It Started With A Kiss (Compl...

By 671Phoenix

850K 19.3K 3.4K

It's official. I'm a High School graduate and a soon to be College Student! Finally going to get out of my p... More

Don't Even Think About It
We Are Escorts
You Sound So Proud
You Really Are Beautiful
Good Luck
You Have Amazing Chemistry
You Win. I'll Go On The Double Date
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
Chickens Don't Say Moo.
Your Going Out With Collin?!?
Don't Say Anything.
You Have Some Explaining To Do.
Please Don't..
This Is Going To Be Epic!
Okay Love Birds!
What's So Funny?
Oh My Donuts!
Don't Do That..
Do It!
I'm Blunt And I Don't Lie.
You Ready To Do This?
You Sound Whipped Bro.
He Deserved It.
Can I Join You?
Is That All You Think Of?!?
Ch.26 Has Been Set To Private
We Need To Talk..
I Miss Her So Much..
I Was Scared..
New Book Released!!

She Needs Space.

19.4K 475 166
By 671Phoenix

The song is I Still Love You by Josh Jenkins.

Jerrek's POV

"This is why I told you not to get involved with my sister. I didn't want her to get hurt." Jared chastises me.

I put my head in my hands. "I know bro. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt her. I'm so sorry.."

He sits on the couch next to me. "Look as much as I want to pound your face in again for hurting her. I know you didn't mean to. The question is what are you going to do about it?"

I lift my head up and look at him. "She needs space. I'm giving her that. I just hope she still wants to be with me. I swear I could kill Courtney! Everyone knows I love Alaina. I can't lose her."

Riiing Riiiing

Jared's phone goes off. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers. "Hello? Where? I'm on my way!" I hear the urgency in his voice.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. 

"It's Alaina. There was a hit and run. I need to go." Jared started walking to the elevator.

"I'm coming too." I followed behind him.

Please be okay. I love you Alaina. I refuse to lose you. 

Jared sped through the streets, running three red lights in the process. Its a miracle that we weren't stopped by police officials. We pulled into the first parking we found. I jumped out of the car before Jared could turn of the ignition. I ran to the doors with Jared hot on my tail. 

"Can I help you?" The receptionist asked flashing both of us a flirtatious smile.

"My sister Alaina was brought in for a hit and run." Jared stated. 

"Oh yes. The doctor is with her now. Please take a seat and I'll be sure to let him know where to find you." She smiled a little sadly. 

That was not comforting. Please let her be okay. Jared and I took a seat in the corner of the waiting room. My head would snap to the doors leading to where I assumed Alaina was being seen, whenever the double doors would open. 

"I'm going to kill whoever hit her! How could someone just hit a person and drive away? I know who.. Cold hearted fucking people." Jared was ranting. 

I left Jared to rant while I called his parents to let them know about the accident. I know Jared would have but he was seething. I wanted to do what I could to help. Besides it was a welcomed distraction from all the thoughts running through my head. Jared and I have been taking turns asking the receptionist about Alaina but they would always reply with the same answer. The doctor will be out to inform you and that they are doing everything they can. 

Alaina and Jared's parents showed up to the hospital two hours after my call to inform them. Tara was here as well. We were all anxiously waiting around for the doctor to come out. We all wanted, no, needed to know what was going on. After hours and hours of waiting and impatience finally someone came out to tell us information. 

"Family of Alaina." A man in a white coat came out. I assumed it was the doctor. 

"I'm her brother." Jared stood up. 

I stoop up with him. The doctor looked at me questioningly. I'm guessing Jared noticed it as well.

"This is her boyfriend." Jared stated. 

"We are her parents." Jared's mom joined us, standing beside her husband.

The doctor nodded, looking at my parents. "I'm Doctor Thompson. Your daughter was in critical condition. She was struck pretty badly. She's got two broken ribs, some bumps and bruises. We were able to perform surgery for the internal bleeding we found. We aren't quite sure how extensive the bleeding is. There are still tests we need to perform to evaluate the bleeding. Afterwards we will see if she needs more surgeries. However, your daughter is stable." 

"My poor baby!" Jared's mom started balling her eyes out. 

I watched as her husband comforted her by pulling her into his chest, allowing her to cry into his shirt. I felt a slight pull of envy at the gesture. I wish I could be holding Alaina in my arms right now. 

"When can we see her?" Jason asked.

"There is something else you should know before you see her." Doctor Thompson states, he looks at each of us before he continues hesitantly. "Although your daughter is stable. She is in a coma. We aren't sure when she will awaken. It could be hours, days, weeks, maybe longer. It is up to her body to heal and wake up on her own."

"My baby.. My poor baby.. What if she never wakes up?!?" Jared's mom cries out to no one in particular. 

"Because the room isn't so big and is being shared with one other person, her parents can come in first and then the three of you can come in afterwards." Doctor Thompson smiled sadly. 

"Nonsense. My daughter deserves the best. We want a private room." Jared's father states. 

"After the visit we will have her moved. You just need to talk to the receptionist to have the payment and room situated." Doctor Thompson smiled. 

"Thank you." Jared's father replied. 

Jared, Tara and I took a seat on the waiting room chairs again. 

"I don't know what they are thinking. As nice as it is to have a private room, that is going to cost a lot. Plus medication and who knows how long she will be staying here." Jared looks to me. "What if she doesn't wake up?" Jared's eyes were glistening with unshed tears. 

"She will. She is strong and a fighter. I'll be back." I had to get out of there. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. 

When I made sure no one was in the bathroom I leant against the wall. My beautiful Alaina is in a coma and no one knows when she will awaken. I love her so much! I can't lose her. Please God don't take her away from me. I feel the tears falling down my face. I swipe furiously at them but more would fall, taking its place. 

"You okay man?" Jared walks in. 

I noticed his face is streaked with dried up tears. He places his back on the wall and nudges my shoulder. 

"I haven't seen you break down in years." He smirks sadly.

"I'm scared.. I keep thinking about your question earlier. What if she doesn't wake up? What if I never get to see her beautiful eyes full of life. The way she smiles. The way the corners of her eyes crinkle when she laughs." I stop talking when I realize I am saying all of that out loud and not in my mind.

Jared smiles a genuine smile. "I was wrong. I've always known that you had a crush on my sister growing up. I knew you came over to the house to hangout with me.. At first. Then I noticed you would come over to secretly admire Alaina. I saw the way you looked at her then. It is the same way you looked at her when she first moved in and the same way you look at her now. Out of all the guys out there, I'm glad she's with you." 

"Wow.. That means a lot bro. Wait! You mean to tell me the whole time you knew I liked her?!?" I asked flabbergasted. 

Jared smirked, pushing me out of the bathroom. "Lets go see my sister." 

When we approached the waiting room his parents were sitting down talking to Tara. Tara and his mom were clutching kleenex wipes in their hands and wiping away their tears. Jared went to speak to them to find out if we can see her now. I went to the receptionist and told her I would take care of the expenses. I have money saved up and I'm getting more with the movie deal. I want to do everything I can to help out. 

I walked back to Jared and he led me pass the double doors and towards Alaina's room. Apparently, during our absence Tara had already gone in to see Alaina. How long were we gone? I was nervous. I didn't know what to expect. We entered the all white room and I saw flowers and balloons on the tables in the room. Its a good thing Jared and I stopped by the gift shop after the bathroom. Jared placed his flowers on one of the tables. I placed a medium sized bear on the table, a get well soon and an I love you balloon wrapped around the bears arm.

I stepped back to give Jared privacy. I looked at my beautiful girl laying on the hospital bed. She had bruises on her arms and face. My heart ached at the sight. I wish I could take away the pain. I wish I was there and I was the one hit by the car instead of her. She is hurting because of me. This all happened because of me. Jared stepped back wiping his tears. 

I walked up to her bed and grabbed her hand. "Baby, I'm so sorry. You are here because of me. If we didn't have a fight, you wouldn't be here right now. I would do anything to switch places with you." I place a hand on her face. "Please wake up. We all need you here. Your parents, Jared and Tara. I need you here. Baby, please wake up. I love you with all of my heart Princess. I promise if you wake up.. I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you. I love you Alaina." I placed a kiss on her forehead. 

I swiped angrily at the tears on my face. I would do anything to switch places with her. I wanted to throw something or punch something. The girl I love may never wake up. 

"J-Jerrek.. I love y-you t-too.." I whipped my gaze to Alaina.

Jared rushed to her bedside and grabbed her other hand. 

"Alaina! Your awake!" Jared exclaimed happily.

"I love y-you both s-so m-much." Alaina said.

I beamed at her beautiful awakened state. Then the worst sound you could ever hear in a hospital room filled my ears. 

Beep beeep beeeep

The doctor and nurses rushed in. Jared and I moved to the back so they could do what they had to do to save her. To save my Alaina. Oh god. Please don't take her. It was all a blur. They were too busy trying to resuscitate her, they didn't bother pushing us out of the room. All I could hear was the deafening beeping noise. After awhile the movements in the room suddenly stopped. 

"I'm calling it. Time of death, two twenty-one in the afternoon." The doctor called out to the room. 


This is not the ending. There is still more chapters to come. What do you guys think about the book so far? I would love some feedback. Comment or message me! Thanks for your continuous reading =)

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