Chapter 11: The Village of Yin and Yang

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Hold your horses and get ready for a really long A/N

Here is what y'all need to know.

First off, thank you to all the people who read this story! I passed 4k reads and over 300 votes! Thank you so much! I am very grateful.

Now in the current shipping voting the order is still very close,

1. Hinata

2. Kurama

3. Ino

If you want a ship and you already haven't commented, please do tell me.

Now I have made a decision that I hope ya'll like. Seeing how so many people want these ships and how I will only be able to make one the main one, I will be adding a special one-shot sort of chapter for each the two that do not win in the shipping votes. If you wouldn't like this, do tell me.

I really want this story to be one that all the readers can enjoy!

I also have some other news for you guys, I found this site when I was browsing  the internet one day and think that y'all should check it out. The URL is

Check it out, I thought that it was pretty cool.

Now that I have finished, please enjoy the story.

-----------------------------------------------Flashback: 4 ½ years: Nitsu's House-----------------------------------------

Kurama's POV

I was shocked to say the least. How did he have the seal? How did he get it? "Now you must be thinking, how did he have the seal? How did he get it? Well, I'm gonna tell ya so sit down and get cozy." Wait, can this dude read minds? "And no, I cannot read minds Kura." I looked at the blue eyed mortal and sat in the couch next to the warm fireplace. "So, what is the story behind this mark?"


Third POV

"Well, thousands of years ago, there was a hidden village called the village of yin and yang. The village had two main clans, the Kyūseishu and the Yami. Both were unique in their own way and resembled the embodiment of the yin-yang. The Kyūseishu were viewed as saviors and bearers of light, as they used powerful light and nature chakra based jutsus. The Yami were powerful in the darker elements and held contracts with demons. Each clan balanced each other out and it was the job of the Kyūseishu to prevent the Yami clan from being consumed by the darkness. However, that all changed about 500 years ago.." Nitsu paused and gained a solemn look on his face. " Once there was a Yami clan member who chose not to heed the warnings of his fellow clan mates and became fascinated with the use of the demon chakra. He began draining the dark chakra out of the demons that the clan held contracts with and avoided all the Kyūseishu clan members. Now usually, the clans were in a symbiotic relationship where both were benefited by the other, however that all changed. The man got consumed by the darkness of the chakra and began thirsting for more and more power. He started to convert his fellow clan members and brainwashed them to being consumed themselves. The Kyūseishu clan members tried their hardest to prevent this, but it was too late." Tears formed in the corners of the usually bright eyed man as he continued the sad tale. "The Yami clan, after being consumed completely by the darkness, decided that it was time for the Kyūseishu to be eliminated. The Kyūseishu tried to pacify the Yami clan but their efforts were in vain. The Yami clan massacred the people of the village and killed a large portion of the Kyūseishu clan. However some escaped." Kura got up from his spot on the couch and patted Nitsu's shoulder in an effort to comfort him. " When the Yami clan found out they, were outraged, and made it their goal to kill all of the Kyūseishu, and they did. I-I watched them s-slaughter my parents, my brother, and all the people I held dear. I watched them die right in front of me, and I could do nothing to stop it." Tears flowed from Nitsu's eyes as the memories of the event flashed through his mind. Watching the Yami clan ripping out his mother's innards and decapitating his dear big brother. Even watching his father's eyes lose the last of their light. " However, the Yami clan wasn't satisfied. They wanted both parts of the Yin-Yang power. They knew that if they were able to find a source of both light and dark chakra, they would be able to rule the world and be invincible. So they created the Moeru hi seal. A seal that was the perfect way for them to accomplish their goal. Since I was a Kyūseishu they thought that I would be able to be the source of both the light and dark chakra they needed. However, I got away after they placed the seal on me, but at a cost." He grabbed his arm and looked up at Kura who had been comforting him through his tale of sorrow. " Kura, this seal is one of pure evil. In order to siphon off the yin-yang chakra, the seal forces the bearer to suffer their most terrible memories when they are in the absence of light. They will be killed if they are not compatible  with the seal, and there have been hundreds that weren't. Naruto is the youngest person to bear this seal. Well, the youngest that I know of." "I think I know why. I am a being of demon chakra, meaning that for years since his birth, Naruto's chakra had been slowly meshing with my own. Naru's chakra alone was the purest that I had ever seen. Even with all of the shit that he went through, he radiated like a beacon of light through the darkness." "That must be the reason. Naru has a perfect mesh of light and dark chakra, he would be the perfect tool for the Yami clan to obtain their goal." "Then why haven't they taken him away yet?" Kura asked, the thought of this evil clan coming to take his kit away caused a menacing aura to surround him. " The seal has two ways of obtaining the perfect yin-yang chakra. The first being, the bearer consents. They give themselves to the Yami clan willingly and then the seal will be able to siphon off all their chakra." "Naru would never do that!" "Probably not, but the torture that the seal puts you through has caused many men to go crazy. Even if you have a will of fire, it will break you down. And with Naru's childhood, the risk is even higher." Worry filled Kura's face, he had to protect Naru, he couldn't let him die. "What is the other way?" " Well, if the bearer hasn't consented by the age of 18, then the Yami clan will be able to forcibly take the chakra. However, it will kill the bearer, no escape." Kura growled, he was never going to let Naru die. Not when he was still alive. No one will take his Kit away from him, no one. Not even Kami herself. "Kura, calm down. There is a way to get rid of the seal, well two." The fox demon perked up and a splash of hope filled his face. "How Nitsu?" "Well, the way that I got the seal removed was that the Yami clan leader decided that I wasn't the best fit. Ergo the large scar. He probably found Naru by that time... I am sorry." Nitsu bowed his head down only to be hit by Kura. "Don't be sorry about that you fool! Now tell me how I can free Naru from this fricking seal!" "Right, well you see the lines on the seal. Well, those are all of the people who have wronged Naru. The thicker the line, the greater the harm done. If Naru is able to get rid of all the lines before he turns 18,then the seal will not be able to work and will disappear. Forever." Kura looked at Naru's seal and frowned. There were five giant lines sticking out of the seal, and multiple little ones in the inner rings all varying in thickness. "How do I get rid of them?" "Well, to get rid of the lines, Naru must be able to forgive those that wronged him. If he does, then each line will disappear. Any idea who they may represent?" Kurama's face grew dark. " Yeah, I know. This is going to be harder than I thought. But wait, who was the man in black Nitsu?" Nitsu paled at the sound of that. "Kura, remember the man I talked about at the beginning of the story, the one who caused this mess." "Yeah.." "Well, his name was Yami no Otoko. He was the one who put the seal on Naru." "Wait, how is he even alive?" Kura asked incredulously. How could a 500 year old man be alive? "The chakra that he consumed has been preserving him for years, he is almost a complete demon. That is why he is still alive." Kura shrank into the couch. "Hey Kura, how about this. I was the bearer of the seal for the past ten years, and I was able to master it and all of its powers. Though it is so evil, it does give the bearer some special abilities. I will become Naru's sensei, and teach him everything I know about the seal. Think of it as my apology for him being chosen, and a gift as a friend." Kura's eyes welled up with tears, "Really, you would do that?" The blue haired man nodded and reached out his arm. The two shook hands and sealed the deal.

--------------------------------------------------Back to present------------------------------------------------------

Kura's POV

I smiled at the memory of Nitsu. He had taught Naru many things, and with his help, Naru was able to stay awake and mobile during the night. However, since we got to Konoha that changed, and that meant one thing. "Hiya Kura! What brings ya here? Where's Naru?" I looked at the blue haired man standing in the tree above me. Once again, no shirt. How the hell has he not frozen to death yet? I mean we are in the freaking land of snow! "It's happening, you need to come with me. Naru is in great danger." I watched the fun-loving man's eyes and expression change to ones filled with seriousness. "Let's go." He grabbed my shoulder and I teleported us towards Konoha. Hopefully, we can make it in time, before......

----------------------------------------------------------------In Konoha----------------------------------------------------------

Naruto's POV

I easily completed the Jutsu test and didn't even bother to listen to Iruka's lecture about the final exam. That was not my main problem. I stared at the sun, it was dangerously close to setting, and that was not an option. I cannot go through that again! It has been happening since we arrived in this godforsaken village. The sun sets and I go through the nightly terrors that I thought I had gotten rid of four years ago. I relive the village beatings, I hear their taunts and insults,





I felt the pain of their stabs, the burns, cuts, and terrible things that they did to me. All as if I was there receiving the torture once again. I watched my parents abandoning me, and my sister ruining my life. The worst thing was, I received the memories from my bunshin, and six years of that torment was added to the already large amount of hell that I had to go through. I need Nitsu-Sensei, he needs to hurry. Before... "Next up is Naruto No Yoko!" I whipped my head around to see the expectant crowd awaiting my round. What was this challenge again? Oh right, I have to battle Iruka and survive for at least two whole minutes. That should be easy enough. I walked up and was about to fight when that bastard spoke up. "Hold on." I watched my good for nothing father as he walked down from the viewing arena and stood in front of me. "I will be the one that Naruto faces." "But hokage-sama, he is only a.." "I will fight him Iruka." I smirked, "Bring it Blondie." Minato glared at me and walked into the ring. "I will get rid of that demon that is controlling you Naruto. Don't worry." I scoffed and glared at the man, "What the hell are you talking about you asshole? I am not being controlled by a demon, hell, I owe my life to Kura. He saved me, from this shithole, and gave me love and compassion, things that YOU and your shitty village never gave me. I was never controlled! Now let's get this over with you good for nothing father. I will show you what is the result of your neglect, and show you what you failed to see all these years." He glared at me, but I saw a brief look of guilt flash on his face. Huh, maybe the shit has started to regret what he did to me. No wait, he went back to glaring, never mind. "YOU GO DAD! BEAT UP THE DEMON!" I sent a burst of my killing intent towards my good for nothing sister and smirked as she fainted. And she calls me a  weakling. "The match will begin, Naruto, you must last two minutes in the ring." I nodded at Iruka and positioned myself for the fight. Minato did the same, and Iruka struck the bell beside him. "GO!"


Well, that is it for this chapter.

Now just a few translations for you guys,

Kyūseishu- Savior

Yami- Darkness

Yami no Otoko- Man of Darkness

Moeru hi- Burning Sun.

Once again, I do not own and am not affiliated with Naruto in any way shape or form.

The symbol above is the symbol of the Village of Yin and Yang. (I do not own the image)

Also, if you see any errors grammatically or any mistakes in names, do tell me and I will fix it as quickly as I can.

And please comment! I love reading all of your comments and feedback!
(About this chapter, if you read within the hours right after I posted, there was a slight error with the age requirement. It was 18 not 21. Sorry about that!)

Thanks for reading!

(2419 words)

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