like this? He hasn't even done anything wrong!"

"Not yet he hasn't. But he will soon enough."

"You just don't want me to be happy."

"No, I just don't want you to be hurt, Judith."

"Well congratulations dad, you have exceeded the impossible." Judy spat.

Stu ceased to silence. He sat back in his chair, leaving the daughter and wife hysterical.

"You are going to break up with that fox, and that's the end of it."

"But dad, I can't just---"

"THAT IS IT." Stu roared.

Judy winced at her father's anger, her eyes flooding with pain. She quickly got up, stomping away.

"And you will NOT leave this household, until you have set in matters straight."

Judy flew upstairs to her room, tearing her straw hat from her head. She collapsed onto the ground with her head buried in her arms on the bed. All these questions exploded in her mind.

Why does dad hate Nick?

Did Nick do something wrong?

Did my dad catch him doing something wrong?

Did Nick cheat behind my back?

It seemed as though each questions made her feelings worst, and she cried in agony. Judy had never seen her father like this---ever! The fact that he yelled at her brought great fear inside her. She was too shocked, too flabbergasted to respond to his outburst. She couldn't do anything but stare, as her legs stood up, and took her away from the tense atmosphere.

Judy wiped her eyes, feeling the determination in her heart beaming. She slowly opens the door, and quickly hurries into Nick's room. Shutting the door, she looks to see Nick staring outside the window. He seemed quite down.

Judy exhaled, not knowingly that she was quite loud. Nick's head shot in her direction. Stunned, his eyes widened with concern. "Judy? What are you doing in here?"

"Were you hiding what my mom and dad were doing to you?" Judy queried.

Nick's jaw became weak. He didn't know how to respond.

"Oh...Nick." Judy dragged herself to Nick as he embraced her in his arms. "Why didn't you tell me...?"

Nick felt a sudden discomfort. It was called regret. He should have told Judy about her parents, but he wanted Judy to feel happy right at home and not interfere from that happening. It didn't seem to go well for her on the other hand. She was deeply hurt that Nick withheld such news from her.

"I'm sorry..." Nick whispered into her ears.

Judy clutched Nick's shirt. "No need to... I'm not going to do what he says anyways."

"What do you mean?" Nick asked curiously.

Judy looked out the window and to the ground. "They want me to break up with you..."

"WHAT?!" Nick yelped in panic.

"I know!? Judy threw her arms into the air. "It-it's insane!"

"You can't, I love you too much to---I mean..." Nick's words jumbled into babble. Judy's cheeks flushed pink as she smiled, looking away.

"I love you too much to see you gone too, Nick." Judy's words were nearly easy to not hear.

Nick's mouth slightly dropped, and said no more. He stepped in front of Judy, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Judy's tail flickered at the sensational feeling of Nick's lips grazing her fur.

Later on in the evening, Judy came down to see her large family jumping around. She held a silver platter, with finger foods nicely designed on it. She settles the platter down on the table, receiving a couple more until it was done. Dropping onto the couch, Judy lifts her head with her arms sprawled on the neck of the seat. She exhales deeply, relieved of her work.

"Did you do it?" Bonnie asked.

"Did. What?" Judy groaned in annoyance.

"Did you do what we told you to do?" Stu deadpanned.


Stu eyed Judy with a displeasing appearance. Judy opened one eye slowly to see her dead tapping his finger on the arm of the loveseat. "What did I tell you?"

Judy sat up rubbing her eyes. "I'm not a little girl anymore dad, I can make my own decisions."

"Not when you're in this household."

"For the record, I'm not living here, I'm just visiting."

Stu growled frustrated at his daughters constant talking back. "I will tell you once, and once only, if you don't break up with that damn fox before your visit is over, I'm going to break it for you."

Judy's eyes shot open, her ears traumatized by Stu's threatening words.

"And that's not a threat, it's a promise."

Judy's nose scrunched up. She couldn't bother with her dad again and left the living room.

Nick was on his way downstairs for dinner. Judy ranted to him about how annoying and cruel her dad is, and that she needed to break up with him ASAP. Nick wouldn't allow it though, telling her to not worry about it.

Waiting for dinner at the table, Judy came down in haste and sat next to him. She couldn't bear knowing her dad may try to do something to him while sitting there.

Stu walked in with his Bunnyville newspaper, plopping down in a chair and began reading. Bonnie came in with the meal. "Okay everyone, dinner is served."

Judy looked up at Nick as he returned the anxious look.

What was beheld in front of them were a salad decorated with fruits such as mangos, papaya and starfruit with a dash of kiwi and lemon squeezed pulp.

"Dig in everyone; I hope you enjoy my cooking!"

Judy sniffed her plate. She arched an eyebrow, eyeing Nick as he prepared to take a bite of his.

"Don't eat that!" Judy snagged onto Nick's hand, lowering it.

The parents stood in shock at their daughters behavior. "What are you doing?" Bonnie asked.

"I uh..." Judy's mind drew a blank. She stared up at Nick who was just as lost as her mind was. "...I wasn't ready. I wanted to see his face when he took a bite, but I kind of did too much." Judy spoke.

The parents suspiciously nodded. "Okay...?"

"Are you okay, Judy?" Nick whispered.

"Don't eat it Nick..." Judy murmured.


"Just go to the bathroom and stay there."

"Uh...okay?" Nick excused himself from the table and left the dining room.

Judy glared at her parents.

"What?" Bonnie and Stu asked.

"Really mom?"

Bonnie arched her eyebrow.

"You really were trying to poison Nick? With pest control???"

Bonnie's mouth opened, ready to say something. But her mouth closed immediately.

"I can't believe you..."

"Now, Judy, we can most definitely explain---"

"---NO, you can't." Judy shouted. "You already demanded of me to break up with the guy I love. And you went so far, as to try and murder him." Judy deadpanned.

"Judy, we know you love him and we love you---"

"---no, you don't. It's quite obvious. You tried to kill him right in front of me, by force! And all because I didn't want to break up with him. You are the most selfish and foolish parents I have EVER had." Judy spat. She got up, leaving the table and hurried to the bathroom. Knocking, Nick opened up still confused.

"I can come out now?"

"Come on." Judy grabbed his hand, fleeing upstairs.

"Woah, Carrot-top! Why in such a hurry!"

Slamming her door open, Judy began packing her things.

"Um, what are you doing?" Nick queried.

"We're leaving."

"Huh?!" He guffawed.

"They tried to poison you Nick! Right in front of my face!"

Nick's heart became to drum rapidly. "You're kidding me...right?"

"I never knew my parents could be that conniving!"

Nick lowered his head, balling his fists. He went to pack his things and returned to Judy who was finally finished. "Are you ready?" He asked.

"Of course." Judy answered. "Let's go."

Judy opened the window, climbing out as Nick passed her luggage. Nick followed, pulling his luggage out and shut the window. They hurriedly jumped off the roof, Nick almost losing his balance. In their final moments, they ran away. Back to the bullet train. Back to Zootopia. Back to their home.

Stu and Bonnie had sighed in distress, noticing that the couple were not returning. Checking up on them, Stu went upstairs with his wife following. He noticed something strange about the girl's room. He walked in, seeing her things gone. Running over to the room across, Nick's room was in the exact situation too. "Where did they go?" Bonnie questioned.

"They left."

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