Prima's Bite (Book Two) Lesbi...

By DominaAlexandra

109K 6.2K 602

Val, Drake, and Allira have started their mating bond. Despite this new Fae problem they have to face things... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty -Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Five

3.3K 183 22
By DominaAlexandra

Allira knocked on the door waiting patiently for Drake to answer. She did not want to come across invasive. Drake was feeling vulnerable and would give her the proper amount of space.
"Yes, Allira."
"Is it safe for me to come in?"
   She heard Drake grunt from the other end of the door. Allira took that as a sure sign to enter without knives being thrown her way.
Opening the door slowly, Allira slid in closing the door immediately after.
   Drake sat on the end of their bed, blowing her nose, tears streaming down her face. Her cheeks were flushed wiping her face excessively to take away her tears. "I'm sorry. I look like a mess." She continued to cry though Allira saw the struggle of her mate fighting the urge. "I don't know why I'm so emotional."
Sitting beside Drake, Allira kissed her on the cheek. "You're pregnant, babe."
   Snorting, Drake rolled her eyes as she wiped her nose with tissue again. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"It should." Sighing, Drake took a moment to bring herself to a tranquil state. Allira waited patiently, comforting her mate. "I think you know deep down, Val is as excited about our cubs as you and I. She's scared. Maybe a bit more scared than us, but she's happy."
"I know." Drake's voice was soft and sincere. Regret of her words settling inside. "I was wrong for saying that to her."
"Val isn't angry. More scared you are going to probably want to bite her every time you see her. And not in a good way."
"I really tore her head off out there. And yours." Drake moved into Allira, resting her head against her mates shoulder. Calmness remedied inside Drake taking a soft breath. "I attacked you." Allira wrapped her arm around Drake's body keeping her warm and comforted. "I guess, I'm scared too," Drake admitted.
"We're all scared." Allira scooted further into the bed, her back resting on the headboard. Drake spooned against Allira's body finding the firm structure of her mate relaxing.
Though the air around them was a bit cold their bodies transmitted warmth.
   It had been a few days since their last intimate moment. For all three of them. Drake closed her eyes breathing in Allira's scent. She was already feeling withdrawal.
   Drake unbuttoned Allira's shoulder length plaid shirt running her fingers along her mates abdomen. Allira shivered closing her eyes, blowing out slowly.
"You and Val mean so much to me," Drake whispered.
Allira spoke breathy and low. "I know. We love you."
Drake heaved her head up bringing her lips gradually close to Allira.
Cupping Drake's chin with her fingers Allira drew her mate in kissing her passionately.
Allira's lips were like a strong substance Drake wanted more of. Their lips synced Drake's tongue brushing against Allira's bottom lip.
Ending up on top, Drake's fingers undid the rest of the buttons to Allira's shirt sitting up.
When Allira's breast were exposed to her Drake went down kissing around the curve of Allira's breast. "I can do this all day."
Nothing could top the love Drake felt for both her mates.
There was a gasp that came sharp and loud when Drake's mouth caved over her mates breast. Allira's nipple harden in Drake's mouth every part of her tingling, overwhelmed by the mastery of Drake's mouth.
"Oh, please harder..." Allira caved her body into the bed every part of her reacting.
Drake moved her lips over to Allira's other breast, her nipple harden and stiff. Drake stared at it with fascination. Slowly, Drake tongue flicked right at the edge of Allira's nipple causing another reaction out of her.
Keeping Allira's other nipple happy, Drake used the tip of her index and thumb rubbing, tugging and, flicking.
The pleasure of even touching Allira's nipples turned Drake on. Her lips brushed over Allira's nipple and gradually she sucked on it gently never sucking and tugging too hard.
"God," Allira groaned. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Your fucking with me on purpose."
Perhaps she was. Drake just wanted to feel in control. This was her way of gaining that ability.
"Touch me," Allira begged.
Despite her mates plea Drake dismissed it staying focused on Allira's breast.
That slow burn Allira was feeling quickly began to turn into an orgasm that was having her body react in ways foreign to her. It was as if Drake had found a new part of Allira giving her exactly what she needed.
Allira's clit throbbed immensely as she orgasmed, squeezing her thighs together to give her an additional boost of effect.
  Val listened through the door giving Allira and Drake their personal moment.
"Alpha," one of her pack new Beta's approached from the bottom stairway.
Val left Drake and Allira to continue what they were doing, walking back down the stairs.
"What is it, Rico?"
"When I was in the pack with Allira and Silos, I had to give up my career. I'm a turned Were. Before that, I was an architect. We do have a lot of outside space. I can build us an additional house, perhaps hidden spots for us in case of an emergency of whatever kind."
"Bring me a blueprint and I'll bring you the funds to get it done."
I saw a genuine smile of excitement as my new Beta and I parted ways.
"Responsibilities. There hard."
Val nodded to her ma's words. Standing here now, and seeing so many surround her like family Val finally saw what Drake was truly feeling. "Ma?"
Paula responded to her daughter catching the distance in her voice.
"Would you do it all again?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Would it again? Take me away from this? From Pierce...who by the way has been an amazing sister. Someone...I could have grown up to adore." Val gave her ma a hard look wanting the truth. She couldn't stop the tears from liquidating her eyes. "Take me from Drake. With what few memories I have if her I missed out on so much more we could have experienced together." Val held back her emotions and her wolf. All understanding of the grief Drake felt for herself and Val. "Would you take me away from this?" Val spread her arms out emphasizing the pack around. "My pack. My family, because that's what they are, right?"
   Paula did not understand where this was coming from or where Val was leading this conversation next. "Val. I made the decision to protect you. I am sorry that I did not fight harder for your sister. But taking you away from here kept you alive."
"You don't know what could've happened. You don't know...if my life would have ended." Val faced her ma fully. "All I know is that in this short time, this pack has become my family. Pierce and my mates are my family. My nephew. Within my Fae bloodline, they are my family. The idea of leaving them. I don't think I could handle that. That lost. Disconnection. I don't like dancing with the wonders of what if. I just...I wish, you would have understood what it meant to be a part of a family of wolves. Of pack. Maybe you were meant to be a lone wolf, but not me." With one last statement, Val asked, "how do you sleep?"
There was no need to get an answer from her mom. Instead, she walked away back up into her room where both Allira and Drake accepted her with love and warmth.


The next morning came and left. No sign of Kathleen.
"You sure she said she would be back--"
"I'm positive." Pierce started to pace. "She wouldn't be late unless something was wrong."
Pierce was worked up over Kathleen's delay. She didn't see Kathleen as someone to stand her up or be late. Something was wrong. "We need to get to her."
"Hold up now." Val held her arms up. "I'm not at that level to be creating portals, so unless one of us has a Fae on speed dial we have to be patient."
"We can't afford patience," Pierce snarled. "Something is wrong."
"Okay. Maybe there is something I can do." Val rushed outside everyone following, curious. "Bran was teaching me something new before he went AWOL."
Fae's are linked like they were as a pack.
Mumbling quickly became a distraction as Val told everyone to silence.
Closing her eyes Val pictured Kathleen's home finding someone to connect with.
It was hard, like mediation. Never easy in the beginning.
Pierce ordered everyone to give further space as Val continued to draw into her abilities.
Minutes passed and soon she was locked in on the location almost as if she was there. Now all she needed to do was find someone.
Her mind went directly to her great grandfather.
   Val traveled through her mind walking through doors until she found her great grandfather's chambers.
He looked directly at Val. "You're learning quick." He spoke to Val through her ability a smile plastered on his face with pride and love.
Val wasn't sure how to do this so she decided to actually speak out loud verses through just her mind. "My sister is worried for Kathleen's safety. She was supposed to be here an hour ago."
Val's great grandfather's face immediately skewed to worry. "I will send Christof to bring you here."
Val nodded closing her eyes, ending the connection. "Christof will be here soon and we will go straight to her." Val said.
   All Pierce could do was walk away. She needed momentary space, strategizing what she would do if a bad situation presented itself ahead.
It took Christof all of ten minutes to walk through a portal made in front of their home.
"I don't like the idea that the Fae can make a portal anytime they want right in our home," Allira snarled, lowly.
Taking note of her mates concern, Val quietly agreed. "I will figure something out." Her father, Bran told her if magic gets comfortable in one place, it's an open portal for bad things to spill in.
"My sister needs help," Christof snarled. "She's been bitten."
Pierce was about to rush through when Val's arm blocked her. "I'm going with you."
"Um, we are too," Allira snarled.
"No. I prefer the pack keep one Alpha here and if there is danger, Drake should be surrounded by our pack."
Allira couldn't argue with logic. "You two, come back safe."
"We know where to go," Val told Christof.
Val and Pierce stepped through together as they thought of Kathleen.
Stepping through to the other side, Pierce noticed she was in a room. Looking around she found Kathleen on a bed, ensnared underneath sheets. It seemed Kathleen was sweating out all fluids from her body. "Kathleen..."
There was no way in hell she was going to make a friend to have her die the very next day.
Pulling the sheets slightly off Kathleen, Val checked for a bite finding one on her forearm.
"She went out last night on her own and found trouble waiting for her."
Sniffing along Kathleen's arm, the wolf inside Val recognized the scent. "You smell that?" She asked her sister.
Pierce was too caught up in waking Kathleen up. "What is it?"
"I'm positive the Were that bit her is Allira's da."
"No," Pierce hissed. "That doesn't make any sense."
"That makes exact sense."
"I'm going to heal her." Pierce would focus on the rest later, right now she cared about bringing Kathleen out of this.
Gripping her hand tight around Kathleen's arm close to the bite sight Pierce closed her eyes focusing through her wolf. Nothing else mattered.
Opening her eyes gold filled them instead of her natural shade of brown. The texture of a wolf's venom entered her tastebuds. Looking down at Kathleen's arm Pierce watched as the venom; the sickness inside Kathleen moved through her veins, into Pierce's own. The veins were black beneath skin.
There was still more coming that was beginning to weaken Pierce but she did not back down from helping Kathleen.
   Pierce could not place her reasoning for caring for this Fae so much and would not waste time questioning it now. Saving Kathleen's life was all that mattered.
"Your nose is bleeding," Val said with a mix of confusion and worry. "That's enough Pierce."
Val tried snatching Pierce's arm away. "Stop. I can do this," Pierce snarled.
"Yes, with you dead. That's probably what they expect you to do. Stop," Val snarled not backing away.
Pierce grunted, her own body getting sick. She couldn't understand the cause. She'd healed others many times never feeling this extreme sickness.
"Fucking let her go." Val shoved Pierce away, her hand disconnecting from Kathleen. For some reason, Kathleen was still in the same exact state as before. Val searched Kathleen's body again eventually finding a second bite and an injection site.
After seeing Pierce weaken looking like she was on the verge of dying herself, Val knew there was more to this.
Blowing in and out slowly, Val concentrated on the gifts she had. She has been through this before.
This time Val claws were exposed.
"What are you doing?"
Val ignored Christof's question piercing her claws into Kathleen's arm beginning the process of taking out the rest of the poison that streamed through her veins.
The door opened and Val knew it was her great grandfather watching.
Concentrating hard, Val began abstracting the poison, it slowly moving into her veins like a current carrying from Kathleen's body to her own. Val grimaced. The taste of silver and wolfsbane bitter in her mouth. She knew that once the healing process wasn't working, Silos injected enough of the same mix of silver and wolfsbane he given Val barely a few months ago.
Val had gotten through it before and she could again.
   Facing one matter at hand Val turned out the sound of her sisters bones snapping and her cries. The poison now in her sister was making Pierce wolf crazied but unable to escape.
Kathleen stirred, her eyes burning as if there was a fire burning, suffocating her.
It took her a minute to look up. Her vision was a bit hazy, finding Val, her niece standing over her.
When Kathleen's eyes swerved around she found her brother and father standing at the door.
Her mind replayed the last memories she had being attacked by a wolf. More like a very old werewolf.
From the corner of her eyes she saw Pierce on the floor, leaned against the wall, her claws digging into the walls as she fought something inside.
   Christof automatically pulled his father back from the room protective.
Val stopped, all the poison out of Kathleen's body inside hers. She turned swiftly as she called to her wolf to help.
There had been too much poison flowing inside Kathleen. Silos purposely made this a difficult task in healing Kathleen.
Instinctively, Val dropped to her knees as the feeling of additional strength from her mates and pack came into her. Her wolf was rejecting this poison.
"Cut open Pierce's veins," Val said raspy, not able to breathe. "It will let out the poison."
Though Kathleen was still weak, she was faster than anyone else reaching Pierce first as she did not hesitate in doing what Val ordered. It was clear to her Val knew what she was saying.
Val's body snapped inward as her wolf became angry wanting to shift and fight. To tear through flesh. Slamming her hand into the floor sending a small ripple through the ground. Val roared as she ripped crazily through the rug on the floor beneath.
In a loud agonal breath, Val roared for everyone to leave the room. If she shifted this angry she wasn't sure if she would be able to see any that wasn't her pack as allies.
Val purposely raked her claws over her wrist, trying to open out her veins and let the poison pool out to the floor. Bran told her if ever this were to happen again, opening the veins was the quickest way to letting the poison out.
"Please, Pierce. Fight this." Kathleen grabbed a knife from her nightstand. She slit Pierce from her inner arm to wrist watching what looked like black ink and melted silver pour out from Pierce's open veins.
Slowly, Pierce began to relax, whimpering as she skewed her face from the pain.
Her eyes opened to Kathleen kneeling right over her, relief settling in Kathleen's eyes. Not a few moments ago Pierce was trying to save Kathleen, now it is in reverse. "What happened?"
"You trying to play hero and nearly dying because of it." Kathleen removed the hair shielding part of Pierce's face.
Pierce stared up at Kathleen who seemed so concerned for her despite the humor that tried to barricade her true fears. It was unexpected and it made Pierce feel exposed.
Sitting up with a little help from Kathleen, Pierce watched as the cuts on her arm healed.
"Val..." Her sister was fighting the change. Her bones were snapping in and out of place. Pierce would never get use to seeing her sister in pain.
"What are you doing?" Kathleen stopped Pierce from moving.
"I need to go to my sister. Move, please." She was asking nicely.
Kathleen wasn't going to be shoved by Pierce again.
Pierce moved forward calling to her sister.
"Give me...a moment. I can beat this." Val began choking. Her body was rejecting the poison. It leaked out through her eyes, nose, and ears. Val scoffed releasing out a long dragged breath.
Val looked to find her great grandfather holding out a towel. "You inspire me."
Wiping her face, Pierce rushed to her side checking to make sure Val was fine.
"No more trying to save anyone's life." Val's tone came more as an order than a request. Pierce opened her mouth to argue when Val did not stop, "I am the Alpha. That's what you wanted. Somehow, he knew you would come and try to save her. Silos has already poisoned me with that and I've beaten it so he wouldn't target me again in the same way. That was meant for you."
"How could he have known I would come? It doesn't make sense." Pierce still couldn't put her mind passed that.
"Because in the short time of you knowing Kathleen, you care for her. Anyone can see that."
"The question is who noticed and was there the last time you were here?" The Fae King said, asking the question they were all wondering.
Keeping her mouth shut, Pierce looked at her sister, their eyes locked. This was the first time Val really stood her ground; being the Alpha she was. There was no anger or resentment in Pierce's heart. Furthermore, she wondered how obvious Pierce had been in trying to make Kathleen a friend. Did she look that desperate? Focusing on the matter in front of her, Pierce submitted. "I'm sorry. I forgot my place."
The corner of Pierce's mouth formed a smile proud of her sisters accomplishments as an Alpha in this short of time. She always knew this day would come. Val no longer needed Pierce to hold her hand. She could take the lead as Alpha, along with her other Alpha mate and Omega. There was no doubt they would lead well.
Smiling back at her sister, Val stood, grabbing her sister's hand, pulling her up.
They both faced the Fae King, Christof, and Kathleen.
Pierce was uncomfortable looking Kathleen in the eyes so she kept her eyes far from her. Why was she acting like a scared girl? Pierce never hid from anyone before. God she needed to get herself back under control. Picking up some bravery Pierce's line of sight peeked Kathleen's way.
Right away, Pierce noticed Kathleen's eyes on her, stiffening like she'd been caught doing something inappropriate. Pierce's heart raced and she decided it was more than time for them to leave.
Val read her sisters mind through their pack bond. "We should get to our pack."
Everyone nodded and Val made her way out first, Pierce following behind.
Before she could make it through the door Kathleen partially blocked Pierce's way.
Absent-minded, Pierce smiled. A second later she was mentally yelling at herself for smiling. There was no reason to smile. Her chest felt tight which made her more nervous and confused by her reactions from Kathleen the last two days. "Yes," Pierce said with a straight unreadable expression.
Kathleen smirked, finding something funny. "Thank you, for saving my life."
"My sister--"
Kathleen wanted to touch Pierce but knew that would be the wrong move. Pierce wasn't someone anyone could just touch. "You helped."
"Well," Pierce was struggling to come up with something to say and shouted out, walking off, "don't go trying to get yourself killed."
As Pierce walked away she could hear laughing behind her coming from Kathleen.
What was so damn funny?
"I will be by later. To discuss what we agreed," Kathleen shouted last before Pierce turned the corner.
Her brother looked at her, dumbfounded.
"You almost died and you are already asking for a second death wish."
Kathleen waved her brother off, taking a look at the bite on her arm. "Relax, brother. She was just trying to save my life. She won't come back killing--"
"I'm talking about you falling for a werewolf and the same people who want her dead may see you as good as dead for choosing her to put in your--"
"Enough." Their father looked over at Christof. "I think both your sister and I have done enough, bigotry. If your sister chooses to be happy by opening up to any to love, she has my blessing."
Christof sneered, shaking his head. "Our people will not approve of this."
"Relax, brother." Kathleen's voice was in a low husky tone. She did not want to speak of this no further. "Pierce has no feelings for me and has no idea what I feel. So your little fear, doesn't matter."
Christof scoffed, walking out of her room with nothing left to say.
The Fae King observed his daughter. His last living daughter. Fear for her safety was all that mattered. It was true what Christof said. If in fact Kathleen was falling for this werewolf; the werewolf their enemies wanted dead, they would want to remove his daughter too. She had to be careful. But there was the sake of her happiness. For over two hundred years he watched her hide from him. He only had a few weeks left on this earth to teach his daughter something new. To give her something new. That was the power to express; to live; and simply be.

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