Chapter 13: His Greatest Sin

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Naruto's POV

"Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld" I slammed my fist to the ground and watched the man in black smirk. "Oh my precious Naru, you think that your swampland will stop me. Yami Release: Demonic Reversal!" The swamp got sucked up into a small ball of black and disappeared with a 'pop'. "Let's stop this foolish game and just talk my dear child. I have waited so long to see you again." I growled at his words and looked around me. The ground was filled with craters and the lake had been drained. My clothes were ripped and covered in blood, when his were only slightly ruffled up. Dammit! Well, atleast this time I actually made a difference. "Oh my sweet Naru, my time here is limited so let's make this quick. Will you come with me? I can take you away from all of your suffering. I can give you a home where you would belong." "Stop lying you scumbag! You are going to take me away and syphon away all of my chakra so that you can rule the world! I will never go with you!" I watched his face twist in displeasure and slowly return to his creepy ass smile. "Oh Naru, you of all people should know how cruel this world is. This place is an unjust realm where prejudice reigns supreme. We Yami clan members only want to correct this injustice, and you are the key to do that my precious sunshine." "Yeah right! This world may be shit, but I have the people that I want to protect, like Kura, the Jinchurikis, and a few others.(Off in the distance: Nitsu: Why do I feel so left out all of a sudden?) It doesn't matter what you say, what you plan to do will only result in chaos and destruction! You won't achieve justice, you will just plague the world and kill those who I find dear! Kyūseishu flame release: Burning Flames of Ra!" The area filled with the bright orange flames of Ra and I watched the man in black scowl and jump. Fool, the flames of Ra swept up and burned him. "You INSOLENT child! You will not be able to stop this. Once you submit to the seal, we will rule this pathetic world!" The area filled with an emanating black aura as he walked towards me. I tried to move but the shadows grabbed my legs and held me in place. His cold laugh filled the air as came closer, "Well, well my darling Naru. It seems that you got me a tad bit angry. No worries, you will join me soon. You have made a grave mistake by returning to the place of your sorrows, and that will only hurt you more. So let me give you my gift before I leave you." He grabbed my face and stared into my red-blue eyes. "Yami special technique: Nightmare."

Nitsu's POV

I sat atop the hokage's desk and fiddled around with some string. Ah string, I wonder if I'm part cat? Maybe I'll grow cat ears! That would be so cute! Focus! "So Nitsu, what does this jutsu do?" I looked at Tomato-chan and her red-headed child and jumped off the desk. "Well, the technique that Naru used was one that has been passed down in my family for generations." I whipped out a blackboard and some desks. "Now, the technique is quite unique in the way that it works. It first paralyzes the victim completely. Then comes the fun part." I pulled out my glasses and drew on the board. "Now since the Kyūseishu is known for their purifying techniques, this jutsu makes the victim repent for their greatest sin. The greater the sin, the longer the paralysis. Now, what was blondie's greatest sin class?"Kushina and Mito looked at their newly found dunce caps and ripped them off. "STOP MESSING AROUND WITH US BLUE BOY!" "Now, now Tomato-Chan, that just earned you a detention. Ketchup-chan, how about you?" The smaller redhead growled at the name and thought about my question. "I don't know, father has done many things since he became hokage. They may be sins but he did them for the greater good, that is a part of being a ninja." "Good job Ketchup-Chan, gold star." "WHY DON'T I GET A GOLD STAR?" "SHUT-UP TOMATO-CHAN! Now hold your ears and stand in the corner." I snickered as she held her breathe and did just that. LOL! I whipped out a bar of chocolate and walked towards the frozen Lemon head. I always liked lemonheads, they were so sour and sweet. But the mascot was creepier than the man in black. He made me want to curl up into a ball and sing Kumbaya. FOCUS! I looked at the larger version of Naru and stuck a lampshade on his head. Great! Now he worked with the feng-shui of the office. I wonder what sin he was facing in his mindscape.. Maybe it is the Author's terrible grammar? Little did I know, I was going to wear a pink tutu and run through Konoha screaming the my little pony theme song. Wait what? (A/N: ahh, sweet, sweet revenge.)

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