Chapter 18: Romeo

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Kami's POV

I watched Naruto say goodbye to everyone as they traveled back to their own realms. Hinata stood close to him, saying farewells to her new friends as they left the dimension. They are so cute together. I wish I could have a relationship like that. But that idiot would never look at me the way Naruto looks at Hinata. Maybe if I became a gummy bear, then he would finally look at me....Speaking of that idiot, where the hell is he? I walked up to Kura, "Oi! Where's the blueberry poptart?" "Nitsu? I saw him walking that way just a while ago." Kura pointed towards the southern trees. "Thanks." "No problem. So, you gonna go see loverboy?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively. "W-what? N-No! I just wanted to know w-where my minion was. Yeah, that's it." I fiddled with my staff. Stupid fox. Always knowing too much for his own good. "Well alright. If that's what you say Kami-chan." He gave me a closed eyed smile and I huffed. I started walking towards the trees. Where could he be?

I pushed away another branch and finally saw a flash of blue hair. Yes! I finally found the idiot. "Nitsu! Do you know how long I......" I looked at Nitsu. He was standing hip-deep in the lake. With no shirt, and soaking wet. "Ehh! Sorry about that Kami-chan. I'm not so good with goodbyes." He rubbed the back of his head and slowly made his way out the water. Dammit! Keep your cool Kami. You are the all powerful goddess of light. A pair of the most beautiful abs on the guy that you have a major crush on walking towards you shouldn't be a problem. Right? "Kami-Chan, why don't you come into the water with me? It's amazing tonight!" "No way. Do you not see this gorgeous dress I'm wearing? This shit takes effort to keep clean! I am not getting in the-" Nitsu cut me off by pulling me into the ice-cold water. "You son of a bish! I am gonna kill you you idiot!"


Nitsu's POV

"I am gonna rip out your innards you moron! Come back here fool! Suffer my wrath!" I laughed my head off and swam away from the angered goddess. Her dress had gotten soaked, and her hair was falling out of it's intricate braid, back into it's normal flowing style. Man Marshmallow-Chan can scream! I watched her beautiful long white hair float atop the dark blue water, dancing with the ripples. Her skin glowed in the moonlight, making her shine even more than she did in the day. I gazed into those enrapturing golden eyes, even when they are angry they still shine brighter than mine ever could. Why couldn't she be mine? "Calm down Kams, it's just a bit of water. Also, you have a magical staff that can fix your outfit. You know what you should get though, a clothes ray. Yeah,a big blue one with a button that makes clothes appear instantly! No wait, that's mine." She stared at me for a couple seconds then burst out into laughter. "Hahaha! Is that the best you've got Nits! Man your comebacks are getting worse!" "Oi! My comebacks are as fabulous as I am! You could never come to my status!" She swam closer to me, "Oh really? How about we test that Nitsu? I know a way that's" Oooh! She couldn't mean that? I love one-liner battles! We haven't had one of those since I was six! " Alright. Why was Cinderella kicked off of the basketball team? She ran away from the ball!" Kami smirked and grabbed my arm. "Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink!' Alright that was good. "Why did the bee get married? Because he found his honey." "Alright. I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together." She winked and grabbed my other arm. Shit, that one was good. Alright Nitsu, go into your mind bouncy house. Think. "Hmm...well than can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?" She blushed slightly and came a bit closer. "Baby, if you were a fruit you'd be a fineapple." I smirked. Alright, that was funny. Damn she's getting close. Freakishly close. Crap, come on Nitsu think! "Are you the square root of -1? Because you can't be real." Yes! Point Nitsu! Beat that Kami! She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned next to my ear. "I'll be Burger King and you be McDonald's. I'll have it my way, and you'll be lovin' it." I froze and grabbed her by the chin. Alright, what the hell. Might as well do it now. You got this Nitsu. Be a man! You must be swift as the coursing river, with all of the strength of a great typhoon. Wait, wasn't that to a girl? This is not the time to be thinking about that! Focus! Is that a squirrel? No! Bad Nitsu! This is what you have been dreaming about for years, now come on! "You're so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line."

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