Fifty shades shattered

By RZ2410

806K 19.9K 4.8K

Did you ever wonder what happened to Ana and christian after fifty shades freed? How they dealt with their ch... More

Quality time
Painful wait
A beating heart..
Happy tears
Finally Awake..
Home sweet Home
We meet again
Father and Son
It's over
It's unfair
Coming over
Baby steps
Not an Update
Just a Ball
Back Home
We meet again
Dance for me
What daddy?
Part time student
Miss Steele
Stay, Please
Terrorism has no religion
Who did this?
NO secrets left
Phenomenal Woman
Princess Katy
Second chance
Father of the Year
Like father like daughter
Shopping time
Ice-cream please!!
Thank you
Pinky promise?
Not an update
Mrs. Grey
I tried to tell you
Heal my heart
Running back Home
Family time
Teddy-Kiki time
Past or future enemies??
Not an update
Bubbly bath time
Sushi is bad for you
Daddy's Angels or Brats?
Is Sawyer here?
Save me from myself
Not an update
Truth is out
Time to go back
Thank you
Feisty little thing
Past Mistakes

Mother's love

9.9K 254 41
By RZ2410

Christian's POV:
I stare at Ana waiting for her reply on wether she is going to allow the kids to stay in my house or not. My heart is beating so hard that I think she could hear it. "I don't know what to say." She says finally. "But I think this is also up to the kids. If they decided to stay they get to choose where." She says making me sigh in relief. Well it is good that she doesn't know that the kids already agreed about staying at my place. Well not al of them did, but Teddy agreed to it. I am kind of positive that he can convince his sisters.

We sit there talking as we wait for the kids to come back, apparently Katherine dragged them into the bowling arena and wouldn't stop playing. Taylor and Luke are both with them, keeping a close eye. I get lost in my thoughts until I hear Kate talking to my Ana as she whispers the name that chills me, "Danny" once again.

I know that I shouldn't eaves drop on her conversation but I can't stop myself. "So why are you on first name basis with the good doctor?" kate asks her winking. "Umm, well he was really helpful at the time that I needed some one, he was always there you know, every step of the way." Replied Ana. What the actual fuck. She is dating, who ever that asshole is he isn't going to get near her anytime soon. I will make sure of it. "So are you together now?" Kate asked her again. "No, no it isn't like that. It's just that when everything was crashing around us, he helped pulls us all out. At the time of the accident I was losing control. I had to take care of 3 kids at the same time, while I was barely holding up myself. Teddy's hospital stay was long and I couldn't leave him alone. While Phoebe and Katy needed me back home, Pheob's was lost in her own world and Katy needed someone to take care of her. I couldn't handle work, the girls and Teddy at the same time so he helped me." Ana replied making my heart sink. Taking care of three kids alone must have been really hard on her, she had no one to lean on. So she ended up leaning on that fucker. Well I am back now and I'm not planning on going away, so he can go fuck himself.

Ana seemed to notice that I was listening to her conversation with Kate for she looked my way and glared making me turn away ashamed for being caught. Time flew by and pretty soon the kids all walked back in smiling.

Seeing the smile on the girls lips made my heart sore. While the worry that was evident in Theodore's eyes as he searched for his mother made it clench. He doesn't trust me with her, he is checking if I hurt. He is trying to protect his mother from me, doesn't he get that I would rather die than hurt her again.

The kids sat down surrounding their mother the moment they saw her. "Did you have fun?" Ana asked Katy that was now seated in her lap. "Yeah mommy, we played bowling. And I won." Katy said smiling broadly and clapping her hands. "That's great honey." Ana said kissing her head. "So when are we leaving?" Theodore asked cutting to the chase. Before any of us could talk Katy said "we are leaving? But why mommy, it's fun here."

I couldn't hold back my smile as my little angel admitted to liking this city. She was happy here and some how this filled my heart with love. "How about staying here more?" Ana asked her. "Yayy mommy that's awesome." She said jumping up and down excited. "Mom, what are you talking about?" Theodore asked. "Umm, well there is something I need to talk to you about." She mumbled. He nodded his head as a sign for her to continue. "I have to leave by tomorrow morning, I have alot of work to do. However, you guys can stay if you want." She said as I looked at him waiting for his reply. "What? No you are not leaving alone." He gritted out as I felt my heart break.

Of Course my son wouldn't want fragile Ana to go back to Denver alone. I should have seen this coming, there is no chance in trying to convince him. From what I have seen so far I can say that he is so protective of his mother and sisters, just like me. Knowing that I shouldn't have held high hopes of them staying.  "Teddy why don't you calm down a little bit. " She said as we all stared at her. He simply shook his head. "Mom did you really think that I would let you go home alone?" He asked again looking offended- I take back what I said he seems to be worse than me with his protection. "Theodore." I said trying to find something to say but was cut short by Ana as she said "Ted why don't we discuss this in private. Come with me" she said standing up and heading towards the kitchen and away from us as he followed her.

I wish I could hear what they are talking about in the kitchen. But they were too far away that I couldn't listen to any single word no matter how much I strain my ears. As we sat there waiting for them to emerge from the kitchen I decided to tackle the issue and ask Phoebe for her opinion. "So Phoebe what about you? Would you stay?" I asked making her jump up in fright. It seems that I wasn't the only one straining my ears to hear what's going on in the kitchen. She blushed when she realized that she got caught and said "sorry I didn't get what you said." I laughed at her cuteness as she blushed more. "I asked you if you would like to stay." I repeated my question. "Umm I don't know actually. I don't want mom to go alone." She said, oh my baby raised those kids right. The compassion and love towards their mother is heart warming. "You know that she won't be alone, she will have Ray with her." Kate said when I sat there in silence. "Also don't you think that she needs some free time, some time for herself." Kate asked again not giving Phoebe a chance to reply. "Yeah maybe you are right. She is always taking care of us, and working so hard. She might benefit from some time for herself." Phoebe said making my heart beat faster. This is actually happening, Kate found a way to persuade her. "Okay so now that we got this covered, is there anything else hindering you from staying?" I asked. "Yeah I only have clothes for 3 days, mom said we are only coming here for 3 days. " she said. "That's not a problem, a little shopping will solve the issue." I said smiling as I felt closer and closer to achieving my goal. "Mom wouldn't agree to this." She mumbled. "Leave your mom to me. Now I am asking you would you like to stay here for the remainder of your break?" I asked waiting for her final reply. "Yeah, I have no problem with that. A vacation would be fun anyways." She said as I smiled triumphantly, she agreed.

Now that I have the girls acceptance of staying I need to work on Teddy. Just as I was thinking about that I saw him coming from the kitchen with Ana after him. Her eyes were ref and puffy from all the crying she had done tonight, but what hit me was the fresh tears in her eyes. She was crying in there, why? Why would she be crying. Did he upset her? What happened?

I was pulled out of my thoughts as Theodore asked Phoebe "so what do you think?". She shrugged and said "If you want to stay we'll stay, I have no problem with that." He faked a smile and said "okay then it seems we are staying for a couple more days." My heart fluttered at his words as happiness flooded my veins for the first time in years. It seems that I am on the right track, I am one step closer of achieving my goal and getting my family back. "Yayy we are staying." Katy said jumping and hugging her mom. I looked at Ana at that moment and my smile faltered as I saw tears leak from her eyes. "Yes angel you are staying, but if you misbehave you will be coming home right away. Okay." She said as she hugged her. "Yes mommy, katy's a good girl you will see" she replied innocently and kissed Ana.

Phoebe went out of her chair and sat beside her mom and whispered "are you okay?" To her as Katy jumped out of her lap and went to okay with her toys. "Yeah, I am fine." She replied and hugged her. I hated the feeling of ripping Ana away from the children, but maybe what Kate said was true. Ana must have really had it hard taking care of three kids on her own while maintaining a job, maybe this would be a good relaxation time for her. She deserves a break and this could be it. I tried to think this way to keep the negative thoughts at bay.

I am sorry if it feels rushed or contains any mistakes but I had no time to edit it. You were all asking for an update and I couldn't ignore it so here you go.the next chapter will be updates sooner than usual, hopefully. Thank you all for you sweet comments, they give me the strength to write more and more for you. Hope you liked the chapter as much as I like you guys 😍😍

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