That one night (mashley)

By Sammy_alvz

3.3K 66 9

Mitch and Ashley have been friends for a long time. What happens when a drunken encounter leads to many comp... More

the party
Best day ever
Is there a possibility?
Remember the party?
You okay?
Destined to happen?
Be our guest
The Bet
Tyler+Shelby forever
I'm sorry
Nerf fight!
The dream
A new friend?
It's not my fault
Let's go home
Here she comes....
Don't bother
A stupid mistake
Not again
Just like that one night....
Where does this leave us?
1st Year
I Didn't Forget
We're Engaged!
Celebrate the good times
What have I got myself into?
Oh fuck
Don't go
What about her?
Kiss Z girl
interesting week
We need to talk.
3 weeks!
Bachelorette party
It's all over

Bachelor party

13 0 0
By Sammy_alvz

Mitch's pov>>>>>>>>>>
I throw on a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. I then spray with clone and head downstairs. Cassidy is helping Ash pick up the living room. "Hey babes" I say and pull her into me for a kiss. I give Cassidy a kiss as well then pick her up and hold her.
"Ooh you look-" she takes a deep breath " and smell good. Should I be jealous of someone else grabbing you?" She jokes.
"Nope. You're the only one I see." She runs into my side that Cass isn't on.
"Ugh you're so perfect" she says and digs her face into my shoulder.
"I love you guys" I say and start to untangle myself from them. "But I gotta get going, love you sweetie" I give Cass a kiss and set her down. "Love you Ash." I pull her in for a kiss. I pull away from her and sneak one more hug. "Have fun babe" I whisper and head out. I go out front and see Adam parked in front.
"Hey Mitch!" He yells from his drivers seat. I open the door and slide into the passenger seat.
"Hey man" I reply.
"Aren't you excited Mitch?! We're gonna have so much fun tonight!" He has a big smile on his face and I smile as well.
"Heck yeah! Wait where are the other guys?" I ask him.
"We are gonna head back to the TC house and pick them up there. Jerome was taking forever to get ready so I told him we would come back." Adam rolls his eyes.
"Sounds like a Jerome thing to do" I say with a laugh. We pull up to the house and into the driveway. Adam stays in his spot as I start to get out. "Aren't you coming in too?" I ask
"Yeah in a sec. Go on though. I need to do a mental prep for tonight." He responds. I tell him alright and go inside. It feels like forever since I have been here. Jerome comes from the kitchen with a slice of pizza.
"Hey Mitch!" He says loudly.
"Hey biggums!" I respond in the same tone. I go and tackle him with a giant bear hug. Ty runs down the stairs with Quentin.  "Mitch!" They yell in unison. "Tonight's gonna be a hell of a night man" Ty says.
"Hell yeah, We gotta make the most of it since Mitch will be married soon!" Quentin says.
"You guys know that it's gonna be the same as it has been since,you know, I have been in this relationship for two years." I reply. They decide to ignore me. At that moment Jason walks in through the front door. He looks up at all of us. The room immediate goes silent.
"Hey guys" he says. "Watcha up to?" I stand there awkwardly. Not knowing if they told him and wondering if I should invite him.
"Oh um, Mitch's bachelor party is tonight" Jerome walks up to him.
"Oh. That's cool." He starts heading towards the kitchen.
"Wait Jason" I say. "I didn't know that you didn't know. Do you want to come?" I ask him. Mostly out of pity. Hopefully my small amount of anger can stay away tonight though.
"Nah. It's ok man." He replies. The room is still quiet.
"Please dude. Let's put this all past us for tonight at least. Relive old times" I try to persuade him.
"You sure you don't mind?" He asks.
"Nah bro. Go get ready" I say and put on a smile. He runs up to his room and comes down about 5 minutes later in different clothes.
"Everybody ready!" Jerome screams, breaking the awkwardness. They all cheer and we head out. I get to the front of the house and gasp. I see Adam in front of a party bus with a smile on his face.
"You guys! Really dudes?" I say in shock. I have only been in a party bus one other time for an old friends 21st party (certainly being that most of us were underage and so bars and clubs were out of the question). I run into the bus and cheer. The guys follow behind. We start towards a bar with the plan of hopping from one to another. When the bus stops we all get out and head inside. I look around and it seems to be pretty dead for a Saturday night. All of us are in when a couple of guys come from the back and yell surprise.
"Oh my god" I say aloud. There are many people pouring out. It's most of the guys I have ever recorded with on YouTube.
"Surprise Mitch" Jerome whispers from behind me. He rushes over to the bar and orders 2 shots. He carefully runs back over with them. "Here ya go buddy" he says. We both finish the shots of what I assume is whiskey. We head to the bar and each get a mixed drink. We go over to the rest of the TC guys and they each have a drink of their own.
"How? How did you get the bar empty and how did you get all these people to come?" I ask in amazement as I look around.
"We all chipped in to rent out this bar for a little party to begin the fun." Adam said.
"This and the bus? Damn you guys are the best." I say.
"You only get this once man!" Ty says
We both give a small laugh at that. We leave the party to go bar surfing around 12am after a couple of drinks and a very intense dance off. Let's just say that Adam and Jerome had some damn fine moves.
As we board the bus I grab Jason's arm and pull him aside. All night he has been awkwardly watching from the sidelines feeling very tipsy and knowing very well that he was too.
"Hey dood, stop looking so bummed tonight. I'm willing to put everything behind us. Things don't need to be so weird between us."
"Really man? That would be great. For real, I'm really sorry about all the issues I have caused. I won't be a problem for ya ever again". Jason says with enthusiasm.
"Friends?" I say.
"Friends!" He replies and gives me a hug.
"Anyways, in the end...I won. Ashley is mine." I smirk in confidence but am surprised by how harsh that came out. What the fuck did I just say? He looks at me and I see a flare in his eyes. He looks like he is ready to throw a punch. Then he unclenches his fists and smiles at me.
He opens his mouth "Remember happened berltween Ashley and I at the 2 month mark. Just think about what could go down at 2 weeks or even 1 week just when those nerves are setting in" he exclaims with a daring voice. All the restraint leaves my body. I grab the front of Jasons shirt and throw him against the bus.
"What the fuck did you just say?". I say through my clenched teeth.
"All I'm saying is don't be surprised if you see Ash laying by my side in the next few days" he says, struggling to rip from my grip. I put my hand around his neck, squeezing tighter and tighter.
"Mitch! What the hell!" I hear Jerome yell.
"Fucking hell!" Adam yells. I feel hands trying to grab a hold of me and pull me off Jason who is smiling as he struggles to breathe. Someone shoves me off and i struggle to keep standing. Jason falls to the ground gasping for air and Ty rushes to his side. Adam and Jerome keep hold of me probably thinking if they let go then I will attack. Which I can't say that I won't go after that bastard. Jerome keeps a hold of me till the Uber that Ty called takes Jason. We then go back on the bus quietly.
"What the hell happened?" Jerome asks.
"Nothing" I mumble
"Bullshit! You don't almost kill Jason because of nothing"
"Boundaries were crossed that I wasn't gonna let him get away with" I reply.
"Mitch I swear. You need to quit with the whole jealousy thing. Jason is a part of our lives and thats a fact. You two need to work your shit out and fast" Jerome says with anger clear in his voice; I almost regret causing a scene...almost.
"What now?" I ask him.
"I am ready to call it a night. This was all too much" Jerome sighs.
"Sorry bro"
"Whatever Mitch". Jerome walks to our driver and tells him where to go. The bus is silent on the way back. Everyone gets off at the TC house except Adam and I. I hear the guys laughing and yelling as we leave quickly. Wonder what happened?
"Mind if we hang out tonight?" Adam breaks the silence.
"Sure" I reply. Adam then goes and tells the driver something. We silently drive. A few minutes later, we stop. I expect to walk to my front door but instead meet a park. I turn to Adam in confusion but he just waves me foreward while grabbing a full bottle of Jack. He leads me off the bus and starts walking ahead of me. I'm tripping over myself trying to follow him. I see him perch himself on a swing and open up the bottle. I go to the swing next to him and sit there. He takes a drink of the bottle and then hands me it. I do the same.
"So what the hell happened back there?" He asked in a monotone voice.
"I am not exactly sure. Jason and I were patching things up. We were good and then I fucked it up by talking shit. It was so stupid".
"Seriously dude?" He sighed
"Damn". We both went silent for what felt like forever. Finally he speaks up again "I got a job offer...."
"Thats cool dude. What for?" I take another drink.
"I have the opportunity to start a real company based around youtube. I get a real office along with a few friends there, we would have sets, we would be hella more orderly". He goes on.
"That sounds amazing bro. You have to take it!" I make myself hyped up.
"I want to but the thing is, I would have to move out to Washington. No more TC house, seeing the guys, nothing. Alesa and I both have family out there so she is all for it. But it's just a big change you know".
"Dude I think you should do it. I am gonna miss you like hell but you need to do what will make you progress in life. We will all be able to visit"
"Yeah man" he takes a long drink.
"You got thi-" I start to say but end up falling back off the swing. Adam immediately bursts into laughing and I do too. My feet managed to stay on the swing. I stay laying on the ground dreading getting up. After a bit of lying there, Adam helps me up and we go back to the bus. Adam has the driver drop me off at my house.
"Thanks for being a good friend man" Adam says as I walk off the bus.
"You too dood" I smile and walk inside feeling a little bit better about the night. Louise is watching TV on the couch. I am really drunk still. 

"How was Cassidy?" I ask her. She turns the TV down

"She was pretty good, went to bed easy. She had an accident though earlier; I threw the clothes in the washroom" she explains. 

"That's good"

"Yeah" she nods. "Is it cool if I head out?" she asks

"Yeah for sure. Did Ashley pay you?" 

"Nah but it's fine. I didn't mind watching her. Plus, Jerome will pay me back later if ya know what I mean"

"Holy shit TMI Louise" We both laugh. I pull out my wallet and hand her 25 dollars "Here anyways. Thank you so much we really appreciate it" She nods and I walk her to the door. I watch from the door and makes sure she gets to her car okay. As soon as she starts it I close the door and go check on Cass. She is sleeping tight in her bed. I give her a kiss on her forehead before walking to my room. I let myself fall on the bed and pass out.

Hey look who decided to pop up! I am gonna finish this story cause I need closure. I have been working on these next couple chapters for a long time I just never knew where I wanted to go with them.

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