To Find Her Again [TLTL seque...


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After finding out the truth about his young lost love, Taehyung sets out to find her again but has two very u... More

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-Two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five

Part Twenty-Nine

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I don't know what's going on with 4chan but if you keep feeding the fire all of us will burn.

Stay safe.

- X

Detective Wolfe stood across from Taehyung in the police station.

The night was late and tired, but they were both restless. Taekwon laid down on the chair in the main area of the station and watched his father across the room, occasionally closing his eyes before reopening them to try and stay awake.

His breathing became slow as his mind battled with his eyes to stay awake, he watched his father pace back and forth in a distraught, yet methodical, manner - lulling him into an even more hazed state.

Taehyung's eyes darted all over, looking for inspiration to express his words. He ran his fingers through his hair and turned to Wolfe in a rush.

'I know this might sound crazy,' Taehyung said as he lowered his voice and moved closer to Wolfe, 'but I think Alli is trying to tell me something.'

Wolfe raised an eyebrow at Taehyung and shot him a confused look, 'What do you mean by that?'

Taehyung's eyes glanced all around him checking if anyone else was listening, satisfied at seeing everyone doing their own thing he leaned closer to Wolfe, 'I think she's showing me what happened to her, I keep having weird dreams about her.'

Wolfe sighed, 'You're right, that does sound crazy.'

'Please, just hear me out,' Taehyung said as he stared deeply into Wolfes eyes, 'before I found out that Taegeuk was missing I had a dream that people were in a sealed room with barred windows, maybe that is where Taegeuk is.'

Wolfe raised a hand to Taehyung and continued to lock their eyes, 'I understand,' Wolfe replied, 'but if you do believe that Allison is speaking to you through these dreams then that means she could be-'

'I know.' Taehyung stated before Wolfe could finish his sentence.

'We can't use your premonition as a lead,' Wolfe stated, 'we need physical evidence.'

An officer stood up from the desk behind them and called over to Wolfe. Wolfe turned his attention to the officer and walked over to him.

'We can't do anything about it,' the officer said to Wolfe, 'you know we can't file a report about this.'

Wolfe sighed and rubbed his forehead, taking a quick glance at Taehyung, 'At least say you will.' He said quietly through gritted teeth as Taehyung stood a few metres behind him - eyes burning with fury.

The officer caught sight of Taehyung's glare from behind Wolfe before quickly returning his eyes and nodding, 'Alright, okay, we can do it.'

Wolfe exhaled with relief, 'Thank you.' He said before turning back to Taehyung who was suddenly fuming and enraged.

'It was Taesung! I know it was!' Taehyung yelled, now much angrier than he was before, 'that bastard has the nerve t-'

'Mr Kim, please,' Wolfe said as he gestured Taehyung to sit down, 'we don't know if it was him or not.'

'I know it was! First he takes Alli away from me and now my own daughter.' Taehyung said through gritted teeth as he broadened his shoulders.

Wolfe sighed and sat Taehyung down next to Taekwon before sitting beside Taehyung, 'You may be right, but Taesung hasn't been seen for a while now. Nor has anyone been able to contact him, his family has just reported him as missing.'

Taekwon sat up quietly, holding back tears and quietly humming to himself as he kicked his legs back and forth to keep himself awake.

'Now, Mr Kim,' Wolfe began, 'we need access to your home security footage, we will also look into the public security footage to try and find where she went. Alright?'

'You mean to see who took her.' Taehyung stated, avoiding Wolfe's eyes.

Wolfe sighed, 'We can analyse the footage while you stay here with...your son,' he said as he glanced next to Taehyung, 'and you can file the missing persons report with the officers here, is that okay?'

Taehyung nodded, staying silent this time and staring at the floor feeling as though he was defeated and helpless.

Wolfe broadened his shoulders and straightened his back, 'We will find her, Mr Kim.' Wolfe said with doubt in his voice, he glanced over at Detective Park with a worried look before nodding his head towards the door.

Park nodded and followed Wolfe, glancing down at Taehyung with fury in his eyes before walking through the door and out into the continuous rain.

Taehyung was taken into another room and sat down with an officer to fill out paper work and make statements. Taekwon sat in the main room in the waiting area and continued to hum against the sound of rain.

The front doors of the police station opened and a rush of cold air swept past Taekwon, causing him to shiver. He looked up to see an old man with messy grey hair, two officers were on each of his arms almost dragging him into the station. He laughed manically and his eyes were wide, darting all over the station before resting on Taekwon.

'I see you!' The old man said in a high pitched raspy voice followed by a series of laughter. Taekwon pulled his legs up onto the chair and brought them to his chest as he watched the old dirty man get dragged in front of him.

'Who are you talking to?' An officer with his back turned towards Taekown asked the man in a rough tone, 'be quiet!'

'The boy!' The old man laughed as he pointed at Taekwon, the officer glanced over at Taekwon before returning his attention back to the old man.

'Well, leave the boy alone.' The officer said before they dragged him away.

Wolfe closed the car door and leaned his head onto the steering wheel, sighing.

'What do we do now?' Park asked.

'We investigate.' Wolfe answered and started the car.

Park lowered his eyes to his clenched fists and breathed deeply, 'What is there to investigate? I just don't understand why we ha-'

'Please,' Wolfe interrupted, 'don't start this again, Park, we have everyone on this, cameras and eyes everywhere. He genuinely doesn't know.'

'I can't keep doing this! I just can't keep pretending!' Park said with growing anger.

'Then leave!' Wolfe barked back, 'if you can't handle the heat then get the hell out of the fire!' His eyes were dark and glared at Park before noticing his saddening expression, Wolfe pulled his eyes back to the steering wheel and exhaled, 'I'm sorry, Park.'

Park opened the door and left into the rain, leaving Wolfe by himself in the car. He pulled the police radio to his lips and called out for a unit to accompany him to Taehyung's house, although they seemed unwilling they agreed and followed him to the house.

The house stood silent and dormant as Wolfe glared at it through the window of his car. He placed his hand on the door handle and clicked it open, just before remembering the umbrella Park had left beneath the seat.

Now with the umbrella in hand and a small smile followed by a sigh, he entered the rain and walked towards the house. It had been left unlocked, as Taehyung didn't think to lock it because something much more important than locking the door to his house was on his mind - his missing daughter.

Red and blue lights flashed and reflected off the windows of the house as the two police cars pulled into the driveway.

Detective Wolfe closed the umbrella and sat it in the umbrella rack next to the door, noticing the multiple small pairs of shoes that sat undisturbed. He stood in the entrance hall and noticed the wet floors. Carefully, he made his way towards the study where he knew the security system was.

It was all too familiar.

The officers, with umbrellas and flashlights searched the area around the house - although they knew they wouldn't find anything.

Wolfe pulled up a chair and turned on the computer screen to view the recordings from the cameras that were placed around the house. He leaned back into the chair and fast forwarded through the footage, he didn't notice anything unusual in the recordings except for Taehyung coming and going over the course of three days.

Wolfe sighed and leaned back.

'Just as I expected, nothing.'

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