Chapter 19: Jingle Bells

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First off,


It's my fault and I apologize deeply.

Also, This story has hit 40k reads and 2k votes! Thank you guys so much for reading, commenting, and voting for this story. It really means a lot.

Finally, I have a quick question....

Who likes the idea of Nitsu and Kami together as a couple?

That's it! 

Enjoy the new chapter everybody!


"M-Minato...what did he say?"


Kushina's POV

I swept up the remains of Mito's party. The whole village attended, and Mito got so many gifts. I cleaned up the last the confetti and sighed. Finally, I'm done. I went over to the kitchen and started brewing some tea. "Now, I don't have any missions for the rest of the week...Maybe I should go to the hot springs." "Ooh! That sounds lovely!" I jumped and turned around to The fake was dressed in a white sundress, and had her hair tied up with a golden flower crown. "Who the hell are you?" I pulled out a frying pan and held it defensively. "I'm you. Well...yeah, let's go with that." She waved her hand and the pan disappeared. "What do you want from me?" She smirked and jumped onto the countertop. "Nothing Kushi. I'm just here to show you the truth." I narrowed my eyes, "What do you mean?" She smirked and pulled out a long golden staff, "Darling, it's time for you to see the real truth, hidden behind a dark cloud of lies. So, let's have some fun. You can call me K for now. Don't call me something weird like X-Kushina..." The floor disappeared from beneath us and I tried to grab onto the counters, but it was too late. "HELP!!"


I shook my head and looked at my surroundings. It was a hall made of crystal, and standing in the middle was K. She flipped the staff around and slammed it into the crystal. "No time to check the place out bud! Let's begin!" Suddenly, I was in an empty alleyway. My nose crinkled up at the terrible scent. The sun had gone down and the moon shone brightly."N-n-no...p-p-please...." I looked over and saw a puny child standing behind some trash. His thin frame was a sickly gray, his feet were soaked in blood. His hair was a sunny yellow, however it was missing in some areas, filled with thick red patches everywhere. "Naruto?" I walked closer to the boy, but a hand grabbed mine. I looked up and saw K holding me. "Don't interrupt." I nodded slowly and turned back to Naruto. He backed away, trying to hide further in the trash. "Aww. The monster thinks we'll let him go." A voice snarled.

I looked up and saw a group of burly men coming towards him. A tall man stood in the middle. He was dressed in noble clothing, his brown hair was tied back into a low ponytail. "P-p-pwease Sir. N-no more. I-I c-can't take i-it." The man sneered and pulled out a thick black walking stick. "Now, why would I care about what a monster like you wants?" He walked closer to Naruto grabbed him by the remainder of his blonde hair. Naruto cried out in pain and the man pulled him close to his face, "Anyways, you bring in so much cash filth. I couldn't let a treasure like you get away." I fought back the anger growing inside me. The man smacked Naruto with his cane and threw him to the burly men. "Men, show this brat a lesson for escaping during a session. I lost 2000 ryo for his foolishness." The man walked away, "One more thing... I don't think he needs that tongue of his, a monster like him should not be able to talk to someone like me." The men chuckled and turned back to Naruto. He squirmed, tears flowing from his eyes. "N-n-n-no. P-p-pwease." The men pinned him to the wall and one brandished a kunai. "I-I-I d-d-didn't d-o anything!." I felt my eyes water and the man snickered and put his hand around Naruto's neck. "There is no mercy for a monster like you." I pulled away as he lifted his blade. "That is enough for now." K stuck her staff in the ground and we returned to the crystal hall. I shook and held my arms to my stomach. W-what was that? Why did that happen? "We haven't finished Kushina." I looked up to K, who kept a stoic face. "You haven't finished."

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