I Got Caught In A Storm... An...

By dawnsnotebook

2.4M 72.6K 38K

Minxie Patterson lived an average life... Until the day she ended up getting sucked into the Naruto world due... More

How It All Began
Training For The First Time... And I Float?
My First Day At The Ninja Academy
A Talk With A Leopard, My Guardian
Interesting Introductions
The Training Exercise
The Mist Battle Begins
Strange Dreams
Climbing Trees: The Ninja Way
Much Worse Than Floating
My Chakra Tail
Confessions To The Uchiha
The Mist Battle Continues
The Mist Battle: Pt. 3
The Mist Battle: Concluded
My Thing For Scary Redheads
On Our Way To The Chunin Exams
Lee Vs. Sasuke
A Reunion With The Rookies
The First Exam & The Redhead's Promise
Part 1 of The Chunin Exams: Concluded
The Chunin Exams: Pt. 2
The Pedophile Known As Orochimaru
Secrets Revealed... In Exchange For A Curse Mark
Light Vs. Dark: The Eternal Battle?
The Forest Of Death: Sasuke's Unconscious!?
A Friendship Is Born... Sort Of
The Forest Of Death: The Sound Ninja Attack!
Fishing With The Boys
The Fight With The Rain Ninja
The Secret Of The Scrolls
Chunin Exams: The Preliminaries
Kabuto Vs. Minxie
Sasuke's Match & The Curse Mark: Sealed!
I'm Where Now!?
Back Home... With A Twist
They're Living Where Now!?
Neji vs. Hinata
The Preliminaries: Concluded
It Was An Accident? Yeah, Right!
The Takeda Clan's Heirloom
Training Has Never Been More Epic
Sasuke's Birthday
I Learn The Chidori?
Awkwardest Date Ever? I Think So
Conditions, Bets, And Mini-Wars
The Carnival
My Birthday
The Battles Of The Chunin Exam
I Fight The Mori Princess
Gaara vs. Sasuke
Chasing The Sand Ninja
The Battle With The Sand Ninja: Concluded!
The Third Hokage's Funeral
Singing: My Favorite Form Of Torture
The Takeda Siblings Reunite
The Takeda Clan's Trajedy
Friendships, Confessions, and Healings
Revenge, Rivalry, and Friendship
One Last Kiss
The Chase
Memories, Mistakes, And His Truth
Breathe Again
Akira's Diary
And My New Sensei Is...
The Test

Complaints, Relationships, and Reflections

26.3K 846 290
By dawnsnotebook

"And then he just looked at me! He didn't even say anything!" I vented. Currently, I was at Sasuke's house, seated on the high chair that was in front of the counter. Sasuke was on the other side of it, getting a soda for both of us.

"So you yelled at a psychopathic redhead who just killed your opponent and got angry when you saw the body?" Sasuke asked, placing a can of soda in front of me.

"He's not psychopathic! And is that bad?" I inquired.

He sighed. "Yes, it is. He probably thinks you're just as mental as he is," He said.

"He's not mental! And why would he think that?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Minxie. Maybe because most normal people would freak out when they saw a dead body?" He said sarcastically.

"Who said I was normal?" I said, smirking.

He sighed. "Of course..." He muttered, shaking his head.

"But, still... Now I have to learn a whole new strategy! I don't know who I'm gonna be fighting anymore! So all that training I did was for nothing..." I said, getting a troubled expression.

"Well, look at it this way. Now you have to prepare for a mystery situation. So you'll train in everything and increase your skill level," He said.

"But... But I don't wanna increase my skill level! Fighting the unknown isn't inviting," I complained, opening my soda can.

"Too bad. You have to deal with it now," He said with a shrug, sipping some of his soda.

"Well, you're no help," I said, shaking my head. I looked down at my watch, sighing. "I better get home before Kimi has a heart attack. Well, before Naruto eats every cup of instant ramen I own," I said, sliding off the seat.

"Naruto's at your house?" He inquired.

I nodded. "He sorta fainted on my sofa when he found out that we kissed..." I muttered quietly, laughing nervously.

"Hn... Idiot," He said, rolling his eyes.

I scowled at him. "Hey! Be nice! That's my best friend you're talking about," I said, and he shrugged, finishing his soda and throwing the can out. In reality, I was actually very happy that Sasuke and I could still have conversations like this. At least I knew that us kissing didn't change anything.

"Anyway... I'll... I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, biting my lip.

"Okay, Minxie. Obviously, you didn't come all this way only to complain about Gaara. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked. My eye twitched. How could he see through me so easily? It wasn't fair.

"Um... I didn't want... Okay, so maybe I did," I muttered, sitting back on the chair.

He leaned over the counter, looking at me. "I'm listening," He said.

"Well... Erm... I didn't know... Um..." I sighed, knowing I made no sense whatsoever. But how could I? You can't just ask someone why they kissed you, right? Well, not someone like Sasuke. He probably didn't even like me that way.

"You're wondering why I kissed you," He stated, and I almost fell over. I looked at my can of soda, nodding timidly. Damn it. I'm NEVER timid, man! This is all Sasuke's fault.

"Well... Minxie, we've known each other for quite a while now... And throughout that whole time, you... You were different. You called me names, joked around with me; you even trained with me, never holding back. You aren't like any girl I've met before. And lately... Lately, I've realized that... That I actually don't mind being around you. And seeing you with Hayato, I... I got... Angry. Jealous. Because I wanted it to be me, instead of him, with you," He muttered, and I have to strain my ears to hear him. Obviously, expressing his feelings isn't his thing.

My eyes widened as what he said slowly sunk in. "Wait... So... S-So you're saying that..." I gaped at him in shock.

He brushed my cheek with his hand, putting a lock of hair behind my ear. "Yes, Minxie. I'm... I'm asking you... To be mine," He said coolly.

I stared at him for what seemed like forever. "If you're joking... I'm going to beat the crap out of you later, got it?" I warned, and he chuckled.

"Whatever, loser... Just say yes," He muttered, looking at me with persuasive onyx eyes.

I stared at him, tilting my head slightly. Did I really... Did I really want to date Sasuke? Obviously, he could have any girl he wanted from the village... So what made me any special?

Then, I got an idea. I smirked at him, and he eyed me weirdly.

"I'll say yes... On one condition," I said, putting my chin in my hand as I looked at him with a smile on my face.

"This can't be good... What condition?" He asked.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow! But now, I need to get home and-" And that's when it started storming outside. I put my hands on my hips, glaring at the rain that poured down heavily from the window.

"Really? Is life that against me these days?" I complained, crossing my arms over my chest.

Sasuke chuckled from behind me. "Looks like you're stuck here. Unless, of course, you want to go outside in the rain," He said.

I shook my head furiously. "Trust me, storms and I do NOT mix. I might go to another dimension again..." I muttered wistfully, and he tilted his head at me. "Anyway! It's cool if I stay here, right?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I don't care," He said easily, and I sweatdropped.

"What? Did you go over your sentence limit today?" I teased, smirking. He rolled his eyes at me, heading for the couch.

"Wait... Where are you going?" I asked, staring at him.

"The couch... Where else?" He said with a shrug, laying down on the couch. I followed him, standing in between the couch and the coffee table with my hands on my hips.

"Move over, Duck-Butt! I'll take the couch," I said, nudging him with my knee.

"No. I'm taking the couch. You go upstairs to the bed," He said.

"I don't even know where that is," I deadpanned, shaking my head at him. "And I'm the one who got stranded here! It's your bed. Go upstairs and let me take the couch."

"I already told you to go upstairs. I'm taking the couch, loser," He said dismissively.

"No! I refuse! I will sit on you," I warned.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, loser."

I scowled at him, getting an anime vein. When I said that I would sit on him, I wasn't kidding. And so, I plopped myself onto his lap, letting my legs hang over the edge of the couch.

He stared at me, gaining a major eye twitch. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing much... Just sitting," I said with a smile, looking at my nails. I hummed to myself, knowing I'd win this battle. What I didn't expect, however, was to be pushed onto the floor, which is exactly what happened.

"Duck-Butt!" I exclaimed, leaning on my hands for support. "Was throwing me REALLY necessary!? This is no way to treat someone who you want to be your girlfriend, you know," I said, sticking my tongue out at him.

"You didn't tell me your condition. I might consider going upstairs with you... If you say yes," He said, smirking at me.

I scowled at him. "That's so unfair..." I protested.

"Life isn't fair. Now, am I going to get an answer tonight?" He asked.

I sighed deeply. "Fine, fine... My answer is... Yes," I said, smiling up at him.

"What was that?" He asked, leaning forward in a mocking way.

I flicked his ear. "I said yes, Sasuke, I'll be your girlfriend," I said, smiling.

"Hm... Well, all right then," He said, getting up off of the couch. He offered me his hand and I took it, letting him help me up. And, on that note, the two of us went upstairs.


"Yep, she's gonna die," I confirmed, shaking my head at the t.v. screen. Sasuke and I were watching movies in his room, even with the storm thundering outside. I had changed into one of his shirts that fit me hugely, running down to the middle of my thigh. It smelled just like him, which I found comforting. My leaf headband was off, and my hair was up in a messy bun.

"Do you not have any hope for them?" Sasuke asked, shaking his head.

I shook my head. "Nope," I began, popping the 'p,' "This is Michael Myers, for crying out loud! He's awesome."

Yes, Michael Myers is my favorite psychopath of scary movies. He's flipping awesome! I would marry him. You know... If he wasn't crazy.

I winced when I saw a part where Jamie's dog was killed. Seriously, I hated watching animals get hurt.

"So you wince at an animal getting hurt, but not a human?" Sasuke muttered, looking at me. I was cuddled against his chest, and he had his arm around me.

"Those people are stupid, anyway. Obviously, if you scream the whole way while you're running... He's gonna find you," I pointed out, and he chuckled.

"Right..." He muttered, staring at the screen with blank eyes.

I looked up at him. "Doesn't that scare you?" I asked.

He scoffed. "Why should it? The blood is so fake, the people in the movie are idiots... And all the fighting scenes are pointless. Really, how can I be scared of that?" He said, looking down at me.

I sighed. "Uh-huh... So... Then you're not scared of fighting Gaara?' I asked, staring up at him.

"Not exactly. Why?" He said.

I looked down. "Well... He did kill Dosu easily... I'm just... I'd much rather you be the one fighting the mystery opponent and me being the one who fights Gaara," I said quietly.

"Hn... So you're worried?"

"Well... Yeah, I am. I mean, look at what happened with Lee... I just don't want you to get hurt, Sasuke."

"I'm going to be fine, Minxie. Don't worry so much. With all that Kakashi-sensei's taught me, I'll be fine."

I sighed. "Whatever you say, Sasuke... I just think that-" I was cut short when the t.v. shut off. The power had gone out. I glared at it. "Really? It was getting good!" I complained.

"The doctor has a heart attack and the entire police station explodes," Sasuke said.

"Well, you just ruined the whole movie for me," I said, sighing.

He smirked. "I think you'll forgive me. Now, I'm going to get some candles or something. I'll be back," He said, slipping out of the covers and heading down the stairs.

"Don't bump into anything!" I called.

"Thanks, that's really helpful," He called back sarcastically. I laughed, leaning back as I pulled the blankets closer to me. I looked around the room, shuddering as I realized how creepy it looked when there were no lights whatsoever.

Something tapped against the window, and I jumped. I glared at the window when I realized that it was only a tree. I stared at the branch that kept tapping the window. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out what was perched on its branch. Seriously, anyone that stood outside in this storm was crazy.

I crept out of the bed, making my way over to the window slowly. I touched my fingertips against the glass, tilting my head as I stared at my reflection and at the branches that were at war with the wind outside.

Imagine my surprise when my reflection ended up blinking at me, smirking devilishly. I stared in shock, not only because my reflection had moved, but because of the eyes of my reflection.

They weren't emerald at all. They were a bright crimson, the color of blood.

"Hello, Minxie," My reflection said, giggling devilishly. 

"We're going to have so much fun together," She said, tilting her head with a large smile on her face.

And then, I just couldn't help it. I screamed.

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