I Got Caught In A Storm... An...

By dawnsnotebook

2.4M 72.6K 38K

Minxie Patterson lived an average life... Until the day she ended up getting sucked into the Naruto world due... More

How It All Began
Training For The First Time... And I Float?
My First Day At The Ninja Academy
A Talk With A Leopard, My Guardian
Interesting Introductions
The Training Exercise
The Mist Battle Begins
Strange Dreams
Climbing Trees: The Ninja Way
Much Worse Than Floating
My Chakra Tail
Confessions To The Uchiha
The Mist Battle Continues
The Mist Battle: Pt. 3
The Mist Battle: Concluded
My Thing For Scary Redheads
On Our Way To The Chunin Exams
Lee Vs. Sasuke
A Reunion With The Rookies
The First Exam & The Redhead's Promise
Part 1 of The Chunin Exams: Concluded
The Chunin Exams: Pt. 2
The Pedophile Known As Orochimaru
Secrets Revealed... In Exchange For A Curse Mark
Light Vs. Dark: The Eternal Battle?
The Forest Of Death: Sasuke's Unconscious!?
A Friendship Is Born... Sort Of
The Forest Of Death: The Sound Ninja Attack!
Fishing With The Boys
The Fight With The Rain Ninja
The Secret Of The Scrolls
Chunin Exams: The Preliminaries
Kabuto Vs. Minxie
Sasuke's Match & The Curse Mark: Sealed!
I'm Where Now!?
Back Home... With A Twist
They're Living Where Now!?
Neji vs. Hinata
The Preliminaries: Concluded
It Was An Accident? Yeah, Right!
The Takeda Clan's Heirloom
Training Has Never Been More Epic
Sasuke's Birthday
I Learn The Chidori?
Awkwardest Date Ever? I Think So
Complaints, Relationships, and Reflections
Conditions, Bets, And Mini-Wars
My Birthday
The Battles Of The Chunin Exam
I Fight The Mori Princess
Gaara vs. Sasuke
Chasing The Sand Ninja
The Battle With The Sand Ninja: Concluded!
The Third Hokage's Funeral
Singing: My Favorite Form Of Torture
The Takeda Siblings Reunite
The Takeda Clan's Trajedy
Friendships, Confessions, and Healings
Revenge, Rivalry, and Friendship
One Last Kiss
The Chase
Memories, Mistakes, And His Truth
Breathe Again
Akira's Diary
And My New Sensei Is...
The Test

The Carnival

30.3K 871 658
By dawnsnotebook

A.N.- Okay, so, on the side is a picture of the dress that Minxie is wearing. ^.^

And for those of you waiting for the Chunin Exams... It's coming! I promise! In two more chapters, tops! Then, it's back to the ninja world of awesomeness :D

Anyway... Enjoy! :D


Story Start::

Minxie's POV

"I... Am... In... A... DRESS!" I exclaimed, my eye twitching as I stared at myself in the mirror. Kylie and I had finished our war... And the only reason I'm in this dress right now is because she's too chicken to have a rematch! See, she had yanked me off the door frame and dragged my upstairs before I could grab anything else... So she didn't play fair!

"You look GREAT in it!" Kylie squealed, giggling.

"I look like a... Like a... Like a GIRL, DAMN IT!" I shouted, stomping my foot on the floor.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you are one?" Someone said, and I turned to see Josh in the doorway.

"Holy fudge monkeys! CLOSE THE DOOR! No one can see me with this thing on!" I exclaimed, bolting over to the door and pulling him into the room. I quickly shut it behind me, letting out deep breaths.

"You look beautiful! Right, Josh?" Kylie said, turning to her boyfriend with her hands on her hips.

"She's right, Minx. You look really pretty," Josh said, nodding.

My eye twitched at his sincere gray eyes. "Err... Well, you have to say that! You know that Kylie will smack you silly if you don't," I said, sighing.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, glaring at my reflection. Okay, so maybe the dress wasn't that terrible. It had a sweetheart neckline, with strings that went around my neck and crossed in the back. It went down to a bit above my knees, and the bottom had veil-like fabric that crossed very nicely. And it was blue, a few shades darker than Kylie's hair.

"You know you like how you look..." Kylie sang from next to me. My eye twitched as I turned to look at her. She was in a sleeveless, soft, seafoam green dress that went up to above her knees. Lovely. Now I'm thinking about Gaara! Ugh. See? Dresses are evil creations.

"I look like I belong in the ocean. Can't I go in pants?" I whined, tilting my head at her.

"It's a carnival, Minxie! And not just any carnival, either. This is the one in preparation of the Konoha Festival!" She argued, tapping my nose.

I smacked her hands away, gaining an eye twitch. "The what now?" I asked. Seriously, I've been here longer than she has... How the flip does she know all these things?

"You don't know? The Konoha Festival celebrates the day that Konoha officially became a village! It's actually a whole week celebration thing. Before the Konoha Festival, there's a festival celebrating all five chakra natures. It happens in a few weeks, and this carnival is what sets it off," She explained.

I groaned. "Please don't tell me we have to go to that!" I whined.

"Are you kidding? Everyone in the village goes. It's a big deal, you know?" She said. She picked up some rectangle thing and handed it to me. I stared at the unknown object, my eye twitching.

"Um... What is that?" I asked.

She anime fell. "It's a clutch!" She exclaimed, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What the fudge balls is a clutch?" I asked.

"Seriously? It's a clutch, Minxie! Hello? We have these back on Earth!"

I stared at her, still not understanding what she was talking about.

She anime fell again. "It's a bag, Minxie! A purse, okay!?" She said, her eye twitching.

"Ooh... Then why don't they just call it a bag?" I said, staring at her like she was crazy. Look, I'm not a girly girl, okay? I never even owned a purse back on Earth... Unless it was a school bag or something.

She got an anime vein. "Just... Just take the bag..." She muttered, her eye twitching. I took it from her, holding it in my right hand.

"Right..." I muttered, turning around. I headed for the door all ninja-like, moving quickly.

"WAIT! MINXIE!" Kylie called. Oh, fudge.

"Yeah?" I said, biting my lip meekly.

"You're not wearing your sneakers. Take them off," She said, smirking at me as she crossed her arms over her chest.

I anime fell. "AW, DAMNIT!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot. Josh laughed.

"Nice try... You're wearing these," Kylie said, handing me a pair of black ninja heels. My eye twitched at them.

Oh... Can this carnival be over already?

Sasuke's POV

"Minxie! The boys are here! Come down the stairs, damn it!" Kimi barked. She turned to us with a sweet smile. "Sorry, boys... We're having some, err, dressing difficulties."

Kiba, Naruto, and the rest of the guys and I were all here in the living room, waiting for Minxie to finish getting ready. The girls were in the kitchen, talking up a storm and staring at Hayato with hearts in their eyes.

"Told you getting Minxie into a dress would be difficult," Hayato said, taking a sip of his drink as he tried to escape the swooning girls. I'm very glad that they decided to choose him as their next victim. It means that they'll leave me alone.

Kimi glared at him. "You shut up! Minx? Minxie! Come on! Everyone's already here!" She yelled.

"NO! I look hideous!" Minxie exclaimed from upstairs.

"Do I need to yank you again!?" Kimi yelled.

"If it'll get me out of this dress... Then heck yeah! You can push me down the stairs if you want! Wait... I mean, you can do that, but you'll have hell to pay later!" Minx yelled back.

"Minxie! Stop acting like you're five! Just get down here and show us the god damn dress already!" Hayato shouted.

"Well, I liked being five! NO ONE MADE ME WEAR A DRESS BACK THEN!" She shouted back.

Kimi sweatdropped. "I'll be right back," She promised, holding up a hand. She put her clutch down and ran up the stairs. There was a chorus of yelling, a loud smack, and then more yelling.

Kimi reappeared at the top of the stairs, and a leg with black heels came into view. There was more yelling, and finally, Kimi pulled the leg so hard that Minxie almost fell.

Minxie made her down the stairs grudgingly, her emerald orbs fixed in a glare at Kimi who was currently hiding behind her boyfriend, Daisuke. I couldn't help but gape at the brunette in front of me. She had on a blue dress on that hugged her curves nicely, and her hair was loose, descending into curls past her shoulders. A blue headband held back her bangs that swept to the side, and her creamy ivory skin glowed with health.

She was beautiful. And better yet? She was mine.

"Hey, why'd everyone get all- Holy god," Kiba said, his eyes almost popping out of his head when he looked at Minxie. Tough luck, dog-boy. She's mine already.

Naruto's eyes were wide, and he had a slight blush on his face. Hayato wolf whistled, and I glared at him.

"Aw, damn. Now I wish we were going out for real," He said, grinning at Minxie.

Minx hit him with her clutch, rolling her eyes. "Oh, shut it," She said, stopping at the foot of the stairs.

"MINXIE! YOUR APPEARANCE IS OVERFLOWING WITH YOUTH!" Lee exclaimed, appearing next to her.

Her eye twitched, and she turned around. "Okay, I'm changing," She said, but Kimi grabbed her before she could bolt up the stairs.

"No way. They seem to like it," Kimi whispered, gesturing to Kiba, Naruto, and I.

Minxie shifted her emerald gaze at us, and she smiled smally at me. I felt the corners of my mouth tilt up before I could help myself.

"Holy fudge monkeys... You made Duck-Butt smile!" Kimi half-whispered, half-yelled, poking Minxie's arm.

"You're really, really loud, you know that? Anyway... Who's ready to go to the carnival?" Minx said, walking over to me. She intertwined her hand with mine, the other holding her clutch.

"Woah, woah! What's up with the hand-holding!?" Kiba exclaimed, his eye twitching.

"Oh, right... You guys don't know..." Minxie muttered, blowing her bangs out of her face. "See, Sasuke and I are sorta... Well, we're dating now."

Kiba's eye twitched, and then something unexpected happened. He fainted. Naruto anime fell along with him.

Kimi stood by them, looking down at both passed out boys. "See? This is why you NEVER cancel ramen dates!" She scolded.

"I thought Naruto got over it by now!?" Minxie exclaimed, smacking her forehead.

"I never said that! Anyway... Who's ready for the carnival?" Kimi said, smiling brightly. She skipped over to Daisuke, and after shrugging at Kiba and Naruto, the rest of our friends filed out of the house.

"That's nice. Leave both of the passed out boys on my living room floor," Minxie said, sighing.

"They'll wake up eventually. Come on," I said, taking her hand and leading her out of the house.

Gaara's POV

"Come on, guys! The carnival's today!" Temari said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Temari, is it really smart to attend a carnival in a place that we'll be destroying in a few days? Really, I find no point in it," Kankuro said from the couch.

What they said next I ignored. I was staring out the window, watching the busy Konoha streets bustle with activity. The carnival thing was apparently a big deal, but it wasn't as big of a deal as Minxie. She got angry that I killed that sound ninja. She didn't... She didn't ridicule me or call me a monster. She just got angry and stormed off, saying that I was lucky for being cute. What did that mean?

"Dear heavens, boy, would you shut up about that girl already!? So what, she didn't burst into tears. She's probably as much of a freak as you are! What a perfect match," Shukaku said in my head.

"Shut up," I thought back to him.

"What? Are you mad that I insulted your girlfriend? Silly me," He said, chuckling. "But I am serious. She's as mental as you are. I mean, even I thought she would scream. Instead, she just got pissed off. That's not exactly how to get a girl's attention, you know?"

I glared at nothing. "Don't you have something to do?"

"Oh, gosh, I don't know, Gaara. I'm only trapped inside your consciousness for eternity! Even evil spirits get bored, you know? And hearing you think about that annoying brunette every two seconds isn't helping!" He hissed.

"Gaara? Gaara," Temari said, bringing me back to reality.

I turned to her, glaring. "What?" I said coldly.

"Wouldn't you want to go to the carnival? I mean, that Minxie girl will be there," She said, sending me a secret smile.

"Whatever. Go if you want. I don't care," I said easily, getting up. I walked over to the door and left the house, leaving my confused siblings behind me. I'd find Minxie if she was at that carnival. I needed to figure out why she wasn't afraid of me.

Minxie's POV

"This is so much fun!" Kylie squealed for about the twentieth time. And it was true. The carnival actually turned out to be very fun. We got to dunk Guy-sensei into a tank full of water, and I'll admit it, that's been my favorite game so far.

Eventually, everyone had split up into different directions. Sakura and Ino followed Mitchell everywhere, which wasn't surprising. Shikamaru and Choji escaped to the snack section with Shino and Hinata, and I made them promise to save me some funnel cake. Naruto seemed to be sulking for some reason, and absentmindedly went to different games. Sasuke was... Somewhere... He had disappeared not too long after we got to the carnival. Tenten, Lee, and Neji were still at the dunking tank.

Currently, it was only Kylie, Josh, and Kiba who were with me. I absentmindedly eyed one of the pandas on the top prize shelf, tilting my head slightly at it. It was so flipping adorable! It would probably be my favorite stuffed animal... Ever.

"Hey, Josh and I are going to do that dart game that Kurenai-sensei is running. See you later?" Kylie said to me.

I nodded. "Mmhm! Have fun, you two! Don't do anything you would be embarrassed to tell me about!" I called teasingly.

My blue-haired best friend glared playfully at me, the heat rushing to her cheeks.

Josh came to her rescue and said, "As long as you tell us what you and Sasuke do! Remember, nothing is too detailed!"

My eye twitched, and I would've smacked him, but they had already ran away, laughing.

"Those two are SO evil!" I exclaimed, grumbling to myself.

Kiba chuckled. He looked between me and the panda, and took out some money. The game we were at was a balloon dart game. Using the darts, you had to pop the balloons. If you popped all five successfully, you got a prize from the top shelf.

He sent a secret smile my way, and I smiled back, tilting my head slightly in confusion. What was he up to here?

The man running the game gave Kiba five darts. Being the ninja he is, Kiba hit all five successfully, popping all the necessary balloons in the process.

"And your prize?" the man asked, "Anything from the top shelf is yours."

"I'll take the panda," Kiba said easily. My head spun to him, and I stared at him. The man handed him the panda, and Kiba turned to me, this huge grin on his face.

"Here," He said, handing it to me.

My mouth was slightly open in shock. "Really? For me? But it's your prize," I argued, looking unsure. Akamaru barked, making me look down at him, and nodded his head in what I guessed was encouragement.

"I saw you eyeing it earlier. Just take it, okay? Really, it's no big deal. I wanted to win it for you," He assured, and after looking at him once more, I took the panda.

"Eek! Thanks so much, Kiba!" I squealed, hugging the huge panda close to me. What can I say? Pandas are one of my favorite animals!

He laughed. "No problem, Minx. Come on, there's like hundreds of other games for us to play. Who knows? They might have an even bigger panda," He said, smiling at me. He put a hand on my back, leading me forward. 

"If they do, I might just die from happiness," I said with a laugh. All the while, Akamaru walked happily alongside us, barking around our feet in glee.

"Having fun?" Someone inquired coldly from behind us. I spun around instantly, meeting the angry onyx eyes of Sasuke. He glared at Kiba's hand on my back, and the boy who stood next to me quickly drew his hands away.

"Oh, hey, Sasuke. Kiba won me the BEST panda ever! Look!" I exclaimed happily, showing my new stuffed animal to the Uchiha.

"Oh, did he now?" Sasuke said, walking over to me with a glare on his face.

"Yeah, I did. I figured someone should be with her. You know, since her boyfriend just so casually left her alone," Kiba said, shoving his hands into his pockets as he matched Sasuke's even stare.

"What did you just say?" Sasuke said, looking at Kiba with a harsh glare.

"You heard me perfectly, Uchiha. Don't play games," Kiba said, returning the glare.

"I never said I was, Dog-Boy," Sasuke said.

"Dog-Boy? Why don't we just cut to the chase here? You're jealous. Just because you're her boyfriend, doesn't mean that you're the only boy allowed to have fun with her," Kiba said.

"You're going to regret speaking," Sasuke growled, and my eyes widened when I realized that he had his Sharingan on. Akamaru instantly perched into a defensive position, growling at the ravenette.

"Make me," Kiba growled back, and I slipped in between them quickly.

"Woah, guys, relax. Ease off the testosterone here. It's not that serious, okay? Calm down," I said, putting my hands on either of their chests. I looked at Sasuke, not afraid to meet his Sharingan eyes in the slightest. "Hey, relax, okay? You're making this bigger than it has to be. Let's talk, all right?"

Sasuke was still glaring at Kiba, but when his eyes met mine, they were their normal onyx color. "Whatever..." He muttered, turning and walking away towards one of the empty hills.

I turned to Kiba, shooting him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Kiba. He's obviously on his period today," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

Kiba's expression mellowed slightly. "Yeah... Right. I'm sorry, too," He said, his eyes sincere.

I patted his shoulder. "It's fine. I'll talk to him. See you in a bit?" I said.

He nodded. "Sure, Minx."

I picked up my panda, waving at him and Akamaru one last time before turning to follow Sasuke.

"Sasuke! Hey!" I called, but he didn't slow down. I sighed, hating myself for letting Kylie make me wear heels. Seriously, chasing after people in these things is hard. 

"Oh, damn," I muttered, slipping my heels off easily. I was on grass, okay? Walking barefoot on grass is totally okay in my book. I ran over to Sasuke, ninja speed, pulling on his arm and making him face me.

"Hey. We need to talk," I said, looking him dead in the eye.

"I've got nothing to say," He said calmly.

"Well, I have tons! What happened back there?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Minxie. Maybe I saw my girlfriend flirting with another guy who obviously likes her!?" He hissed.

I took a step back, my eyes widened. "Woah... So you were jealous?"

"It's not that I was only jealous, Minxie!"

"Then what is it? Because nothing can be done if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"You... You looked like you were having so much fun... With him."

"Sasuke, you can't expect to be the only guy in my life qualified to have fun with me. I have tons of guy friends..."

He scoffed, turning to walk away from me again, "Yeah, because that makes me feel so much better."

I grabbed onto his arm again, making him face me. "You didn't let me finish. I have tons of guy friends... But you're my boyfriend, Sasuke. You. Not Kiba, not Naruto, you. When I said yes to be yours, did you think I was gonna let it disappear this quickly? I like you, Sasuke. A lot. But you need to be able to accept the fact that I have guy friends, and trust that it's you on my mind. Okay?" I said, looking at him with honest emerald eyes.

He stared at me for what seemed like forever, until, finally, he moved a lock of hair behind my ear. He leaned down and kissed me tenderly, and I felt my heart skip beats. Who would've thought Sasuke Uchiha would be this gentle and sweet?

"... Okay," He muttered, and I smiled.

"Good. Now... On with the carnival!" I said, intertwining my hand with his and skipping back to the carnival.

"Uh, Minxie? Don't you want to put your shoes on first?" He asked, looking down at my bare feet.

"Hm... Nah, not really! This is much more comfortable than wearing these things," I said, lifting up the accursed ninja heels for him to see.

He chuckled. "Figures you'd say that... Come on."

And with that, I spent the rest of the carnival with my wonderful boyfriend who just so happened to have the hair of a cockatoo.

Gaara's POV

"IT'S SO CUTE!" One of the girls squealed. She had blue hair, and was wearing a dress the color of my eyes. Apparently, she and Minxie share a rather close bond, what with all their hugging and smiling. Minxie was showing the nameless girl a panda she had gotten, dancing proudly.

The two girls were surrounded by their friends, all who were chattering with each other happily. Suddenly, they all stood up, heading to the hills.

"Hey, Minx, aren't you coming?" That annoying blonde boy asked. Naruto, I think was his name.

"I'll be there in a second! Just save me a spot, okay?" Minxie replied, blowing her chocolate brown bangs out of her face.

"You've got it! Do I take the huge panda?" He teased.

She laughed. "Mmhm. But if anyone else touches him, it's war!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah. No touching the precious panda, I get it," He muttered, leaving her to go up the hill with the rest of their group of friends.

Minxie stood up, her shoes in her hand. She let her bare feet touch the ground, walking gracefully towards the hills. She swayed slightly, and that's when I was able to see how beautiful she looked. Her hair was behind her, wavering slightly in the wind as the blue dress she had on hugged her curvy figure.

I growled slightly when I felt the heat rise to my face, not understanding why my heart, the one that wasn't supposed to exist, was suddenly accelerating.

"Aw... His first crush! I just can't wait to see what's wrong with her," Shukaku spoke smugly in my mind.

"Shut. Up," I hissed at it, but it merely shrugged.

"I'm just saying... I mean, if she has any interest in you, she's obviously mental," It muttered before disappearing into the depths of my mind again.

Minxie walked down the path I was on, hiding in the shadows from view. She walked happily, humming to herself and swaying her hips slightly. She twirled a few times, taking the long way to the hill to meet her friends.

She paused, stopping her movements and her humming. Had she sensed me already? But... What if she was still angry?

"Gaara? You can come out, now... I'm not that angry anymore," She said, bending her knee slightly.

After much hesitation, I walked out of the shadows, letting the brunette that intrigued me so much turn around to face me.

"Hey. Did you come for the carnival?" She asked casually.

"Not exactly," I answered sensually.

"Ah... Anxious for the Chunin Exams?" She said, trying to make conversation.

"In a way. Are you?" I said.

"Sort of. Not knowing who I'm going to fight and all... Eh, oh well. I didn't like Dosu, anyway," She said with a shrug.

"So... You aren't... You don't think I'm a monster?" I said, my eyes widening a fraction.

"Of course not! I think you're awesome!" She exclaimed, then put a hand over her mouth as if she said something wrong. "Wow... I am bad at this... But I think you're really strong. You're not a monster."

"I'm not?"

"Of course not. I thought I already told you that I wasn't afraid of you."

I stared at her, trying not to gape in shock. What was with this girl? Why was she... She's so different. A good different.

There was a bang in the sky, and Minxie's head whirled around.

"I've got to go. My friends are gonna start worrying... Actually, they're doing fireworks on the hill. You can come if you want. I'd be really psyched if you did. The fireworks are supposed to be pretty amazing," She said, smiling slightly.

Not as amazing as you are... I thought.

"Oh, brother. Here comes the lovesick thoughts!" Shukaku complained.

"Anyway... I'll see you around, Gaara?" She said.

"Yes. I'll... See you around," I muttered, nodding slightly.

She smiled that perfect smile of hers, waving happily at me before turning around and running down the pathway to get to the hills.

"OH, HOLD YOUR UNICORNS! I'M GONNA BE THERE IN A SEC!" She barked after her friends yelled for her, and with one final smile and wave at me, she disappeared up the hill.

Minxie's POV

"Butterscotch, man! What took you so long!?" Kylie exclaimed as I bolted towards my friends.

"It's not my fault you guys chose the farthest spot to watch fireworks from!" I argued, sitting next to Sasuke. I grabbed my panda from Naruto possessively, laughing as the blonde's eye twitched.

"I thought you were gonna miss the fireworks!" Kylie complained, and I rolled my eyes, nudging her with my foot.

"Oh, don't have a kitten attack. I'm here now, aren't I?" I said, smirking, and she rolled her eyes teasingly, smiling.

I snuggled next to Sasuke, sighing in contentment as his arm slung around my shoulder. The girls squealed in delight as the first fireworks shot up into the sky. Instantly, a rainbow illuminated the sky, pops and explosions echoing throughout the sky. We all marveled at the colorful fireworks, and I couldn't help but grin happily.

"Having fun?" Sasuke asked, a smirk on his face.

"It's surely the best carnival I've ever been to," I assured, smiling as I pecked his cheek. The fireworks went off again, gaining everyone's attention once more. I looked around for Gaara, hoping to see him somewhere.

I grinned widely when I saw a familiar redhead standing in the shadows, watching the fireworks. I waved slightly at him, winking.

"What is it?" Sasuke asked.

"Nothing. I'm just... I'm really happy," I said, smiling.

He nodded, smirking at me. "Okay, then," He whispered, kissing my cheek. I smiled and blushed.

"Minxie! I forgot! Cotton candy?" Naruto said, holding up one of the pink delights called cotton candy.

My eyes lit up. "Heck yeah! Ah, Naruto, I love you!" I exclaimed, practically cutting off the blonde's air supply in a hug.

"Ah... Minxie... Can't... Breathe...!" He said, his face beet red in a blush.

"Heh... It's just another normal night with all of our crazy friends," Kylie said, giggling in Josh's arms.

"Agreed," Josh assured, and I grinned at all of them. I looked to my far left, seeing a girl with snow white hair and clear, lilac eyes. She was pretty in that soft sort of way, like a snow angel. But for some reason... She was all by herself. And she wasn't looking at the fireworks. She just stared forward blankly, sighing in desire. Her feet were bare, just like mine.

"Hey... Who's that?" I inquired, gesturing to the girl with snow white hair.

"Oh, that? That's Rin Mori. She's the heir to one of Konoha's greatest clans, the Mori Clan. But she's blind," Ino whispered to me. Figures she'd know everything about everyone.

"Then what's she doing here? If she can't see?" Sakura asked.

"That's the thing. She wants to see. She's the daughter of the main family in the Mori clan, so she's expected to be powerful and beautiful... But she's blind, so she can't do much. To her clan, she's nothing but a disappointment. There are rumors that say she can fight, though. But no one ever bothers to watch her," Ino explained.

"So they think that since she's blind... She can't do anything," I stated sadly.

"Exactly. She's really sweet and down-to-earth, sort of like Hinata. One of those peacemakers... But rumors say she's really tough. However, she's the sheltered baby of the Mori clan. Her parents never let her do anything without escourts. She didn't even enter the Academy. She was taught by a private tutor, so none of us are friends with her," She continued, flipping her blonde hair.

"Pretty soon, one of the ninja from her clan will be here to take her back to her home," She whispered, hiding her mouth with her fan. I looked from Ino to Rin, who sat so still, you'd think she was a statue. She stared blankly ahead of her, her snow white hair whirling slightly in the wind. She was actually very pretty. Of course, no one would care about that if she was blind.

"Hm... Rin Mori..." I muttered to myself. As if just to prove Ino right, two men came from the shadows, looking at Rin with stern faces. She sighed deeply, lugging her body off the ground with grace. She walked on her bare feet, and neither of the men touched her. Apparently, she knew just where to go.

My friends and I stared until Princess Rin was out of view.

"I hope we see her again," I began softly, "Maybe we could introduce her to the rest of us."

"Because she's blind?" Ino inquired.

I shook my head. "No, Ino. Because... Because I saw how she looked in front of her. Even though she can't see, her eyes... They're full of loneliness. It's not a nice burden, you know? Plus, I'm sure she'd be really nice..." I muttered, staring blankly into the sky.

"Hm... Well, I think you're right," Mitchell muttered in agreement, laying on his back to watch the sky better.

"Yeah, you are," Kylie agreed, smiling warmly at me.

"Of course," Naruto said, smiling at me with his big goofy grin.

"Hm... What a heart of gold..." Sasuke muttered, holding me closer to him. I smiled.

"Yeah! T-Totally! You're right!" Sakura and Ino agreed quickly. Mmhm. They only said that because of Sasuke...

Eventually, all of my friends agreed with me. We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing as we gazed at the fireworks.

Best carnival ever? I think so.

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