Magical (Niam AU)

By Potter_Who_1D

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I don't know how to start this. My name? Liam James Payne. Where I am? Geez, stalker thoughts much? But, Engl... More

Magical (Niam AU)
Chapter 2: Lads, Lady and Liam (Niall's POV)
Chapter 3: Oh Hot Daym, Look at That Wizard Body Move (Niall and Zayn's POV)
Chapter 4: The Voice of an Angel (Liam's POV)
Chapter 5: Naughty Hazza (Louis' POV) {Larry}
Chapter 6: Fish, Fish, Fishy Fish! (Niall's POV)
Chapter 7: Yummy Naked Nialler and Backtracking (Liam's POV)
Chapter 8: Cleodora (Niall's POV)
Chapter 9: Kiss Me Slowly (Niall's POV)
Chapter 10: Hunting (May's POV)
Chapter 11: The Weekend With a Kiss (Niall's POV)
Chapter 12: He Loves Me Not (Liam's POV)
Chapter 13: He Loves Me (Niall's POV)
Chapter 14: Start of Something Good (Liam's POV)
Chapter 15: Love & Compassion (Harry's POV) {Larry}
Chapter 16: If I'm Gonna Fall In Love (Liam's POV)
Chapter 17: Calm Before the Storm (Liam's POV)
Chapter 18: Name it (Niall's POV)
Chapter 19: Plan it out (Liam's POV)
Chapter 20: Draw Away the Pain (May's POV)
Chapter 21: 34 Cousins (Niall's POV)
Chapter 23
Chapter 23: A Dinner With a Threat (Liam's POV)
Chapter 24: I Love You (Part 1) (Niall's POV)
Chapter 25: Okay (Liam's POV) (Part 2)
Chapter 26: Camp (Niall's POV)
Chapter 27: Magic (Liam's POV)
Q&A and Character Asks
Yo ho bros

Chapter 22: A Mating Ball (Louis' POV) {Larry}

7K 205 62
By Potter_Who_1D

LOOK WHAT LAZY PERSON UPDATED! ME! :D Anywho, sorry for being lazy and not updating. Sorry for this chapter not being Niam. And, there's only, like, 7 chapters (inculding an epilogue) left :'( Guys, it's almost over. I Gawd, ok here's the chapter. 

Lucy xox 

P.S. dedicated to @1D_ninja_cake cuz she's AWESOME. We talk all the time :D 

-Louis’ POV-

                I was hanging out in May’s room, with Lee, helping her get ready for the costume dance-ball-thing later that night. “I don’t get what the big deal for you two are.” I muttered slightly, tossing my phone up in the air and catching it. Harry was off with Zayn, doing something. He did tell me what he was doing, I was just distracted by those red… Delicious… Beautiful…- lips.

                May rolled her eyes in the mirror. “Halloween is basically our holiday. It’s the holiday for ‘monsters’-“

                “And ghouls.” Lee smirked, lying on May’s bed. “Where’s your costume?”

                “In the closet. Back.” She turned around and walked over to the closet. “I didn’t want to risk Zayn finding it. He knows what I’m going to be, since he- I swear, it was him not me- wanted us to match.”

                May pulled out a hanger that had something in one of those black wraps (they reminded me of body bags for some reason…) and placed it gently on the bed. “Now, Louis, you are sworn to not mentioning anything of my costume to Zayn.” She gave me a stern look, and headed off into the bathroom.

                It took her a few minutes to come back out, with the dress on, but she looked amazing. Like a princess.

                The dress was a red and gold mix, with the sleeves red and tight up until the elbow, then going long and loss in the gold colour with- what looked like- shiny gold leaves on it. The part over the chest was a gold, and underneath it was laced-up red, then the red flowed out, showing the gold-with-leaves pattern again. May slowly turned so Lee and I could see the back, and it was completely red with the exception of a hood, with looked like it had the red on the outside, and the gold pattern on the inside.

                “So what’d you guys think?” She grinned, slightly self conscious.

                Lee grinned at her. “Girl. You look freaking amazing!”

                “Definitely.” I agreed.

                May smiled, “Thanks. So, Lee, you’re going as Princess Leia, what’re you going as Lou?”

                “Peter Pan.” I shrugged.

                May and Lee smirked.  “I’m sure Harry won’t be able to keep his hands of you in those tights.” Lee smirked.

                “He can’t keep his hands to himself anyways.” May giggled.

                I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling. “You two are such girls.

                “Duh.” Lee said, “Have you seen guys with these amazing chests?”

                “There was this one guy…” I joked.


                The two girls refused to let me go, saying something about saving my ‘ass in tights sight’ until the dance, so I ended up spending the entire day. To say I was a little restless and anxious until the time for us to head down to the hall would be an understatement. I missed Harry, as sad as it was. I hated not being around him.

                The dance had already begun by the time we got there. As soon as I spotted Harry (which wasn’t too hard, since his curly hair was a bit of a give-away) in his pirate costume, I ditched May and Lee, and ran over to him. “Hazza.” I said, grinning.

                Harry turned around, and I could see his pirate costume was actually a Captain Hook costume. I laughed. “Hey Boo.”

                “Yeah, hey Louis. Thanks for noticing.” Zayn said sarcastically, but there was a small smile on his lips. He was in tight, black leather pants, with black boots, a red over top with some white frilly top underneath it, and a deep red cap behind him. If (a) I was into him, (b) he was gay and (c) I didn’t lov- like Harry, I’d totally want him.

“Your girlfriend was behind me-“ I cut myself off, looking behind me. May was slowly walking down the stairs that were in front of the door, look beyond beautiful in the light. She had pulled the hood up, just enough that it almost framed her face. I could practically feel Zayn grinning from here as he walked over to meet her. As May reached the bottom, he offered her his arm, and, as she laughed, she placed her hand on it.

“They’re a cute couple.” Harry commented, putting his arm around me.

I nodded. “Yeah, they’re good for each other.” I smiled up at him, and nestled into his arms.


                As it turned out, Liam decided to go and hang out with Niall, claiming that he’d rather not be a 7th wheel (since- somehow- Lee had snuck her boyfriend, Miles, in) and ditched us as we were somewhat losers, just hanging out at some table.

                “They’re honestly so cute together though, Lee, you have to see them be all cutesy. They get worse than Larry over there.” May said from Zayn’s lap.

                Lee’s eyes went wide. “That must so cute, it’s sickening!”

                May nodded. “It really is- OH! Did you bring the stuff?”

                “I got it.” Miles said. He seemed like a pretty cool guy (honestly, he was dressed up at Han Solo. How much cool do you get?), and looked at Lee like she was his world.

                “Woah woah woah.” Harry said, “What stuff?”

                “Stuff to spike the punch.” Lee said, “And I refuse to do it.”

                May rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll do it. Pass it here.”

                Miles passed her a sliver flask, and I highly doubt May would remember much after that.


                It was probably after midnight, by the time Harry and I headed back to our dorm. Neither of us was really tired when we came back so we made-out, plain and simple.

                We were in the bedroom- obviously the most useful place to make-out with someone- and it finally hit me. I need Harry, in the sexual way.

                “God…” I muttered, as Harry moved form my lips to my neck, making a love bit. “H-Haz… I-I want… God… I want you.”

                Harry froze and, for a second, I thought he didn’t want me. “Are you sure Louis?”

                I nodded quickly. “Harry… I… Yes.”


                Harry nodded slowly, and kissed the corner of Louis’ mouth. He tugged on the end of the other boy’s shirt, and pulled it off, and begun kissing down Louis’ torso, well Louis somehow managed to get the other’s top off as well.

                He took deep, and Harry looked up at him from just above the waist line. “Hey, hey… We can stop if you don’t want to do this Boo.”

                Louis shook his head. “N-No… I want this… It’s just… This… Um…”

                “You’re first time?” Harry asked, smiling slightly. He couldn’t believe that Louis had waited for him- well, not him as in Harry, but still.

                Louis nodded, blush covering his entire chest and face. “Um… Yeah.”

                Harry kissed him lightly on the lips, “I’ll go slow.”

                The other nodded again and watched as Harry slowly pulled the green tights off of him (and cursed himself mentally for them), seeing his surprised look at the fact Louis wasn’t wearing boxers underneath. Louis blushed again, though not as hard at the first time.

                Harry smiled up at him, and took Louis’ half hard cock into his mouth, slowly moving up and down. Louis’ fingers immediately found themselves wound into Harry’s hair, not forcing him or anything, just resting. 

                After a few moments of Harry’s sucking, licking (really, Louis was surprised he was holding on that long), Louis felt the familiar heat coiling in his stomach as he tried to pull Harry off. “I’m… I’m gonna..”

                Harry, obviously, understood, pulling off of him, and reaching into one of the side table drawers, and pulled a full bottle of lube, and a condom. Louis couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at Harry’s prepared-ness. Harry blushed lightly this time, and Louis smiled slightly at him, tugging his pants off. He was done with being sweet. Louis just wanted Harry, and he want Harry now.

                The werewolf must’ve understood, because he lowered himself back down Louis’ body, fingers covered in lube. Harry kissed the inside of Louis’ thigh lightly, as he pressed inside, not moving them. He wanted this to be perfect for Louis. For his mate.

                After a few moments he began moving his fingers in and out, creating a slow rhythm before adding a second finger, and curling his fingers slightly, looking for Louis’ sweet spot.

                Louis couldn’t help but gasped/moan slightly when Harry’s fingers brushed over that spot. “Oh, god, there.” He muttered softly, trying to move back down towards Harry so the other’s fingers would hit it harder. “I-I want you… Inside of me… P-Please.”

                “Are you sure?” Harry asked, pulling his fingers out of the other boy. Louis nodded, whimpering at the loss.

                Harry rolled the condom onto his cock, and lined up with Louis’ hole. “You’re sure?” Harry asked again, and Louis nodded impatiently, moving his hips slightly so skin brushed against skin.

                Harry moaned softly, moving in slowly. All he could feel was the tight heat that was Louis and it took al of his self control not start pounding into the smaller lad. He put his face into Louis’ neck, slowly biting at the skin there.

                As Harry picked up his pace slightly, Louis began chanting his name softly, then louder. “HarryHarryHarryHarry.” He chanted over and over, as Harry pounded into him.

                After a few more moments of chasing their highs, Louis’ body tightened around Harry, as his white seed jetted all over the two boys. The tightness and the heat was more than enough to drive Harry over the edge as he bite down, almost roughly on the place where Louis’ shoulder and neck connected as he emptied himself.


                As Harry laid down beside me, after throwing the condom into a trash can, I looked over at him, feeling a slight pain in my where he bit me. “You bit me.” I said, not being able to say much else as he held me close.

                “Mmm… Marking you… Final stage of mating.” He replied sleepily.

                Holy shit. He… I… Fuck. We just mated. 

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