Chapter 20: Feather Tattoos

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Nitsu: Hello people of earth! Or whatever planet you're from, do we have anybody from Venus? Venus is lovely during the summer ya know, if you don't mind the poisonous gas.

Kami: Nitsu! Just help the author do the introduction...

Nitsu: Got it! The author is very sorry for being late, and decided to let us do the intro and conclusion. She really is bad at updating my adventures isn't she.

Kami: Don't insult the author! She can do horrible things to you, and they aren't your adventures, they're Naru's adventures.

Nitsu: Then why am I here?

Kami: Comic relief.

Nitsu: Mean Marshmallow...

Kami: DON'T CALL ME THAT! I am an all powerful goddess yet you choose to call me by such an annoying name!

Nitsu: *sweat drops* Sorry, but I'm not gonna stop.

Kami: *sighs* Let's just finish this, enjoy the new chapter!


Third POV

"DADDY! I AM DONE WITH THESE CHORES! GIVE US A REAL MISSION NOW!" Team Seven held their hands to their ears in pain. "Mito! You are just a rookie! Even if the hokage wanted to, he cannot give you a higher ranked missions. You need to accomplish a certain amount of D-ranks before you can receive a C-ranks." "Shut up Scar-face!" "Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze!" Minato glared at her, "You will not insult your elders. Now listen, Iruka is right. You don't have enough missions to proceed forward." Mito groaned, "But Daddy! We're out there doing chores while the Demon just skips out." "Actually, it's just Sakura and I who do the missions. You sit on your precious little bum." Sasuke mumbled. Iruka glared at Mito, "Your brother is not a demon. He is a proud shinobi of the leaf and has more power than you can ever boast about." Mito stuck her tongue out at him, "Go and make out with a scarecrow!"

"Hokage-Sama, may I say something?" Minato looked to Sakura, the girl wasn't being loud or fangirling recently. "Yes Sakura?" "Seeing how these missions are to encourage teamwork, wouldn't it be more advantageous for our team to take on higher level missions. Then we will be able to work together with Naruto and Nitsu." Sasuke nodded, "Yes Sakura is right. Also, you don't really work together in chores. It's not like we hand off weeds to each other." Minato nodded slowly, "How about you Kakashi? Do you think they're ready?" Kakashi looked up from his book, "Well, Sasuke and Sakura have been making great progress. I don't see why not. " Minato sighed, "Alright. Iruka let him in..." Iruka poofed out, "You shall be on an escort mission to the land of waves." "Ooh! Who are we escorting? A princess, a feudal lord?" The door creaked open slowly, "These are the super ninjas who are escorting me? They look more like super brats, especially tomato head over there." Mito's hair lifted up into snakes and her eyes glowed an ominous yellow, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A BRAT?


"Sensei, where are we going?" Kakashi looked up from his book, "We are going to give Naruto the mission information." Mito scoffed, "We don't need him, I am all we need for this mission!" Sasuke internally groaned, "He's a part of the team dobe." Mito glared and crossed her arms, "Still, we don't need him. He's useless! Right Sakura?" She turned to the pinkette. Sakura looked up, "Huh? Did you say something?" Mito groaned and sulked in the back. Kakashi looked to Sakura, "Are you alright Sakura? You haven't been quite yourself since the genin exam." Sakura shook her head, "Oh it's nothing Sensei. Don't worry about me, Sasuke-kun will save me." She put on a fake smile and returned to the walk.

The Pain of Neglect (Naruto Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora