Chapter 18: Dark Side of the Blue

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Alright, so there was a little confusion with the previous chapter so I'm just going to explain all those things really quickly.

Nitsu and Kami are not together, and Nitsu is not dead. 

That was just a prank. Romeo is not a real chapter. The only thing that is real, is Nitsu's backstory, however I will revisit that in later chapters.

Back to business....I am so sorry about updating so late!

Now, I know that y'all don't want to waste time reading an A/n so here's the new chapter!


Mito's POV

I slammed my head onto my desk. Iruka wouldn't shut up about how proud he was about us! Yes, we get it. But stop the fifteen hour lecture about it! Kami! I groaned and looked around the classroom. There were the screaming banshees, emo duck ass, dog boy, chip man, the sleeping cloud fanboy, antboy, and a couple of other insignificant people who never spoke. Seriously, they always were in the background, as if they had no other job but to fill the space on a screen. Weird. "Alright, now what you have all been waiting for...." My ears perked up,... finally. "I will tell you about the discounts you can get at stores when you are a genin!" I slammed my head back on my desk. Goddammit! Why am I suffering through this? Me, the hero of the village! The daughter of the hokage and the first female anbu captain. The only one who can stop the demon that is my brother! I looked around the room again. Huh, Hinata wasn't here. Neither was my demon brother. They must have failed. No surprise there. I laid my head on my desk, damn this is taking forever! I sighed and prayed to the gods for something interesting to happen. BAM! The class swung their heads around to see a giant puff of smoke in the doorway. "Iruka, this conversation is meaningless. Seriously, in all that time Hime and I were able to have a lovely breakfast and get her a lovely new outfit." My brother walked through the door, his had his arms around a girl that I had never seen before. Her creamy white skin contrasted her dark black hair, which adorned a simple flower crown made of white lilies. She stood proudly, showing off her womanly body that was accentuated by a dark purple dress that cut off at her knees. She wore white tights and a pair of the most gorgeous purple boots I have ever seen! Damn I want those! I need to get daddy to get me a pair of those. Naruto fiddled with her long white gloves and she smacked his hand with a golden pistol. "Stop it Naru. Kami will kill me if I mess up these gloves." "But Hina....." He pouted and I heard several girls sigh. Wait, HINA? "HINATA!"


Third POV

"HINATA!" Hinata looked at the confused students and smiled. "Hello guys! How are you?" The class anime fell and the boys stared at her with hearts in their eyes. Naruto glared at them and pulled out a kunai, and threw it at the guy with a nosebleed. Kiba's eyes widened as he nearly dodged the projectile kunai. "What the hell was that for you deadlast! And how did you get a girl like Hinata to fall for you?" Naruto paused. He put his hand up to his chin, and looked at Hinata. "Hmm...good question. Hime, why did you choose me?" "Because you are awesome. And if I didn't I'd be killed by Kami." Hinata joked as she headed back to her seat. Naruto chuckled and went to his seat next to Sasuke. "Iruka I am only going to say this once. I hate lectures. The last time someone made me listen to a lecture, I shot them in the head with a paintball gun. He had green hair for a week. So skip the crap and let's get to the teams already." Iruka frowned, "Alright. Team 1....." Naruto dozed off, not giving a shit about other people. Sasuke glared at the blond next to him. Why does this fool have so much power? How can I get this power? I am an Uchiha dammit. " Team Seven...wait, that's not right. Oh well, Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno. Also, additive member Naruto No Yoko." Mito slammed her head on her desk. "Why am I with the Uchiha Prick and the Pink Banshee? And what the hell is an additive member Iruka? My father will hear about this!" Naruto sighed and went up to Iruka, "Additive Member, that's better than member of a shit team. Nitsu will also be a sensei, I don't trust Konoha nins. I'm leaving. Knowing this Sensei that the blonde fool you call a hokage has picked for us, he won't be here anytime soon. Bye Hime!" Naruto waved to Hinata and left the room. Iruka sweat dropped and resumed calling out the teams. Naruto's teammates stared at the door in confusions.

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