
By b_anonymous

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Completed. Seventeen and stunning with a broken family. What happens when Lynns small family finds refuge and... More

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By b_anonymous

Lynns POV

'She lies and says she's in love with him, can't fin-' I turned over and turned off my alarm for once, not being woken up by a scream was unusual and it'd usually beat my alarm clock by at least an hour. It's strange how so much can change in a day, but he arrives back home today. If he doesn't find us tonight it's a good sign we might be able to stay here for a while. I really want to stay here for a while...

I kicked the covers off me and ignored the foundation marks that were on my pillow from me not washing my makeup off last night. I always had to wear foundation,  taking off the makeup would make my bruises visible and I need to wait till they clear up before I can walk out of my house comfortably without makeup on. I headed to the bathroom to shower before school where I belted out my favourite artists, The Kooks and Weezer were my favourite morning grooves to sing. I walked into my room making sure my curtains were drawn so I could change into my clothes in peace, knowing no one would be snooping. Or more specifically, Drew. Can't Stop by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers came on and I started dancing around my room to it, finally at peace with my father nowhere in sight. This is how life should be.

There was a knock on my window, without thinking twice I opened my purple curtains slightly and saw Drew in the treehouse looking down at me. His eyes wandered and widened and I realised what I was wearing. The answer my underwear. I gasped and closed my curtains so he couldn't look at me in my bra and panties. Call me a prude and see if I care but that was f*cking embarrassing. I put on a pair of black ripped skinnies and a pale yellow tank top along with the leather jacket he gave me. It's not my fault it was comfortable. I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw a post it note on the table.

'Dropping Ellie off at school you have to walk, sorry - love mum xxx'

I don't mind walking it seemed like an okay day despite the weather being a bit moody but alas I need to get to school before it's too late. I ate a piece of toast quickly hating going out on an empty stomach and grabbed my school bag and my earphones. Walking to school is okay with me until it starts to rain, then its no fun at all. My pace quickened trying to get to school as quick as possible to avoid being drenched by water. I heard some shout my name and a revving engine. I turned and saw Drew hopping off his death trap. Oh sorry, I meant the cliche motorbike every guy like Drew has in all those books I read.

''Do you need a ride Lynn, cause if you want you ca- Holy shit! what the hell happened to your face?" he touched my cheek and I felt a slight ache seer through my body.

 "Nothing don't worry about it," I said trying not to think of the bad bad bad memories that were threatening to rise. His finger traced a line on my bruised cheek I winced a bit, the makeup must have come off due to the rain. Just my luck.

"Sorry" he pulled his hand away staring at me with concern, and worry. "What happened to you?"

"I said nothing. Can you please just take me to school" I said exasperatedly he nodded and grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together and pulling me onto his bike. He passed me a helmet and helped me with putting it on. I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned my head against his back, his very muscular back might I add. He tensed up at my movement then relaxed and started the bike up. 

We arrived at the school within minutes but I didn't want to get off in case people saw the state of me. He sighed and bent down to my level "I'll cover you Lynn don't worry. No one will see you." He says that but I don't think he realises he's practically a celebrity at this school. I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

He grabbed me off of the bike and put his arm around me pulling me to his side successfully covering my bruised face. Let's be honest as well, people would be more concerned at the sight of Drew with a girl than a girl with bruises on her face but I guess that's just how twisted this town could be. The number of dirty looks I received from people was immense, and by people, I mean every single girl.

"Can you please drop me off at the bathroom, I need to cover up." He nodded and walked me to the entrance of the restrooms. All the girls were either trying to get Drew's attention or giving me envious glares. I hid my face even further into his chest.

I'll admit Drew Johnson looks like a god on earth. He is no doubt the hottest guy in school; every girl wants to get with him. But he pumps then dumps, yeets then skeets, ejaculates then evacuates and that's why I'll never fall for his trance. I won't let myself get used. I don't want to be known as another girl who fell for him, and ending up getting hurt. Everyone has regrets in life but I won't let him be one of mine.

I walked out the toilet, after I was done applying more makeup to my cheek, and went straight to my locker and grabbed my books for English, Math and P.E. Two of the lessons I would see Drew. I walked into English and sat down in my regular seat, it was in the middle row where all the normal people sat. The first is full of know-it-alls who are smart asses. The second is full of the nerds who do have friends and socialise. Then there's the middle row, people who are average teenagers. The fourth is all the gossipers and bitches, and finally fifth. "Trouble makers" and such.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone sat next to me, Drew. He was wearing a V-neck top which was slightly damp from the rain making them cling to his muscles and a pair of denim jeans. "Hey" he whispered to me, I turned and smiled at him he didn't smile back because I guess he didn't want to ruin the reputation he's created for himself.

Mrs. Macey had been my English teacher for years and she had the strongest Scottish accent I've ever heard, so half of the time I didn't even know what she was saying. Although over the years, I've had her I've come to understand basic instructions. "Okay class we're going to read chapter 34-36 so get a move on." she sat on her desk and started picking at her already chipped nails.

I opened my book and started to read, I was on chapter 35 when I felt something on my shoulder. I looked to my side and saw Drew with his eyes closed and his mouth slightly ajar. It took me all my will power not to join him in what looked like a peaceful slumber. But I stopped myself when I could already hear the gossipers behind me...

'What does he see in her.'

'He never slept on me when we were together.'

'She's not even that pretty.'

I sighed and started reading again I held onto the book with one hand and the other was occasionally stopping Drew's head from falling onto the table. After 2 hours of reading the bell rung and everyone left, I couldn't move though because he was still sound asleep on me.

I poked his cheek, nothing, again, nothing. So I screamed loud enough to wake him up.  He shot up looking around the room they landed on me and anger filled his eyes. I quickly grabbed my bag but before I could leave he pushed me against the wall.

My back pressed against the wall and started to hurt because of the cuts from an incident with my dad's belt a few days ago. I could feel the cuts reopening and moisture on my back spreading. He looked at me and leaned forward so he was about 3 inches away from my face "Do not do that again Lynn." he growled before leaving the room, what the hell? I was just trying to leave. Guess it's his time of the month. Moody ass. 

I walked into math and saw Josh sitting in the seat next to mine like always, we get along pretty well even though he's considered to be a bad person because of the people he hangs out with. I smiled and sat next to him "What up Josh?" 

"I'm speechless"

"And why are you speechless?" he pulled an are f*cking with me face and sighed.

"You rode to school on Drew's bike" I raised my eyes brows wondering what the big deal is. It's just a ride to school. "He doesn't let anyone ride it, man." Why is that such a big deal though? He literally gave me a ride to school after seeing my face covered in bruises, I think anyone would. I shrugged my shoulders and dismissed this "huge" deal that everyone was exaggerating and started doing my work.

Josh and I have sat together in maths for around two years now and I'm going to be honest, I usually make him do all the work. But it's fine I make up of it by giving him the odd lesson off. The session only lasted an hour and I walked out the classroom in peace to break. 

I found my friends sitting outside on a circular table talking about the latest gossip and what had happened over the past few days. I looked around and noticed my best friend Justin was nowhere to be seen so I politely left to go look for him. The end of break arrived and ye he was nowhere in sight so I decided to head straight to P.E (Public Embarrassment) where I hoped I'd see my best friend to fill him in with my family's current situation.

I walked along happily when I felt a weight on my shoulders, I turned and saw a grinning Drew. I shrugged it off and walked faster, moving in front of him he caught up and stood in front of me now. Not wanting to talk to him after this mornings incident thanks to him my back hurts like a bitch.

"Why the cold shoulder?" He asked looking at me confused, I scoffed at him and slid to the side and past him. "I'm serious" His words went through my brain until I caught on.

"You are messing with me, right? You can't just expect me to forget the way you snapped at me again this morning." I walked into the gym and into the girls changing rooms, the girls were all giving me glares. What crawled up their asses and died.

I walked out and saw Drew talking to a bunch of guys, he turned and his eyes locked with mine. They were filled with different emotions and I couldn't figure them out. He started walking towards me, soon he was towering me with his height. Stupid short me ugh. 

"I-I'm not apologizing all I'm saying is that you really scared me I thought something bad had happened! So maybe I'm feeling a tiny winy bit guilty and this isn't me saying sorry" He grinned sheepishly before taking a step so we were nearly chest to chest.

"Is that all you've got to say," I crossed my arms over my chest defensively putting space between us; pissed off at his dumb apology. Most girls would've forgiven him in a millisecond. 

"You look really cute when you're annoyed" he winked before returning to the guys I frowned even more and walked to the group of girls who became silent when I approached.

"Ugh, slut" I heard a girl with black hair say, I acted like I didn't hear and listened to the coach.

"Okay, girls today we are having a combined lesson with the boys, we have chosen two boys and they are gonna pick who's in who's group, got it!" She clapped and called up Drew and another guy who's name I think is Oscar.

"Lynn" Drew said my name and winked, I scoffed and walked over to him and crossed my arms. He laughed and the other team called up that black haired b*tch. I finally saw Justin but he wasn't in my group which was really annoying but he gave me a look which said 'we need to talk'.

We were playing dodgeball, I hate this game it just puts so much pressure on you and I hate pressure. I spent the whole time hiding behind people until I was the last one left along with Drew. He hit two guys and the black haired girl was left she gave me a death glare before throwing it with all her strength towards my face. I fell to the ground, bashing my head against the floor causing black dots started to appear in my vision. Talk about trippy...

"Oh shit Lynn, What the hell was that for!" Drew leaned over me looking at me in worry, I couldn't hear the rest and my eyelids became heavy. I felt a pair of muscular arms pick me up bridal style and walk somewhere. I would protest but I my eyelids felt so heavy and hard to keep open. Just for a few minutes... 

Drews POV

What the hell was that girl's problem! You don't just accidentally hit her face with a ball! I picked her up in my arms protectively and felt her head fall onto my chest. This actually felt really nice for a change. A girl in my arms fitting perfectly. What is wrong with me today? I shook my head and made my way to the clinic, the nurse gasped and hurried us in.


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