Extra Chapter: KURAMA

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Nitsu's POV

I was watching an episode of Doctor Who when it all happened. It feels like it was just yesterday, which is odd since it happened only two hours ago....


I was hiding under my covers, you know, because I was scared by the creepy ass aliens! I mean, those things look like they would murder an adorable buttercup like me in less than a minute! Anyways, there was a thunk on the TV. I shrunk back, and heard a thunk coming from my ceiling. I shrieked, a very manly shriek, and hid even further under my covers. I mean, if something was going to kill me,they would have to make it past my all powerful Pikachu blanket first! Thunk! There it was again. I grabbed the revolver I kept under my bed, his name is Phil, and pointed towards the ceiling. "Who's there?" There was a loud creak and I pulled off the safety. I closed my right eye and aimed. There was a bright red light tracing out a circle on my ceiling. Great, I'm gonna die. I wonder what it is....maybe it's a parsnip. Or a rutabaga, those things sound evil. Focus Nitsu, something is trying to kill you. The light finished the circle and the ceiling fell down with a loud crash. "Surprise MotherFluffer!" I shot two bullets and pulled out my whip. "Holy fishsticks! What in my name do you think you're doing, you blue jolly rancher?" I looked up and saw a very angry Marshmallow-Chan. No wait, Burnt Marshmallow-Chan.... "Kami, what's up with the spy outfit. She brushed some dust off of her skin tight black jumpsuit and faced me. "Well, I am here on some very important business Nitsu! Today, Kura is taking Naruto out on a picnic, and I want my ship to sail! So you are going to come with me and help me make my OTP canon!" I tilted my head, what's an OTP? "Burnt Marshmallow-Chan, what's an OTP?" Her eyes widened and she snickered. "Well....."

--------------------------------------------------------Two Hours later---------------------------------------------------------

"And Nitsu, that is everything that you need to know about fandoms!" She put her pointer away and I snapped my head up. "Got it, KyuuNaru is OTP and we must make it cannon." I repeated in a monotone voice. Shit, she got to me. Think Hetalia Nitsu! Nee Nee Papa the shit out of the hypnosis! She nodded and threw me a black bundle of clothes. "Now, change. We must make this ship sail! Today, Kura is taking Naru out for a picnic to commemorate their meeting all those years ago, and they say they aren't together! We shall be like ninjas in the dark." "Kami, we are ninjas..." "Shut up Nits! Now, where was I...." "Ninjas." "Right, thanks. We will be like ninjas of love! Hiding in the shadows, and by the end of the evening, the ship shall be CANNON!!!" "Right! Can we get some cookies on the way?" Kami hit me on the head and started walking out of my room. "Of course Nitwit! Cookies are always a must when these happen. Also, they help with the blood loss." I looked at her, blood loss. "What do you mean?" She smirked and grabbed my care bears tissue box. "You'll see soon Nits, you'll see.." She cackled and walked out of the room in her freakishly high heels. "How the hell do you walk in those things?" I looked a the shoes she gave me and scowled. "I AM NOT WEARING FIVE INCH STILETTOS KAMI!"


Third POV

7:00 am

Konoha market

Nitsu and Kami walked along the rooftops, stalking our two lovebirds. "Hey Kami, why are they in the market?" "Baka, they need to buy stuff for the picnic!" "Right....can we buy gummy bears for the picnic?" "No! We are trying to get those two together, and you are scared of gummy bears!" "Only the blue ones! The green ones are sweet!" "Green is not a creative color..." "Yes it is!" "No it's not!" "YES IT IS!" "NO IT'S NOT!" "WOULD YOU TWO LIKE TO TELL ME WHY IN THE NAME OF THE SHINIGAMI ARE YOU ON THE ROOF LOOKING LIKE IDIOTS!" Kami and Nitsu looked over the edge and saw a pissed off Kura, with Naruto smacking his head with his palm. "Kura, let it go. They're probably doing some stupid shit like normal. Also, Nitsu......why are you wearing high-heeled boots?" "Because, Bish I'm fabulous!" Nitsu faked a hair flip and Kami dragged him by the collar of his long black jacket. "Nitwit! We've blown our cover! Evade, evade!" She snapped her fingers and they disappeared. "I'm seriously going to kill those morons." Naruto chuckled and gently rubbed Kurama's back. "Now, now Kura. If we didn't have them around, then life would be boring. Remember my sixteenth birthday party?" Kura growled at the memory, "They made the Ice-cream fountain explode. I had chocolate sauce in my hair for weeks!" Naruto laughed, "It was hilarious to watch you chase them around with the pinata bat. Shirtless, and covered head to toe in ice-cream." Kurama blushed slightly and started walking to the bakery. "Well, let's get some cake, it can be chocolate..." Naru pumped his hand in the air and charged into the bakery, "CHOCOLATE!!!"

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