By tatiann24

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Have you ever wish you can make someone disappear into the thin air without a trace? If your answer is yes th... More

Authors Note


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By tatiann24


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Hey my choco babies there is an issue I have to address and the person that I will address it to should really read and try to understand what I am about to say.... In real life I can be a real bitch when someone tries to mess with me but I have never been rude, bitchy or disrespectful to anyone here on wattpad, I consider this site a perfect get away from reality where I can write and read to my heart's content without bothering or stepping on anyone's toes, yet you seems to have make it your business to send me tons of rude, disrespectful messages, all without provocation or cause and I have just continue to let it slide without bothering to answer but you cross the bleeping line when you send that nasty 'RACIST' message to me. Why you would send me something like that? Did I ever give you the impression that I am racist? What were you trying to accomplish by insulting the minorities?..... Anger? Applause? If so, I'm sorry to disappoint. If you didn't already know, I Mama Chocolate am a very proud black woman who happens to love and supports all and every 'race' you can think off because there is beauty in every single one of them, for us to enjoy and learn from, because at the end of the day there is only one 'race' that is relevant and that's "The Human Race", wide and diverse in its own, we come in all shapes, sizes and skin tones, we enrich the world with our characteristics, customs and cultures. We are connected to one another in ways that run deeper than the tone of our skins, the texture of our hair or the shape of our body. We are one and anyone who cannot accept the beauty in that is not fit to call themselves human. Being human is a beautiful thing, you should try it sometime, I guarantee it will better the quality of your life.

But please don't ever send another hateful message like this one to me ever again, or I will be obligated to report you.

Now that that is off my chest, lets get back to the story. Chapter 21, enjoy.

Dmitry's Point of View:

I've been on pins and needles since we drop our girl off at the school this morning, I know that there is no need for me to worry especially after witnessing Sienna's change of attitude, she was quite happy to attend school, albeit nervous but all in all very excited about a new adventure. After what happened in the early morning it took me quite a long time to fall asleep, I could not help running the whole event over and over in my head. I had barely gotten over what went on between us when I got a beep from Niko saying me that there was someone in the house, we both got downstairs rather quickly but went separate ways to find the intruder and we both were very prepared for some type of violence to go down. The security system is very tight around and inside the house so if someone got in it was because they had skills.

The only thoughts running through my head as I checked from room to room on my end was the thought of my family being in danger and when I heard Niko voice coming from the kitchen I quickly rush over there but came to a stop when I heard the voice of my little love. What he said about disliking me hurt, a lot, I have never met someone with such sharp tongue as his, the words he says to and about me cuts deeply, I am always left bleeding deep inside after but I have to endure it.

I stood there unable to move trying to process it all his words before facing him but I had very little time to do so because soon he was crashing into me with our little princess in his arms, immediately all the words he said disappeared and worry flood my system, before I could even ask what was going on his defenses skyrocket and he immediately attacked. Luckily it didn't go further than a few words, once he saw that I was more interested in our princess than what had went on between us he slowly calmed down.

I must say that it was eyeopening to see him parenting our little girl, everything around him disappeared but our Sienna, it was calming to see him put her fears to rest, truthfully I would not have known what to do in that situation, I might have made it worse because I got suck in by her fear and worry, whereas he seemed to not be affected at all, I even asked him about it and what he answered shocked me. He had hid his worry so well when she was awake, I ended up assuming that it was not there but that thought quickly changed when he answered my question and I could not help but admire and agree with him.

If it was left to me I was not going to send her to school because of my fear of her getting hurt or not being able to fit in but he also put my worries to rest in that calm motherly fashion of his. Now I understand the bond between them, its a beautiful thing to witness and to be a part off, his love for her is evident in everything that he does, he can even treat me kindly when it comes to our Sienna. In that very moment it was as if we never had any issues to begin with, even when we both took our princess to her first day of school we were able to hold an amicable conversation though when she left his defenses came back but he still maintain a cordiality between us. I can dare say that when we parted ways to go to work it was as okay as okay can get.

I would love it to last, God how I would love it to last but I know that it wont at least not right now. I can already see what he is doing, his change behavior is only for the benefit of our daughter, he is nice to me because he has no other choice. I know for a fact that he would rather push me in front of a moving train than to be nice to me by choice and the way he word his sentences are jus......,"I can now see why you can't get over him, for one, he is not a pushover and he knows how to hold his own against us, plus he has the sharpest tongue I have ever encountered and he definitely is not afraid to use it. How can he insult you and be nice about in the same sentence?" Niko says in our mother tongue, interrupting and voicing my thought while dropping down into the chair in front of my desk.

I drop the paper I was pretending to read and level my gaze on him, "I understand his hate towards me but I don't get his hate towards you Niko and I've been meaning to ask about what happened between you and him last night when you both were on the other side of the room before dinner. What did you two discuss that made him walked away from you with anger written all over his face?" his gaze shifts away from mine, "Niko tell me. What did you say to Zion?" he sigh running his finger through his hair, "After you two argued I told him that he should just forget about the past and move on, but he rather nicely told me to 'Shove my advice where the sun don't shine and to not get into his business', I must admit his answer shocked me, I never expected him to say something like that. I mean when I first met him that time at the hotel I thought he was the meekest most innocent guy I had ever se......." immediately I cut him off;

"Hotel? What are talking about Niko? Yesterday was the first time you both met right? So what are you talking about?" his eyes widen at my questions and it seems like he did not want to answer, but I guess the expression on my face has him quickly responding "Well today is not the first time we met, rather we met years ago a few weeks after you broke it off with him" he sigh again closing his eyes then continue, "Dimka, he came back looking for you and let me tell you he was a complete mess, his eyes were swollen, hell even his face was swollen, he was shivering because he didn't even have on the proper clothes for the weather, he even went........... Forget it, he was just a mess Dimka and I told him........" I interrupted once again;

"He even went what? Niko please finish that sentence, I need to know" getting up he pace around for a bit, going back and forth before he stops and turn towards me with anger, "Dimka, do you even have a clue what you left behind? Of course you don't but let me tell you this, he hates you and may never forgive you for what you've put him through and I am right on that list with you for being your accomplice. When he came to the hotel that day I was there, just I saw him I knew who he was; before he could even step into the lobby I stopped him because you were there, Dmitry he was dress only in a t-shirt, pajama bottoms, a beanie and a pair of moccasins, it was bellow zero outside, but I doubt he was feeling the cold, his mind was somewhere else, people were looking at him like he was crazy for being dress like that in that type of weather, plus he was crying and could barely talk, all I could understand from his words was 'I want Dima', 'Give him back' he even got down on bended knees in the snow begging for you. Do you even know how hard that was for me, I wanted to let him in but couldn't, the only thing I did for him was wrap my coat around his shoulders and send him away with a 'Have some pride man, Dmitry don't want you anymore so don't come back', for a while he just stood there with a hurtful lost expression on his face, then as if waking up from a dream, he slowly turned and walked away from the hotel."

"He begged? My Zion never begs" I whisper, those words barely slipping past my lips as I too begin to pace around the room, he stops and look at me, "He may not beg but that day he lost his pride and did" those words were like a multitude of stabs to my heart, I grab my chest as pain rush through my system. Niko continue, "Why do you think he hates you so much and lets not forget about his hate for me. Dimka we can't blame him for his hate we both played a part in crushing him one way or the other five years ago. There is just no way he is going to forget or forgive something like that, I know I wont if I was in his shoes" his words made me tighten the hand on my chest as the pain intensifies;

"Niko you know I had to do it. Do you think I enjoyed leaving him? It was not something I wanted to do rather it was something I needed to do. You of all people know that I would have never left him if I had a choice, I was going to propose to him that day Niko. I was going to fvcking propose. Do you even know how much it hurt when I had to do what I did that day after making love to him?. No one has any idea of how much I messed up that day, not even you but let me tell you this, I messed up more than anyone could ever imagine. That fvcking phone call ruined in one fell swoop everything that was beautiful and perfect in my life. After that call I couldn't think straight and ended up doing things I shouldn't have done but most importantly I said things that should have never been said. The words I said that day while watching him crumble before my eyes will forever haunt me" I rasp out, trying not to relive that terrible moment.

"Dimka I am not blaming you. As you said, I know more than anyone that you didn't have a choice. Dimka I was happy when you told me you were in love, I couldn't wait to meet the person that had turn my best friend and cousin all soft mushy inside; it was just fvcking bad luck that I had to meet him for the first time the way I did. I would have never acted so harshly with him but just as you said before, it needed to be done. But there is one thing I don't agree with you on and I have repeatedly touch that subject with you from the very moment we found Zion and decide to come back to America" I ignore his words trying to play dumb, "Niko I don't know what you're talking about" he sigh running his fingers through his long tresses, "Dimka don't play dumb with me. You and I both know what I am talking about. I have told you time and time again to sit down with Zion and tell him what happened five years ago. I know it does not guarantee that he will forgive you but at least he will know what he needs to forgive you for" he push, trying to get me to see reason.

"Niko I will not rely on that for his forgiveness" I snap at him, he stop his pacing to once again face me, "Dimka, he needs to know. How can you ask him to forgive you when he doesn't know what he has to forgive you for. Just picture this for a moment, imagine I come to you saying 'Please forgive me' the first thing you will ask is 'What do I forgive you for?' but what if through my stubbornest I refuse to say the reason and just continue to say 'forgive me, forgive me' without any explanation whatsoever. Will you forgive me without knowing? Of course you wont because you will want to know the reason. Without a reason you wont be able to decide if you want or not forgive. Bottom line Dimka, it just doesn't work if there is no reason".

I know he is right but, its very logical what he is saying but, "Niko, I want Zion to forgive me for me and not for the reason. I need him to forgive me for what I did that day, not for what drove me to do it. I know that may be hard to comprehend but it makes perfect sense to me. I know Zion very well, he is the most loving, caring person I have ever met, those are excellent traits but they turn him into a person that would rather swallow and suffer his pain in silence than see you suffer if he thinks you had a reason to do what you did. If I tell him the reason it would only make him feel obligated to forgive me and I don't want that. I know I will have to tell him at one point but for now I need him to take out all the hate and hurt he has inside towards me. I want to scratch his wounds so deep that when it stops bleeding all the hurt and poison would have left his mind, heart and soul" I answer still clutching at my chest as I gaze out at the bright blue sky.

"Dimka I don't understand you, you said you want him to forgive you yet you came back and haven't even asked him for his forgiveness as a matter of fact you came back threatening him to be with you. Won't that make him hate you more?" He ask, I smile at his question, "Yes it has made him hate me, that is why I did it. I was counting on his hate when I threatened him or it was not going to work" I answer, he stops his pacing, "What do you mean?" I sigh before answering, "Its quite simple if you look at it this way. Think of Zion's hate as you would think of a poisonous snake bite, painful, damaging and fatal especially if you don't get rid of it. And what is the most effective way to get rid of a snake's poison? Well quite simple, you cut the skin and suck or drain the poison out before administering the anti-venom and voila after a few hours or days you will know if there is going to be a full recovery or a fatality" confusion clouds his face, "Dimka, English please" he pleads.

"I thought you loved speaking in our mother tongue" I answer him with a small laugh, he just on the other hand just roll his eyes, "You know what I mean" I become serious again as I explain "Niko, Zion never got rid of the venom of my poisonous bite five years ago, rather he has let it sit and fester to it full hidden capacity for years, while scabs and thick skin has grown over the bite, burying the poison of it deep inside of him. My threats to his family are like the knife use to cut at the center of that poisonous bite to let his hate spill forth, a knife that will continue to cut deeper and deeper into him every time he thinks about it. The deeper the knife cuts into the bite, the more poison will be drain away from him until only clear, clean blood remains. In other words Zion need to vent out his hate, he needs to dig out all that is hidden inside that bite and get rid of it before I can administer the anti-venom" his eyes clears as understanding dawn on him, "So in other words, the anti-venom will be your explanation and apology".

I nod, "Yes Niko they are, but right now is not the right time for that anti-venom to be administered. Meaning, I will not deprive him of his hate or the process of how he will get rid of it by going and begging for his forgiveness right now, it will be selfish of me to try to stop his process before it reaches its peak, this has to be at his own pace and time for it to be genuine. His need to hate and vent against me is necessary and it can't be rush. In the main time I will have to stand firm and take all that he dishes out, of course I can hardly take it without getting hurt, it really tears me apart when he attacks the way he does but I can't blame him and never will because it is his right. All I want at the end of this process is for him to get rid of his hate, because once that happens he then will voluntarily ask for an explanation and when he does, I will be more than happy give it to him and apologize. After, I wait for the results just like you wait for results after administering an anti-venom. While waiting I will do any and everything in my power to show him how sorry I am for hurting him the way I did and how much I love him. What he decides after, will decide my fate" silence follows my statement, I can tell that he is processing what I just said.

"I never thought about it like that before. Most people tries to avoid being the object of hate in another's eyes, usually we want them to forgive us quickly or we walk away leaving unresolved issues behind" at his words I nod gazing over at him, "Yes I know. But I can't walk away from Zion a second time, I love him too much and I never want to hurt him like that ever again, him or our daughter, they are the most important people in my life and I have to make it right and be man enough to take it all to get them back. This pain that I go through every time he slice me with his words and action are nothing compare to what I put him through, and even though it hurts so badly when he does, I gladly accept the pain, because I need to show him that I am willing to go through anything to earn his forgiveness and ultimately his trust and love" he sigh running his fingers once more through his hair.

"You are so complicated Dimka. Why go through all of this?" he ask, I smile, "Because I am in love with a complicated man and I have to cater to his needs before I cater to mine" I answer simply. "Dimka I know you love him more than anything or anyone so I really hope you're right in what you are saying, because I really wouldn't like to see my best friend suffer more than he already has" he pause and then "Oh my gosh, I was wondering why you are doing all of these crazy things but now I get it, you are doing it to jolt his system into reacting. So that is your end game. Impressive, very impressive. But happens if he doesn't forgive you even after all of that" I close my eyes trying to bloke out the pain that that thought cause, "Niko I try not to think about that because truthfully I don't know what I would do if he doesn't forgive me, the only thing I do know is that I will never give up", before he can say anything the phone rings.

I turn it over and see his name flashing across the screen, immediately I answer, "Hi love, to what do I owe this pleasure" I am greeted with silence then, "I call to let you know that Sienna is here with me at the restaurant and she wants to talk to you" before I can say anything our little princess voice fills my ear, "Hi daddy" I smile, it feels great when she calls me 'daddy', "Hi princess. How was school?" she giggles, "It was okay daddy, I like it, it is fun and I made a new friend just like dammy said, her name is almost like mine, its Sierra, she is very funny and she likes when I speak Russian, she wants to learn too" she sounds very excited about that possibility and I am relieved, "You can teach her baby, it can be lots of fun to do so..... I am very happy that you had a great day princess and met a new friend, daddy was a little worried about you but now daddy feel like the baby and you the adult" she burst out laughing at my words, "You are so funny daddy. You can't be the baby, dammy wont let you because she says that only me her Bun-bun can be the baby" she said the last part very proudly and I had to laugh a bit.

"Okay princess, daddy wont steal your spotlight, you will always be dammy and daddy's little beautiful princess" she giggles again before lowering her voice to whisper, "Daddy, dammy say that you are working and that I shont bother you until you get home but I want to see you, I miss you daddy" my heart squeeze in my chest and immediately I start putting all the files on my desk away and turning off the computer, "Baby, daddy is on his way, tell dammy that I will be there to pick you both up from the restaurant, I miss you too princess, daddy will see you soon" she must have begin jumping up and down because I hear, "Sienna sweety stop jumping up and down like that in the sofa, you will fall and get hurt" the movements stop with a "Sorry dammy but am jumpin becaz daddy said he is coming to pick us up right now" silence follow her words then, "Give me the phone honey so I can talk to your daddy, go and wash your hands so we can be ready for when daddy comes" immediately I tense when he takes the phone and I hear the pitter patter of her steps going away.

"Thank you for that, I did told her you were busy because I didn't know if you were going to be free and I am sorry if I interrupted something important but she wanted to talk to you, wanting to tell you how have first day went. If you are busy you don't have to come right now, she can wait until later when we are all at the house and she can tell you all about it then.. Do you want me to tell her that you will see her later at the house?" I was expecting a tongue lashing but I can't be more happy at his words, I know they are for the benefit of our daughter but they still makes me happy, "Zion you never have to feel like you are interrupting anything when you call me especially when its regarding our princess, as a matter of fact I am happy that you call, now I can invite you both out for lunch. I miss my little princess too and I don't want to disappoint her by going back on my words" silence greets my words then, "Okay then, see you soon" and with that he hangs up.

The smile I have on my face feel like it will split it in two but I am too happy to care, "What are smiling like a cheshire cat about?" Niko's voice interrupts my thoughts, in truth I had forgotten that he was there that is how much my little love affects me, I turn smiling at him, " This smile is because I am going to have lunch with my family. He accepted to have lunch with me Niko, he accepted" he smile in return, "That's great Dimka, though he may only be doing it for Sienna's sake" he adds at the end, my smile slips a bit but I take his words in a stride because he is right, "I know that Niko but the fact that he accepted without making up an excuse to get out of it is what feel so great. So please don't rain on my parade" he burst out laughing, "You are just sad, I wish the little guy was here to see how much he affects you. If him accepting lunch makes you this happy I cant imagine how you would react if accepts you again. Should I prepare a parade and have the marchers on standby just in case he does?" he takes out his phone lifting it to his head with a serious look on his face but I can tell he wants to laugh, "Hello, yes, Marching bands of Europe......", "Idiot" I say punching him in the side before walking away.

His laughter follows me out of my office all the way to my private elevator, I turn around flipping him off while ignoring the curious stares of my workers, he roll his eyes and jogs over to the box before the door closes, "They say they will wait for as long as it takes so don't worry" I reach for him, he skirts my hand going into the other corner of the glass box, ignoring him I turn around facing the outside gazing out at the beautiful May skies, Spring in NY is in full swing and its beautiful. "Its just weird to see you acting like this, its quite a treat to see the great Dmitry Zharkov lost in love, so don't be mad and let me enjoy my fun" I glare at him, "Lets see how you act when you fall in love" he roll his eyes, "Whatever. That will never happen" he mumble just as the elevator stops and its doors opens, we step off walking across the big lobby when the tall figure of my little love's older brother Xavier walking towards the elevators.

He spots us and immediately change directions heading our way, instantly Niko stiffens beside me and stop, I smile glancing sideways, "Never happen you say? I think its already happening my dear friend and I can't wait for it to get into full swing. Remember I want nieces and nephews too" if his eyes could have shoot out laser I would have been toast to a crisp but ignoring his glare I laugh heading over to my future brother-in-law with a smile, "Hi brother-in-law. What brings you here? To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask goading him because I know he has a major brother complex, he force a bright smile on his handsome face, "Don't jump the fence on the brother-in-law part just yet, there is still no ring on Zin's finger but I am not going to get into that right now we can leave that discussion for later, right now I came to see your right hand man. Can I see you in private?" his gaze slides over to Niko's face.

Niko stiffens even more besides me, "We have nothing to talk about in private, so there is no reason for you to see me Mr. Baker" Xavier smile as he approach Niko like an animal stalking his prey, he reminds me a little bit of myself doing that, "Of course we have nothing to talk about Mr. Zharkov, I just came here to drop this off, you left it on my nightstand last night and I didn't want you to think you lost it" he lift his hand dropping a thick yellow gold bracelet in Nikos hand before walking away, he gets about two feet away from us when he stops and turn around, "Oh, forgive my manners, I wish you both a pleasant afternoon. Good day" he smile coldly once again and walk away leaving a shock Niko standing by my side.

I face him, a teasing smirk adorning my face, "Well, well, well, I wonder how that bracelet magically appeared on his nightstand?" he glare, his jaw set in anger, "Don't even go there Dimka, all you need to know is that it was a one time thing. Now no more questions and go to lunch. Bye." he quickly squired away, jerking his phone out of his pocket, if I was not about to go have lunch with my little love I would have chased him and get all the details but alas my love is waiting for me so Niko's gossip will have to wait for another time. Though I wonder when those two started, I distinctly remember Niko saying something about Xavier Baker quite a few time but I never gave those remarks enough thoughts but after today...... Niko just better be prepared for what's to come.

I made my way across the lobby ignoring lustful gaze of both women and some men as I walk by, their interest in me is not wanted or needed, the interest I need will soon be sitting in front of me in a restaurant enjoying a great lunch. With those thoughts in mind I quickly make my way down the six steps, onto the sidewalk and into the driver's seat of the waiting car the valet park in front of my building. I thank him before driving off, heading in the direction of my my love's restaurant, soon I see the two black cars of my bodyguards discreetly following me as I make my way through the traffic of NY city, fortunately is was not so bad, soon I am pulling up outside the restaurant marveling at its progress, it looks almost finish, my heart leap with joy for my baby, he deserve this and more and couldn't be more proud of him, his dream of owning a restaurant is coming true and I can't be more ecstatic about it.

Smiling I step out of my car and walk over to the door, "Daddy, you're here!" screams a voice before one of my leg is attack, I gaze down fondly at our beautiful daughter but pretend I don't see her, "Help, help, there is a talking octopus attacking my leg. Someone please call 911, the talking octopus wants to eat my leg" I begin shaking my leg around and she squeals gazing up at me, "Its me, its me daddy, not octopus, me" she squeal again as I shake her around some more, I give her my attention then, "Oh, sorry princess, daddy thought that you were an octopus wanting to eat him, so he had to get it off, can't have an octopus eating daddy right?" I ask lifting her up in my arms, she giggle once again looking into my eyes, "Don't worry daddy I will protect you from octopus" I smile kissing her forehead.

"You are so brave my little princess, daddy is very happy and grateful to be protected by his princess. You heard that weird octopus? I am protected by the most beautiful princess in the world so you better run" she burst into a fit of loud giggles at my shaking fist and the weird voice I am using, I gaze down at her, I am sure that anyone who look at us will see the love and pride shinning on my face, every time I see her I feel humble and overjoy by the miracle she is, leaning down I kiss her cheeks, closing my eyes I hug her to my body enjoying her giggles, "Daddy you are going to squish me" she says still giggling, I smile and pull back, "Daddy wanted to be real sure that you was his princess an not an octopus in disguise" she gaze up at me curiosity written all over her face;

"Daddy, what is diguise?" she ask, before I could answer a noise from my right interrupts us, we both turn and come face to face with my little love, I smile at him, he just nod at me, "Are you ready to leave now?" he ask, I nod still smiling, "Yes we can leave if you're ready", "I am" he answers walking by me heading outside, I smile as my gaze follows him, "You love dammy right daddy?" ask a small voice next to me, I face her still smiling, "Yes I do princess, very much" her face lights up, "Have you told dammy that you love him? Will you and dammy get married?" I really can't answer any of her last question so I play it cool and started tickling her while heading outside.

Soon I want to be able to answer our little princess's questions but now is not the time, there is still a long way to go but I am hopping that when the time comes again to answer those questions, my little love and I can answer them together.

Hey my loves, I know this chapter might sparkle up anger and debates and I can't wait to see them. Remember anything you want to say or to share please drop me a line in the comment section, I am always happy to read them also I would love to know what you all think of the book so far. Anyway my love bugs I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, there is much more to come.

Mama Chocolate loves you all my love bugs ^_^

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