Chapter 3: A meeting with a fox

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Naruto's mindscape.

Naruto's POV

I felt a wetness surrounding me as I opened my eyes. I was in a large sewer, so this must be what happens when demons die. They end up in giant sewers. Who knew? " So looks like my jailer finally decided to show up." I heard a deep voice snarl from the darkness. " W-Who a-are y-you?" I stuttered and began walking towards the voice. " I am the almighty Kyuubi no Yoko!( AN: Is that the right term?) The demon kitsune! Bow before me foolish mortal!" I saw a large fox in a big cage standing up slightly as he pumped his fist in the air. "Hello Kyuubi-Sama, I a-apologize f-for a-asking b-but w-why a-are y-you i-in my m-mind-sir?"

Kyuubi POV

I looked at the little five year old boy standing before me. He trembled at every word and wouldn't look me in the eyes. Sheesh, I didn't mean it when I said bow before me! I was just kidding. " Look me in the eyes kit. And to answer your question, I was sealed inside you when you were a kid. I seriously don't have a clear recollection of how it happened though. All I remember is seeing sharingan and waking up inside of your mindscape." I prattled off and looked at the little boy. He still had his head down. " I-I a-am s-sorry f-for the i-inconvenience Kyuubi-sama" He whispered and kept his eyes down. " Oh my freaking Kami will you please look up you little runt! And why the hell do you keep on calling my Kyuubi-sama? Ugh!" The boy looked at made slowly and I gasped. I stared into the most dead eyes I had ever seen in my life. And trust me, I have had a very long life. He had six whisker-like scars on his face, and was covered in bruises. I looked closer and saw cuts, scars, burns, and worst of all, I saw the words demon,monster,devil carved into his skin. He looked as if he was ready to give up, ready to give up on the world and die. " I a-am c-calling y-you sama b-because I-I a-am a w-worthless b-being a-and e-everything d-deserves m-more r-respect t-than I-I d-do. I-I am t-the d-demon t-that killed s-so m-many p-people. I-I d-don't d-deserve a-anything in life." I could feel my eyes well up. This boy looked like he believed every word that he just said. How the freaking hell did this happen? I wrapped a tail around the little boy and began to rub it slowly on his back. " Do not ever say that kit. Everything in this world deserves respect. Every soul is a precious thing given to the world by Kami, and you are nothing less. And you are Not a demon. It wasn't you who did all that. It I was under that sharingan's power and had no control. I am so sorry kit. This is all my fault." The little boy looked up at me and smiled brightly. His smile was so beautiful, even with the painful scars, it was as if the sun was warming you up on a cold day. Who could harm someone like this? " It is alright Kyuubi-sama, but if you do not mind...may I ask you one thing?" I smiled at the lack of stuttering in the little boy's words and gently nodded my head. His smile faltered and he looked back down at the water. "Can you kill me Kyuubi-Sama, please, please kill me!" 

OK! Chapter 3! Yeah, don't have anything to say about this one......

Once again, I am not affiliated with and do not own Naruto in any way. Sadly......

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