Keep Up Player.⭐️

By g0lden_melanin

76.3K 2.5K 372

Tiana (@vendimia_) is a very shy person with low self-esteem because of her friend jasmine (@forever_dezjah)... More

Crying falls
Take it slow
My girl❤️
My Love
The pressure.
The Letter❤️
New Friend
Stop Lights!
2nd session.
The Pressure'
|Knocked Off|
+ €harged Up -
Back To It!
|Wait for it to mend!|
Chp /30/
Title Change!
Last Chapter [48]
The Sequel


648 29 17
By g0lden_melanin

I used to be the type to play around with girls, cheat. But i put that away for a real relationship with someone who I thought was gonna hang with me.
That went wrong and I went back to my old ways. Once I noticed this player life just wasn't what I want to be about, I changed back. Found a new friendship it was gonna turn into a relationship but instead that failed. So I'm back again....

I squished the blunt against the ash tray and got up. My phone dinged again and as usual I didn't bother to answer it. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and gargled on some mouth wash.

I lighted an incense in my room and tucked the ash try under my bed.
I went back into my bathroom and washed my face. I took a quick shower to get the smell off of me and made sure to put on cologne.

I picked out my hair and put on some Carmax chap stick. I returned back in my room for my watch and phone along with my book bag and keys.

" Jaden hurry up!" I heard my mother yell. I walked down the steps and my mom was at the bottom with her hands on her hips. " Your gonna be late!" She barked. I grabbed the donut and orange juice she had in her hand and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

" I'll see you later ma," I said closing the front door behind me. I unlocked my car and headed of to school.

Once arriving I threw away my trash and headed for the school doors.
The usual teen laughter and profanity filled my ears and I always ignored the stares of other girls. I walked only to my first period class and sat in the back, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.

Kehlani came in with a smile on her face, she looked over at me and I slouched in my chair motioning her not to come near me. Tiana walks in 2 minutes after with her hair in a messy bun and she didn't have on any make up, but she still is beautiful. The red circles were under eyes from crying probably. She sat across the room but in the back.

Brandon chased after her, but she just told him to leave her alone. Class stared and it flew by quickly ending.
I waited till Kehlani and Brandon left so I could catch up with Tiana. I know she's upset at me from the other day.

" Tiana I'm very sorry from the other-".
" No Jay you don't have to apologize...its ok" she murmured softly.
She turned around and continued to walk. " Xyana and I are done." I blurted out. She stopped but didn't bother to turn around. " I'm very sorry to hear that, hope things get better for you." She said walking off. Now I know things are gonna be hard to get back with her.

I sighed and went the other way.
Today already was starting out horrible for me. I went to my locker and took off my hoodie, it was getting a little hot.
I looked in my mirror and saw Xyana standing behind me. I shut my locker and turned around.

" Jay, please don't shut me out. I'm sorry... I didn't know how to tell you.
You were so sweet to me and I didn't want to break your heart." She said calmly. " Yea but look what keeping it a secret did Xyana, that didn't help! I really wished that you would have told me. So I'm thinking the real reason you don't have many friends is because you don't want people finding out that your a lesbian." I said shutting her up. I brushed past her and walked to class.
Everything that came out her mouth is bullshit to me.

I walked past Tiana's locker seeing her being harassed by Brandon. He was yelling at her and shoving his fingers in her face. " YOU'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE A BITCH EVER SINCE LAST WEEK, YOU NEED TO FIX YOUR ATTITUDE." He yelled. I walked over to her locker and pushed his shoulder.

" Hey, you need to watch who the fuck your talking to." I said angrily. He mean mugged me and got in my face.
" I ain't scared of you nigga." He said quietly. I snickered and threw a jab at his jaw. He tried to hit me back but Tiana stopped us.

" STOP IT! WHATS UP WITH YOU TWO." She yelled pushing us. I unbawled my fist and backed up. " I don't need you two getting suspend over me. I am a big girl, pretty sure i can handle my own shit Jay!" She said rubbing her forehead. " And Brandon we're over, your a disrespectful bitch who can't even hold himself up, running after me like a puzzy." She said with tears coming down her face.

She walked away and Brandon stormed off the other way. I walked to class like nothing ever happened and was pretty sure that I was gonna be thinking about this all day. Again I was in the back of the class room hardly paying attention.
To much on my mind, and I'm ready to go home.

Soon enough school was over and I was so happy to be going home but one thing had to be done. I wasn't ready to go home until I talked to Tiana.
I saw that she was no where to be found so I drove off to her house.

I went up to the door and ringed the door bell. Her mom answered and told me she's was upstairs. I thanked her for letting me in and went up the steps. I then knocked on the door and there was no reply so I just went in. Tiana looked up from her work and rolled her eyes.

" Why are you here?" She asked with an attitude. I walked over to her bed and sat down. "I wanna talk to you!" I replied back madly. She got up and walked over to the door. "Well you should go-" she tried to say motioning me out of the door. I walked over to Tiana and blocked her in the corner, not leaving like told.

" You know what! What's your fucking problem?" I asked getting louder. She crossed her arms and yelled back "YOUR MY MUTHERFUCKIN PROBLEM JAY!" " TELL ME WHY IM SUCH AN ASS TO YOU,BUT IM THE ONLY ONE COMING TO CHECK ON YOU." I yelled back to her.

" WELL NO ONE EVER TOLD YOUR ASS TO COME CHECK ON ME!" She fused back to me, moving closer.

" I hate you!" She said smashing her lips into mines. Our lips moved passionately, it made me feel a part of me that was missing slowly drift back. Maybe Xyana wasn't made for me but Tiana definitely is. We pulled apart gasping for air. " I hate you too baby." I murmured holding her in my arms.

She squeezed onto me tightly and we held each other all night long. This made me forget all about how I was rushing to go home, and made me notice she is my home.

Kehlani POV:
I have been calling Jaden all day and night and today at school he totally ignored me the entire day. But somehow I already knew this was gonna happen. Xyana came home with me crying her heart out . I feel bad for the girl after all she was just trying to protect Jays feelings.

" Come on girl, lighten up! Jaden will probably be better tomorrow he can't hold grudges for long." I said rubbing her back. She looked up to me with teary eyes and tried  to smile. I pulled her in for a hug and grabbed her hand holding it tightly. I wanted her to know that I was there for her.

Sometimes people might be scared to be this touchy with homosexual people but they have feeling too. My parents taught me to always be loyal to my friends and always have their backs. This kinda made me realize that I need to fix things with Tiana. She's been hurting and I wasn't there for her nor was I loyal to her.

" Let's cut the video shooting short today. We should go out for ice cream or something" I said getting up. She wiped her tears and got up also. I wanted to get her mind off of Jaden and let her relax. Even though I'm currently in a relationship, I know the pain she fills. I've been dumped by my ex because he wanted my best friend and not me. I never got mad at Tiana for it but I guess I just let all that anger out during this little friendship break. We went downstairs and said goodbye to my parents before leaving, I told them I was taking her home.

I drove to the ice-cream shop in town and locked the car before entering. We ordered our ice-cream Xyana getting strawberry, and I got mint chocolate chip and we sat down to enjoy our cold treat. I looked at Xyana and she was picking her spoon through her ice-cream, she was pouting and I could tell she was still upset. " Come on Xy can you at least smile for meeeeee?" I asked cheesing. She picked her head up and gave me a blank stare. " If you smile for the rest of the day... I will call Jaden for you." I said trying to get her to smile, it definitely worked. " Ok deal" I got out my phone and dialed his number. He hasn't been talking to me the whole day and I was hoping maybe it would be a win for this time. The phone stopped ringing and I heard a familiar voice.

" hello?" the girl voice ringed trough the phone. What a coincidence that Tiana picked up the phone, just the person I wanted to talk to. But what was Tiana doing with Jaden? " Hello, Tiana" I greeted warmly. She paused for a second and responded back " Oh hey Kehlani...I-I'll give the phone to J-" I cut her off before she could finish. I actually wanted to talk and figure things out for us, because I really miss her. "No wait, before you do that, I wanted us to meet up...and talk." I said.

" Oh...ok when?" She murmured. " Tonight maybe, I think we have some talking and catching up to be doing." I said giggling. She laughed and agreed, soon she gave the phone to Jaden. " Look Kay I'm sorry for ignoring your calls, its just ve been really stressed and-". " No need to explain Jay you deserved your space I understand. But I didn't call for that, I called because I'm here with Xyana and she really wants to talk to you."

" I've told her already, I'm not interested in a conversation with her." He barked at me. " Please give her a chance at least." I plead. I looked up to Xyana almost forgetting she was here and she had a sad look plastered on her face." She did what she did, I forgive her but I'm not ready to talk...yet." He finished, Jay is a man of his words. So if he says he's gonna talk to you but just not yet, that's exactly what he's gonna do.

" Well I've got her right here and she really is feeling down. Maybe yall can leave this in the past and just be friends." I said softly. He sighed and said " Yea maybe we can... I'll see you later Kay bye," he concluded quickly. " Ok bye love you." " Luh ya too" he said hanging up. I sat my phone down and picked up my spoon.

" On the bright side he's gonna talk to you soon and he forgives you!" I cooed trying to make things better. She smiled and scooped a spoon of ice-cream into her mouth. " Yea, your right" she shrugged off.


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