Aflame - (Heated's Sequel)...

By ForrestIvy

184K 6.9K 1.6K

"How can I see tomorrow, if you're not there?..." They've gone through so much in such a short time of knowin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81

Chapter 49

1.9K 82 10
By ForrestIvy

"It's not that I'm scared of the dark, it's that I'm afraid of the absence of light." 

- Chrissie Pinney

Aflame - Chapter 49

Becky's P.O.V.

I don't know what happened, but everything just suddenly went black and all things before us was unseen to the naked eye. 

I couldn't hear anything other than Jack calling out, asking who turned down the lights. 

But after a while later, I heard footsteps; so I'm guessing that he had left. 

I just held Justin's hand in mine as I was caring for him and he held my hand even tighter. 

I don't know what I would have done if I didn't carry his inhaler around with me for just in case. 

He says he doesn't need it, but he obviously does. 

All of a sudden, the lights are on again and I could hear the commotion of chatter a few feet away from us caused by those who doesn't even know that a psychopath is amongst us. 

But when I looked forth, I notice that he is nowhere to be seen, not even Paige is here any longer. 

Could he have sneaked her out?

He couldn't have... Right?

"Where did they go?"

Justin questions as he finally has his breathing back to a normal state again and I look down onto him as we slowly get back up to our feet. 

"That's what I'm trying to figure out."

"You don't think he took her, right?"

"I hope not... But that could be a possibility."

I watch Justin's blue eyes as he looks baffled by it all. Then, the door a few feet away from us is swung open in a wild manner with Harry busting through. 

I didn't even know that he was here.

His frantic eyes lands onto us as he stomps his way up to where we are and I could tell what he was going to ask us next. 

"Where is she? I thought I saw her coming through here?"

He looks around in confusion as he then waits on Justin and I to reply. 

"She was here, but then..."

"Professor Christians came and-"

Before Justin and I could complete our story, knowing how upset it would make Harry, another person enters the hallway. 


Harry then glares over at Blake as he doesn't waste any time making his way up to him and taking him by the hemp of his shirt. 

"Where did you take her?!"

He screams into his face and this whole thing is so confusing; why is Harry screaming at Blake? 

"Harry! What are you doing?!"

I call out to him in confusion to him acting this way towards his best friend. 

... Does Blake have something to do with it?

I thought Paige was that anxious because she knew about Professor Christians and somehow he was keeping her hostage, but could it be...

"What the hell are you talking about-"

"Don't act like you don't know!"

Harry yells out as he punches Blake straight in the face as he lands down onto the ground and I gasp at the sight before noticing the gun that falls down with him. 

I was even more shocked by this, why is Blake walking around with a gun?

Blake tries to reach out for it as Harry then yells out after kicking it towards us. 

"Don't let him get to it!"

Justin then walks over to the gun as he holds it in his hands and looks just as baffled as I am, but fearful as well. 

Harry is then cradled on top of Blake as he keeps hitting punches into his face. 

"You caused this! Tell me where she is you son of a bitch!"

I knew I had to stop this. 

"Justin, help me!" Harry's going to kill Blake in a matter of seconds if we don't interrupt this chaos happening. "Harry-" 

Justin and I try to pull him off from Blake, but he was persistent. 

"Let go, Harry!"

Justin manages to pull him away from Blake as Blake is lied there with a bloody nose and Harry still wanting to leap onto him. 

"That's enough!"

I yell out as I look up at Harry and his eyes finally lands onto me as I then set my gaze onto Blake. 

"What the hell is going on here?! Will someone please explain this to me? - Why are you guys fighting?" 

"And why are you walking around with a gun in your back pocket?"

Justin questions Blake as he is wincing on the ground before trying to sit up as he makes his way over to the wall and lies there with his back against it. 

Blake doesn't say anything, he just glares at everyone and then a calmed Harry starts speaking. 

"He allowed this to happen! He did all this!"

Not so calm...


"He hit me over the head and drugged Paige back at her Mom's place! He pretended to be with us all this time! But he's a traitor-"

(Start song now)

"Wait," I stop him from talking as I couldn't believe what was coming from his mouth. "You did this?" I look over at Blake. "You're working for Christians?"

"Christians?" Harry speaks up in a voice of confusion. "Christians as in... Professor Christians?"

He watches Justin and I in bafflement as I nod my head at him and Justin explains. 

"He's the one behind all this, he's the one who most probably took Paige away from here after almost suffocating me to death!"

Justin holds onto his throat this time as he looks down and I couldn't have been more happier than to still have him here with me. 

I hold onto his arm as he softly smiles down at me. 

"But he's..." Harry speaks up as he rubs his temples and tries to understand all this. "He's her Professor a-and he was my... But I thought..." 

He doesn't complete his sentence as I could tell that this was more painful than confusing to him. 

"We were just as shocked about it when Peter told us about it, Zayn went over to the police to try to get them to help us. He'll be here any minute now."

I speak up as I notice that Blakes' eyes are on the ground and he looks as though he knows something. 

"Hey!" I call out and his hooded eyes finally lands onto me. "Do you know where she is?"


"You lying pig!" 

Harry tries to lunge for Blake again, but Justin pulls him back. 

"Can we not resort to violence right now?!" I scream out as I am so over this. "We need to find where Paige is and make sure that Holly is still alive! We can't keep putting it off like this by beating each other up! We have to save our energy to beat up the real bad guy-"

"Holly is alive, what are you talking about?"

Blake is now officially deciding to speak up as we all have our eyes on him. 

"Didn't you hear? He took her too!" Harry speaks up this time. "Your little 'savior' took her too!"

"He said that he wouldn't do anything to her!"

"Well, clearly, you've got punk'd!"

Harry rolls his eyes in vexation to Blake as he then walks away when I warn him to stop with the sarcasm. 

"But he said-"

"Blake," I walk up towards him as I bend down to his height. He watches me with disbelief and doubt just floating around in his gray eyes. "What did you expect to happen? - Him to stay true to his word?" His gray eyes averts to the ground this time. "We couldn't find Holly anywhere. And when I got to the dorm room..." I shut my eyes at the thought as it still haunts me. "Drops of blood were found on the ground."

My voice is soft this time as his wide eyes lands onto me and I could tell that he couldn't believe what he is hearing me say. 

"It can't be her- I-It can't be! He wouldn't do anything like thi-"

"Has he sucked you that far up his arse?!" Harry shouts out this time as Blake stares back at him and I could tell that it got to him. "He's playing you and you don't even know that he's pulling the strings on your life!"

Harry then mumbles the word 'idiot' to himself as he paces the floor.

"Even though Harry's clearly very detailed in this," I let out with a breath at his words. "He's right." I watch Blake as he looks as though he is starting to believe in us now. "Please, just tell us that you'll help us..."

He bites onto his teeth before looking over at Harry and Justin. He then looks as though he had come to a conclusion. 

"Fine, I'll show you where he's hiding her."

Paige's P.O.V.


Why is it so dark in here?

I look around and remember the last moments that I can recall. 


Oh my gosh, Peter!

I hope he's okay after...

I hear a flicker and my eyes flutter as soon as a bunch of lights are burning through them.

I then hear footsteps, but I couldn't see clearly, so I had to squint to make out who - or what - is walking up to me. 

I see a silhouette of a man walking through the light until he bends down to my face and those eyes sends chills down my spine. 

"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead."

Professor Christians.

He smiles at me ever so wickedly before moving away from me and walking over to some tray over at the far end of the room. 

"You looked so peaceful, so serene, I almost didn't want to wake you... Or hurt you," He cocks his head as I watch him from behind and then notice that I am in some weird room. Everything is gray; the walls, the floor, even the equipment all around us. There's a door on the right side of the room, but it looks impermeable and probably needs some kind of code to break through it. Oh no...The code! Where is it? Did he take it?! "But unfortunately, for you, it's what has to happen."

He turns my way and shrugs as I glare over at him and attempt at running over to him and punching him straight in the throat. 

But just as I was about to do so, I realize that I am being forced back by something and as I look down, I notice that I am tied down to a stool. 

I try to move my hands, but the grip is so strong to the armrests that it hurts to even move it. 

Even my feet are tied to the foot of the stool.

"What the..."

I struggle to get out as I move around, but when I do so, my head starts to become a bit dizzy. 

"Easy now." I hear the devil himself speak up to me as I look over at him with so much hate inside of me for what he is doing. "I don't want you to hurt yourself," He walks up to me as he is now stood directly in front of me with his hands behind his back and I knew that he had something to hide. "Then you're just taking away the fun part of it all, since that is my job."

He winks down at me as he then cups my chin in his hands, but I didn't want this sick bastard to even place a finger on me. 

"Get away from me!"

I yell out.

"Hold still, bitch!" I had no choice but to oblige as his grip is just far too strong and his fingers were digging into me. "Oh, Paige, I wanted to touch you for such a long time..."

I furrow my brow at his words and I felt a sudden rush of disgust run its' way through my body. 

"Sick bastard."

I let out and he starts to chuckle at my words before taking something out from his back and I was fearful at first, but then I realized that it's... 

A mirror?

He points it up directly into my face. 

"Just look at that beauty..." He whispers and I realize that my eyes are red and the makeup is a bit smeared around my eyes. I look pale and ... Empty. I don't look like myself at all. I don't like it. "Such innocence, and that fearful look in your eyes... Such a gorgeous sight for my poetry."

I look up over at him as he takes the mirror away. 


"So feisty..." He squints his eyes over at me as he is literally a few inches away from me. "Just like Annalise."

I furrow my brow at him as he walks away and places the mirror onto the tray. I notice how he has a tiny little bottle on the side and a syringe in the other hand. 

Fear overtook me as I watch his every move. 

"Why are you doing this?! Why me?"

"Because, my sweet Paige," He looks over at me and smirks my way as his dark green eyes travels down my body. "You remind me so much of a past lover of mine-"

"That left you because you're a psychotic freak?"

I spit back at him and he doesn't look too happy about it. 

"You were always so smart, Paige." That smile is back this time as I am not even surprised by him admitting to it. "She and I were the perfect match, we were about to get married, when she decided that she didn't want to be with me anymore... I didn't want her to be with anyone else, so I had to do what's best."

"You killed her?" 

He looks over to the left side of him as I see that there's a picture on the wall and it's a half naked woman with scars and blood marks all over her body, paved in black and white filter - dead. 

I can't believe any of this.

Is this even real?

Please let this be some sick dream or something.

"I had to... But I feel that she loves me more now."

I don't even know how to respond to that...

He smiles as he stares at it and I watch him. 

Disappointment takes me over.

"I trusted you, Professor Christians... I thought you were someone I could depend on."

I admit as I hear the crack in my voice as he watches me and for a split second, I think that he is actually having some kind of empathy towards me. 

"Aww, still so naive." He taunts. "You're too sweet, Paige. Luckily for me, your innocence is my inspiration." 

He takes the syringe off from the tray and into his hand and I avert my gaze as I couldn't fathom all of this at once. 

He's going to intoxicate me again? 

Doesn't this do severe damage to my body? 

Is this his way of slowly killing me?

I then notice the little screens in front of me that I hadn't seen before as I see a girl lying on the floor. 


Oh my gosh... 

"Oh," Professor Christians turns his gaze to her. "Poor Holly, never really liked her. She is toxic. I'll get rid of her soon since she couldn't SHUT HER DAMNED MOUTH!"


He then turns to face me and I watch him before he walks up behind me and my heart beats against my chest.

I feel his fingertips grazing over my neck and my breathing is now heard.

I move under his touch, but he pins me down, forcibly. 

"Stop moving, Paige!" He shouts as I couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes as I keep them shut, feeling his hot breath on me. "Since Annalise has died out... I want you to take her place," I could feel him coming closer to my face this time as I fear what he has to say. "... And become my bride."


He tilts my head to the side by fisting his hands into my hair, but I don't want him to see me scared. 

I don't want to give him that kind of satisfaction even though I know that the fear is too strong to hide.

God, please... Don't let me die this way. 

"Too bad for you, you don't have a say in it!" Just then, I feel the sharp needle in my neck as I shut my eyes tightly to the pain. The same feeling of weakness takes me over. "See you soon... Mrs. Christians."

(A/N: I'm so happy that I got the time to update today and I'm feeling pretty good about this chapter to be honest! I hope that you guys like it as well! :D

Please let me know what you think about this whole situation. Professor Christians seriously needs some help, he's gone completely insane. How do you think it will all go on the next chapter? 

Please leave your comments and votes! Thanks so much for the votes and reads on this story! It puts a smile on my face every day to know that you guys enjoy it so much. So thank you a billion gazillion times!! Xx IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou :))

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