It Started With A Kiss (Compl...

By 671Phoenix

860K 19.4K 3.4K

It's official. I'm a High School graduate and a soon to be College Student! Finally going to get out of my p... More

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You Really Are Beautiful
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Your Going Out With Collin?!?
Don't Say Anything.
You Have Some Explaining To Do.
Please Don't..
This Is Going To Be Epic!
Okay Love Birds!
What's So Funny?
Oh My Donuts!
Don't Do That..
Do It!
I'm Blunt And I Don't Lie.
You Sound Whipped Bro.
He Deserved It.
Can I Join You?
Is That All You Think Of?!?
Ch.26 Has Been Set To Private
We Need To Talk..
She Needs Space.
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You Ready To Do This?

24K 502 107
By 671Phoenix

I know I've been writing a lot in Jerrek and Courtney's pov, its just so much more fun! The song is 'Please Excuse My Hands' by Plies ft. Jamie Foxx&The Dream

Jerrek's POV

Rehearsal's were exhausting yesterday. All the cast members were welcoming and friendly. I hit it off with the guys, so thats cool. Rachel was a little flirty but I told her I was in a relationship with a beautiful girl. We start filming today, I'm so nervous.

Yesterday I only rehearsed with the other cast members, not Courtney. Those scenes are supposed to be important too. I really don't feel comfortable kissing or doing anything physical with her, or anyone that isn't Alaina. Courtney is my past and Alaina is my future.

Speaking of which, I told Alaina that Courtney was in the show. I also told her that we had to kiss and have an affair in the show. At first she was skeptical and showed discomfort. Alaina was definitely uncomfortable when I told her that Courtney and I, would be touching each other inappropriately. Afterwards she was supportive and wanted me to do what I have to succeed in my job. She is so perfect! I really think I'm falling in love with Alaina.


"Alright Jerrek, it is you and Rachel's scene. Get in position." The director Kenneth instructed.

I made my way to the stage. It was set up as a kitchen. It literally had all the kitchen appliances you could need. It even had a waffle maker! Like really?

"Good morning hot stuff!" Rachel greeted me with a hug.

"Morning." I yawned tiredly.

"You ready to do this?" She asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I'm still kinda nervous to tell you the truth." I answered honestly.

"Trust me. You'll do great! Your a natural." Rachel smiled reassuringly.

"Alright everyone get into position." Kenneth instructed. "Action!"

Begin scene..

Rachel was sitting on the barstool in the kitchen, I walked up behind her. "Babe, I can't wait for us to get married next month! I'm so excited. I feel like the days are passing by us so fast. I can't wait to finally call you my wife!" I smile and wrap my arms around her waist from behind her.

"I know I have so much to do. Caterers, flowers and entertainment.." She says distractedly. Rachel pretends to be busy looking at her phone.

I nuzzle my face in he crook of her neck and kiss her softly.

"Look baby, can we do this later? I have a million and one things to do today." Rachel wiggles out of my hold and lifts herself off the barstool.

"Do what later? Talk? Be intimate? Spend time together? Riley, we haven't had sex in weeks! You barely let me kiss you anymore. Is this about the wedding? Are you stressing out because of it?" I ask worriedly. My voice coming out slightly angry.

"Of course I'm stressing! There is a lot to do. I also have my job!" She yells.

I grab her hands in mine. "Baby, I've asked you a million times to let me help you with the wedding. You won't let me! We could push back the wedding if you want. It'll give us more time." I try to compromise with her.

"Ughh!! I can't talk about this right now. I have to go to work." Rachel yanks her hand out of mine and walks out the door.

I let out a long sigh as I sit on the couch. Why is she being so distant? Does she even want to be with me anymore? I wipe my face aggressively, as if it would help release my stress.

"Aaaaand cut!" Kenneth yells. "That was great! Good job you guys. Next scene everyone!"

While other scenes were being shot, I hung out at the buffet table with Kevin, he is the guy with the buzz cut hair. He kept flirting with Amber, the girl with the red hair. Rachel came over and joined us shortly after she filmed anther scene. Kevin wasted no time in hitting on her as well. I couldn't help but laugh each time she had a comeback for one of his cheesy pick up lines.

"Okay Jerrek and Courtney on set!" Kenneth yelled.

"Wish me luck guys.." I told the group, before approaching the set.

Kenneth and Courtney were talking in the middle of the set. I hesitantly approached them, not wanting to intrude on their conversation. When Kenneth saw me approaching he gestured for me to come join them.

"Okay you two. I want this to be perfect, hot and steamy. I want people to see this episode and be drawn in to the next episodes to come." Kenneth told us before walking away to his director's chair.

"Let's do this." Courtney smiles.

I sit behind my office desk and pretend to type away angrily.

Courtney walks in the door and walks up to my desk. "Good morning Jordan!" She greets happily.

"Morning." I mutter.

"Everything okay?" She asks, sitting on the side of my desk.

"Everything is great. Did you need something?" I asked rudely.

She glares at me. "I just came to bring you documents to sign and look over sir." She gets up and turns to leave. "I'll just come back later."

"No." I grab her wrist. "Look.. I'm sorry for being a.. For being rude. I'm just stressed." I apologize.

"You had it right the first time. You were being an ass." She chuckles, placing the paperwork she was holding on the desk. "You want to talk?"

"Still, it's not an excuse. I'm sorry Caroline. I shouldn't be taking my anger out on you. My fiancé and I just got into an argument this morning." I sigh, leaning back in my chair.

"Again?" Courtney walks around the corner of my desk and places herself on top of my desk. "What was the fight about this time?"

"I was just telling her how the wedding is coming up and how happy I was about it. I made a move on her and she told me we'd talk about it later and she left." I sigh again.

Courtney smiles sadly. "I'm so sorry Jordan.. You deserve to be treated better than that." She scoots further back on my desk.

As she does that my eyes are drawn to the red panties she has under her skirt. The sight caused a stirring in my pants. Courtney noticed and smirked. I almost forgot my next line.

"I guess.. She's probably just stressed over the wedding and work." I smile sadly. I stand up and check my watch. "Don't I have a meeting today?" I asked.

"Nope." Courtney said popping the 'p'. "You are completely cleared for the next hour and a half. Can I ask you something Jordan?"

I looked at her curiously, before answering hesitantly. "Sure.."

"When is the last time you've had sex?" She asks bluntly.

My eyes widen, taken aback by the forwardness of her question. "I don't see how that is any of your business Caroline." I respond angrily.

"Sorry.. Just asking. After all.. We are friends, right?" She pushes herself off of my desk.

In doing so, it eliminated the space between us. Her chest was currently pressed up against my chest. I felt the stirring in my lower region again.

"Friends take care of friends and help each other out with anything. Right?" Courtney bites her lips.

I lick my lips at the sight. "I don't think this is appropriate. You should leave." I try to take a step back.

Courtney pulls me back to her and kisses me.

I push her gently off of me. "What are you doing Caroline?"

"Jordan, let me help you feel better. I could tell you haven't had sex in awhile. I want to give you what your fiancé isn't." Courtney kisses me.

This time my character gives in and I kiss her back. I push her back until her back is against my desk. Courtney rubs my cock with her hand. The rubbing motion makes my cock get harder by the second. It felt so good. I almost forgot that I was being filmed. My character was supposed to grab her breast aggressively but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt guilty, as if I was cheating on Alaina. I stepped away from Courtney, lost in my thoughts.

"Cut!" Kenneth yelled. "Jerrek. This is the part where you grab Courtney and take things to the next level. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry. Just needed a little air." I lied.

"Okay. Action!"

Courtney placed her lips on mine, I kissed her back. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I let her in and we began exploring each other's mouths. The kiss was full of lust. Courtney grabbed my cock through my pants and began rubbing my again. I grabbed her breasts with both hands, under her blouse and bra. I started kneading them and kissing her harder. I was so turned on by us making out, my hands on her breasts and the way she was rubbing my hard cock.

Courtney unbuckled my belt. I broke the kiss and trailed kisses down her neck. She unbuttoned my pants and they slid down my legs. I didn't realize she had slipped my boxers down, when she slid my pants down. I cursed inwardly. Luckily, there was a wall behind me and there were no cameras that could see it.

Courtney grabbed my cock in her soft hand and stroked it.. Hard! She knows I like it rough and fast. Guilt washed over me again. I yanked her shirt over her head and let it fall to the floor. I unbuttoned her bra and discarded it the same way. I rubbed her nipples between my thumb and index finger, causing a moan to slip out of her mouth. We heard the door knob jiggle. Courtney hid under my desk and I sat on my seat, so whoever was about to walk in wouldn't see my exposed state.

"Mr. Reynolds, sorry to just walk in but your secretary wasn't at her desk. I have to talk to you about something important." Kevin's character David said walking in.

"Now is not really a good time. I'm busy working on paperwork David." I reply politely.

While Kevin and I were saying our lines, I felt Courtney spread my legs and grab my still hard cock. She began stroking my cock. I loved the feel of her hand going up and down. I thought of Alaina and placed my hand on hers, moving it away, to stop her actions.

"I think we should take the client on. I feel the company will benefit tremen-" I was caught off by Courtney's mouth on my cock. I cleared my throat. "Tremendously."

Courtney was quietly sucking my cock underneath the table. Oh my damn! It felt so good.. I was finding it hard to keep my facial features in check. This was not part of the script at all. I don't know what she was thinking! She knows I have a damn girlfriend. I grabbed her by the hair, pulling her off my cock and placing my hand back on the table. She took that opportunity to capture my balls in her mouth. Mmm.. Damn that feels so good.

"Okay. I'll call them right away and let them know that we are on board." Kevin said, shaking my hand.

"That would be great!" I grunt.

Kevin raises an eyebrow at me curiously.

The grunt was because Courtney had decided to go back to sucking my cock, while she stroked my shaft. Her movements became faster and I could feel myself hitting the back of her throat. I clenched my legs from the pleasure. Fuck! If she keeps at it, I swear I'm going to cum.

"By the way.. Did you see the game yesterday?" Kevin asked.

I felt my cock being sucked on harder. She was fucking my cock with her mouth. Courtney was licking.. Sucking.. Stroking and deep throating my hard cock. It felt so damn good! I was so close.. She knew it too. She gently massaged my balls and sucked harder and faster.

"Yes!" I cried out, both from pleasure and an answer to Kevin's question.

Courtney continued sucking until she swallowed every last drop of my cum.

"Aaaand cut!" Kenneth yelled.

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