I Got Caught In A Storm... An...

By dawnsnotebook

2.4M 72.6K 38K

Minxie Patterson lived an average life... Until the day she ended up getting sucked into the Naruto world due... More

How It All Began
Training For The First Time... And I Float?
My First Day At The Ninja Academy
A Talk With A Leopard, My Guardian
Interesting Introductions
The Training Exercise
The Mist Battle Begins
Strange Dreams
Climbing Trees: The Ninja Way
Much Worse Than Floating
My Chakra Tail
Confessions To The Uchiha
The Mist Battle Continues
The Mist Battle: Pt. 3
The Mist Battle: Concluded
My Thing For Scary Redheads
On Our Way To The Chunin Exams
Lee Vs. Sasuke
A Reunion With The Rookies
The First Exam & The Redhead's Promise
Part 1 of The Chunin Exams: Concluded
The Chunin Exams: Pt. 2
The Pedophile Known As Orochimaru
Secrets Revealed... In Exchange For A Curse Mark
Light Vs. Dark: The Eternal Battle?
The Forest Of Death: Sasuke's Unconscious!?
A Friendship Is Born... Sort Of
The Forest Of Death: The Sound Ninja Attack!
Fishing With The Boys
The Fight With The Rain Ninja
The Secret Of The Scrolls
Chunin Exams: The Preliminaries
Kabuto Vs. Minxie
Sasuke's Match & The Curse Mark: Sealed!
I'm Where Now!?
Back Home... With A Twist
They're Living Where Now!?
Neji vs. Hinata
The Preliminaries: Concluded
It Was An Accident? Yeah, Right!
The Takeda Clan's Heirloom
Training Has Never Been More Epic
Sasuke's Birthday
I Learn The Chidori?
Awkwardest Date Ever? I Think So
Complaints, Relationships, and Reflections
Conditions, Bets, And Mini-Wars
The Carnival
My Birthday
The Battles Of The Chunin Exam
I Fight The Mori Princess
Gaara vs. Sasuke
Chasing The Sand Ninja
The Battle With The Sand Ninja: Concluded!
The Third Hokage's Funeral
Singing: My Favorite Form Of Torture
The Takeda Siblings Reunite
The Takeda Clan's Trajedy
Friendships, Confessions, and Healings
Revenge, Rivalry, and Friendship
One Last Kiss
Memories, Mistakes, And His Truth
Breathe Again
Akira's Diary
And My New Sensei Is...
The Test

The Chase

24.4K 731 280
By dawnsnotebook

I woke up to an annoyingly bright light shining down on me. I blinked, squinting my eyes as they adjusted to the unfamiliar and bright light. My vision was blurry, but I could make out shapes. There were three people surrounding me, and a few seconds later, my vision steadied enough for me to realize who they were.

"Oh my gosh! Minxie! Are you okay!?" Kylie asked frantically, her hand feeling my forehead and checking my limbs.

I swatted her hands away with a scowl on my face. Then, the huge headache kicked in. I clutched my head, mumbling, "Oww... God damn! Did you people drug me? I feel high."

"Well, she's back," Mitchell noted, but there was no sense of humor on his face like there should've been.

"That's all you have to say?" Josh said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... Yeah... Should I say something else?" I said, eyeing him as if he was the crazy one.

Mitchell turned to Kylie, his violet eyes slightly widened. "I thought you told her."

"I did..." She muttered back.

"Tell who what? What happened?" I inquired, feeling the headache leave me. Hm... Why was I on the floor? Strange.

Josh, Mitchell, and Kylie exchanged sad and nervous glances, which all freaked me out.

"Guys... What's going on?" I pressed, feeling myself rise from my sitting position slowly.

"Oh, Minxie..." Kylie said, tears forming in her eyes. Josh put and arm around her, and his gray eyes were filled with pity and sadness as he looked at me.

"Well, neither of you are gonna tell her, so..." Mitchell's tone then became deadly serious. "Minxie, Sasuke's gone. He left the village some time last night. Sakura tried to stop him, but he knocked her out. Two shinobi found her this morning, and the Hokage sent out a squad of genin led by Shikamaru to chase after him. I'm sorry, Minx."

My jaw almost dropped to the floor, and I was about to faint all over again. Mitchell's arms were around me in seconds, though, keeping me upright.

"Is... Who's on that squad...?" I asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

"Shikamaru, Choji..." Mitchell muttered, and I started to feel my heart sink. "... Neji, Kiba, and Naruto." And those last three names killed me, especially the last one.

"Wha... What?" I hissed, my voice bearing viciousness that I didn't even think I could possess. "How could... All of that happened... And no one told me!? No one even contemplated waking me up!?"

"We knew how you'd take it. I just wanted to spare you the pain," Kylie said, a tear falling down her face. But I didn't care. I was too angry.

"Spare me the pain? You think you spared me the pain? I feel like my heart's been ripped out of my chest, Kylie! The pain I feel now... I can't even describe it! Sasuke's gone, which kills me! And now the rest of my friends are on a life or death mission!? How could you do that to me!?" I screamed. 

My blue-haired friend struggled to form a sentence. "I'm sorry, Minx! I really am! Please just-"

"NO! Your 'I'm sorry' means nothing right now! You guys are supposed to be my best friends, yet you keep things like this from me!? I... I... I don't even know what to say to you three anymore!" I said, pushing myself out of Mitchell's comforting and warm arms.

"Where're you going!?" Mitchell exclaimed, trying to wrap me in his grasp once more. I didn't let him.

"To save my friends, who're probably laying in the forest half dead by now!" I snarled, jolting upstairs to my room. I got ready at an inhuman pace, and made sure that I packed extra medical supplies. I had a terrible feeling that this mission was far more dangerous than expected.

I bounded down the stairs, taking two steps at a time. The house seemed empty, which I was thankful for. I knew I shouldn't have yelled at them, but I was close to my breaking point already. They were just adding up to it.

I flew past the citizens of Konoha who had all decided that today was a perfect day to be out in the streets, laughing and socializing like there was no tomorrow. I got a whole bunch of angry and annoyed stares as I pushed and elbowed them out of the way, but I didn't care. I had a place to go to, and they were in my way.

When I got to the Hokage's office, I was out of breath and my hair was a mess. Still, I didn't give a damn. I burst in without knocking, too, planting my hands on the Hokage's desk as I met with her honey gold eyes.

"Are you freakin' insane!? Why would you send a team of GENIN to chase after Sasuke and Orochimaru's henchman!? Are you trying to kill them!?" I screamed, eyes wide and hair whirling around my face.

"So I take it you found out, yes?" Lady Tsunade said, and I scowled at her.

"No chizz!" I exclaimed, and she scowled right back.

"Listen, Minxie, if you haven't noticed, Konoha's short on shinobi supply right now. I had no choice but to send genin after Sasuke. They have Shikamaru who's a Chunin, though. They should be fine. And I already took some necessary precautions," She said. I was curious to know what these precautions were, but I trusted nothing.

"Well, Lady Tsunade, 'fine' isn't good enough for me! No matter what you say, they are going to need medical attention! My friends might die out there, and if you think I'm going to let that happen, then you're way off your top!" I exclaimed, and her gaze narrowed.

"I'm going after them even if you say no," I warned, keeping my gaze as narrow as her own. We stared at each other for what seemed like forever to me, but finally, she sighed, nodding.

"Fine. Seeing as you won't listen to me... Go ahead. Take as many genin you feel is necessary to aid Shikamaru's team. This'll be your first mission as a Chunin. You'll track Shikamaru's team and aid them. I expect you to succeed," She said strongly, and I nodded.

"Thank you!" I called, rushing over to the door and opening it.

"Wait!" She shouted, and I turned back with an irritated expression.

"Yes?" I asked impatiently.

"You're Sasuke's girlfriend, aren't you?" She asked.

I felt my stomach turn. "Yeah..."

"... Bring him back. Naruto might be able to talk some sense into him, but... When it comes down to it, you're the one he'll really listen to. Speaking of which... Naruto wanted me to convey a message to you. He said that he'll bring Sasuke back, no matter what. That kid... He's got a special place for you in his heart, you know. Don't forget that," She said, and I felt worse with every word.

I nodded, though, and she did the same. "Good. Now, go," She dismissed, and I rushed straight out the door and out of the building.

My feet worked like magic, taking me to the village gates in seconds to spare. What I didn't expect, however, was to see four familiar faces standing by the large gates that led out of Konoha.

"Guys? What the... Wait, Rin?" I said, eyes wide as I examined a smirking Mitchell, a smiling Rin and Kylie, and a supporting Josh.

"We figured you'd head straight to the Hokage's to get yourself involved with this mission. Like we said, you go, we go, no matter what," Josh said.

"We're really, really sorry, Minx. We thought we were doing what was best by keeping it quiet. I saw how hurt you were last night... I never wanted to see that again, so I made the boys keep it to themselves. But I was wrong, and I'm really sorry about it," Kylie apologized.

"Exactly. So here's our apology. I'm in the mood to kick some ass today, so... Let's get going," Mitchell said in his cocky voice.

Without thinking, I glomped all three of them. Mitchell had an eye twitch, muttering something like, "Why is she hugging me?" Still, he didn't pull away.

When I finished hugging them, I turned to Rin, who was decked out in her ninja wear. "And where'd you come from?"

"These three found me while I was wandering the streets of Konoha. They told me what happened, and I decided to help. They agreed, knowing they could use the extra help, so... Here I am," Rin said, smirking at me. I couldn't help but smirk back.

I nodded at them, getting my business face on. "All right, then. Now, we've got to track down which way they went by-"

"I've already got that covered. Stand back," Mitchell said. He made hand signs, and in seconds, an enormous dog appeared out of nowhere.

"Iwashi," Mitchell greeted.

"Hayato," The dog, Iwashi, said back to him. Am I missing something here?

"Err... When did this... Huh?" I asked, my eye twitching.

"Kakashi-sensei taught it to me not too long ago. Figured I would be good out summoning, so he taught me it, and it worked out great. Now, do you have anything of Sasuke's? Something that'd have his scent on it?" He asked.

I thought about it for a second, and smiled. I slid the onyx ring Sasuke had given me off my finger and handed it to Mitchell. "Would this work?"

"Perfect." He handed it to Iwashi, who began sniffing it with his huge black nose.

"So I'm thinking he'd be somewhere in that direc-"

"Found him," Mitchell said, interrupting Kylie, who began to eye twitch at him. "Lead the way, Iwashi." The large dog barked in agreement, and so, we began our chase.


"So, you see, Rin, that's why Mitchell should be gay! Don't you agree? I mean, he's still sing- Oh my gosh! Is that Choji!?" Kylie exclaimed, her blue eyes widening in shock.

We'd been running for a few minutes, but now, we were stopping to see if Kylie was crazy or not. When I saw Choji laying against a tree, head down, I knew she wasn't.

We all stopped, jumping down in front of him. Kylie immediately began examining him, checking for injuries. When she looked back at us, her face was grim.

"He's seriously injured. I've done some first aid, but..." She said, looking down as her voice trailed off.

"But?" I pressed, and she sighed.

"But there's no telling whether or not he'll survive, Minx," She muttered, and I almost stopped breathing.

"Is there... A specific cause...?" I inquired, my voice hoarse.

"It's these." Mitchell's voice almost made me jump out of my skin. "Sanshokugan. They're known especially to the Akimichi Clan... And they provide the user with incredible, almost invincible power. But the side effects... If Choji took all three of the pills, then... He's practically dying while we're all standing around here."

I leaned against a nearby tree, trying not to hyperventilate. If Choji was almost dead... Then what of my other friends? They'd probably be in even worse condition than Choji. Could I handle seeing all of that?

"I'll stay with him," Kylie said, breaking the silence. "I'm the one best-equipped to help him, anyway. I'll take him back to the village, healing him as best as I can on my way there. The rest of you... You continue on. And whatever you do, make sure that everyone comes back alive. Just make sure that while doing that... Sasuke doesn't cross the border."

"Like hell you're staying here alone," Josh interrupted in a protective tone, "You saw what they did to Choji. What if there's one of them lurking around here still? I'm not taking that chance, and neither are you."

"So, what? You want me to leave him here?" Kylie challenged, standing up with her hands on her hips.

"No. But I'm not about to take chances with you. How do you know that there's not another one of those sound freaks around here?" He retorted.

"Oh, no, there isn't," Rin piped up in her soft voice, "The only one of the sound ninja around here is that one," -she pointed to a space where this fat dude was laying in rubble- "and he's dead. Therefore, everything's clear."

"Then... I guess that's it. You'll stay with Choji and bring him back to the village," I decided, and Josh stared at me like I had lost my mind.

"Are you kidding me, Minx?" He said incredulously.

"What do you want me to say? Huh? My hands are tied here! You think I want her to stay here? No, I don't. But everything's safe. And she won't be alone," I said, making hand signs. With an eyebrow quirked in aggravation, I shouted, "Summoning Jutsu!"

And that's when I summoned a gray leopard. It wasn't as huge as Mai or anything like that, but it was still big.

"There's your ride," I said, "And that's also your protector, so be nice to him. He'll take you back to the village safely and quickly."

I looked at the gray leopard, making sure we were at eye level. "Protect them both and get them back to Konoha," I directed, and the leopard nodded, leaning its head down so Kylie and Choji could get on.

"All right. Now that we've solved that... We better get moving. There's no telling how much worse things are gonna get," I said seriously, and my friends all nodded. We bid Kylie farewell, and then bolted into the trees once again.


"Wait! Hold it! There's someone else down there!" Josh shouted. I sighed, feeling like just giving up already. Who else could it be besides another one of my fallen friends?

We stopped, landing directly in front of... Neji? Oh, no... No!

I bolted over to him, letting myself fall onto the grass beside him. "Neji? Neji!? Oh, god, Neji, come on! Are you okay!?" I asked frantically, knowing that he wasn't. He had two holes in his chest. No one would be okay if they had two holes in their chest.

"Minxie... What... What're you doing out here...?" He muttered out, looking like he was struggling to form words.

"Shh," I muttered back, putting his head in my lap. "I'm here, I'm here."

"What's wrong with him? His chakra seems to be rather low; he's almost exhausted... But what else?" Rin asked, and I envied her for not being able to see this. To not be able to know that one of your closest friends are hurt, and that it's all your boyfriend's fault.

"He has a hole plunged through him; it barely missed his heart. And there's another near his stomach..." Josh muttered, staring at Neji sadly.

"What're we gonna do? We can't just leave him here. Not the way he is now, anyway. His condition's fatal," Mitchell said as I began to give Neji first aid.

"One of us must stay behind," Rin agreed.

"I'll do it," Josh volunteered after a long moment of silence. "Just summon another leopard."

But I didn't want to. Neji was someone I'd always respected and looked up to. He was so strong... How could he end up like this? Was death really this close around the corner? What was the point of continuing on, when all I'd see is my friends half-dead?

"Minx..." Mitchell's voice didn't startle me. I just kept staring at Neji, trying not to cry. "Look at me, Minxie." And I did. I looked up at him, staring into his eyes.

"This is what it is. Stuff like this happens all the time... We're ninja, Minxie. It's what we do; what they do. But right now, we've got bigger problems. Somewhere out there in this forest... Is Sasuke. He's probably out of his mind right now. No, scratch that. He's already insane. Well, not completely... But still, he's very confused. And the more we wait, the farther he gets lost in the darkness. He won't listen to any of us. We need you, Minx. Don't you want him to come back home?" He said.

I nodded, biting down onto my lip hard so it wouldn't quiver.

"Good. Now, get up like the leader you are so we can get out of this damn forest already. It's not only depressing, but uncomfortable, and I'm getting bored, so... Let's go," He continued, sounding like his usual obnoxious self. That woke me up, for which I was thankful for.

I made my hand signs and summoned a new leopard out of thin air, giving it directions to take Josh and Neji back to Konoha once I had healed Neji as best as I could.

I looked at Rin and Mitchell, the only two left in the team I was supposed to be leading.

"Well, then... We'd better get going. The sun'll set soon, and I think there's a storm on its way," I murmured, looking up at the sky. It had turned gray in several places, signaling the storm that was soon to come.

They both nodded, and we continued on our way into the forest.


"There's someone over there," Mitchell muttered to me.

"Wondeful. Let me guess... Another fallen teammate?" I deadpanned, sighing as I felt worse with each step I took.

"A teammate, yes. Fallen, no," He answered.

"It's about time. Which one?" Rin asked.

"Kiba. And he's right..." Mitchell stopped moving, jumping down to the edge of the cliff. Looking at Iwashi for confirmation, he said, "Down there. Kiba's there with that creepy dude from Suna. You know, the one in the cat suit?"

"Kankuro?" I asked, completely baffled. "But... What the heck is he doing here? I didn't think Konoha and Suna would restore their alliance so quickly."

"They wish to avoid war, because they all know how deadly that can become," Rin said with a solemn expression. "I've got him. I know a few medical ninjutsus myself... So, if anything happens, I'll be there. You two keep moving. I'm sure we've got more than just a few teammates still up ahead."

"You're sure?" I asked unsurely.

"It's not like I'm going to just jump off the cliff, you know," she stated, "I'm blind, not stupid."

"Two days together, and already, you've rubbed off on her. Great job, Minx," Mitchell muttered sarcastically.

I smirked proudly at him. "Thank you very much! Anyway, Rin, make sure you catch up with us later, got it?" I said, putting on a strict face.

"Of course. And don't worry about summoning any leopards. I've got my wolves, remember?" She said, a smile easing its way onto her face.

"Got it," I assured, and then she disappeared down the cliff.


"Which way is which anymore? All there is in here are trees," Mitchell muttered.

"Maybe because it's a FOREST?" I shot back sarcastically.

He frowned. "You get mean when you're stressed out."

"Thanks for noticing," I grimaced.

"... You know we'll bring him back, don't you?" He said after a long time.

I averted my gaze to the tree branch that I had just jumped on. "Yeah. Of course I do."

"That's a lie, Minx, and we both know it. 'Cause if you really knew that, you'd be able to look me in the eyes." Oh, damn. When did he get so smart!?

"He didn't say goodbye," I said quietly.

"And how did that make you feel?" He asked.

I stared at him like he was crazy. "Did you... Did you just ask a sentimental question?"

He facepalmed. "Shut it and answer me before I change my mind."

I sighed, but decided that I should answer him after all. "To be honest... I don't know how I'm feeling anymore. I'm just so confused about everything. And although I seem all confident... I'm terrified right now, Mitchell. And heartbroken. Sasuke... Sasuke left for that pedophile of a ninja because he promised him power! He left me for a pedophile! That's just wrong! And then... There's always what he's going to do with Sasuke. I mean, besides molesting him and stuff... He's going to use Sasuke's body. And if we don't hurry up, that change'll happen in a few hours!

"I'm still in shock, too. I really can't believe that Naruto and Sasuke's rivalry got so big. Now, they're probably off somewhere in this forest, ready to kill each other! I don't think they know how much they mean to me. When they fought... I felt like I was being pulled apart slowly; splitting at the seams that piece me together. And they just watched, continuing on with their battle like I wasn't even there.

"Plus, I still don't know where Ryuu is, or if he's okay. Who knows how much trouble he's gotten into for even talking to me? Gaara hasn't left my mind either. I keep wondering about how his village is treating him. When I touched his hand during the first part of the Chunin Exams and saw all of that, all of the torture he went through... I was ready to kill someone. I'd hate for that to still be happening to him.

"And then there's Sasuke. Sasuke... I just don't know what to do with him anymore. I feel like we're going through this endless game of he loves me, he loves me not. He's killing me slowly, you know. Ever since the Hokage healed him, he's been doing it. Breaking my heart slowly, stabbing me with his words that're as sharp as knives. And sometimes, it's not even his words. It's what he doesn't say. It's everything. And I just... Mitchell, I love him so much and I... I just don't know what to do anymore!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking as I quickly wiped away the tears that were beginning to gather in my eyes.

"And you've been keeping all of that in for how long?" He murmured.

"I don't even know. A few weeks, maybe...?" I guessed, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well," He began, grabbing a branch and doing a flip over it, "I just hope you find Sasuke before I do."

"Why...?" I inquired, tilting my head at him.

"Because if I find him before you do... The first thing I'm going to do is break his nose for doing all of that crap to you," He said, sounding so serious that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks, Mitch," I said, smiling at him. He was a jerk, sure, but he always knew how to get under my skin in the good way.

"No probl- Wait," He froze, his tone chilling. I stopped instantly, almost smacking into a tree.

"What's wrong...?" I inquired quietly, wondering if I'd really like to know the answer.

"It's... Shikamaru. He's with some girl... I think the girl that hung around Gaara? I better go see what's going on. You keep going. Sasuke's just up ahead."

And all it took were those four words. Sasuke's just up ahead.

My expression turned serious as an unfamiliar sense of determination rose up within me. This was it. In a mile or two, Sasuke would be there. I'd see him again.

And how'd I feel? I was terrified.

But I couldn't just back down. Not after all the effort everyone had put into. Sasuke was sure as hell going to hear it for putting the rest of my friends in danger. You know, once I drag him back to the village.

"Minxie," Mitchell called, bringing me back to reality. He put his hands on my shoulders, looking me with serious violet eyes. "Bring him back. Oh, and feel free to slap him a couple of times, just for me, okay?"

I nodded, smiling, and he smirked, whistling for Iwashi. He and the huge dog disappeared to the right, leaving me alone on the large tree branch under my feet.

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I took a few seconds to gather myself. Then, opening my eyes fiercely, I bolted in the direction that Mitchell had sent me.


"Lee!?" I shouted across the clearing I had just arrived in. In one word, the scene was disastrous. Sand was everywhere, which was sort of freaky, since Lee couldn't control sand. Some guy who looked like a monster was holding a bone-like structure, blood escaping from his lips. He wasn't moving, and when I sensed no pulse, I knew he was dead.

But did any of that matter at that moment? No, it didn't. Why? Because Lee, who had just received surgery, was here, in a clearing with one of Orochimaru's dead freaks.

Now, what else would I do besides yell at that point?

"Lee!" I exclaimed, bolting over to him and glomping him. "You idiot! What the hell are you doing out here!? ARE YOU TRYING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED!?"

His eyes lit up when he saw me. "MINXIE! What're you doing here? I thought you'd-"


"But I only wanted to-"


I started examining him, still continuing my endless rant and oblivious to the other prescence in the clearing. "And what's with you? Did the operation make you Jesus or something? You have no chakra abilities, yet there's sand everywhere," I said, healing his wounds as best as I could.

"That would be my doing," Someone said from behind me in a sensual tone.

Oh. My. God. I knew that voice; I'd know it anywhere. But why... How...

Oh, I'm so stupid. His siblings were here, so he'd be, too. I just hadn't though I'd be seeing him so soon... What the heck do I say? What do I do!? WHAT DO I BREATHE!?

"Ga... G-Gaara?" I whispered, turning around with wide eyes.

"Minxie," The redhead acknowledged calmly. He looked so calm, so mature... He was different from last time. Something in him had changed. He wasn't unstable anymore.

But the fact that his seafoam green eyes hypnotized me endlessley hadn't changed in the slightest.

Before I knew what I was doing, I was completely freaking out. "You're here, too!? What the chizz!? Are you insane!? You could've gotten yourself killed! And then I'd never forgive you, even if you are cute!"

He stared at me like I was insane. "No, I am not insane. We were the reinforcements the Hokage sent," He said.

"He's right, Minxie! If it wasn't for Gaara, I'd be dead," Lee piped up.

I turned to Gaara, looking at him with big eyes. "Is that true...?"

"... Yes," He muttered.

"Gaara, I... I... Thank you," I said sincerely, my heart filled with awe and admiration for the redhead. "For helping Lee. I'll never be able to thank you for that."

"It's no problem. I owe Konoha... A great debt," He said quietly, and our gazes locked. God, why are his eyes so freaking gorgeous?

Then, something very important occurred to me. "But if you're here... Where're Naruto and Sasuke?" I asked, sounding puzzled.

"They're... They're at Final Valley. Where Madara Uchiha fought the first Hokage," Lee muttered.

"And what exactly are they doing?" I said, knowing that he was hiding something. In truth, I knew exactly what he was hiding. I just refused to believe it.

"If my guess is correct... They're most likely fighting. Naruto was determined to bring Sasuke back, even if he had to use force." And that's when my heart broke for the third time that day.

"Which direction is it?" I asked urgently, standing up.

"That one," Lee pointed out. Then, his eyes widened as he realized what I was going to do. "Minxie, please tell me you aren't honestly thinking about-"

"Gaara, I hate to impose, but can you please take care of Lee for a few more minutes? Just until I get back. And trust me, when I get back, it'll be with both Naruto and Sasuke," I said, looking straight at the redhead with serious eyes.

He stared at me for a few seconds, and then looked to the floor. "Just be careful," He muttered so quietly that I had to strain my ears to hear.

I nodded, half-smiling. "Got it... I'll be back," I whispered, patting Lee's shoulder and then running in the direction he had pointed to.

This time, I was sure of it. This would be it. Finally, I'd see Sasuke again.

Yep, I was still terrified. I was terrified of what he'd think, what he'd say, how he'd feel... If he even felt anything anymore. Would he look at me the same way? Or was he just that far gone?

I gulped, closing my eyes as I ran through the trees.

Sasuke... I just hope you'll still love me the same.


Remember when I explained how anxious and terrified I was of seeing Sasuke again? When I got to Final Valley, I realized how much I had the right to be anxious and terrified.

To start it all off, Naruto was on the ground, unconscious. Sasuke was near him, staring down at the blonde with blank onyx eyes. The atmosphere was heavy, and that's how I knew how serious the battle that had occurred only seconds earlier was a serious one. I could almost taste the dense, dark chakra that had emitted from each boy.

I ran over to Naruto at an inhuman pace, digging my feet into the ground so I wouldn't accidentally hit anything on the way there. I stared down at him blankly.

Two seconds later, I collapsed down on my knees next to him. The tears fell down my face without warning as I stared at his closed eyes. He looked peaceful but troubled at the same time.

To make matters worse, it started raining. The first few droplets fell onto my hair, but I didn't move. I remained immobile, even as the water droplets harshened, turning into full-blown rain. Usually, I would've freaked out at the sudden storm, paranoid to go back to another dimension again. But not now. The storm was nothing compared to what I feeling at that moment.

"You didn't say goodbye," I piped up, my voice cracking. You could tell I was crying without even having to look at me.

"... I had absolutely nothing to say to you," Sasuke answered in a voice that was so harsh, I felt myself wince.

I stood quiet for a few more moments. "Even now? Nothing to say? No thoughts? No words? No... No anything?"

The Uchiha remained silent for a long while. "No," He answered simply.

"Then it's true," I muttered, looking up at the cloud-filled gray sky. "It was all just a game to you. I was just a game. Tell me, Sasuke... Why'd you even stay in Konoha for so long? Why didn't you leave earlier? What was the point? If everything's really that worthless to you... Something had to be keeping you there. What was it?"

He didn't answer me, so I continued.

"This is your choice. And you haven't asked for my opinion, but I'm giving it anyway. This is stupid. It's pointless, and you're an idiot for letting it get this far. But I was willing to accept the fact that you just went mentally insane..." I said, letting my voice trail off.

The faces of Choji, Neji, Lee, and Gaara flashed through my mind. Instantly, my expression hardened.

"But then... You just had to make it personal. Because of you... My friends are half-dead. Why? They don't even like you, so it's not that. Oh, wait, I know why. It's because they care about you, and honor you as a fellow Konoha shinobi. But you don't deserve that. You don't deserve anything," I said solemnly.

"Heh... Fellow Konoha shinobi... Tell me, Minxie... Did I ever once ask any of you... To risk your lives for me? It's their own fault. I chose this, and there's no point in fighting it. Just go home," He said finally.

I couldn't help but gape at his completely selfish, irrational answer. What the hell was going on with him?

"Go home? Go home? After all of this happened? There's no way in hell," I hissed. I looked at Naruto, my expression softening.

"You know... Naruto... He made a big promise, one that he told everyone... He promised to bring you back, no matter what..." I thought out loud, staring at the unconscious blonde.

"I shouldn't have let you make a promise you could never keep, even if you tried," I muttered with sad eyes, brushing his cheek with the back of my hand.

I stood up slowly, the rain beating heavily onto my small form. I knew what I had to do. And I'd do it. "I once told Naruto that I'd always be there for him, just like he told me he'd always be there for me," I began, turning to face the Uchiha's feet. It would be so simple. As weak as he was... I could succeed.

"He's my best friend. And you hurt him, Sasuke... So, now, you'll face the consequences. No matter how much it kills me to say this right now... You're coming home," I said fiercely, staring at the ground.

Then, I snarled out -with my Mind's Eye activated- the words that would forever change my life, "All Naruto wants is to bring you back. It's what everyone wants now, myself included. So I've officially decided... Sasuke, I'm bringing your ungrateful, jerky self back home... Even if I have to break every single bone in your body to do so!"

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