Chapter 14: Memories of Joy

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The area filled with an emanating black aura as he walked towards me. I tried to move but the shadows grabbed my legs and held me in place. His cold laugh filled the air as came closer, "Well, well my darling Naru. It seems that you got me a tad bit angry. No worries, you will join me soon. You have made a grave mistake by returning to the place of your sorrows, and that will only hurt you more. So let me give you my gift before I leave you." He grabbed my face and stared into my  red-blue eyes. "Yami special technique: Nightmare"

Kurama's POV

I have to make it, I need to Naruto, before it's too late. "Yami special technique: Nightmare" Crap, the bastard made it before I did, I turned through the trees, looking for a glimpse of bright blond-red hair. When that glimpse reached me, I crashed through all of the obstacles in between to save Naru, but I was too late.... The field had been decimated, the only thing left was the blood. The metallic smell lingered in the air, and created a horrific red haze. In the middle of it, was a jewel, stuck high on the only tree left in the field. The blood trickling down his face, which was frozen in a look of wonder. There was no light in his eyes, it was as if he had lost the will to survive. The jewel, the blond red hair, the crystal blue eyes, it was Naruto. I yanked him off of the tree and laid him gently on the ground. " Naru! Naruto! Wake-up! Please wake-up! Don't submit to his ways! You are stronger than this! You are an SS ranked nin, disciple of all the jinchurikis and bijuus! Break the jutsu, please!" I shook as hard as I could, but it was no use. What was this technique? I have to find Nitsu. That idiot should be able to fix this. I pull Naruto up onto my shoulders and shun-shin to the Hokage's Office. I crashed through the window and was greeted by something that I really should have expected.


Minato's POV

"Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze. Your greatest sin was, making your own son, the child of legend, the warrior of light, face the pain of neglect." I looked at Kami in anguish. My son.. My child.... It's my fault.... Tears flowed from my face, I had become the one thing that I had never wanted. I grew up an orphan, and I wanted my children to never face the same pain, but I had failed. My son hadn't faced that, but something worse. "So Minato, what are you going to do about this?" I turned to the golden-eyed goddess. "I don't know, I don't know how to fix this." Her stoic face softened a bit and she bent down towards me. "Minato, you have really messed up haven't you. Well, there is something you can do." A pearl of hope formed in my chest and I looked back at the white haired Kami. She got up and waved her hands in a circle. "Power of Light I call upon thee, show me the past which has not lost it's light." She shot a bright white light out of her hands and plucked an old wardrobe out of thin air. Does it lead to Narnia? Do I need a lion and a witch to fix Naru? Kami brushed some of her hair out of her face and turned around to me "This is the only source of happiness that can be found in Naruto's memories." I nod my head and she opens the doors.There sat four medium sized boxes, and six small boxes. She picked up the four and started walking across the room.What memories are in the boxes? And why are they bigger than the others?

"Oi Blondie, hurry up! You don't make a goddess wait fool." I nodded and ran behind her.

--------------------------------------------------- Mini Time-Skip-----------------------------------------------

I look around the room that we were in. It was filled with reclining chairs and had a large screen in the front, I wonder what that's for. Kami walked up and pushed the memories into small holes in the wall. "Alright, get comfy, because we are going to see how to fix your shit." I was shocked, why was a goddess speaking so brazenly. "Oh! Just because I'm a goddess I have to be all prim and proper! Nah Bruh! I only act like that during the first impression, now shut up and watch the movie." Wait she can read my mind? "I am the goddess of all things pure and light! How the freaking hell do you think I can't read your mind!" My face turned red and I quietly apologize. the screen turns on and starts playing the first memory.

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