The Pain of Neglect (Naruto F...

Oleh photogal123

518K 10.4K 5.7K

Throughout his life young Naruto has never experienced love, his has been shunned and harmed by the village a... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1:The Sealing
Chapter 2: His Pain
Chapter 3: A meeting with a fox
Chapter 4: The Deal with the Kyuubi
Chapter 5: Payback
Chapter 6: The Return
Chapter 7: The Ramen Stand
Chapter 8: A Not so Happy Family Reunion
Chapter 9: The Day His Life Changed for the Worst
Chapter 10: The Blue Haired Country Sensei
Chapter 11: The Village of Yin and Yang
Chapter 12: Battle of the Blondes
Chapter 13: His Greatest Sin
Chapter 15: Clothes Shopping
Extra Chapter: INO
Extra Chapter: KURAMA
Chapter 16: The Dimensional Gathering
Chapter 17: A Father's Gift
Chapter 18: Romeo
Chapter 18: Dark Side of the Blue
Chapter 19: Jingle Bells
Chapter 20: Feather Tattoos
Chapter 21: Bloody Hell
Chapter 22: Redemption
Chapter 23: New Family
Chapter 24: Exams Start
Special Chapter: Flashback
Chapter 25: Haircuts and Blue Cats
Chapter 26 : Do You Trust Me?
Chapter 27 : Paralysis and Planning

Chapter 14: Memories of Joy

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Oleh photogal123

The area filled with an emanating black aura as he walked towards me. I tried to move but the shadows grabbed my legs and held me in place. His cold laugh filled the air as came closer, "Well, well my darling Naru. It seems that you got me a tad bit angry. No worries, you will join me soon. You have made a grave mistake by returning to the place of your sorrows, and that will only hurt you more. So let me give you my gift before I leave you." He grabbed my face and stared into my  red-blue eyes. "Yami special technique: Nightmare"

Kurama's POV

I have to make it, I need to Naruto, before it's too late. "Yami special technique: Nightmare" Crap, the bastard made it before I did, I turned through the trees, looking for a glimpse of bright blond-red hair. When that glimpse reached me, I crashed through all of the obstacles in between to save Naru, but I was too late.... The field had been decimated, the only thing left was the blood. The metallic smell lingered in the air, and created a horrific red haze. In the middle of it, was a jewel, stuck high on the only tree left in the field. The blood trickling down his face, which was frozen in a look of wonder. There was no light in his eyes, it was as if he had lost the will to survive. The jewel, the blond red hair, the crystal blue eyes, it was Naruto. I yanked him off of the tree and laid him gently on the ground. " Naru! Naruto! Wake-up! Please wake-up! Don't submit to his ways! You are stronger than this! You are an SS ranked nin, disciple of all the jinchurikis and bijuus! Break the jutsu, please!" I shook as hard as I could, but it was no use. What was this technique? I have to find Nitsu. That idiot should be able to fix this. I pull Naruto up onto my shoulders and shun-shin to the Hokage's Office. I crashed through the window and was greeted by something that I really should have expected.


Minato's POV

"Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze. Your greatest sin was, making your own son, the child of legend, the warrior of light, face the pain of neglect." I looked at Kami in anguish. My son.. My child.... It's my fault.... Tears flowed from my face, I had become the one thing that I had never wanted. I grew up an orphan, and I wanted my children to never face the same pain, but I had failed. My son hadn't faced that, but something worse. "So Minato, what are you going to do about this?" I turned to the golden-eyed goddess. "I don't know, I don't know how to fix this." Her stoic face softened a bit and she bent down towards me. "Minato, you have really messed up haven't you. Well, there is something you can do." A pearl of hope formed in my chest and I looked back at the white haired Kami. She got up and waved her hands in a circle. "Power of Light I call upon thee, show me the past which has not lost it's light." She shot a bright white light out of her hands and plucked an old wardrobe out of thin air. Does it lead to Narnia? Do I need a lion and a witch to fix Naru? Kami brushed some of her hair out of her face and turned around to me "This is the only source of happiness that can be found in Naruto's memories." I nod my head and she opens the doors.There sat four medium sized boxes, and six small boxes. She picked up the four and started walking across the room.What memories are in the boxes? And why are they bigger than the others?

"Oi Blondie, hurry up! You don't make a goddess wait fool." I nodded and ran behind her.

--------------------------------------------------- Mini Time-Skip-----------------------------------------------

I look around the room that we were in. It was filled with reclining chairs and had a large screen in the front, I wonder what that's for. Kami walked up and pushed the memories into small holes in the wall. "Alright, get comfy, because we are going to see how to fix your shit." I was shocked, why was a goddess speaking so brazenly. "Oh! Just because I'm a goddess I have to be all prim and proper! Nah Bruh! I only act like that during the first impression, now shut up and watch the movie." Wait she can read my mind? "I am the goddess of all things pure and light! How the freaking hell do you think I can't read your mind!" My face turned red and I quietly apologize. the screen turns on and starts playing the first memory.

----------------------------------------------------------Memory #1----------------------------------------------------

Naruto waited patiently in his bed. Kurama told him that he had a surprise for him, and he couldn't wait. Naruto looked at the sky outside Nitsu's window and sighed. The moon was so pretty, he couldn't believe that that used to be the most frightening thing for him. The moon meant that the torture would begin, the villagers made the moon their clock, and it would serve as the only light they used to destroy him. Naruto snuggled into his sheets and tried to brush off the memories. Memories were the things that haunted him now. Nitsu had shown him how to suppress them so that the seal wouldn't drive him crazy. Nitsu had given Naruto so much, a home, he taught him how to survive the night, Nitsu was like the big brother he never had. "Naru?" Naruto's head turned to see Kura in his traditional kimono. "Yes Kurama?" The fox smiled and gestured for Naruto to follow him. The pair walked a bit and went outside and Naruto shook a bit. "Put on your scarf Naru, I don't want you getting a cold." Kura bent down and tied the long red scarf around Naruto's neck. They continued their walk and Kurama stopped. He placed his hands over Naruto's eyes and started to guide him. "SURPRISE!" Naruto opened his eyes and was greeted by all of his friends and teachers. The jinchurikis and the bijuus in their human forms. Nitsu was there, and he was with a strange woman in white, who was smacking him on the head.The area was filled with fairy lights and had a bunch of food placed on an orange table in the center. "What is this?" The group frowned slightly but covered it up quickly with a smile. "It's your birthday party. To celebrate you being born!" Kura gently shifted to hold Naru when the boy smiled brightly. "Really! I get my own! Thank you! Thank you so much!" The jinchurikis smiled at the brightness from Naruto's smile. Nitsu bumped the lady in white and gold on the shoulder and she looked at Naruto with a calculating look. "Well, aren't you adorable. You are too cute for Nitsu-Baka." "Kami! Don't say that!" Nistu whined. Kurama chuckled and pushed Naruto forward a bit. "Naruto, introduce yourself."Naruto shyly nodded and walked out. "H-hello Ma'am, my n-name is Naruto no Yoko." Kami smiled and bent down. "Hello Naruto, I have to say, you are so cute. Why don't you ditch this idiot and come to heaven with me. I would be such a better teacher." Nitsu pouted, "Kami! Naruto, don't listen to the creepy goddess." "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING CREEPY NITSU?!" Nitsu squeaked and the group laughed as the barefooted beauty chased Nitsu around the field. The party went on for hours, everyone was laughing and the person with the biggest smile was Naruto. He finally belonged. He wasn't alone.


Third POV

Minato started tearing up and Kami smiled gently at the happy memory. "Kami-Sama, you met Naruto before?" "Huh, oh yeah! He's my warrior of light, so of course I had to help him. I mean, who knows what that idiot Nitsu would have done if I didn't step in to help. Now, onto the next one" Kami snapped her hands and the next memory started playing. "Hey, pass the popcorn."

--------------------------------------------------- Memory #2----------------------------------------------------------

Naruto stood in an empty meadow. The sun shone brightly and the air was peaceful. For once, Naruto was surrounded by peace. He thought about the events of the day. The events that had led to him finding his one true love........


Third POV

"Let's skip this one." "Wait why?" Minato looked at Kami with confusion, he really wanted to see his son's true love. Who was this person? "This is not important right now, and I don't want you screwing around with Naruto's love life. He already has that ignorant baka Nitsu with him who is so ignorant that he can't even notice another person's feelings!" She mumbled angrily and Minato raised an eyebrow. "Don't even think about it you lemon head. Now, next memory!"

---------------------------------------------------------Memory #3-----------------------------------------------------

Naruto stood in the village, it was his last time in this hell. Kurama stood next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you ready?" Naruto looked up and nodded. It was time to be free, time to not fear the dark, to not fear the people, and finally step into the light of freedom. Kurama smiled and teleported them past the gate. They arrived a little ways out of Konoha in a peaceful meadow. It was filled with all sorts of flowers, and smelled like had a large lake in the middle. "I-I'm free! I'M FREE!" He screamed in joy and ran through the field. Kurama smiled at his happiness and watched the little blond play in the flowers. Naruto laid next to the water and looked at his reflection. He traced his bony face and stared into his deep blue eyes. "I'm f-finally made it out. I I'm never g-going to be hurt by them anymore. I will be strong. In order to protect the ones that show me love. I will never break my promise. That is my nindo. He splashed the weak child's reflection of himself out of the water and started running towards Kurama.


Third POV

"Did he really hate Konoha that much Kami-Sama?" "Well, you'd think that a person would hate a place that treated him like filth and made him go through all of that shit, now wouldn't ya?" Minato looked at the ground and frowned. How was he going to make amends with Naruto if he hated him so much? How was he going to let his son live in peace and happiness if one of his best memories was leaving his own home? "Oi Minato, don't worry so much. A person must let go of the past to go forward, and Naruto knows that. You have a chance, and this is the reason why. Play the last memory!" Minato nodded his head and turned to the screen. However this one was different, it was a bit hazy and the sound was a little muffled.

--------------------------------------------------------Memory #4-----------------------------------------------------

Naruto opened his eyes and saw two people all bloody and full of tears. "My children, my beautiful child. I love you, I'm so sorry." The red haired one hugged him, and filled him with a sort of warmth that he loved. It was as if he was surrounded by light. The yellow haired one smiled and hugged them tighter, the little one just like him cooed. Somehow he felt warm, as if this was pure joy. Joy, that is a new feeling, it's nice. He snuggled in tighter and tried to suck in more warmth. This was the best thing ever, he wished for only one thing, for it to last forever.


Third POV

Kami snapped her fingers once again and the chairs and screen disappeared. "So Minato, you have seen the truth. The only way for you to make up for your sin is to show him that warmth again. Show him the love he has always craved, and fix up your shit." Minato nodded and looked up at the white and golden goddess. His eyes were filled with the one thing that Konoha was renowned for, the Will of Fire. "I will fix this, I will save Naruto. I will make him feel that love, and we will all be a family again. I swear." Kami smiled at him and summoned a long white and gold staff. "Minato, listen to me. this isn't just a family problem anymore. The world is at risk." "How?" Kami stiffened and sighed. "This is not an explanation that I am to give you. You must let Naruto tell you yourself. I will tell you one thing though, if Naruto hasn't forgiven you and your family by his eighteenth birthday, the world shall perish. Now it's time for you to go back." Minato nodded and bowed his head slightly. Kami created a yin-yang symbol and pushed her staff in the air. "Now I send thee back to the world of light. Renounce with thy loved ones, and repent thy sin." She swung her staff down and smack his head. "Thank you, Kami, thank you for all of your help." Minato faded away and Kami started fading away herself. "I hope that you can fix this Minato, or else the world shall be shrouded with darkness."


Minato's POV

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a lampshade. I wonder who put this on my head. "WHERE IS THE RED PLAY DOUGH?" "TURN OFF THE LASER YOU INSANE BLUEBERRY!" "SHUT UP TOMATO-CHAN!" "NITSU SHUT THIS THING OFF!" "TELL ME OR DIE!" "I HAVE NO RED PLAY-DOUGH, I ONLY HAVE BLUE PLAY-DOUGH." "MY NAME IS NITSU, THE SEXY GOD, KYŪSEISHU! YOU HAVE NO RED PLAY-DOUGH! PREPARE TO DIE!" "NOO!!!" I flipped the lampshade off my head and was greeted by the most unusual thing that I have ever seen. Kyuubi, or Kurama was holding back an enraged Naruto. A blue-haired man, who was probably this Nitsu character, had a play dough sword pointed at Kushina, and Mito was strapped up to a table with a large laser pointed at her head. " What is going on here?" The group looked at me and soon I was engulfed in a hug from my wife and daughter. "Oh thank Kami you are alive! I was so worried." They kept crying on my shoulder and soon I was completely drenched. Now I have to clean out all the tears it'll take forever. "Use vinegar and soda to get tears out." I looked at Kurama and nodded my head. "Thank you for caring for my family while I was paralyzed." "I don't give two shits about your family, it was Nitsu who saved them. I would rather they die for what they did to Naruto. Come on, we're leaving." Naruto and the now deemed Nitsu nodded their heads at Kurama and disappeared in a gust of wind. Kurama scowled at us and disappeared as well. Crap, I was too late. I couldn't even ask if Naruto was alright....


Third POV

Nitsu and Naruto sat at the counter of Ichiraku's eating ramen. Naruto eating his regular beef, and Nitsu.... eating chicken with chocolate sauce. "How are you even able to consume that? It looks disgusting?" "Buddy the elf ate spaghetti with chocolate sauce, so why can't I eat it with ramen?" Naruto sighed and just ignored the idiocy that was Nitsu. "Hey Naru, I want to ask you  something." "No, blue gummy bears are not out to kill you." "But they are! I always choke on the blue ones, and even then, what flavor is blue?  But that is not what I want to ask you. Naru, are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine, why?" Nitsu sighed and put his noodles down. "Naru you were hit with the Yami Nightmare jutsu. That sends the recipient to the darkest place in their soul and makes them endure their greatest nightmare. It's good that Kura got you to me in time to break it, are you sure you're alright?" Naruto's bangs covered his face and he placed his ramen down. "I'm fine, just let it go." "Naruto, this isn't the time to be Queen Elsa. If you conceal and do not feel, then you will start to break down. And with the seal who knows what c.." "I SAID LET IT GO NITSU." Naruto got up and placed some money on the counter. "But Naru..." Nitsu reached out to grab him, but then drew back. He watched Naruto walk off and sighed.


Nitsu POV

I placed some money on the counter and walked towards the home that Kurama created for us in the woods. I  took off my shoes and went into my amazing room. While laying on my epic race car bed, I just looked up at my glow-in-the-dark stars. Naruto shouldn't' keep his feeling in, He has people that care about him, and that want to help him. Why is he doing this? If he keeps this up then... "Hey Nitsu." I looked up and saw Kami. "Hey Marshmallow-Chan!" "I AM NOT A MARSHMALLOW!" I dodged her punch and chuckled. Leave it to Kami to make me feel better. I pulled her onto the race car bed and sat next to her."Nitsu, what's wrong baka? Did you finally realize you will never be as sexy as me?" She laughed and I just sighed. "Hey, what's wrong Nits?" "Naru is bottling in all of his woes. This is going to hurt him in the end, and I don't want to see that. I don't want to see anyone else hurt by all of my family problems. Especially not someone as pure and innocent as Naruto." Kami wrapped her arms around me and I started tearing up. "Why am I so useless? Why couldn't I just bear the seal? Why did they have to pick Naru? Why Kami, Why?" She rubbed circles on my back and gently patted my hair. "Nitsu, stop crying like a wimp. You are strong, you had bore the mark for twelve years. You learned all of your clan's techniques and mastered not only fuuinjutsu and kenjutsu, but taijutsu, genjutsu, and multiple forms of ninjutsu. You are not, and will never be weak. I have known that since the day we met." I rubbed some of my tears off and smiled at her. "Yeah, thanks Kami." "No biggie wimp." "I'm not a wimp!" "Are too!" "Am not!" "ARE TOO!" "WELL, AT LEAST I AM NOT FLATTER THAN A TORTILLA!" "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT YOU BLUE GUMMY BEAR!" "I AM NOT A BLUE GUMMY BEAR! BLUE GUMMY BEARS ARE EVIL!" "SHUT UP BEFORE I GUT THE BOTH OF YOU!" Kami and I shrunk back and mumbled our apologies to Kura. I started laughing and fell back onto the car bed. "Thank you Kami." "No biggie, anyway, you look much better when you're smiling." She laughed and started walking towards the window. "I'll see you soon Nitsu, and try and help Naru. He needs it, and you can help him, I know it." I gave her my signature grin and a thumbs up. She chuckled and vanished, leaving traces of gold dust in the air. I scoffed and sunk into my epic bed. That damn show off.....

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unknown POV

I stood outside father's office and froze at the sight. The tall pale man had killed my father. He had killed the man that ruined my life. The man who tried to kill me for Shukaku, and forced me to be isolated from the world of love. So, why was I crying? There is no time for tears, this is not the first priority. I have to get out before he sees me. I ducked out of the Kazekage office and went to the old training ground six. I brushed tears out of my jade eyes and laid on the ground. Shukaku tried consoling me. Ever since Naru and Kura came to Suna and fixed my faulty seal, Shukaku has been like a doting parent instead of an insane tanuki that takes away all of my sleep and craves blood.Kid are you ok? I mean even though that man was a bastard, he was still your father... I'm fine Shu, don't worry. I'm just worried about how this is going to play out. Me too. Why do you think he had those pictures? I don't know, and that is what worries me the worries me the worst. Why would that man want a seal that only the Yami clan can use properly? I don't know child, but let's hope that he isn't trying what I am thinking, if he is, then we all will suffer. I am going to sleep, so you might want to take some rest too. Night Shu. Shu cut our connection and I stared at the setting sun. This all didn't make sense, I have to be patient and find out what is happening. The pale man, father's death, and worst of all, the pictures of Naruto and Nitsu's seal. I ran a hand through my crimson hair and sighed. "Stay safe Naruto, because the battle has just begun."



Now some info,

I do not own and am not affiliated with Naruto in any way shape or form. I also don't own the pic above. I only own my own characters and the plot.

The pic above is Nitsu's Race-Car bed. Those beds are so cool!


Voting is over, and the winner has been decided. I shall announce it in the next chapter.

For all of the people that wanted other ships, I shall put in the extra chapters, however they shall in no way relate to the plot of the actual story.


If you see any grammatical or spelling errors, do notify me.

Last but not least,

Thank you for reading! I passed 13K reads and am so grateful! So thank you and you are all amazing!

That's all folks!

(3694 words)

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