Hero [T/S Relationship & Arra...

Oleh WanderingDancer

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**Song-Inspired "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias** Ever been tied to a chair with a blindfold on after being beaten... Lebih Banyak

Hero [T/S Relationship & Arranged Marriage]
Chapter 1---Another Day In Hell...Maybe Not
Chapter 2---Going Once, Twice...SOLD!
Chapter 3---New Life. Feelings? Nah! Same Old!
MUST READ! Important Author's Note :)
Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding
Chapter 6---Carlos Hughes
Chapter 7---Green Light In My Eyes
Chapter 8---A House and A Home
Chapter 9---Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 10---May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12---So Far, So Good...?
Chapter 13 --- A Day Out of Town
Chapter 14---Meet My Future Wife, Cassidy
Chapter 15---Take Me Back
Chapter 16 --- The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17 --- Until My Last Breath
Chapter 18 --- You're Perfect
Chapter 19 --- How?
Chapter 20 --- For Better or for Worse

Chapter 5---Goodbye, Rags and Hello, Dresses!

667 14 8
Oleh WanderingDancer

Cassidy's P.O.V.

"You okay?" James made me jump. We are in his car going to his house.

"Yeah." I lied.

I looked outside the window. This day was eventful...and hell.

1.) I didn't sleep well.

2.) I broke down far too many times.

3.) I may even lost my only friend in school!

4.) Miss Klein likes my fiancé...I'm not jealous. I'm just stating observations, for your information.

5.) I saw my father in James.

I just saw my father in James when he shook me. I was angry the whole day, and one of the ways I let the emotions out is by scribbling. I scribble and scribble until the paper gets torn, the marker would get broken, or just until I won't feel like it anymore.

At least that was the only thing I had in mind at that time. That wasn't the only way I get my emotions out.

I cut.

I cut until I'm satisfied.

I cut until the pain is unbearable.

I cut until the blood from my body drips on the floor.

Back to what happened earlier. At one moment, I was in his classroom, when he shook me, my vision changed and I felt like I was in my bedroom and not in James' classroom. It was very clear.

I was tied up, sitting on the chair, and my room was dark, and the moonlight was the only source of light.

I remember when my father always shakes me harshly right until my brain felt like a smoothie. After shaking me, he would push my chair backward leaving me unconscious. Praying for death to come.

I always wanted to die. Everyday was misery. I never wanted to see the sunrise the other day. I also ask myself why I still get to wake up.

My parents were right. I never deserved to live.

I was always a burden to them, and now they gave me to James' family. I guess, they also think of me as a burden. They're just acting nice.

Maybe even James. I'm making him uncomfortable when I'm around.

...and they don't even know about my illness yet.

I love my life...note the sarcasm.

"Cassidy!" James made me jump...once more. God, just don't let your mind slip away easily, Cass!

"Yeah?" I cocked my head to his direction.

"I was asking if you're hungry." James' eyes were on the road.

Before I could answer his question, my stomach growled furiously. Darn, why do you have to act like this, stomach? You were never like this with my family!

James was trying to hide his chuckle while I rolled my eyes. "Alright, Cassidy..." he smirked.

I scoffed. "I haven't said anything, James."

"That is when your body does the talking. Come on, Cass. If you need anything, just tell me." thanks a lot, tummy.

I popped in my earphones and browsed through the play list of my new phone just to escape this conversation. I was listening to Pink when James pulled over at a McDonald's Drive Thru. I muffled mentally at myself. James is spending on me again.

"What do you want, Cass?" James asked me before his window went down.

I shrugged. Look, I don't care if everything on the menu looks and sounds delicious. I'm just being a courteous young lady that I am and let him do things.

"It's okay, Cass. You can order anything."

I scanned through the panel menu. I can't eat that heavy, and that I haven't eaten anything from here for years!...but they all sound really, really delicious.

"Just a vanilla milkshake and fries." I smiled softly at James. (A/N: fudge me and my Fifty Shades brain...*sighs*)

He returned the smile and gave out our orders at that...machine thing where you just say your order...that wasn't there before, and I find it kinda funny. What if an old person uses the Drive Thru, but realizes he's talking to a trash bin. Haha. Oh, well. Can't blame technology these days.

A vanilla milkshake and fries were the only thing I remember ordering here. Memories. Happy memories. It was my birthday. My ninth to be exact. Dad was still a police officer, and our family was one simple, happy family. There was this toy they have here at McDonald's that I wanted so much. Mom said that we'll go to McDonald's on my birthday, and I looked forward to it.

My birthday came, and dad asked for a leave that day because our family was rarely complete, and he wanted to take my birthday as an opportunity. We went to McDonald's. Mom and dad ordered while Danny and I were at the play area. Mom called us when our food was there. Danny and I would have milkshakes and a mountain of fries, while our parents would have their burgers. Right after the meal, before eating our sundaes, they would sing the Happy Birthday song, and mom would show me all the toys she bought along with the meal.

Why wouldn't things go back the way they were before?

"Here are your fries, Cass." James handed me a brown paper bag. Brown paper bags remind me of asthma. Don't know why, but yes, they remind me of asthma. You know...when those people have their attacks and they have to breathe deeply in brown paper bags...don't know why.

I clutched on the folded part and placed it on my lap, as James pulls down the cup holders. Seems that he also ordered the same thing. They gave James the milk shakes and he placed them on the cup holders. We started on our way to his house again.

"I almost bought you a burger." he chuckled. "But I don't wanna ruin your appetite for later."

"Later?" I asked with a mouth full of fries.

"Dinner." he smiled.


"Do you have a lot of homework to do?" James asked out of the blue.

"Just one. My ever-demanding English teacher made us do a letter." I smirked looking outside my window.

"I heard he's hot." I can hear his smirk.

"You and your massive ego..." I scolded.

He laughs and then shakes his head. "Did I mention my name? I know I didn't."

He clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"What?" I laughed.

"I should've given you detention after all that you said to me." he complained like a little girl.

"James, don't tell me that you have a huge head already."

"You deserve a detention session with your favorite teacher." he gave me his big-headed smirk. Oh, great. Even his smirk has a big head.

"Oh please, James." I exhaled.

"Hahaha!" he starts laughing like a crazy person and he even used the car horn. Won't we get in trouble for this?

The rest of the ride was utter silence. I was eating my snack while James was busy driving on the road. This is the first time seeing him so relaxed. Why was he so relaxed?

We arrived at his house. No way! This looks like the house from Forbes Magazine! I can't even describe the place! This looks like a resort. It was painted in cream and chocolate brown, the house was three storeys high. Is this really where I'm gonna live starting today?

I was at awe the whole time. The car stopped signalling me to put off my seat belt. James and I stepped out at the same time.

"You may wanna close your mouth, right? And you have drool...riiiiight...there." he points to the corner of his lips and I instinctively do the same that made him burst out laughing. The weirdo he is.

"Seriously?" I said in a bland tone.

He kept on laughing and laughing until his face got as red as a tomato. Darn. What's with him and laughter? "I can't believe you fell for it, Cass! This is...HAHAHA."

"Okay, seriously, stop." I grabbed my bags from his car.

"Okay! I'll stop, if you let me carry your bags." he held out his hand.

I shook my head no. "They're as light as a feather, James. Thanks anyways."

"I just can't let you bring all those bags! It's like cheating on your big exams!"

"So, its school talk now? I'm back to being Miss Evans, and you're Mr. Hughes again?"

"Ah, there you two are! We've been waiting for almost an hour now!" Natalie came to embrace me. "Oh, heaven's sake, child, put those bags down. James would you mind?" she cocked her head towards James.

"No, not at all." he looked at me intently and I let the bags fall to the ground. He picked them up and started walking to the palace of a home...which is also mine now...I guess.

"Well, dinner will be in just a few more minutes. Do you want anything specifically? she held my back and we started walking to the foyer.

"I'm fine." I said politely as possible.

"James could give you a tour of the house when he's back from your temporary room here." she grinned.

Temporary? Oh, yeah...the house thing deal. Oh my God, James and I in the same house in the same room, and we're not even wed yet?! Isn't this like...so wrong plus, he's a teacher. I always say this. He's my teacher...he's my teacher...HE'S MY TEACHER!

James came down just in time to wake me up from the weirdest mantra I've ever said to myself in my whole entire life.

"James, good you're back. Give Cassidy a tour around the house while dinner's finishing up, I'll check." with that she left even before James could even say a word.

I started looking around. This will be a long tour. Their house has like three floors!

"So...maybe we'll start with your room." he offered his arm.

"First of all, this is not a party, James. I can walk perfectly fine. Second, did you just say my room?"

He just nodded and started walking. Climbing up the stairs...oh, my body hurts. I took a longer time climbing...more like limping up. When James looked at me, I picked up the pace a bit.

"You okay? Honest answer."

"Just...sore." did I just say sore? Well, that's what I felt that moment. Seems that I'm not the only one who thought of it as well. James blushed. Oh, dearest steaming artichokes! I just saw James blush! Ha! Curse our dirty minds.

"Do you, uh, want any help?" he said, his voice was a bit shaky.

"No, I can manage perfectly." I took one more step up, and I was successfully on the second floor. Thank heavens!

"Are you--"

"Yes, James! How many times, James?" I rose my voice a bit.

"I'm sorry." he muttered. "Let me show you you're room." he led me to a hallway with a lot of doors. They're only like...three in he family, and they have more like...five rooms?! "This is your room...temporarily. Mine is just across yours." he held the doorknob and opened the door.

He opened the door to reveal a big room. Like when I say big, I mean huge! Compared to my room, it was ten times bigger. The wallpaper was in light sunshine yellow and cream. A huge bed in the middle with a lot of fluffy pillows. There was a study table. Similar to what architects use with a lot of notebooks, papers, pens...everything!

Everything was very posh and polished. I instantly felt like I don't belong in this kind of life. I just simply can't. I'm not like this. This isn't the life for me.

"There's more." James startled me from behind.

"Th-there is?" I couldn't ask for more. This is far beyond what I expect, and I just can't have more.

He led me to a door in the room, and somebody slap me because I have a mall in my room. In my temporary room. No, no, no.

I looked around. All those designer clothes, shoes, bags, jewelry...oh, gosh.

"P-Prada?" I read the tag. What's Prada?

"James, this is too much." I said as I looked through the closet. Some clothes still had tags on them and...woah!

"Do you honestly think that I bought your wardrobe?" James grinned. "Thank my mom, not me."

"James! Cassidy! Dinner's ready!"

James sighed heavily for me to hear and looked at me intently like he was speaking through his eyes and not his mouth and for me I understood what it meant. It meant that we should already head down to the dining area.

James and I headed to the dining hall in silence, him leading me of course, the house is really huge. And they expect me to memorize the whole household in a blink of an eye? I hope not. And add the fact that I won't be living here for the rest of my life.

We entered the dining hall and I let out a gasp that only I could notice. This is not a dining area, this is a palace! The Venetian paintings, the Victorian walls, the chandelier, the china...everything! Is it like this everyday? If yes, then everyday is a party. I really don't fit in here.

James pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. Looking down on the table, my head started to spin. There are like four different kinds of forks, on the other side of the plate another set of spoons, and the plate itself has a plate placed on top. What the hell am I going to use now?!

James sat beside me and gave me a reassuring smile. 'Don't worry.' he mouthed to me. The opening doors made us both flinch.

"Oh, haha. I'm so sorry for startling you two. I thought Cassidy got lost. This place is very big." Natalie, Mrs. Hughes, said as she took her seat.

James rolled his eyes. "I was with her, mom."

"Ah, yes." she giggled. "I forgot. Thanks for giving her the tour, James. Your father will be with us shortly after a phone call, but he told me that we should start. Franz!" she snapped her fingers and then a very slender man from the corner clapped his hands.

Maids in their crisp uniform came in the area with our food. They replaced that small plate on top of the main plate and placed the new plate of our dinner. So much for plates. I looked at our food, and I didn't know what it was. It was a huge portion of grilled meat. Uh-what's it called again?

I looked at James and his actions towards the silverware. This is the tricky part. Of the many number of silverware on the table, I don't know which one to use. He took the second fork and then the rougher knife beside another smoother blade knife and the rest of the spoons.

He sliced through the piece of meat and ate silently. I tried doing the same and I did it almost like what he did. The meat was so soft like butter, and it was very pink in the middle. In my mouth it melted like butter. I've never tasted anything like this before!

When I looked at James again, he was chuckling inaudibly, like something funny just happened. I frowned and he shook his head, smirking and went back to eating.

"James, you should introduce Cassidy to Carlos when he gets home."

I shot a look at James. "Who's Carlos?"

"My younger brother." he sliced himself another piece of the meat. "You two will get along. I can already sense it."

"How old is he...ten?"

Both James and Natalie burst into laughter. Uh...what did I say?

"You have a good sense of humor dear, but no." she chuckled.

"Carlos is just a few years older than you." James smiled.

"Oh..." I quietly nodded.

"So, what've I missed?" Mr. Hughes, Patrick, I think his name is, said. He gave Natalie a kiss on the head and sat beside her.

"Nothing much. You're just in time, we just started." some servants automatically entertained him with his dinner. "Any news from Carlos, dear?"

"He says he's gonna be home late. So he won't be joining us."

"Aww, that's a shame. Cassidy, that means you get to meet Carlos tomorrow morning then. Too bad he isn't here for dinner."

"It's alright, Mrs. Hughes." I smiled and drank my cold glass of water.

"Dear, you could call me 'Mom', you are after all my future daughter-in-law." James and I both choked. I choked on my water, and James choked on his salad. After recomposing myself, we both apologized at the same time.

Mom. Mom. Mom. Plant that in your brain, Cass.


Dinner flew by fast. There was the simple small talk and I got to know more about their family. Thank God they didn't ask me about mine. I have a new family now. I want to erase the past and start over, but I didn't know how.

After a fruity dessert, James escorted me back to my room and I did my homework on his subject. Creeps. After doing my assignment, I couldn't sleep even if it was ten in the evening and a school day. I started exploring my room. It was like my own shopping mall and hotel in one.

Those clothes in that closet that still had tags...I don't wanna read the price anymore. One dress was worth more than a month's pay at that deli place. Yes, I worked at a deli place so that I could go to school, but I stopped because I had a scholarship.

After seeing every single outfit there, I went to the bathroom next. Tell me that this is a bathroom and not a spa. There is a Jacuzzi bath and a sauna as well as a shower area and a mirror wall. Then there is a dresser. On the dresser were makeup, flat and curling irons as well as hair accessories that are unfamiliar with my eyes.

I felt tired after the tour of my room. Guess it worked. On the other side of the bed, there was a long curtain. I looked through and I saw two locked glass doors. I unlocked the locks and opened the doors. The cool, windy night air came in my room and I felt at ease. I inhaled the cool wind and a lot came inside my head.

This is my life now.

No more of that torture.

I'll be better here.

I can spend the rest of my counted days here instead of that place.

Everything will get better...

...I hope.


James' P.O.V.

"Cassidy, hurry up before we're late for school." I checked my wristwatch once more. We only have 15 minutes left to go to school. What's up with girls and their time in dressing up?

"Fine!" I heard Cassidy scream.

Thank God!

I heard her bedroom door close with a bang.

"About time." I turned around to see Cassidy.



Is the young woman in front of me really Cassidy?

She doesn't look like the Cassidy I first met two days ago, and the Cassidy I brought home yesterday.

She was wearing a a red satin top with a cream colored designer jacket, black denim jeans, and black heels.

Her hair was straightened, not the her usual curly hair that looked like Taylor Swift's.

She looks hot. Like...really hot!

She wore a lipgloss smirk. "Mr. Hughes, please close your mouth."

I didn't realize that my mouth was open and salivating. Disgusting, James.

I shook my head and cleared my dry throat. "Where are your things, Cass?" I turned around again, feeling myself flush.

"I have them right here." she walked in front of me showing her Prada bag.

"Good. We should go." I walked out to the car.


Cassidy's P.O.V.

James walked out on me! Ugh! I stopped complaining to just take a small peep on my new wristwatch.


No wonder James is angry!

Since I'm new with 'heels', I tried my best to walk fast...with caution, of course.

"Cassidy, dear!" Natalie called out for me.

"Yes, Na--mom?" glue the word 'parents' in your brain, Cassidy.

Natalie entered the foyer looking very...regal. Yes, that's what I said. She looked as regal as a queen. Her style was similar to Michelle Obama and Kate Middleton all in one.

She was wearing a cream lacy dress with a matching blazer. Her shoes were nude pumps that also matched her outfit. Her golden hair was in a side updo with a pearl clip that held her bangs.

"I just wanted to ask you what you want for dinner."

Well, I just wanted to leave. I don't even know what's going in James' head since we're running late.

"Uh, anything i-is fine...mom." remembering what to call her.

"Oh, okay. I just thought that we'd prepare your favorite dish tonight."

*Honk, Honk*

"I need to run, and anything is fine, I promise." I headed for the door,

"And, Cassidy!" she called again. What now?

"Yes?" I turned to face her.

"I forgot to give your allowance." she smiled as she fished out some money from her clutch and offered me leaves of the money.

"I couldn't..." I shook my head.

"It's alright, dear. You could spend it on other things and if you want to buy something you can, or even treat you friends." she grinned.

I don't have any friends. Only one, and I don't even know if she is still my friend.

I gave myself a mental slap. "Uh, I need to go...thank you." I kissed her cheek.

"Do good in school, darling, and I'll see you both later." that was the last thing I heard from her before I went out.

I rushed to the passenger seat and put my seat belt on.


James' P.O.V.

"We're gonna be late." I said, not looking at her. Looking at her will only distract me.

"I'm sorry, your mom was--"

"No, Cassidy, I was talking about before my mother talked to you. If you hadn't dolled up that much we wouldn't be late." did I say that? To her? Good luck, James.

She gave in and didn't answer back. She slumped in her seat and I just fired the engine. I couldn't believe I just said that to her. I saw her cuddling her bag and biting her lip. I actually like her being like this. She changed the way she looks and I guess that this helps with her starting anew.

Whether in sweats or in gowns, Cassidy is truly beautiful. I admit that sometimes I kill the moment whenever she smiles. It just comes, I don't know why. Like what's happening now. She looked happy with how she looks like now and I destroyed her mood.

How did she even know how to use the flat iron?


Author's Note: I apologize for the long wait. I'm sorry.

I miss my readers!!!! The readers of this book are the best!!!! You guys made me have 1000+ reads with less than five chapters up. That's really something special.

I'm sorry for not updating, it's just that I have a deadline on For Better Or For Worse and that's a secret why ;) haha!

I hope you guys won't stop supporting this story. I will update more sooner.




...vanilla :">



(November 13, 2013)

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