Chapter 17: A Father's Gift

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"AND NITSU IS THE WINNER BY THREE VOTES!" "WHAT?" The crowd looked a the triumphant Nitsu. He held his dish in the bowl. It was a beef ramen, however it was a bit different. It had been cooked twice, and had a secret ingredient. Gummy bears. "THIS IS AMAZING!" The judges screamed as they gobbled the food. "Sorry Souma-kun. Marshmallow-Chan found out that I couldn't cook, so she made me study it for five years in a different dimension. Boy was that tough. But your ramen was amazing!" "Yeah, great shokugeki!" He gave Nitsu a thumbs up as he walked away from them. " many times have I told you not to call me Marshmallow-Chan?" "I don't know! I asked Luna to keep track!" "BAKA!" She screamed as she chased Nitsu. Crap! Now I have to find Naru. He's the only one who can calm her down..... Unless.... Nitsu turned around and grabbed Kami around the waist. Kami's face burned scarlet, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" "Oh Kami-Chan," He hugged her tighter, "You know you can't be mad at me for too long." He pulled his face in closer until their noses touched. "After all, I am your guardian." Kami's eyes widened and she frowned. "Oh Nitsu, you've always been so much more than a guardian to me darling." You want to play rough Nitsu? Then let's play rough. She pushed Nitsu onto the grass and went towards his neck. Nitsu tensed up, crap crap crap crap shitshitshitshitshit! Kami forgot to turn off the oven this morning! Wait. What? Focus Nitsu! Goddess pinning you to the ground! Where's Luna when you need him! Nitsu pulled Kami towards him and she smirked. She pulled him by the tie, and bent down to his ears, " I mean, who wouldn't love their little slave?" Nitsu grew a tick mark. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A SLAVE?"


"Naruto! How are ya kid?" Dean pat Naruto on the back as Sam laughed. "Yeah, a kid who killed twenty five vampires single handedly!" Naruto laughed and pulled Hinata towards him. "Guys, meet my girlfriend Hinata. Hime, these are the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean. And their friend....yeah, who is he guys?" Sam and Dean looked behind them, "Oh yeah, this is Castiel. He's an angel." Naruto raised his eyebrows. Castiel looked at him strangely but kept his mouth shut. (13) "Naruto! Is that you?" Naruto turned his head and saw a familiar trio running towards him. "Harry! Hermione! Ron! You made it!" The trio ran up and Hermione hugged Naruto. "Happy Birthday Naru!" "Alright... introductions first. Winchesters, meet the golden trio of Hogwarts, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger. And guys meet the Winchester, Sam and Dean. And their quiet angel friend Castiel." The group shook hands and Hinata walked up to them. "Hi, I'm Hinata Hyuuga. Naruto's girlfriend." Harry and Ron looked at her, then Naruto,then her. "Blimey, she's outta your league Naruto..." Naruto sweat dropped and Hinata blushed. "So, you guys go to a school of magic?" "Yep, we've got wands and everything." "Can you summon...oh I don't know....a pie?" Sam and Naruto hit their heads. "Yeah sure.." Hermione said slowly as she summoned a pie. "Awesome. Cas, why can't you summon pies?" Dean turned to Cas, who was still staring at Naruto. "Cas, Cas, you angel boy!" Ron threw a red vine at his head. But Cas didn't move. "Naru, is he ok?" Hinata grabbed his arm. "COME TO DIE YOU SHIT!" "NARU SAVE ME FROM THIS INSANE MARSHMALLOW!" "I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT YOU MORON!" Nitsu and Kami ran into the clearing. Kami grabbed her gun and was about to shoot Nitsu when she froze. " Kami-Chan? What's wrong?" Nitsu turned to the scene and looked at the frozen angel. "Don't you dare. Don't you even dare. Shut up. Don't!" Kami ran towards Naruto and Nitsu's eyes widened. Kami could read minds, then what was going to happen. Castiel pulled out his blade.

"Sam, Dean, move back. He's a demon."


Kurama punched the wall. "Dammit. So what you're saying is that we are all at risk!" Luna nodded his head. "Gaara, Fū, please leave. Go and have some fun. Let us deal with this." The two nodded their heads and quickly left the room. "Alright. Now, how do we prevent this?" "Well, from my calculations he will strike during the chuunin exams." "Alright, that means that we need to be ready to eliminate him at that time. God this has gone way too far.

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