Chapter 10: The Blue Haired Country Sensei

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Oh my Kira!

Thank you guys so much for reading and voting for my story! I am so grateful!

I passed 2k reads and so many votes. I am very thankful for all that has happened.

Now to the serious stuff. ..

The three ships for Naru that are winning are

1. Hinata

2. Kura

3. Ino

So, I will be adding the shipping during chapter 15 or so. If you would like a specific ship do tell me. It would really help!

Now onto the story!


Third POV

The village  was filled with the sound of excited children, and screaming fan girls. Iruka stood at the front of the genin classroom and took in a deep breath. "Congratulations for getting here children. I am so proud of you, and am sure that you all will be amazing ninjas. Now a special  announcement, today our yondaime hokage and his wife shall be watching our exams.Now do your best and know that I am rooting for all of y.." BAM! Everyone's' head turned to the window that was broken by a boy crashing through. He brushed the glass of and a man behind him threw some confetti in the air. "Sup foolish mortals! I am here to crush all of you, and possibly feed you souls to Shinigami-San, but Kura said no so you guys are lucky." Naruto chuckled at his statement and made his way to a seat in the back. " Hey scar-face, where do the parents and guardians go" The brown haired chunin grew a tick mark and pointed to the viewing booth above the seating area. (A/N Imagine the viewing area from the hunger games). "Thanks. Oi Fuzzball, go and wait there for me!" "But Naru, there are annoying bastards up there!" "Go or else I will eat all of your pocky Kura." "Fine, but you owe me for this Naru." Kura flashed into the viewing box and slumped  into one of the couches in the area. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I wish you all the best of luck. Now let the exam begin!" The little academy students hurriedly flipped the page on their written exam and began to scribble out the answers furiously. Naruto just began to doodle on the front of his exam. Giving no shits about the silly examination in front of him.

----------------------------------------------In the viewing area------------------------------------------------------

Kura's POV

I slumped into my couch  and started to play with my tails. After losing my third game of checkers against my fifth tail, I felt two eyes burning into my back. "Yo dipshits! Stop glaring at me you foolish mortals. I'm trying to figure out how I lost this game. I swear you cheated fifthy!" I smacked the tail and winced. I am connected to it..... forgot about that. Seriously, I think Naru's idiocy rubbed off on me.... " Why did OUR son send YOU up here?" The redheaded tomato screamed at me. I looked at the blonde and his bride and sighed. Crap, now I have to deal with this shit. "I was sent up here, because it is where guardians are supposed to go. And since I was the one who took care of my beloved Naru when you abandoned him, I am technically his guardian. Now as I was saying, DIE FIFTHY!!!!" I jumped on the tail and began to wrestle it. No one beats the all powerful Kyuubi no Yoko, not even his own tail! "Yo Fox-Baka! Shut up! I have to take this shitty test! Well, I don't have to but eh!" I glared at my blond blob of sunshine and shook 'hands' with my tail? "What do you mean abandoned our son?" The blonde hokage asked me, a lot gentler than his crazy banshee of a wife. "I mean, when you decided that he wasn't worth your time. When you wouldn't feed him. How you yelled at him whenever he came home late, and didn't even listen when he told you about the shit that the villagers put him through. Hell, you idiots didn't even realize that he was a bunshin for seven years, or the fact that I took over every single night to put him out of the pain that," I pointed towards the other parents , " These brutes put him through. Face it Minato, you abandoned your child, because you couldn't look underneath and see him as not a demon, but a child that needed love." I growled at the faces of the guilty parents in front of me. "Now, leave me alone and watch your shitty daughter's exam. Before I decide to kill you, and this entire village for what they did to my precious Naruto." I turned to the large window and saw Naru flash me a thumbs-up after handing Iruka his test. I whipped around and glared at Kit's 'parents' one last time before I flashed out of there with Naru right behind me.

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