Chapter 4: The Deal with the Kyuubi

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" It is alright Kyuubi-sama, but if you do not mind...may I ask you one thing?" I smiled at the lack of stuttering in the little boy's words and gently nodded my head. His smile faltered and he looked back down at the water. "Can you kill me Kyuubi-Sama , please, please kill me!"

Third POV

The area was silent, the kitsune lord looked at the fragile little boy. This request was........undefinable. Why would a child wish for something so terrible? " Why kit, why do you want me to kill you? You are so young and...." " Please Kyuubi-sama! I-I d-don't w-want to s-suffer anymore. I-in the mornings I h-have to watch my sister g-get all t-the love f-from my parents, and h-have to listen to a-all the insults and g-glares. A-and at n-night, w-when their children a-are asleep, they b-beat me, f-for hours. I c-can't take i-it anymore. I-I want to die, m-maybe then I will finally be free from this hell...." The boy began to cry and shake. Tears began to slowly fall from the eyes of the demon lord. " Listen to me Kit, I want you to do something." Naruto looked up and slowly nodded whilst rubbing away the tears. " I want you to rip off half of this seal. Trust me, I won't harm you." The blonde haired angel nodded and ripped off half of the seal. With that the large cage doors opened and there was a large puff of smoke. When Naruto looked up he saw a man standing in the now opened cage. The man was tall with long red hair that was tied up with a black sash. He wore a red kimono with black foxes decorating the bottom. On his back was a large katana with a fox hilt. He had pale skin and familiar red, slitted eyes. On his neck he wore a small . necklace with the rest of the paper seal attached to it. " Kyuubi-Sama, i-is that y-you?" The now humanoid Kyuubi ran forward and hugged Naruto tightly. " My name is Kurama kit, please call me that from now on, and stop calling me sama." Kurama looked up from the hug and saw a confused little boy staring back at him. " What w-was t-that Kurama?"

Kurama's POV

My eyes widened, please don't let it be true. " Kit, that was a hug, you know what a hug is right?" Naru shook his head and looked back at the ground. This was unforgivable. How is it that this little boy hasn't received a hug in his entire life? How can this even be a reality?! This boy instead of receiving love, receives beatings and hatred. I will put an end to this. I swear to Kami that this will all change. " Naruto, from now on, things will be better. I want to make a deal with you." The little boy looked up at me with curious eyes. " You said that the worst time for you was at night correct." He nodded. Perfect, I will cure all of my kit's problems. " So listen here, from now on, I will be your sensei. I will teach you how to be a ninja and take care of you. Also, at night, I will take over your body and protect you form the villagers. You will never have to deal with the nightly beatings anymore kit." This would be perfect, I would become the love that Naruto never received, and I would be able to prevent him from getting harmed at night. " Y-you would d-do t-that for me Kurama?" I looked over to the little boy and nodded my head. When I looked at the little boy I saw something glimmer in his eyes. Hope.  " Thank you, Thank you, T-thank you." He chanted again and again. I smiled and made a promise. I will never let Naruto suffer like that again. I will always be there for my kit. He will always have love, and nothing would ever take that away from him.


Just a note, I do not own and am not affiliated with Naruto.

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